Steel Fibre Reinforced Conccrete

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Construction and Building Materials 75 (2015) 82–88

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Experimental research for the effect of high temperature

on the mechanical properties of steel fiber-reinforced concrete
Oğuz Düğenci, Tefaruk Haktanir, Fatih Altun ⇑
Erciyes University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Kayseri, Turkey

h i g h l i g h t s

 Steel fiber addition effects positively on compressive strength until 1000 °C.
 Modulus of elasticity values was generally in parallel with compressive strength.
 Particularly 1.0% fiber rate decreased strength loss more than other fiber rates.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: It is widely known that addition of steel fibers to concrete improves properties of concrete having brittle
Received 15 July 2014 behavior. This affects the behavior in a positive way particularly by increasing ductility of the concrete. In
Received in revised form 7 October 2014 this study, the results of the effect of high temperature on steel–fiber concrete were investigated. RC80/
Accepted 5 November 2014
60 BN type steel–fibers were added to experimental concrete as in the rates of 0%, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% by
Available online 26 November 2014
volume and concrete cylinder samples with 7, 28 and 90-day were tested. Produced cylinder samples
were exposed to 900 °C, 1000 °C, 1100 °C and 1200 °C temperatures in the furnace. The effect of temper-
ature was applied to samples within 6 h in experiments.
High temperature
In this study, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and toughness values of fiber-concrete were
Steel fiber given comparatively according to different fiber ratios, concrete age and varying temperature effects.
Compressive strength Consequently, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and toughness values of fiber-concrete sub-
Modulus of elasticity stantially decreased by the effect of high temperature as it was expected. When it was examined the
Toughness results with regard to percentage of steel fiber, samples of 1.0% fiber additive had specifically the lowest
of compressive strength losses. Additionally in comparing results of compressive strength losses on high
temperature effect were lower at 900 °C and 1000 °C than at 1100 °C and 1200 °C temperatures. Deter-
mined results of 1100 °C and 1200 °C temperatures were closed with each other. Namely compressive
strength values reached the lowest value after 1100 °C.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction bilization and retaining wall construction, hydraulics, construction

buildings when compared to normal concretes [3–8].
In order to improve the properties of the concrete, steel fiber Concrete may be subjected to various effects such as wearing,
additive agents can be added to the concrete [1,2]. Steel fibers freezing–thawing, chemical medium, dynamic loads throughout
are also among these substances and in recent years, they have its physical life. One of them is high temperature and fire. The
been commonly used in concrete. The aim of producing fiber-con- effect of high temperature can be seen particularly in airport
crete is to increase toughness of the material, its resistance against aprons, industrial ground and chimney operating under high tem-
impact effects, its flexural strength and other mechanical proper- perature, plants producing chemical materials with high fire risk
ties. The concretes including fiber have wider range of usage areas and industrial constructions.
such as field concrete, paving, industrial constructions, slope sta- The actual behavior of the concrete exposed to high tempera-
tures depend on many environmental factors such as the proper-
ties of materials building up the concrete, heating rate,
⇑ Corresponding author at: Erciyes University, Engineering Faculty, Department
maximum temperature at which it was exposed to and the period
of Civil Engineering, 38039 Kayseri, Turkey. Tel.: +90 (352) 207 6666x32378; fax:
+90 (352) 437 5784.
of this exposure, cooling method after maximum temperature and
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Altun). loading level at the time of cooling [9,10].
0950-0618/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Düğenci et al. / Construction and Building Materials 75 (2015) 82–88 83

Cement hydrated with the effect of high temperature is dehy- Table 1

drated by loosing water. Ca(OH)2 present in the content of cement Properties of steel fiber.

in the concrete is dehydrated at temperatures in the range of 400– Steel fiber

600 °C and is converted to CaO. As a result of this conversion by the Length l (mm) 60
liberation of water, shrinkages in the current volume occur up to Diameter d (mm) 0.75
30% and significant decreases are observed in compressive strength Slenderness (l/d) 80
of the material. With the fire-extinguishing intervention of the fire Density (g/cm3) 7.48
Tensile strength (N/mm2) min 1050
by water, concretes loses water at high temperatures, it reacts with
CaO conversely to its reaction with the effect of water and again
results in Ca(OH)2 [9–12]. In addition to hydration and dehydration
between C–S–H at high temperatures, aggregate during heating
step and thermal disconformity occur within the cement, more-
over, the pore pressure of the water collected in the pores of the
cement causes formation of expansions in the volume of the con-
crete [13,14]. As a result of these shrinkages and expansions
occurred in the concrete, deep cracks occur. This also causes unde-
sired decrease in compressive strength of the concrete.
In fired constructions, damages can be observed particularly on
concrete bearings from outside to inside depending on degree of
the temperature and effective time. Measurements indicated that
the loss of strength in reinforced concrete bearings decreases from
outside to inside and a part what we call as a shell is formed [15].
Therefore, the contribution of addition of steel–fiber to the com-
pressive strength should not be ignored since core concrete will
incur less strength losses than shell concrete. Because it is consid-
ered that it will provide very important contribution by prevention
Fig. 1. The steel fiber used in the experiments.
of crack development.
The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of
steel–fiber empirically to the loss of compressive strength of con- and 1200 °C temperatures at the concrete age of 7, 28 and 90-day in
crete material which was exposed to high temperature effect. 4  4  3  3 pieces and their experiments were carried out [18–22,24]. The
appearances of the samples are given in Fig. 2.
Steel–fiber will come into prominence as an important auxiliary
material for the prevention of shrinkages and expansions that
might occur due to the effect of high temperature and formation 2.2. Temperature application for experimental samples
of cracks in the cement paste.
Cylinder samples produced with and without steel fiber additive were exposed
to the effect of temperatures beginning from 7th, 28th and 90th day after produc-
tion. The samples were removed from curing pool the day before and put it on to
dry for 24 h. In order to prevent damaging of samples because of sudden and excess
2. Material and method expansion of the water within their structure depending on increasing temperature
in high-temperature kiln, the samples were kept in a drying oven at 105 ± 5 °C for
2.1. Material and concrete mixture 6 h to remove water absorbed by concrete before kilning.
In order to supply high temperature, electrical high-temperature kiln was used
Three types of aggregates such as coarse graver, fine graver and crushed sand with a capacity of heating up to 1200 °C. Temperatures of 900 °C, 1000 °C, 1100 °C
were used in the production of concrete. Specific gravity and absorption experi- and 1200 °C were applied respectively to the cylinder samples.
ments were performed depending on the aggregates used [16]. In the mixture of The kilning period in high-temperature kiln was taken as totally 6 h including
concrete, coarse gravel with a rate of 35%, fine gravel with a rate of 25% and crushed controlled-increasing time of temperature and heating time in the case of steady-
sand with a rate of 40% were added [17]. In the production of experimental con- temperature (900 °C, 1000 °C, 1100 °C and 1200 °C). Applying high temperature
crete, CEM I 42,5 cement was used. Cylinder concrete samples were produced with- within 6 h were including rising time until target temperature value. After 6-h heat-
out steel–fiber and with steel–fiber in the volumetric rates of 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%. ing period, the furnace door was kept closed and let it cool down by itself until its
Steel fiber added to experimental samples was used as RC80/60 BN type. Tensile temperature reaches to room temperature to prevent exposure of experimental
strength of steel fiber was minimum 1050 N/mm2. The properties of this steel fiber samples to sudden temperature variations. The samples to which different temper-
are given in Table 1 and its schematic diagram is given in Fig. 1. ature were applied are given in Fig. 3.
In cylinder concrete samples produced with steel fiber additive in this study
[18–20], the rate of water/cement was 0.60 and its slump value was kept constant
in the range of 12 cm ± 2 cm with super plasticizer for additive free concrete sam- 2.3. Determination of properties of compressive strength
ples. Concrete mixture values and amounts of fiber added for 1 m3 concrete are
given in Table 2. After exposure of cylinder samples to thermal effect for totally 6 h on the 7th,
Experimental samples were produced without steel fiber additive in normal 28th and 90th day following their production and cooling them down to room tem-
concrete class and with steel fiber additive in the volumetric rates of 0.5%, 1.0%, perature, they were subjected to experiments related with compressive strength
1.5%. The samples were produced after their exposure to 900 °C, 1000 °C, 1100 °C [23,24]. In order to compute modulus of elasticity, a compressometer was con-

Table 2
Concrete mixture value.

Specimen W/C Steel fiber W C C.S. F.G C.G. A Slump value

Series %/V kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 mm
SFC 0 0.6 – – 205 341 700 438 613 3.41 120
SFC 0.5 0.6 0.5 37.4 205 341 700 438 613 3.41 100
SFC 1.0 0.6 1 74.5 205 341 700 438 613 3.41 20
SFC 1.5 0.6 1.5 112.2 205 341 700 438 613 3.41 10

W: water, C: cement, C.S.: crushed sand, F.G.: fine gravel, C.G.: coarse gravel, A: admixture.
84 O. Düğenci et al. / Construction and Building Materials 75 (2015) 82–88

Fig. 2. Cylinder concrete specimens.

900 °C 1000 °C

1100 °C 1200 °C
Fig. 3. Specimens subjected to temperature.

nected to the cylinder sample and deformation of the samples under load was mea- als pass through origin and their analytical structure is as r ¼ b  e þ c  e2 . Tangent
sured [25]. Displacement measurements were recorded by measuring deformation and secant modulus of elasticity values were calculated by taking calculated stress–
values corresponding to each 2.5 kN-load value considering strength loss formed in strain values via a polynomial having maximum R2 value among second-degree
samples that were subjected to temperature differently from control samples. The regression polynomials adapted to r–e points into consideration.
sensitivity of indicators present in compressometer was 1 lm. In order to compare
the samples subjected to high-temperatures with control samples by using the val-
ues obtained, stress–strain curves were drawn. compressive strength, modulus of
elasticity and toughness values were determined by means of these curves. 2.5. Calculation of tangent and secant modulus of elasticity

2.4. Calculation steps for modulus of elasticity By using polynomial values with maximum determination coefficient (R2)
value, x coordinate of the point with y coordinate equal to y = 0.4  rmaks was
During compressive experiments, stress and strain diagrams corresponding to calculated. A tangent was drawn to this previously formed from this determined
force–displacement values obtained by compressometer device connected to cylin- point to the second-degree polynomial curve. Tangent modulus of elasticity was
der samples were drawn. By using calculated r and e values, r1, r2, r3, . . ., rn ve e1 indicated by calculating the angle of tangent line with horizontal. Similarly, for
e1, e2, e3, . . ., en values corresponding to each measured load value were determined the secant modulus of elasticity, x coordinate of the point with y coordinate equal
as points starting from r0 = 0 and e0 = 0 points on r–e axis. Second-degree regres- to y = 0.5  rmaks was calculated by using polynomial values with maximum deter-
sion polynomials were fitted in terms of these points by using them. A polynomial mination coefficient (R2) value. A line was drawn from this point to second-degree
curve was obtained by these regression polynomials using the following drawn r–e polynomial curve formed by combining initial (r0 = 0, e0 = 0) point as constituting a
value pairs respectively beginning first from r0 = 0 to rmaks, then continuing from secant. Secant modulus of elasticity was determined by calculating the angle of
r0 = 0 to rmaks-1 and from r0 = 0 to rmaks-2 and finally being equal to 0.7  rmaks. secant line with horizontal.
Determination coefficients (R2) of regression polynomials adapted to the axis point Stress–strain curve together with tangent and secant modulus of elasticity lines
pairs beginning from rmaks by least squares method were calculated. All polynomi- adapted on that curve are given in Fig. 4 for 28-day reference sample.
O. Düğenci et al. / Construction and Building Materials 75 (2015) 82–88 85

Fig. 6. Relationship between steel fiber dosage and compression strength (900 °C).

Fig. 4. Stress–strain curve (for 28-day reference specimen).

3. Results

3.1. Compressive strength findings

The compressive experiments of cylinder concrete samples with

150  300 mm dimensions which were produced with and with-
out steel–fiber additive were performed on samples being 7, 28
and 90-day and subjected to the effect of 25 °C, 900 °C, 1000 °C,
1100 °C and 1200 °C temperatures. Compressive strength values
of samples subjected to the effect of high-temperature were com-
pared with either those of control samples tested at 25 °C or each
other. The variation of compressive strength values with respect to
sample periods for each temperature application is given graphi-
cally in Figs. 5–9. Fig. 7. Relationship between steel fiber dosage and compression strength (1000 °C).
As a result of experimental studies, when the contribution of
steel fiber additive was particularly kept above 1% in volume, it
was determined that the compressive strength of concrete
decreased. In reference samples, maximum strength loss was
observed in samples with 1.5% steel–fiber additive in each period.
Difficulty in concrete layout with increasing steel–fiber dosage and

Fig. 8. Relationship between steel fiber dosage and compression strength (1100 °C).

coagulation in steel–fibers due to fiber density were evaluated as

the reasons of compressive strength loss. This situation caused
local gaps within the concrete and decreased compressive
Fig. 5. Relationship between steel fiber dosage and compression strength (25 °C). strength.
86 O. Düğenci et al. / Construction and Building Materials 75 (2015) 82–88

strength value at 900 °C than the concrete with 1.0% steel–fiber

Compressive strength variations of steel–fiber additives
depending on high temperature values such as 900 °C, 1000 °C,
1100 °C and 1200 °C were given for 7, 28 and 90-day sample in
Figs. 10–12, respectively.

Fig. 9. Relationship between steel fiber dosage and compression strength (1200 °C).

When assessment was carried out in terms of concrete period,

maximum compressive strength particularly for 7, 28 and 90-day
samples was observed in 0.0% steel–fiber additives with the effect
of increasing temperature. It was observed that high temperatures
applied caused loss of compressive strength in samples. However, Fig. 10. Relationship between compression strength and high temperature (7-day).
as well as causing loss of compressive strength at high tempera-
tures, the level of decrease in compressive strength was indepen-
dent of concrete age in samples with more than 1% steel–fiber
rate. Especially 1% steel–fiber rate decreased the reduction of com-
pressive strength against temperature. If steel–fiber rate is about
1.5% value, decrease in compressive strength with increasing tem-
perature shows similarity in samples without steel–fiber additive.
At the same period for every temperature and for every steel
fiber additive strength losses were calculated. The lowest strength
was taken according to without steel–fiber samples at the same
periods and contribution percentage was given as differences
between contributing values. At 1100 °C and 1200 °C temperatures
the strength values was closed to each other and for every period it
was the lowest strength values.
In 7-day samples, compressive strength losses of samples of
fiber additive-free were for 900 °C as 85%, for 1000 °C as 88%, for
1100 °C and 1200 °C as 93%. On account of steel–fiber additive
the least strength loss was observed in samples with 1.0% steel–
Fig. 11. Relationship between compression strength and high temperature (28-
fiber additive for all temperatures. When compared with samples
at steel–fiber additive-free, it was determined that a contribution
to compressive strength was calculated for 900 °C as 32% and for
1000 °C as 49% for 1.0% steel–fiber.
In 28-day samples, compressive strength losses of samples of
fiber additive-free were for 900 °C as 82%, for 1000 °C as 92%, for
1100 °C 95% and for 1200 °C as 94%. With respect to steel–fiber
additive the least strength loss was observed in samples with
1.0% steel–fiber additive for 900 °C, 1100 °C and 1200 °C tempera-
ture, however, for 1000 °C the least strength loss was observed in
samples with 1.5% steel–fiber temperature. While 1.0% steel–fiber
additive provided 48% strength gain at 900 °C, this value was 48%
at 1000 °C according to samples at steel–fiber additive-free, It
was determined that a contribution to compressive strength was
calculated at 1100 °C as 77% for 1.5% steel–fiber. For 1100 °C and
1200 °C, close values were also obtained as 7-day samples.
Contrary to 7-day and 28-day samples, the least strength loss in
90-day samples was observed in samples with 1.5% steel–fiber
additive for 900 °C and 1000 °C. The strength values for the sam-
ples without additives were 38% for 1000 °C. At 900 °C strength
value was nearly same with samples of steel–fiber additive-free. Fig. 12. Relationship between compression strength and high temperature (90-
The concrete with 1.5% steel–fiber additive indicated 14% more day).
O. Düğenci et al. / Construction and Building Materials 75 (2015) 82–88 87

Table 3
Tangent modulus of elasticity values.

Specimen Steel fiber Period Tangent modulus of elasticity (MPa)

Series %/V Day 25 °C 900 °C 1000 °C 1100 °C 1200 °C
SFC 0–7 0 7 17,363 659 322 197 294
SFC 0–28 28 38,352 1160 357 300 236
SFC 0–90 90 38,918 772 291 293 279
SFC 0.5–7 0.5 7 18,218 619 520 200 222
SFC 0.5–28 28 36,289 758 283 354 239
SFC 0.5–90 90 37,138 799 263 325 330
SFC 1.0–7 1.0 7 17,320 594 961 181 243
SFC 1.0–28 28 34,311 961 406 247 322
SFC 1.0–90 90 34,900 478 374 527 486
SFC 1.5–7 1.5 7 10,456 347 254 261 255
SFC 1.5–28 28 33,096 879 465 320 215
SFC 1.5–90 90 34,217 426 280 357 376

Table 4
Secant modulus of elasticity values.

Specimen Steel fiber Period Secant modulus of elasticity (MPa)

Series %/V Day 25 °C 900 °C 1000 °C 1100 °C 1200 °C
SFC 0–7 0 7 18,853 716 334 214 327
SFC 0–28 28 43,259 1264 395 340 259
SFC 0–90 90 42,653 728 320 332 310
SFC 0.5–7 0.5 7 20,045 667 569 211 244
SFC 0.5–28 28 40,726 837 312 387 252
SFC 0.5–90 90 40,926 614 293 355 368
SFC 1.0–7 1.0 7 18,689 638 734 189 239
SFC 1.0–28 28 39,089 986 449 269 355
SFC 1.0–90 90 38,954 536 423 609 541
SFC 1.5–7 1.5 7 12,114 381 272 291 285
SFC 1.5–28 28 37,850 967 517 322 225
SFC 1.5–90 90 38,155 473 308 394 415

Table 5
Compression toughness value according to temperatures and periods.

Specimen S. fiber Period Compression toughness value (MPa)

Series %/V Day 25 °C 900 °C 1000 °C 1100 °C 1200 °C
SFC 0–7 0 7 172 162 255 108 99
SFC 0–28 28 170 127 133 32 105
SFC 0–90 90 162 388 160 145 142
SFC 0.5–7 0.5 7 177 273 370 177 127
SFC 0.5–28 28 153 456 193 98 134
SFC 0.5–90 90 232 380 209 220 206
SFC 1.0–7 1.0 7 112 371 397 184 205
SFC 1.0–28 28 160 366 302 159 134
SFC 1.0–90 90 147 567 434 422 286
SFC 1.5–7 1.5 7 250 598 316 206 243
SFC 1.5–28 28 159 400 330 215 169
SFC 1.5–90 90 151 473 279 213 312

3.2. Modulus of elasticity findings 3.3. Toughness findings

During compressive strength experiments performed on cylin- Stress-deformation curves for cylinder samples were drawn.
der samples, vertical displacements observed on samples were The areas under curves were calculated and compressive tough-
recorded via compressometer experimental device installed on ness values belonging to the samples were found (Table 5).
samples and modulus of elasticity values for samples were
calculated by using these load-deformation values obtained. 4. Conclusion
Calculated tangent modulus of elasticity values are given in
Table 3, whereas those for secant modulus of elasticity are given In this study, the results of the effect of high temperature on
in Table 4. steel–fiber concrete were investigated. According to compressive
88 O. Düğenci et al. / Construction and Building Materials 75 (2015) 82–88

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