Pedagogy Verbs

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Verbos na Área de Pedagogia

Verbo Sinô nimo Frase 1 Frase 2 Frase 3

Analyze Examine Teachers need We must Can you

to analyze analyze the analyze this
students' test curriculum for case study?
results. gaps.

Assess Evaluate Teachers We will assess How do you

regularly assess the assess their
students' effectiveness of learning needs?
progress. the new

Assist Help Classroom Can you assist The teacher

aides assist this student will assist you
teachers with with their in
various tasks. project? understanding
the topic.

Collaborate Cooperate Teachers Let's Students should

collaborate to collaborate on learn to
develop lesson this project. collaborate
plans. with each

Communicate Convey Teachers must How do you Effective

communicate communicate communication
expectations complex ideas is key in the
clearly. to young classroom.

Compare Contrast Students will Let's compare Can you

compare the outcomes of compare the
different these two two theories?
teaching strategies.

Compile Gather Compile a list of Students Can you

educational compiled their compile these
resources. research into a documents for
report. me?

Comprehend Understand Students need Can you The goal is for

to comprehend comprehend students to
the instructions the significance comprehend
before starting. of this study? the material

Construct Build Construct a The lesson plan Students

model to was constructed
demonstrate constructed their own
the concept. carefully. interpretations
of the text.

Contrast Differentiate Contrast the How do these Students need

two educational methods to contrast
theories. contrast with different
each other? viewpoints.

Create Make Students create Can you create Teachers often

their own a new learning create custom
projects. activity? materials for
their classes.

Define Describe Define the key Students need Can you define
terms in the to define their what this
chapter. goals for the concept means?

Demonstrate Show Demonstrate The teacher Students must

how to solve demonstrated demonstrate
the problem. the technique. their

Describe Depict Describe the Can you Students are

main character describe the asked to
in the story. learning describe their
objectives? observations.

Develop Create Develop a Teachers need Can you

lesson plan for to develop their develop a new
the next unit. skills strategy for
continuously. classroom

Differentiate Distinguish Differentiate Students must How do you

between learn to differentiate
formative and differentiate instruction for
summative facts from diverse
assessments. opinions. learners?

Discuss Talk about Discuss the The teacher We need to

themes of the asked the class discuss our
novel. to discuss their plans for the
ideas. project.

Document Record Teachers need Can you The process

to document document your should be
student sources? thoroughly
progress. documented.

Encourage Motivate Teachers How do you Positive

should encourage a feedback can
encourage love of encourage
students to ask learning? better
questions. performance.

Engage Involve Engage The lesson plan How do you

students in aims to engage engage
active learning. all learners. students who

Evaluate Judge Teachers must The program How do you

evaluate will be evaluate the
student evaluated effectiveness of
performance. annually. this method?

Examine Inspect Examine the Students need The teacher

evidence to examine the will examine
carefully. text closely. the test results.

Explain Clarify Explain the Can you explain The teacher

instructions this concept in explained the
clearly. simpler terms? assignment to
the class.

Facilitate Aid The teacher's How do you The workshop

role is to facilitate group is designed to
facilitate discussions? facilitate
learning. professional
Identify Recognize Identify the Students need Can you
main ideas in to identify their identify the key
the text. strengths and components of
weaknesses. the lesson?

Implement Execute Implement the The teacher How do you

new curriculum implemented a plan to
next semester. new teaching implement
strategy. these changes?

Integrate Combine Integrate Students need How do you

technology into to integrate integrate these
the classroom. knowledge new tools into
from different your lessons?

Interpret Explain Interpret the Students need Can you

results of the to interpret the interpret this
experiment. meaning of the data?

Investigate Explore Investigate the Students are The teacher

causes of the encouraged to asked the class
issue. investigate to investigate
different the topic
sources. further.

Involve Include Involve How do you The project

students in the involve parents involves
decision- in their multiple steps.
making children's
process. education?

Justify Support Justify your Students must How do you

answer with justify their justify this
evidence. opinions. conclusion?

Measure Gauge Measure How do you The test is

student measure the designed to
progress over success of a measure
time. program? comprehension.

Modify Alter Modify the The teacher Can you modify

lesson to fit modified the the activity for
different assignment younger
learning styles. based on
feedback. students?

Motivate Inspire Teachers need How do you Rewards can be

to motivate motivate used to
their students. students to motivate
participate? positive

Observe Watch Observe The principal Students need

student will observe the to observe the
behavior class today. experiment
during the carefully.

Organize Arrange Organize your The teacher How do you

notes before organized a organize group
the test. field trip for the activities?

Plan Prepare Plan your The students How do you

lessons in planned their plan for
advance. projects differentiated
carefully. instruction?

Predict Foresee Predict the Students need Can you predict

outcome of the to predict what the results
experiment. will happen based on the
next. data?

Prepare Get ready Prepare for the The teacher How do you
upcoming test. prepared prepare
materials for students for
the lesson. exams?

Reflect Think about Reflect on your The teacher How do you

learning asked students reflect on your
experiences. to reflect on teaching
their progress. practice?

Reinforce Strengthen Reinforce The teacher How do you

positive reinforced the reinforce key
behavior with lesson with concepts?
praise. additional

Research Investigate Research the Students need How do you

topic for your to research research best
paper. their projects practices in
thoroughly. teaching?

Review Go over Review your The teacher Can you review

notes before reviewed the this document
the test. material with for errors?
the class.

Summarize Sum up Summarize the Students are Can you

main points of asked to summarize the
the lesson. summarize the findings?

Support Back up Support your The teacher How do you

arguments with supports the support diverse
evidence. students' learners?
learning needs.

Synthesize Combine Synthesize The students How do you

information synthesized synthesize
from various their research these ideas?
sources. into a

Teach Educate Teachers must How do you The new

teach critical teach this teacher is eager
thinking skills. concept to teach.

Test Examine Test your The students How do you

hypothesis tested different test students'
through variables. understanding?

Train Educate Train teachers The program is How do you

on new designed to train for
technologies. train future classroom
educators. management?

Understand Grasp Understand the Students need Can you

main ideas to understand understand
before moving the why this is
on. instructions. important?
Utilize Use Utilize the The students How do you
resources utilized various utilize data
available to tools for their effectively?
you. project.

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