Properties of Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) at Elevated Temperatures
Properties of Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) at Elevated Temperatures
Properties of Concrete Containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) at Elevated Temperatures
Cairo University
KEYWORDS Abstract Normal strength (NSC) and high-performance concretes (HPC) are being used exten-
Concrete; sively in the construction of structures that might be subjected to elevated temperatures. The behav-
Ground granulated blast iour of concrete structures at elevated temperatures is of signicant importance in predicting the
furnace slag; safety of structures in response to certain accidents or particular service conditions. This paper deals
Temperature; with the mechanical properties of concrete made with ground granulated blast furnace slag
Strength; (GGBFS) subjected to temperatures up to 350 C. For this purpose, normal concrete having com-
Modulus of elasticity; pressive strength of 34 MPa was designed using GGBFS as partial replacement of cement. Cylin-
Mass loss
drical specimens (150 300 mm) were made and subjected to temperatures of 100, 200 and
350 C. Measurements were taken for mass loss, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength,
and modulus of elasticity. This investigation developed some important data on the properties of
concrete exposed to elevated temperatures up to 350 C.
2011 Cairo University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
concrete at elevated temperatures. The aggregates thermal nal strength (lower w/cm) and with silica fume retained more
expansion is partly opposed to the drying of the cement paste. residual strength after elevated temperature exposure than
This phenomenon makes it possible to think that limestone those with lower original strength (higher w/cm) and without
aggregate, whose thermal coefcient of expansion is lower than silica fume. Janotka and Nurnbergerova [23] concluded that
that of siliceous aggregate, is more favourable to the behaviour the strength, elasticity modulus and deformation of concrete
of concrete at elevated temperatures [6]. Recent studies showed were irreversibly inuenced by temperature elevation, mainly
a weak inuence of the kinetics and durations of heat treat- to 100 and 200 C.
ment on the residual properties of the concrete [3,4,7].
Research signicance
Literature review
Investigation of mechanical properties of concrete subjected to
elevated temperatures is very useful in the design of nuclear
Elevated temperatures affect concretes microstructure,
structures. Type of cement and supplementary cementing
strength properties, and permeability, and may result in loss
materials such as GGBFS play an important role in mechani-
of strength and/or mass and increased porosity and/or
cal behaviour of concrete. Ground granulated blast furnace
slag (GGBFS) has become an important constituent material
The thermo-physical properties of concrete decreased with
for the design of normal strength and high-performance con-
the increase in temperature except for the specic heat, and
crete. Existing literature does not provide the detailed investi-
particularly the conductivity and the diffusivity are a 50%
gation of the residual mechanical properties at high
lower at 900 C as compared with the values at room temper-
temperatures of concrete made with GGBFS. The ndings of
ature [8]. Castillo and Durrani [9] observed a loss of about
this investigation will help in predicting the behaviour of con-
1520% in strength at temperatures of 100200 C. Diede-
crete made with GGBFS aggregates intended for nuclear or
richs et al. reported that the residual strength of concrete
similar applications.
was below the initial strength at elevated temperatures [10].
According to Ghosh and Nasser [11], there was gradual dete-
rioration of strength and static modulus of elasticity with a Experimental
rise in temperature (21232 C) at all pressures (5.2
13.8 MPa). Felicetti and Gambarova [12] reported dramatic Materials
reduction in residual compressive strength, splitting tensile
strength and elastic modulus at elevated temperatures up to Ordinary Portland (53 grade) cement was used and its proper-
500 C. Janotka and Bagel [13] revealed that there were no ties are given in Table 1. It met the requirements of Indian
signicant changes at temperatures up to 400 C. Noumowe Standard Specications IS: 8112-1989 [24]. Natural sand with
[14] concluded that after initial heating to 200 C, and subse- a 4.75-mm maximum size was used as a ne aggregate. Coarse
quent cooling, the residual compressive strength was 1838% aggregates used in this study were of 10 mm nominal size. They
lower than the non-heated concrete and PP bres did not im- were tested as per Indian Standard Specications IS: 383-1970
prove the initial compressive or the residual compressive [25] and their physical properties are given in Table 2. Ground
strength of the concrete. granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) was obtained from
There was signicant reduction in the weight of the speci- Nippon Denro Ispat Ltd., India. Its properties are given in Ta-
men and the relative strength of the concrete at elevated tem- ble 3. Sikament 170, a concrete superplasticizer based on Sul-
peratures (2001200 C) [15]. There was no obvious explosive phonated Naphthalene Polymer, was used as a water-reducing
spalling found in high-performance concrete (HPC) with blast admixture. The dosage of superplasticizer taken was 1.1% by
furnace slag (BFS) at temperatures of 20800 C [16]. Xiao and weight of cement.
Falkner [17] implied that BFS may contribute somewhat to the
residual compressive strength of HPCs at elevated tempera- Mixture proportions
tures. Xiao and Konig [18] mentioned that strength, elastic
modulus and peak strain, etc., degraded with increases in tem- One control mixture (M-0) was designed per Indian Standard
perature, and the mechanical behaviour of concrete under high Specications IS: 10262-1982 [26] to have 28-day compressive
temperature was better than that after high temperature.
Concretes containing slag as a partial replacement of ce-
ment (up to 40%) had higher compressive and exural
strengths casting and curing at +42C than those of concretes Table 1 Properties of cement.
made with Portland cement alone [19]. Wang and Chen [20] Physical test Results IS: 8112-1989
observed that (i) the 7-day compressive strengths of mortars obtained Specications
with a water-to-cementitious material ratio of 0.44 were almost
Normal consistency (%) 34
proportional to the proportions of Portland cement; (ii) the Initial setting time (minutes) 48 >30
contribution of GGBFS to the strength gain over 728 days, Final setting time (minutes) 240 <600
and also over 2856 days, were the largest. Mahdy et al. [21] Fineness (%) 3.0 <10
observed that, as the temperature increased to 100 C, the Specic gravity 3.10
strength of heavy weight high strength concrete decreased
Compressive strength (MPa)
compared to the room temperature strength. At the tempera-
7-day 21.9
tures of 500 and 700 C, the strength in each case dropped 28-day 34.5
sharply. Phan et al. [22] indicated that HPCs with higher origi-
GGBFS Concrete at High Temperature 47
strength of 34.8 MPa. The other concrete mixtures, viz. M-1 to After curing for 28 and 56 days, the specimens were taken out
M-3, were made with replacement levels of 20%, 40%, and of the tank and air-dried. Then the specimens were heated in
60% of GGBFS by weight of cement. In doing so, the an electric oven up to 100, 200, and 350 C. The heating rate
water-to-cementitious materials ratio was kept the same in or- was set at 8 C/min. The temperature was maintained at the
der to investigate the effects of replacing cement with GGBFS respective temperature for 1 h to achieve a thermally steady
when other parameters were unchanged. The mixture, designa- state. Then the furnace door was opened and the specimens
tion and quantities of the various materials for each designed were allowed to cool naturally to room temperature.
concrete mixture are given in Table 4.
Testing procedures
Preparation and casting of specimens
Concrete cylinders, 150 300 mm, were tested for the determi-
Cylindrical moulds of size 150 300 mm were used to prepare nations of compressive strength, split tensile strength and mod-
the concrete specimens for the determination of compressive ulus of elasticity of concrete as per Indian Standard
strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity Specications IS: 516-1959 [27] in a fully computerised servo-
of concrete. All specimens were prepared in accordance with controlled universal testing machine of maximum compression
Indian Standard Specications IS: 516-1959 [27]. Moulds were capacity 1000 KN. A uniaxial compressive load was applied at
cleaned and oiled properly. They were securely tightened to a rate of 0.5 MPa/s or with a load speed of 235.62 KN/min, in
the direction of the central axis of the specimen.
Table 3 Properties of GGBFS.
Results and discussion
Properties GGBFS Requirements
Specication as per BS: 6699
Mass loss
Fineness (m2/kg) 340 275 (min.)
Soundness Le-Chatelier 1.5 10.0 (max.)
expansion (mm) Mass loss measurements were recorded between 27 and
Insoluble residue (%) 1.5 1.5 (max.) 350 C, and the results are given in Table 5. Mass loss in-
Magnesia content (%) 12.0 14.0 (max.) creased with the increase in temperature. Below 100 C, gener-
Sulde sulfur (%) 1.7 2.00 (max.) ally little mass loss is observed, since abundant free water is
Sulte content (%) 2.5 2.50 (max.) not left in the hardened and dried concrete specimens. When
Loss on Ignition (%) 1.0 3.00 (max.) temperature is raised from 100 to 350 C, the mass loss is little
Manganese content (%) 1.0 2.00 (max.)
Chloride content 0.05 0.10 (max.)
Table 5 Mass loss of GGBFS concrete.
Moisture content 1.0 1.0 (max.)
Glass content (%) 90 67 (min.) Testing age (days) Temperature exposure GGBFS content (%)
Compressive strength (MPa) 0 20 40 60
7 days 25 12.0 (min.) 28 100 C 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.5
28 days 40 32.5 (min.) 200 C 1.5 2.5 3.0 3.0
Chemical moduli 350 C 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
(a) CaO+MgO+SiO2 70 66.66 (min.) 56 100 C 0.5 1.5 1.5 2.5
(b) CaO+MgO/SiO2 >1.0 >1.0 200 C 1.5 2.5 3.0 4.0
(c) CaO/SiO2 <1.4 <1.4 350 C 2.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
more owing to the release of both capillary water and gel him [19] reported 14.9%, 17.0% and 42.5% loss in 28-day
water. When the heating is continued beyond 200 C, then a compressive strength as compared to the control (47 MPa) at
portion of water in hydrated products escapes. It was noticed 10%, 20% and 40% GGBFS contents, respectively. A similar
that the water loss for the specimens heated at 100 C was trend was also observed by Dehuai and Zhaoyuan [20] wherein
three times lower than that measured in the specimens heated they reported 21.2%, 25.8% and 36% loss in 28-day compres-
at 200 and 350 C. This conrms the small proportion of free sive strength as compared to the strength of the control
water in this concrete compared to the hydrated concretes (51.9 MPa) at 35%, 50% and 70% GGBFS content, respec-
water content. tively. But at 100 and 200 C and at both the ages, the com-
pressive strength increased at 20% GGBFS content and then
Compressive strength decreased afterwards.
Compressive strength test results are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Effect of temperature on 28-day compressive strength
Effect of replacement of cement with GGBFS Fig. 1 shows that at 28-days, with 0% GGBFS, the residual
compressive strength of concrete at 100 C dropped by
It is evident from these results that the compressive strength of 28.6% as compared to room temperature strength
concrete mixtures decreased with the increase in GGBFS con- (34.8 MPa). The reduction could be due to the stresses gener-
tent at normal temperature (27 C) and 350 C. At room tem- ated at the interface between the aggregate and the hardened
perature (27 C), 28-day compressive strength of concrete cement paste on heating. The difference between the thermal
containing 20%, 40% and 60% GGBFS was respectively expansion of the cement paste and the aggregate could result
16.8%, 23.9% and 28.5% lower than the control mixture in micro-cracking and disruption of the cement-aggregate
(34.8 MPa). Similar ndings were reported by Ujhelyi and bond with a consequent reduction in strength. As the temper-
Ibrahim [19] and Dehuai and Zhaoyuan [20]. Ujhelyi and Ibra- ature increased beyond 100 C, the compressive strength in-
creased a little but was still lower than that of room
50 temperature strength and it increased further, by 12.6%, at
350 C. This increase was considered to be mainly due to rapid
45 0% GGBS
drying of the concrete, which increased its strength. Xiao and
20% GGBS
Compressive Strength (MPa)
Konig [18], Mahdy et al. [21] and Phan et al. [22] reported sim-
40% GGBS
40 ilar ndings. Xiao and Konig [18] had explained in one graph
60% GGBS
this trend through the work of four researchers (Li and Guo
[28]; Lu [29]; Niu et al. [30]; and Yao [31]), each showing the
same type of trend, i.e. decrease in strength at 100 C, then
some increase at 200 C and further increase at 300 C.
25 According to Mahdys [21] investigations, the compressive
strength decreased at 100 C by 28% as compared to room
20 temperature strength (99.72 MPa). With a further increase in
temperature to 300 C, the specimens recovered the strength
0 100 200 300 400
loss and reached peak strength of 18% above room tempera-
Temperature (degree) ture strength.
A similar trend was observed with 20% replacement of ce-
Fig. 1 Effect of temperature on the compressive strength of ment by GGBFS at 28-days, i.e. a decrease in compressive
concrete at the age of 28 days. strength by 11.8% at 100C and then an increase by 8% at
200C and another increase, by 15.6%, at 350C, as compared
to room temperature strength (28.9 MPa). But at 40% and
50 60% replacements of cement with GGBFS at 28-days, the rel-
0% GGBS ative residual compressive strength did not change signicantly
45 20% GGBS with rises in temperature, and thus maintained their original
Compressive Strength (MPa)
40% GGBS compressive strengths. This implies that GGBFS may contrib-
60% GGBS ute to some extent to the residual compressive strength of con-
35 crete at elevated temperatures. Similar ndings were reported
by Xiao and Falkner [17]. Therefore, from these investigations
30 we can conclude that at 20% GGBFS content, the rate of
strength loss of concrete is less as compared to the concrete
25 containing no GGBFS and at 40% and 60% GGBFS content
there is no strength loss.
strength decreased by 21.9%, 29.9% and 16% at 100, 200 and with increases in GGBFS content. The splitting tensile strength
350 C, respectively when compared to normal temperature of concrete containing 20%, 40% and 60% GGBFS was
strength (39.8 MPa). Similarly, the residual compressive respectively 17.4%, 8.2%, and 15.6% lower than the control
strength decreased at all other percentages of GGBFS with in- (3.2 MPa) at room temperature.
creases in temperature. But the decrease was comparatively
less than in the concrete containing no GGBFS. Degradation Effect of temperature on splitting tensile strength
of mechanical properties of this concrete between room tem-
perature and 100 C was very limited. But at 200 and 350 C, The splitting tensile strength of concrete decreased with the in-
there was a signicant reduction in compressive strength, rang- crease in temperature (Figs. 3 and 4). At 28 days (Fig. 3), the
ing between 1630% at 20%, 40% and 60% replacement of ce- splitting tensile strength of concrete containing 20% GGBFS
ment by GGBFS. This is probably because when the content at 100, 200 and 350 C was respectively 17.68%,
temperature was raised to 200 and 350 C, the water loss was 21.0%, and 28.9% lower than the concrete at room tempera-
very signicant. The modication of hydrates generated a deg- ture (2.94 MPa). Similar trends were observed with concrete
radation of the concrete microstructure. containing 40% and 60% GGBFS. It is evident from Fig. 4
that a similar trend was found at 56 days. The loss in split ten-
Splitting tensile strength sile strength is very pronounced, which is different from the
more gradual loss of compressive strength. This is because
Splitting tensile strength test results are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. the tensile strength is more sensitive to cracks either on a
macro- or micro-scale, which are caused by concrete becoming
Effect of replacement of cement with GGBFS subject to high temperatures.
40% GGBS
3 12
2.5 8
1 0 100 200 300 400
0 100 200 300 400 Temperature (degree)
Temperature (degree)
Fig. 5 Effect of temperature on the modulus of elasticity of
Fig. 3 Effect of temperature on the splitting tensile strength of concrete at the age of 28 days.
concrete at the age of 28 days.
4.5 20
20% GGBS
4 20% GGBS 40% GGBS
16 60% GGBS
Splitting Tensile Strength (MPa)
40% GGBS
60% GGBS
3 12
1 0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
Temperature (degree) Temperature (degree)
Fig. 4 Effect of temperature on the splitting tensile strength of Fig. 6 Effect of temperature on the modulus of elasticity of
concrete at the age of 56 days. concrete at the age of 56 days.
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