IASRI News October-December 2022 - 280723
IASRI News October-December 2022 - 280723
IASRI News October-December 2022 - 280723
ICAR-IASRI NEWS Volume 27 No. 4; October – December 2022
T his Newsletter brings to you the key research achievements, awards and recognitions
received, training programmes conducted, workshops and conferences organized/ attended,
advisory services provided and significant publications of ICAR-IASRI during the period under
The Institute developed an android mobile application, called AI-DISC (Artificial Intelligence
Based Disease Identification for Crops) that can automatically identify 50 plant diseases of 19
crops based on image in natural background. AgrIntel, a framework consisting of multiple
Artificial Intelligence-based pipelines has been developed to process nationwide farmers’ helpline
data and obtain spatio-temporal insights on plant protection. A deep learning approach, “Yield-
SpikeSegNet,” has been developed for the yield estimation in the wheat plant using visual images. In Design of Experiments,
obtained two series of partially balanced t-designs which are useful in Integrated Farming System research involving both
crop and livestock components and also introduced nearly balanced treatment incomplete block designs. A prediction
server PlDBPred for DNA-binding Protein (DBP) prediction in plant has been developed based on a comprehensive
computational model for plant specific DBPs identification. To identify novel interactions between Acr and Cas proteins,
proposed machine learning-based predictive model using an ensemble strategy with more than 95% accuracy. Academic
Management System was launched by Dr. G.P. Samanta, Chief Statistician of India at Sher-e-Kashmir University of
Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Kashmir, Srinagar on November 15, 2022 and for Odisha University of Agriculture
and Technology, Bhubaneswar, it was launched on December 07, 2022.
Tree Saplings of Chandan (Santalum Album) were planted by Ms. Alka Nangia Arora, Financial Advisor, ICAR; DDG
(Agricultural Education), DDG (Natural Resource Management), Director, ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural
Economics and Policy Research), New Delhi and Director, ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi. Fit India Run 3.0, Kisan Diwas,
Vigilance Awareness Week, Constitution Day and Sadbhawana Diwas were also organized. A total of 50 Research Papers,
2 Book Chapters and 06 R Packages were published. Initiated 08 new research projects and 04 research projects were
completed. We congratulate our Alumni Dr. Seema Jaggi for receiving Sankhyki Bhusan Award from Indian Society of
Agricultural Statistics. Through 04 training programmes including one under Centre of Advanced Faculty Training trained
160 personnel and 64 participated in two Hindi Workshops. The Institute also sponsored two training programmes for
Scheduled Caste farmers at ICAR-Central Agro-forestry Research Institute, Jhansi.
A Letter of Agreement (LoA) was signed with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations-India for
reviewing the Food Loss Index estimates for India. Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) were also signed with ASRB
for development, implementation and functioning of online Application and Score card Information System and CSIR-
National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow for genomic data anlaysis.
The scientists of the Institute brought recognitions by way of serving as Expert Members in various high level committees,
presenting research work in prestigious conferences/workshops.
I earnestly hope that the contents of this Newsletter would be useful and informative to you all. Any constructive comments
for better presentation of this newsletter are most welcome.
(Rajender Parsad)
AgrIntel: Spatio-Temporal Profiling of Nationwide Plant-Protection Problems using Kisan Call Centre Helpline
Sustainable development of the national food system must ensure the introduction of adequate food security
interventions and policies. However, several high-end technological developments remain unexplored, which
can be used to gain explicit information regarding agricultural problems. In this direction, AgrIntel, a framework
consisting of multiple AI-based pipelines has been proposed to process nationwide farmers’ helpline data and obtain
spatiotemporal insights regarding food-production problems on an extensive scale. AgrIntel overcomes several
limitations of the existing methods used for similar objectives, including limited scalability, low frequency and high
cost. The call-logs dataset used is obtained from the nationwide network of farmers’ helpline centers, managed by
the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India and available on Open Government Data
Platform through APIs. The Spatio-temporal profile of one of India’s highest food grain-affecting diseases, i.e. blast in
rice crop has demonstrated the utility of the AgrIntel pipelines. First, the proposed framework extracts and clusters
the precise geographical locations of farmers calling for help corresponding to the target agricultural problem. Next,
the temporal modeling of the problem helps extract the critical dates corresponding to the crop disease/pest spread.
Furthermore, by incorporating the historical agroclimatological data, a new medium has been introduced to extract
the favourable weather conditions corresponding to the targeted disease/pest outbreak. In addition, the potential
of Deep Learning models (based on Artificial Neural Network, Convolutional Neural Network, Gated Recurrent Unit
and Long short-term memory unit) has been explored to efficiently predict the futuristic demand for assistance
regarding target problems (RMSE of ≈1.5 and MAE of ≈0.9 query calls). The obtained results expose unrevealed
insights regarding food production problems, significantly boosting the food security policy-designing procedure.
Yield-SpikeSegNet: An extension of SpikeSegNet Deep-Learning Approach for the Yield Estimation in the
Wheat using Visual Images
High-throughput plant phenotyping integrated with computer vision is an emerging topic in the domain of non-
destructive and non-invasive plant breeding. Analysis of the emerging grain spikes and the grain weight or yield
estimation in the wheat plant for a huge number of genotypes in a non-destructive way has achieved significant
research attention. A deep learning approach, “Yield-SpikeSegNet,” has been developed for the yield estimation in
the wheat plant using visual images. This approach consists of two consecutive modules: “Spike detection module”
and “Yield estimation module.” The spike detection module is implemented using a deep encoder-decoder network
for spike segmentation and output of this module is spike area and spike count. In yield estimation module, machine
learning models have been developed using artificial neural network and support vector regression for the yield
estimation in the wheat plant. The model’s precision, accuracy and robustness are found satisfactory in spike
segmentation as 0.9982, 0.9987, and 0.9992, respectively. The spike segmentation and yield estimation performance
reflect that the Yield-SpikeSegNet approach is a significant step forward in the domain of high-throughput and non-
destructive wheat phenotyping.
2 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
of partially balanced t-designs with some interesting characterization properties have been obtained by using the
triangular association scheme. These designs have high application potential in crop and animal experimentation,
especially in IFS research involving both crop and livestock components.
AI-DISC (Artificial Intelligence Based Disease Identification for Crops) Mobile App
Developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based android mobile application,
called AI-DISC (Artificial Intelligence Based Disease Identification
for Crops available at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.
ai.ai_disc) that can automatically identify plant diseases with visible symptoms.
This is one of the premier AI applications of its kind in ICAR. Sophisticated
Deep learning techniques have been used for detection of the diseases with
a simple, user-friendly interface. User has to install the mobile app, capture
the disease image in natural background and click to identify and get the remedy
advisory of the diseases. Presently, the application is capable of identifying
50 diseases in 19 major crops. It also provides remedies along with the
identified disease. Following is the list crops and diseases covered in AI-DISC.
- Rice: Bacterial Leaf Blight, Brown Spot, False Smut, Blast, Narrow
Brown Leaf Spot, Tungro and Sheath Rot, Sheath Blight
- Wheat: Brown Rust, Black Rust, Yellow Rust
- Maize: Maydis Leaf Blight, Tucicum Leaf Blight, Common Rust,
Brown Stripe, Downy Mildew, Curvularia Leaf Spot, Sorghum Downy
Mildew, Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight
- Greengram: Powdery Mildew, Yellow Mosaic
- Cluster Bean: Bacterial Blight, Powdery Mildew
- Mothbean: Crinkle Virus, Yellow Vein Mosaic
- Chickpea: Collar Rot, Wilt and Root Rot
- Mustard: Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, White Rust
- Cotton: Bacterial Blight, Cotton Leaf Curl Virus, Wilt
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AcrCasPPI: Prediction of Protein–Protein Interactions between Anti-CRISPR and CRISPR-Cas using Machine
Learning Technique
CRISPR-Cas system, responsible for bacterial adaptive immune response, has evolved as the game-changer in the
field of genome editing and has revolutionized both animal and plant research owing to its efficiency and feasibility.
CRSIPR- associated (Cas) protein, an integral component of the CRSIPR-Cas toolkit, cut the target genetic material
for making the desirable edits. However, unchecked nuclease activity of Cas protein may lead to unforeseen off-target
effects. Anti-CRISPR (Acr), small proteins usually found in phages and other mobile genetic elements, are the natural
inhibitors of the Cas proteins that help phages to escape the immune system of the host. Acr proteins regulate the
activity of the Cas nuclease by interacting with its different domains which results in the blockage of CRISPR activity.
Thus, it is essential to understand the interactions between these two rival proteins in order to switch off the cutting
machinery when needed. Experimental methods to identify protein–protein interactions, are often costly, time-
consuming, and labor-intensive. Computational strategies, such as data- driven predictive models, can complement
experimental studies by providing fast, efficient, reliable and cheaper alternatives to predict protein interactions.
The Institute has introduced the first machine learning-based predictive model to identify novel interactions between
Acr and Cas proteins using an ensemble strategy. The proposed ensemble-RF model achieved a 97% of five fold cross
validation accuracy indicating its high predictive power. The developed predictor out performed the existing tools
in all the performance evaluation criteria using an independent dataset. Due to its encouraging results, to extend
the support for diverse levels of end-users, a web application named AcrCasPPI was developed which is available
at http://login1.cabgrid.res.in:5020/. Alternatively, a python package named acrcasppi-ml, is also available at
https://pypi.org/project/acrcasppi-ml/. The developed model can contribute to automate the process of discovering
the natural inhibitors of Cas protein for controlling the off- target cleavage and improving the efficiency of CRISPR-
Cas technology.
4 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
Developed R-packages: 06
y pRepDesigns: Partially replicated (p-Rep) designs for early generation breeding trials have wide application
potential as only a proportion of the test lines are replicated at each environment. Available at https://cran.r-
y PolycrossDesigns: This package contains a function named PD() which generates nine types of polycross designs
suitable for various experimental situations. Available at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=PolycrossDesigns
y OptiSembleForecasting: In this package, ensembled based optimization technique using 13 models have
been implemented. An PCA based error index has been proposed to select a group of best models using MCS
algorithms. After selecting the models, the forecasts from these models have been ensembled using optimization
techniques. Available at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=OptiSemble Forecasting
y GETdesigns: Generalized Extended Triangular Designs. Available at https://CRAN.R-project.org/
y ResPBIBD: Resolvable Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (PBIBDs). Available at https://CRAN.R-
y ARIMAANN: Time Series Forecasting using ARIMA-ANN Hybrid Model. Available at https://CRAN.R-project.
Tree Plantation Programme
- Dr. R.C. Agrawal, DDG (Agricultural Education), ICAR and Mrs. Alka Nangia Arora, Financial Advisor
(DARE) visited the Institute and planted Saplings of Chandan (Santalum Album) tree on October 21, 2022.
A discussion about the activities of the Institute and Walk through in Campus were also held. Dignitaries
also visited ICAR-DATA Centre and ASHOKA.
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- Dr. S.K. Chaudhari, DDG (Natural Resource Management), ICAR visited Instiute on November 01, 2022
and Planted Tree sapling Chandan (Santalum album). He also interacted with Director and other staff mem-
bers of the Institute. Dr. Rajender Parsad, Director, ICAR-IASRI also planted a sapling Chandan (Santalum
album) on this day.
Dr. Pratap Singh Birthal, Director, ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research planted
a sapling of Chandan (Santalum album) on November 10, 2022 in presence of Director and staff of ICAR-IASRI,
New Delhi.
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Auto-transmission and Technology Hub Interface which is an Information Communication and Technology (ICT)
based interface solution with an ultimate goal of supporting agriculture at local niche with national perspective. It
is intended to provide a seamless, multimedia, multi-ways connectivity to the farmers with the latest agricultural
technologies, knowledge base and the pool of large number the subject matter experts. The farmers while expressing
their views lauded the efforts of ICAR scientists and also stressed the need for further improvement in the farmer-
research community interaction.
Swachchata Campaign
Swachhata Pakhwada: organized during December 16-31, 2022. Swatchhta pledge was taken on December 16, 2022.
As part of Swatchhata Pakhwada following activities were performed by ICAR-IASRI Staff/Students and Contractuals:
stock taking on digitization of office records/e-office implementation was undertaken; review of progress on weeding
out old records, disposing of old and obsolete furniture, junk materials and white washing/painting was conducted.
Cleanliness and Sanitation drives were carried out in residential colony near IASRI campus. The residents of the
colony were counselled on cleaning of their premises and surroundings. Staff members were requested to perform
cleaning in their respective residential colonies and nearby market places. Video shows on the following topics were
organized: (i) Promoting Clean and Green Technologies; (ii) Recycling water including treating sewage water to make
it drinkable and treating kitchen waste water for reuse; (iii) Documentary film on Swachch Bharat Mission Grammeen;
(iv) Biodegrabable and non-biodegradable waste. A debate was also organized on the topic Swachchata Mission has
shown good progress since its inception and is on right track. Swachchata committee addressed farm labours at ATIC
Centre, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. Chief Guest Dr. Prabhat Kumar, Horticulture Commissioner, Minstry of Agruculture
and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India stressed on relationship between traditional knowledge and Swatchata as
Chief Guest during the Valedictory function.
8 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
• Special Swachhata Activities: Institute also organised Swachhata activities during October and November 2022
in and around IASRI campus.
y Technical Review Committee Meeting of Horticulture Domain-Network Project on Agricultural Bioinformatics
and Computational Biology under the Chairmanship of DDG (Horticulture), ICAR on December 27, 2022. (Anil
y Interaction meet of Officer Incharge Data Management under the project ICAR Research Data Repository for
Knowledge Management was organized on November 10, 2022. The meet was Chaired by DDG (NRM) and
Chairman, Steering Committee and Co-Chaired by DDG (Education). 93 participants including Directors and
Officer Incharge of ICAR Institutes attended the meet. (Rajender Parsad)
y ICT Steering Committee Meeting was organized under the Chairmanship of Secretary DARE and DG ICAR on
December 05, 2022. (Anil Rai)
Seminars Delivered
A total of 12 seminars on different areas of Agricultural Statistics, Computer Application and Bioinformatics which
include presentations on new project proposals, salient findings of the completed research projects and Training
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undertaken at International level by the Scientists, Course/ Thesis/ ORW Seminars of students of M.Sc. and Ph.D.
disciplines of Agricultural Statistics, Computer Application and Bioinformatics. The category-wise break-up is given
Internship Programme
Two M.Sc. Bioinformatics students Mr. Abhishek Kumar Sahu and Ms. Soumya Ranja Sahoo of Odisha University
of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubneswar worked as Interns/trainee for their dissertation work during October
20-Decmber 19, 2022 under the guidance of Dr. Prabina Kumar Meher. The title of the study for Mr. Abhishek Kumar
Sahu was A Computational Study on DNA Binding Protein Prediction Based on Machine Learning Algorithm
and for Ms. Soumya Ranja Sahoo was A Computational Study on Sub-cellular Localization of mRNA.
Research Papers
1. Ahmed B, Haque Md Ashraful, Iquebal MA, Jaiswal S, Angadi UB, Kumar D and Rai A (2022). DeepAProt: Deep
learning based abiotic stress protein sequence classification and identification tool in cereals. Frontiers in Plant
Sciences Section Plant Abiotic Stress, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.1008756
2. Anjum A, Jaggi S, Lall S, Varghese E, Rai A, Bhowmik Aand Mishra DC (2022). Segmentation of genomic data
through multivariate statistical approaches: comparative analysis. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(7),
3. Ashok K, Bhargava CN, Babu KP, Rohan W, Manamohan M, Rai A, Sanjay KP, Parvathy MS, Kennedy JS
and Asokan R (2022). First report on CRISPR/Cas9 mediated editing of the eye colour gene, Tryptophan 2,
3-dioxygenase in egg plant shoot and fruit borer LeucinodesorbonalisGuen´ee (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Journal
of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 26(1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aspen.2022.102031
4. Baisvar VS, Kushwaha B, Kumar R, Kumar MS, Singh M, Rai A, Sarkar UK (2022). BAC-FISH based physical
map of endangered catfish clariasmagur for chromosome cataloguing and gene isolation through positional
cloning. International Journal of Molecular Science, 23(24), 15958. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms232415958
5. Balakumaran M, Chidambaranathan P, Kumar TJP, Sirohi A, Jain KP, Jain PK, Gaikwad K, Iyyappan Y, Rao
AR, Sahu S, Dahuja A (2022). Deciphering the mechanism of anhydrobiosis in the entomopathogenic nematode
Heterorhabditisindica through comparative transcriptomics. PLoS ONE, 17(10), e0275342. https://doi.
6. Bana RS, Kumar V, Sangwan S, Singh T, Kumari A, Dhanda S, Dawar R, Godara S and Singh V (2022). Seed
germination ecology of chenopodium album and chenopodiummurale. Biology (Basel), 11(11), 1599. https://doi.
7. Bisen J, Kumar S, Singh DR, Nain MS, Arya P and Tiwari U (2022). Performance and prospects of wheat
market outlook in India. Indian Journal of Extension Education, 58(4), 113-117. https://doi.org/10.48165/
10 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
8. Budhlakoti N, Mishra DC, Majumdar SG, Kumar A, Srivastava S, Rai SN and Rai A (2022). Integrated model
for genomic prediction under additive and non-additive genetic architecture. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13,
1027558. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.1027558
9. Bunkar K, Prakash S, Ramasubramanian V, Krishnan M and Kumar NR (2022). Economic and social
transformation through fish farming: A CSR initiative in Bharatpur district, Rajasthan. Indian Journal of
Fisheries, 69(4), 109-114. https://doi.org/10.21077/ijf.2022.69.4.117003-14
10. Devi M, Mishra P, Pal S, Sinha K and Chetna (2022). Modelling and forecasting wheat production in Punjab
state of India using hierarchical time series models. Indian Journal of Ecology, 49(6), 2370-2376.
11. Devi S, Sharma PK, Behera TK, Jaiswal, S, Boopalakrishnan G, Kumari K, Mandal NK, Iquebal MA, Gopala
KS, BhartiGhosal C, Munshi, AD and Dey SS (2022). Identification of a major QTL, Parth6.1 associated with
parthenocarpic fruit development in slicing cucumber genotype, Pusa Parthenocarpic Cucumber-6. Frontiers in
Plant Science, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.1064556
12. Godara S, Toshniwal D, Bana RS, Singh D, Bedi J, Parsad Rajender, Dabas JPS, Jhajhria A, Godara S, Kumar
R and Marwaha S (2022). AgrIntel: Spatio-temporal profiling of nationwide plant-protection problems using
helpline data. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 117(A), 105555. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
13. Gupta NC, Yadav S, Arora S, Mishra DC, Budhlakoti N, Gaikwad K, Rao M, Prasad L, Rai PK and Sharma P
(2022). Draft genome sequencing and secretome profiling of Sclerotiniasclerotiorum revealed effector repertoire
diversity and allied broad‑host range necrotrophy. Scientific Reports, 12, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-
14. Gupta S, Vashisth A, Krishnan P, Lama A, Prasad S and Aravind KS (2022). Multistage wheat yield prediction
using hybrid machine learning techniques. Journal of Agrometeorology, 24(4), 373-379. https://doi.org/10.54386/
15. Gurung B, Dutta S, Singh KN, Lama A, Vennila S and Gurung B (2022). Development of weather-based
forewarning model for tomato leaf curl infestation. Journal of Agrometeorology, 24(4), 424-426. https://doi.
16. Haque MA, Marwaha S, Arora A, Deb CK, Misra T, Nigam S and Hooda KS (2022). A lightweight convolutional
neural network for recognition of severity stages of maydis leaf blight disease of maize. Frontiers in Plant
Science, 13, 5252. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.1077568
17. Haque MA, Marwaha S, Deb CK, Nigam S, and Arora A. (2022). Recognition of diseases of maize crop using
deep learning models. Neural Computing & Appliccation, 35(10), 1-15.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-
08003-9, http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/75228
18. Jain R, Bana RS, Kumar P, Singh B, Sharma VK, Vanlalruati Singh M, Tiwari AK, and Godara S (2022). Nutrient
management in potted Syngoniums using water soluble fertilizers and biofertilizers: effects on growth and soil
fertility. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 102(6), 1090-1100. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjps-2022-0017
19. Jaiswal S, Bharti A, Jaisri J, Pandey B, Chhokar RS, Gill SCA, Parkash O, Kumar A, Angadi UB, Rai A, Tiwari
R, Iquebal MA, and Kumar D (2022). Unveiling wheat microbiome under varied agricultural field conditions.
Microbiology Spectrum, 10(6), e0263322. https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/spectrum.02633-22
20. Kumar A, Harun M, Dash S, Sarkar SK, Yadav SK, Chauhary VK, and Kumar Devendra. (2022). Integrated
nutrient management in different cereal based cropping sequences: A statistical perspective. Hkkjrh; d`f"k
if=dk 37(4), 316-319. https://doi.org/10.18805/BKAP557, https://arccjournals.com/journal/bhartiya-
vuqla/kku if=dk,
krishi-anusandhan-patrika/BKAP557, https://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/handle/123456789/75281
21. Kumar D, Bhardwaj DR, Sharma P, Bharti Sankhyan N, Al Ansari N, and Nguyen TTL (2022). Population
dynamics of Juniperusmacropoda Bossier forest ecosystem in relation to soil physico-chemical characteristics in
the cold desert of northwestern Himalaya. Forests, 13, 1624. https://doi.org/10.3390/f13101624
22. Kumar M, Chaturvedi KK, Sharma A, Farooqi MS, Lal SB, Lama A, Ranjan R, Sonkusale L, Satyapriya and
Himanshu (2021). Assessment of queries of farmers at Kisan Call Center using natural language processing.
Indian Journal of Extension Education, 57(4), 23-28.
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23. Kumar S, Pradhan AK, Kumar U, Dhillon GS, Kaur S, Budhlakoti N, Mishra DC, Singh AK, Singh R, Kumari
J, Kumaran VV, Mishra VK, Bhati PK, Das S, Chand R, Singh K and Kumar S (2022). Validation of novel spot
blotch disease resistance alleles identified in unexplored wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) germplasm lines through
KASP markers. BMC Plant Biology, 22, 618. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-022-04013-w
24. Kumari S, Wankhede DP, Murmu S, Maurya R, Jaiswal S, Rai A, and Archak S (2022). Genome-Wide
identification and cCharacterization of Trihelix gene family in Asian and African vigna species. Agriculture,
12(12), 2172. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12122172
25. Madival SD, Mishra DC, Sharma A, Kumar S, Maji AK, Budhlakoti N, Sinha D, and RaiA (2022). A deep
clustering-based novel approach for binning of metagenomics data. Current Genomics, 23(5), 353-368. https://
26. Majumdar PG, Rao AR, Kairi A, Meher PK and Sahu S (2022). Identification of efficient learning classifiers for
discrimination of coding and non-coding RNAs in plant species. Indian Journal of Genetics, 82(3), 280-288.
27. Malakar H, Timsina G, Dutta J, Borgohain A, Deka D, Babu A, Paul RK, Yeasin M, Rahman FH, Panja S and Karak
T (2022). Sick or rich: Assessing the selected soil properties and fertility status across the tea-growing region of
Dooars, West Bengal, India. Frontiers Plant Science, 13, 1017145. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.1017145
28. Malviya D, Singh UB, Dehury B, Singh P, Kumar M, Singh S, Chaurasia A, Yadav MK, Shankar R, Roy M, Rai
JP, Mukherjee AK, Solanki IS, Kumar A, Kumar S and Singh HV (2022). Novel insights into understanding the
molecular dialogues between bipolaroxin and the Gα and Gβ subunits of the Wheat Heterotrimeric G-Protein
during host–pathogen interaction. Antioxidents, 11(9), 1754. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox11091754
29. Mandal BN, Singh G, Parsad Rajender and Dash S (2022). Nearly balanced treatment incomplete block
designs. Journal of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, 76(2), 79-84. http://krishi.icar.gov.in/jspui/
30. Misra T, Arora A, Marwaha S, Jha RR, Ray M, Kumar S, Kumar S and Chinnusamy V (2022). Yield-SpikeSegNet:
An extension of SpikeSegNet deep-learning approach for the yield estimation in the wheat using visual images.
Applied Artificial Intelligence, 36(1), 2137642. https://doi.org/10.1080/08839514.2022.2137642, https://krishi.
31. Murmu S, Chaurasia H, Guha Majumdar S, Rao AR, Rai A and Archak S (2022). Prediction of protein–
protein interactions between anti-CRISPR and CRISPR-Cas using machine learning technique. Journal of Plant
Biochemistry and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13562-022-00813-1
32. Navathe S, Pandey AK, Chand R, Mishra VK, Kumar D, Sarika Iquebal MA, Govindan V and Joshi AK
(2022). New genomic regions for resistance to spot blotch and terminal heat in an interspecific population
of Triticumaestivum and T. spelta. Plants, 11(21), 2987. https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/11/21/2987
33. Panigrahi I, Munshi AD, Dey SS, Jat GS, Gaikwad AB, Talukdar A, Gaikwad K and Mishra DC (2022). Genetics
of fruit yield and yield attributing traits in bitter gourd. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 11(11), 208-212.
34. Paul AK, Roy HS, Paul RK and Yeasin M (2022). Estimation of heritability using half-sib model under correlated
errors. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 92(12), 1471-1475. https://doi.org/0.56093/ijans.v92i12.127032
35. Paul NC, Rai A, Ahmad T, Biswas A and Sahoo PM (2022). Bootstrap variance estimation of spatially integrated
estimator of finite population total in presence of missing observations. Journal of Community Mobilization and
Sustainable Development, 17(3), 1039-1048.
36. Priyadarshi MB, Sharma A, Chaturvedi KK, Bhardwaj R and Singh M (2022). Development and Comparison
of Regression Models for Determination of Starch in Chickpea Using NIR Spectroscopy. International Journal
of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, 15(3), 683-691. https://doi.org/10.30954/0974-1712.03.2022.4
37. Rai SN, Das S, Pan J, Mishra DC and Fu Xiao-An (2022). Multigroup prediction in lung cancer patients and
comparative controls using signature of volatile organic compounds in breath samples. PLOS ONE, 17(11),
e0277431. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277431
38. Rekha Devram LS, Shukla L, Mani I, Parray RA, Dash S, Chobhe KA, Kumar R and Khura TK (2022). Effect
of inoculum spraying on rice (Oryza sativa) residue decomposition kinetics. Indian Journal of Agricultural
12 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
Book Chapters
y Godara S, Begam S, Kaur R, Bedi J, Bana RS, Singh D, Marwaha S and Parsad Rajender (2022). Prospects of
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture. In: Futuristic Trends in Agriculture Engineering & Food Sciences, IIP
Proceedings, Volume 2, Book 9, Part 1, Chapter 4. ISBN:978-93-95632-65-2
y Mishra DC, Guha Majumdar S, Budhlakoti N, Kumar A and Chaturvedi KK (2022). OMICS Tools and Techniques
for Study of Defense Mechanism in Plants. In: Thermotolerance in Crop Plants. Eds. Kumar RR, Praveen S and Rai
GK. Springer, Singapore, pp 237-250.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3800-9_11
https://iasri.icar.gov.in 13
Policy Brief
y Saxena R, Paul RK, Balaji SJ, and Kumar R (2022). India’s Agricultural Exports during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Policy Brief, 50.
y Sharma Anu, Farooqi Mohammad Samir and Das Ritwika (2022). Metagenomics Data Analysis, online Training
Programme under CRP Genomics Project, E-Brochure (English and Hindi), ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics
Research Institute, New Delhi.
y 73rdAnnual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics on Statistics and Machine Learning for Big
Data Analytics organized by Division of Agricultural Statistics, FOH, SKUAST-K, Srinagar during November
14-16, 2022
- Anindita Datta*, Seema Jaggi, Cini Varghese, Eldho Varghese, Mohd Harun and Arpan Bhowmik. Row-
column designs with multiple units per cell balanced for spatial effects (Dr GR Seth Young Scientist Award
- Modh. Harun*, Cini Varghese, Seema Jaggi, Eldho Varghese and Anindita Datta. Augmented partial four-
way crosses.
- Bijoy Chanda*, Arpan Bhowmik, Cini Varghese, Seema Jaggi, Eldho Varghese and Anindita Datta.
Equivalent-estimation two levels split- plot designs.
- Rahul Banerjee*, Seema Jaggi, Eldho Varghese, Arpan Bhowmik, Cini Varghese, Anindita Datta and
Shwetank Lall. Construction of saturated D-optimal designs for mixture experiments with a non normal
response using an algorithmic search.
- Ankita Verma*, Seema Jaggi, Eldho Varghese, Arpan Bhowmik, Cini Varghese and Anindita Datta.
Construction of third order rotatable designs using t design of unequal set sizes.
- Vinay Kumar LN*, Cini Varghese, Seema Jaggi and Mohd. Harun. Variance components estimation and
BLUP in breeding programmes under p-Rep block designs.
- Nehatai W. Agashe*, Cini Varghese, BN Mandal and Mohd. Harun. Designs for breeding trials using doubly
nested partially balanced incomplete block designs.
- Sayantani Karmakar*, Cini Varghese, Seema Jaggi and Mohd. Harun. On t-packing designs.
- Sukanta Dash. Designs for consecutive cropping sequence Experiments.
- Hemant Kumar* and Susheel K Sarkar. Evaluation of artificial intelligence in plant breeding management
- RK Paul*. Decomposition based machine learning techniques for forecasting agricultural prices.
- Prakash Kumar*, Upendra Kumar Pradhan and Ravi Shankar. RbpRnaDB: A database for RNA-binding
proteins and their combinatorial interactions with miRNA to explain the miRNA biogenesis model.
- Bishal Gurung* and KN Singh. An improved beta regression model for forewarning Helicoverpa armigera
- Rajeev Ranjan Kumar* and KN Singh. Performance evaluation of deep learning approaches for
meteorological drought forecasting.
- Soumen Pal*, Alka Arora, Sudeep, Ajit, SN Islam and Ranjit Kumar Paul. Analytics dashboard for landscape
diagnostic survey data under cereal systems initiative for South Asia.
- Chandan Kumar Deb*, Pabitra Mitra and Madhurima Das. Machine learning based mapping and its acreage
calculation for rice crop using Sentinel 2 in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal, India.
- Madhu*, Chandan Kumar Deb, Ashraful Haque, Sudeep Marwaha, SN Islam, Achal Lama and Mrinmy
Ray. Deep learning-based classification model for bovine disease detection.
- Alka Arora* and Mohit Kumar. Machine learning based approach for measuring senescence in wheat crop.
14 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
(Invited Talk)
- Shashi Dahiya*, Sudeep Marwaha, P Ramasundaram and Anshu Bharadwaj. Online initiative for ranking
of green and clean agricultural university campus. (Invited Talk)
- Sarika Jaiswal*, Bharti Aneja, Jaisri Jagannadham, Bharati Pandey, Rajender Singh,Chhokar, Subhash
Chander Gill, Om Parkash Ahlawat, Anuj Kumar, UB Angadi, Anil Rai, Ratan Tiwari and Dinesh Kumar.
Study on microbial diversity under varied agricultural field conditions of wheat crop.
- MA Iquebal. Whole Genome-based identification of non-coding RNAs in Black pepper (Piper nigrum L).
- Ritwika Das*. Identification of major biogeochemical cycle regulating genes in river Ganga and Yamuna
through metagenomic approaches.
- Mohammad Samir Farooqi*, KK Chaturvedi, DC Mishra, Sudhir Srivastava, SB Lal, Anu Sharma and
Neeraj Budhakoti. Prediction of biosynthetic gene clusters and drug discovery using metagenomics.
- Sudhir Srivastava*, Dwijesh Chandra Mishra, UB Angadi, KK Chaturvedi and Anil Rai. Hybrid approach
for imputing missing values in proteomics expression data.
- Anu Sharma. Some contributions to machine learning for binning of metagenomics data.
- DC Mishra*, Sudhir Srivastava, Neeraj Budhlakoti, KK Chaturvedi, SB Lal and Anil Rai. Next generation
sequencing data analysis: big data perspective.
- Neeraj Budhlakoti. Integrated approach for genomic prediction to handle diverse genetic architecture.
- Anshu Bharadwaj*, Sudeep, Alka Arora, Mukesh Kumar, Shashi Dahiya, SN Islam, Soumen Pal, Rajender
Parsad, Anuradha Agrawal, R.C. Agrawal. Virtual Classroom and Agri-DIKSHA: Embracing the future of
Digital Learning in Agriculture Higher Education. (Invited Talk)
- Tauqueer Ahmad*, Prachi Mishra Sahoo and Ankur Biswas. Integrated sampling methodology for crop
yield estimation using remote sensing, GIS, Geo-statistics and field surveys for Crop Insurance. (Invited
- H Chandra, K Aditya*, S Gupta, S Guha and B Verma. Food and nutrition in Indo Gangetic Plain Region-a
disaggregate level analysis.
- Deepak Singh*, Pradip Basak, Raju Kumar and Tauqueer Ahmad. Development of survey weighted
composite indices under complex surveys.
- Ankur Biswas*. Estimation of finite population proportion from geo-referenced survey data.
- Raju Kumar*, Deepak Singh and Tauqueer Ahmad. Survey weighted propensity score method for impact
- Pankaj Das*, Achal Lama and Girish Kumar Jha. Variational mode decomposition based machine learning
models optimized with genetic algorithm for price forecasting.
- Rahul Banerjee*, Seema Jaggi, Eldho Varghese, Arpan Bhowmik, Cini Varghese, Anindita Datta and S Lall.
Construction of saturated D-optimal designs for mixture experiments with a non normal response using an
algorithmic search.
- Hukum Chandra, Kaustav Aditya*, Swati Gupta, Saurav Guha and Bhanu Verma. Food and nutrition in
indo gangetic plain region-a disaggregate level analysis.
- Ramasubramanian V*., Mrinmoy Ray and Md. Wasi Alam. Development of classification tree enhanced by
genetic algorithm for forecasting in agricultural ergonomics.
- Mukesh Kumar*, Soumen Pal and Sudeep. Mobile applications for dissemination of knowledge in livestock
- SB Lal*, KK Chaturvedi, Anu Sharma and Md. Samir Farooqi. Open-source big data databases.
- Vinayaka*, Rajender Parsad, B.N. Mandal and Sukanta Dash. Nested Partially Balanced Treatment
Incomplete Block Designs. (Student Session: Contributed Paper)
- Sudeep*, Alka Arora, Anshu Bharadwaj, Shashi Dahiya, SN Islam, Chandan Kumar Deb, Ashraful Haque
and Sanchita Naha. Modernizing agriculture education through IT interventions - Steps undertaken.
y International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing (ICIVC 2022) organized at NIT Agartala during
November 26-27, 2022
- Akshay Dheeraj. Deep learning model for automated image based plant disease classification.
https://iasri.icar.gov.in 15
y International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences
(GRISAAS-2022) organized at BAU Ranchi during November 21-23, 2022
- Deepak Singh*, Pradeep Basak, Raju Kumar and Taqueer Ahmad. Construction of survey weighted food
consumption index.
- JS Brar, Pankaj Das* and T Adhikary. Optimization of energy requirement and greenhouse gas emissions
analysis for pear producers of North-West India using data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach.
- Bharti*, PK Mahajan and S Bansal. Marketing analysis of apple farming in high hills of Himachal Pradesh.
y National Conference on Innovations in Animal Genetics and Breeding for sustainable productivity of livestock
and poultry organized at DPR, Hyderabad during December 02-03, 2022
- DC Mishra. Innovations in genomics data in livestock and poultry.
y International Indian Statistical Association conference (IISA-2022) organized at Indian Institute of Science,
Bengaluru duringDecember 26-30, 2022
- Sukanta Dash. Designing factorial experiments for cropping sequence experiments.
- Mohd Harun. Generalized extended triangular association scheme and designs.
- Ashutosh Dalal. Asymmetric rotatable designs for fitting response surface model incorporating neighbour
- RK Paul. Wavelets and machine learning techniques for forecasting time series.
16 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
y One lecture on In silico lead molecule designing for enzymatic and protenious receptor was delivered on
18.10.2022 at Maitreyi College University of Delhi. (Sarika Sahu)
y Centre of Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT) programme on Diversity, Genomics and Development of Robust
Diagnostics for Fusarium app. associated with major economically important diseases in India at the Division of
Plant Pathology, IARI, New Delhi during October 11-20, 2022
- Application of bioinformatics for the understanding of Fusarium genomics on 19.10.2022. (M.A.
- RNAseq data analysis on 19.10.2022. (Sarika)
y Cyber Jagrookta Awareness program at ICAR-NCIPM New Delhi on November 11, 2022.
- Cyber Security and Financial Frauds. (KK Chaturvedi)
y One lecture on Cyber Security was deliverd on 01.12.2022 in the Workshop for Technical Officers of ICAR
Institute including ICAR Deemed Universities at ICAR-NDRI Karnal during November 30 to December 2, 2022
on the occasion of centenary celeberation of the institute. (Sudeep Marwah)
y Workshop for Technical Personnel working in ICAR Institutes organized by ICAR-NDRI, Karnal during
November 30- December 02, 2022.
- E-Governance applications in ICAR – An overview on 30.11.2022. (Sudeep)
- TMIS for ICAR and E-Learning Portal on 31.11.2022. (Shashi Dahiya)
y Two days Faculty Development Programme (offline mode) on Molecular Tools & Techniques in Life-Sciences
organized at the Department of Botany, Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh during
December 02-03, 2022
- R programming for bioinformatics on 03.12.2022. (Sudhir Srivastava)
y NAHEP Sponsored Training Programme on Advanced Research Methods and Essential Skills for Social Sciencesat
Division of Agricultural Economics, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi during December 12-22, 2022.
- Application of cointegration in social science research on 14.12.2022. (Rajeen Ranjan Kumar)
- Application of forecasting methods in social science research on 14.12.2022. (Achal Lama)
- Introduction to R & regression analysis and diagnostics using R on 13.12.2022. (Ranjit Kumar Paul)
y One lecture on Computational challenges and opportunities in agricultural bioinfomatics was delivered on
15.12.2022 in the workshop on Current trends in Agricultural Bioinformatics at ICAR-NAARM during December
14-16, 2022. (K.K. Chaturvedi)
y One lecture on Multivariate techniques was delivered on 28.12.2022 to the participants National workshop on
Data Science & Big Data Analytics using R organized jointly by Department of Statistics & Population Research
Center, Andhra University in association with four renowned research forums namely International Indian
Statistical Association (IISA), Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS), Operational Research Society
of India (ORSI) and Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications (SSCA) during December 27-28, 2022.
(Susheel Kumar Sarkar)
https://iasri.icar.gov.in 17
International Conference/ Workshop/Symposium etc.
y Nine days International Ensembl Browser Workshop in virtual mode during October 03-11, 2022. (Sneha
y International Conference on Global Okra Round Table (GORT) at National Agricultural Science Complex
(NASC), New Delhiduring October 10-12, 2022. (M.A. Iquebal and Sarika)
y International Conference of the Indian Ecological Society on Sustainable Agricultural Innovations for Resilient
Agri-Foods System at SKUAST, Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir) during October 13-15, 2022. (Rahul Banerjee)
y 7th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Agriculture, environmental and Biosciences
for Global Development (OCAEBGD-2022), Goa during October 29-31, 2022. (Kaustav Aditya)
y TropAg conference at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in Australia from October 31-November
02, 2022. (Susheel Kumar Sarkar)
y IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS-2022) at
Greater Noida, India, Sharda University on November 04-05, 2022. (Sudeep, Alka Arora,Ramasubramanian V,
K.K. Chaturvedi, Anshu Bharadwaj, Mukesh, SN Islam,Soumen Pal,R.K.Paul, Shashi Dahiya, Rajeev Ranjan
Kumar,Kaustav Aditya, Ankur Biswas,Chandan Kumar Deb, Raju Kumar, Deepak Singh, Madhu, Pankaj
Das,Rahul Banerjee, Bharti, Prakash Kumar)
y VIIth International Conference on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture & Allied Sciences
(GRISAAS-2022) at BAU Ranchi during November 21-23, 2022 (online). (Deepak Singh, Bharti, Pankaj Das)
y International Conference on Intelligent Vision and Computing (ICIVC 2022) at NIT Agartala on November
26-27, 2022. (Akshay Dheeraj)
y International Conference (online) on System of Crop Intensification (ICSCI 2022) for Climate-Smart Livelihood
and Nutritional Securityat ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad during December 12-14, 2022.
(M.A. Iquebal and Sarika)
y Eighth International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-Frst Century-2022 (ICSTC – 2022) organized by
the International Statistics Fraternity (ISF), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Department of
Statistics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum during December 16-19, 2022. (Prakash Kumar, Kaustav Aditya,
Ankur Biswas, Pankaj Das and Anindita Datta)
y International India Statistical Association conference (IISA-2022) organized by Indian Institute of Sciences,
Bengaluru during December 26-30, 2022.(R.K.Paul, Sukanta Dash and Md. Harun)
y International Conference (online) on Knowledge Discoveries on Statistical Innovations & Recent Advances in
Optimization at Department of Statistics and Population Research Centre, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
during December 29-30, 2022. (Soumen Pal, R.K. Paul)
18 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
https://iasri.icar.gov.in 19
20 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
y Sponsored two training programmes for Scheduled Caste farmers on Agroforestry for Increasing Farmers’
Income (fdlkuksa dh vkenuh c<kus gsrq d`f"kokfudh) at ICAR-Central Agro-forestry Research Institute,
Jhansi during October 17-19, 2022 and November 22-24, 2022. 25 farmers participated in each of the training
programme. During these training programmes Digital Resources Useful for farmers were also shared by faculty
from ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi.
https://iasri.icar.gov.in 21
and correlation studies; (ii) Ms. Nandini Roy, Ph.D., student, Social Science, UBKV, West Bengal on the use of
random forest for finding cause and effect relationship and ANOVA technique for her data and (iii) Sh. Vikono
Ksh, Ph.D. student ICAR- IARI, New Delhi on the use of randomised central composite design for her research
y Rahul Banerjee advised (i) Dr. Shantakar Giri, Scientist-D, Regional Sericultural Research Station (RSRS),
Central Silk Board, Dumka, Jharkhand on exploratory data analysis and the distribution of different nutrient
content in the leaves of Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) and Asan (Terminalia elliptica) plants and (ii) Dr. Suddhasatwa
Maitra Mazumdar, Scientist-C, BSMTC Kathikund, BTSSO Bilaspur, Central Silk Board on fitting of Exponential,
Gompertz and Monomolecular growth models for the analysis of data on Exophily of Culicoides spp. (Diptera:
Ceratopogonidae) vectors of bluetongue disease of cattles.
Bishal Gurung
y Best Scientist Award in Agricultural Statistics at 7th International Conference on “Opportunities and
Challenges in Agriculture, Environmental & Biosciences for Global Development (OCAEBGD-2022)” organized
at Conference Hall, St. Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Centre, Cruz Dos Milagres, Old Goa, Goa during October
29-31, 2022.
Kaustav Aditya
y Certificate of the Session Award for best Oral presentation at 7th International Conference on Opportunities
and Challenges in Agriculture, Environmental and Biosciences for Global Development (OCAEBGD-2022), Goa
during October 29-31, 2022.
Anindita Datta
y Dr. GR Seth Memorial Young Scientist Award-2022 at 73rd annual
conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics.
- Anindita Datta, Seema Jaggi, Cini Varghese, Eldho Varghese,
Mohd. Harun and Arpan Bhowmik. Row-column designs
with multiple units per cell balanced for spatial effects.
Pankaj Das
y (i) Dr. G.R. Seth Memorial Young Scientist Award at 73rd Annual
Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics organised by
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of
Kashmir (SKUAST-K), Srinagar during November 14-16, 2022.
y (ii) Best oral presentation award in the VIIth International conference
on Global Research Initiatives for Sustainable Agriculture and Allied
Sciences (GRIAAS-2022) at BAU, Ranchi during November 21-23,
22 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
Rajender Parsad
y Chief Guest, on the occasion of Valedictory functionof
03 days training programme organized for the Schedule
cast farmers under the Schedule caste sub plan on Role of
Agroforestry in increasing Farmer’s Income organized
by ICAR-Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi
during October 19-21, 2022 under the aegis of SC Sub Plan
of ICAR-IASRI, New Delhi.
y Member, Advisory Committee for 73rd Annual Conference
of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics organized on
Statistics and Machine Learning for Big Data Analytics
by Division of Agricultural Statistics, FOH, SKUAST-K,
Srinagar during November 14-16, 2022.
y Guest of Honour during Inaugural function of 73rd Annual
Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics
organized on Statistics and Machine Learning for Big
Data Analytics by Division of Agricultural Statistics, FOH,
SKUAST-K, Srinagar during November 14-16, 2022.
y Convener, 56th Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Lecture
on Statistics, AI/ML and Big Data Analytics delivered by
Dr. GP Samanta, Chief Statistician of India and Secretary
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation and
41st Dr. VG Panse Memorial Lecture on Paradigm Shift in
Agricultural Education to Meet Agriculture Revolution 4 in
the 73rd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics organized on Statistics and Machine
Learning for Big Data Analytics by Division of Agricultural Statistics, FOH, SKUAST-K, Srinagar during
November 14-16, 2022.
y Guest of Honour during Launch of Academic Management System at OUAT, Bhubaneswar on December 07,
Anil Rai
y Chairman, Digital / Hi-Tech Agriculture “Technical Working Groups for assisting the UT Level Apex Committee
(UTLAC) to frame the comprehensive Agriculture Policy for holistic Development of Agriculture and Allied
Sectors in UT of J&K”.
y Chairman, Technical Session on Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and their
Applications in Agriculture in 73rd Annual Conference of ISAS held in SKUAST, Srinagar from November 14-16,
y Fellowship of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics in the 73rd annual conference of Indian Society of Agricultural
Statistics organized by Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar
during November 14-16, 2022.
https://iasri.icar.gov.in 23
1. Leveraging institutional innovations for inclusive and market led agricultural growth in Eastern India (Funded by
NASF) completed on November 20, 2022. (R.K. Paul)
2. Explicating genomic insights of indigenous equines breed population through “Computational Genomics” and
“Artificial Intelligence” based approaches. Funded by Inter-Institutional in collaboration with NRCE, Hisar
completed on November 30, 2022. (Sarika, MA Iquebal, Dinesh Kumar (deputation on 02.12.2021))
3. Estimation of finite population proportion from Geo-referenced survey data completed on December 01,
2022. (Vandita Kumari (transferred as on 16.10.2021), Ankur Biswas (since 17.10. 2021), Pradip Basak (upto
30.11.2020), Hukum Chandra (expired as on 26.04.2021), Kaustava Aditya, Rahul Banerjee (since 23.11.2021),
Deepak Singh (since 23.11. 2021)
4. Genome wide association study in Indigenous poultry breeds/varieties completed on December 31, 2022. (Anil
Rai, D.C. Mishra)
24 https://iasri.icar.gov.in
Congratulations on your Promotion/ New Assignment/ New Joining
Name Designation Effective date
Sh. Vipin Dagar U.D.C. 28.10.2022 (Joined on deputation for
one year)
Transfer/ Resignation/Deputation/Relieved
Name Designation Effective date
Dr. Harish Kumar H.V. Scientist 17.10.2022 (transferred to ICAR-
IIHR, Bengaluru)
Dr. Bharti Pandey Scientist 29.12.2022 (transferred to ICAR-
NDRI, Karnal)
https://iasri.icar.gov.in 25
26 https://iasri.icar.gov.in