Learning Styles

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Teacher development workshops

Learning styles Learner characteristics For these reasons it’s important to think carefully
In this Unit we will: As well as having different learning styles, students about pairings and groupings. Sometimes you’ll
also have individual characteristics which influence want to group together students who have similar teenagers don’t all learn in the same way.
XXConsider different learning styles and intelligences
the ways in which they learn. Some students are more intelligences and learning styles, sometimes you’ll learning styles and intelligences can be developed.
XXIdentify activities and procedures suitable for reflective, some are more analytical, some prefer want to form complementary pairings and groupings
various learning styles and intelligences we tend to teach to our own learning styles. Don’t
working alone, some prefer working in groups, some so that students can help and learn from each other. forget the other students!
XXBecome familiar with the range of activities in New need time to think about what they’re going to say
Challenges 2 or do and some like to answer immediately. The way Task: have a look at New Challenges 2, Project, page there are many different ways students can be
that a lesson is organised and the individual activities 81. What learning styles and intelligences will students successful.
XXComplete tasks for the teacher portfolio need to apply in the group activities for the Project?
within the lesson need to take into account the fact
First things first that students are different. We can’t always include What kinds of groupings will work best?
something to suit all of our students in one lesson,
Over to you!
No student learns in exactly the same way as another. Here are a few ideas and activities to help you
People like to take in, process and remember but we can make sure we include something for Your own learning styles and
develop your understanding of learning styles in the
information in different ways. In your study group everyone over the period of one or two weeks. intelligences teenage classroom:
or on your own, talk about the following statements. We tend to teach in the ways that we like to learn.
Tick the ones that apply to you then discuss your Task: have a look at one or two of the New Reflect with your students on their preferred learning
This means that we teach to the areas that are our
answers together. Challenges 2 Study Corners. How could you vary the styles. Adapt the seven statements in the Feedback
own intelligence strengths. For example, if you
ways in which students do these to take into account section if appropriate. Encourage them to be aware of
When I’m learning … are a kinaesthetic learner, you will tend to include
different learner characteristics? their preferred styles and intelligences and to identify
kinaesthetic activities in your lesson. If you are an
a) I don’t like sitting still for too long. analytical learner, you will tend to include logical ways they can extend their range of learning styles
b) I like doing puzzles and strategy games. Intelligences mathematical activities. We also tend to avoid the and intelligences.
c) I can often see visual images when I close my People used to talk about intelligence in the singular. areas which are not our strengths. For example, if Review a module of New Challenges 2. Reflect
eyes. Now we realise that there are many different ways in you do not have strong musical intelligence, you on how you will teach the lessons to ensure your
d) I like doing word puzzles. which we can be intelligent and so we use the term will probably avoid using songs in the classroom. students apply a range of different learning styles and
e) I like learning through songs and music. intelligences. For example, an artist has a particular Therefore, we need to make sure that when we plan intelligences. For example, how will you group and/
f) I keep a personal diary. kind of intelligence, a scientist has another kind lessons we include something for everyone, even or pair the students? Which activities will they do on
g) I like working with other people. of intelligence. One intelligence is not better than if they are activities which don’t match our own their own?
another, they are just different. The seven sentences learning styles and intelligences. TP Reflect on and note down in your own portfolio
Feedback in the First things first section focus on different
When we are assessing students or giving feedback, your preferred learning styles and intelligence
You probably ticked several of the statements above. kinds of intelligence. They are called: kinaesthetic,
logical mathematical, visual, linguistic, musical, it’s important to praise students who demonstrate strengths. Also, note down which ones are not your
Each one reflects a particular way of learning. We
intrapersonal (See f in First things first), interpersonal different intelligences and learning styles to our own. strengths. Look back at your lesson plans on a regular
learn in a combination of different ways depending
(See g in First things first). People don’t have just one basis and check that your lessons include a full range
on our learning styles and intelligences. When In the classroom
intelligence, as you will have noticed from doing the of activities. If they don’t, develop a strategy for
we teach we need to make sure that there are XXCheck your lesson plans and make sure that the
Feedback activity. We all have a number of usually ensuring that future lessons cover the full range of
activities to suit a range of different learning styles activities in the lesson are not all the same, for
complementary intelligences. learning styles and intelligences.
and intelligences. The activities and topics in New example not all visual activities. TP In your study group or on your own, read some
Challenges 2 have been designed to be suitable Teenagers are still developing their intelligences. They
for different kinds of learners who have different will already have certain preferences about the ways XXCheck your lesson plans and make sure there are a material on learning styles and intelligences. Have a
interests and intelligences. they like to learn but we need to make sure they are range of activities, even including ones that require look at the British Council website,
involved in activities which help them develop other learning styles or intelligences that are not your http://www.britishcouncil.org and search for learning
Learning styles intelligences. own strengths. styles or multiple intelligences. You’ll find some
We usually talk about three learning styles: visual XXObserve your students and notice what their interesting articles to read. Make a note in your
(learning through seeing), auditory (learning Task: have a look at New Challenges 2, Module preferred learning styles seem to be. portfolio of the points which you find the most
through hearing) and kinaesthetic (learning through 6. Find activities which match a–g in the Feedback interesting and relevant to your teaching situation.
activity above. XXGroup and pair students so that they can learn from
movement and touch). Most students are able to
each other.
learn through all of these channels, but tend to prefer
one or two. You will notice in your classes that some Groups and pairs XXBe imaginative with groupings and pairings.
students like and need to move around more than Pair and group work is particularly beneficial for the XXBe aware that if a student cannot do an activity, it
others, some like activities based around pictures, development of learning styles and intelligences. might not be because they don’t understand the
some like listening activities and songs. Learning XXStudents learn from their classmates and so develop English. It might be because it doesn’t match their
styles are not fixed and teenagers in particular are intelligences which are not currently their strengths. learning style.
still developing their different learning styles. So
we need to encourage students who prefer visual XXStudents learn to appreciate the strengths of their XXThink of classroom activities as a learning
activities to develop their auditory skills and so on. classmates and to be more appreciative of what experience for yourself.
others can contribute.
Task: have a look at New Challenges 2, pages 40–41. XXStudents help their classmates learn when the
Find activities which are suitable for visual learners, activity requires intelligences which are their own
auditory learners and kinaesthetic learners. particular strengths.
XXStudents develop tolerance and cooperation.
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Teacher development workshops

Learning styles Learner characteristics For these reasons it’s important to think carefully
In this Unit we will: As well as having different learning styles, students about pairings and groupings. Sometimes you’ll
also have individual characteristics which influence want to group together students who have similar teenagers don’t all learn in the same way.
XXConsider different learning styles and intelligences
the ways in which they learn. Some students are more intelligences and learning styles, sometimes you’ll learning styles and intelligences can be developed.
XXIdentify activities and procedures suitable for reflective, some are more analytical, some prefer want to form complementary pairings and groupings
various learning styles and intelligences we tend to teach to our own learning styles. Don’t
working alone, some prefer working in groups, some so that students can help and learn from each other. forget the other students!
XXBecome familiar with the range of activities in New need time to think about what they’re going to say
Challenges 2 or do and some like to answer immediately. The way Task: have a look at New Challenges 2, Project, page there are many different ways students can be
that a lesson is organised and the individual activities 81. What learning styles and intelligences will students successful.
XXComplete tasks for the teacher portfolio need to apply in the group activities for the Project?
within the lesson need to take into account the fact
First things first that students are different. We can’t always include What kinds of groupings will work best?
something to suit all of our students in one lesson,
Over to you!
No student learns in exactly the same way as another. Here are a few ideas and activities to help you
People like to take in, process and remember but we can make sure we include something for Your own learning styles and
develop your understanding of learning styles in the
information in different ways. In your study group everyone over the period of one or two weeks. intelligences teenage classroom:
or on your own, talk about the following statements. We tend to teach in the ways that we like to learn.
Tick the ones that apply to you then discuss your Task: have a look at one or two of the New Reflect with your students on their preferred learning
This means that we teach to the areas that are our
answers together. Challenges 2 Study Corners. How could you vary the styles. Adapt the seven statements in the Feedback
own intelligence strengths. For example, if you
ways in which students do these to take into account section if appropriate. Encourage them to be aware of
When I’m learning … are a kinaesthetic learner, you will tend to include
different learner characteristics? their preferred styles and intelligences and to identify
kinaesthetic activities in your lesson. If you are an
a) I don’t like sitting still for too long. analytical learner, you will tend to include logical ways they can extend their range of learning styles
b) I like doing puzzles and strategy games. Intelligences mathematical activities. We also tend to avoid the and intelligences.
c) I can often see visual images when I close my People used to talk about intelligence in the singular. areas which are not our strengths. For example, if Review a module of New Challenges 2. Reflect
eyes. Now we realise that there are many different ways in you do not have strong musical intelligence, you on how you will teach the lessons to ensure your
d) I like doing word puzzles. which we can be intelligent and so we use the term will probably avoid using songs in the classroom. students apply a range of different learning styles and
e) I like learning through songs and music. intelligences. For example, an artist has a particular Therefore, we need to make sure that when we plan intelligences. For example, how will you group and/
f) I keep a personal diary. kind of intelligence, a scientist has another kind lessons we include something for everyone, even or pair the students? Which activities will they do on
g) I like working with other people. of intelligence. One intelligence is not better than if they are activities which don’t match our own their own?
another, they are just different. The seven sentences learning styles and intelligences. TP Reflect on and note down in your own portfolio
Feedback in the First things first section focus on different
When we are assessing students or giving feedback, your preferred learning styles and intelligence
You probably ticked several of the statements above. kinds of intelligence. They are called: kinaesthetic,
logical mathematical, visual, linguistic, musical, it’s important to praise students who demonstrate strengths. Also, note down which ones are not your
Each one reflects a particular way of learning. We
intrapersonal (See f in First things first), interpersonal different intelligences and learning styles to our own. strengths. Look back at your lesson plans on a regular
learn in a combination of different ways depending
(See g in First things first). People don’t have just one basis and check that your lessons include a full range
on our learning styles and intelligences. When In the classroom
intelligence, as you will have noticed from doing the of activities. If they don’t, develop a strategy for
we teach we need to make sure that there are XXCheck your lesson plans and make sure that the
Feedback activity. We all have a number of usually ensuring that future lessons cover the full range of
activities to suit a range of different learning styles activities in the lesson are not all the same, for
complementary intelligences. learning styles and intelligences.
and intelligences. The activities and topics in New example not all visual activities. TP In your study group or on your own, read some
Challenges 2 have been designed to be suitable Teenagers are still developing their intelligences. They
for different kinds of learners who have different will already have certain preferences about the ways XXCheck your lesson plans and make sure there are a material on learning styles and intelligences. Have a
interests and intelligences. they like to learn but we need to make sure they are range of activities, even including ones that require look at the British Council website,
involved in activities which help them develop other learning styles or intelligences that are not your http://www.britishcouncil.org and search for learning
Learning styles intelligences. own strengths. styles or multiple intelligences. You’ll find some
We usually talk about three learning styles: visual XXObserve your students and notice what their interesting articles to read. Make a note in your
(learning through seeing), auditory (learning Task: have a look at New Challenges 2, Module preferred learning styles seem to be. portfolio of the points which you find the most
through hearing) and kinaesthetic (learning through 6. Find activities which match a–g in the Feedback interesting and relevant to your teaching situation.
activity above. XXGroup and pair students so that they can learn from
movement and touch). Most students are able to
each other.
learn through all of these channels, but tend to prefer
one or two. You will notice in your classes that some Groups and pairs XXBe imaginative with groupings and pairings.
students like and need to move around more than Pair and group work is particularly beneficial for the XXBe aware that if a student cannot do an activity, it
others, some like activities based around pictures, development of learning styles and intelligences. might not be because they don’t understand the
some like listening activities and songs. Learning XXStudents learn from their classmates and so develop English. It might be because it doesn’t match their
styles are not fixed and teenagers in particular are intelligences which are not currently their strengths. learning style.
still developing their different learning styles. So
we need to encourage students who prefer visual XXStudents learn to appreciate the strengths of their XXThink of classroom activities as a learning
activities to develop their auditory skills and so on. classmates and to be more appreciative of what experience for yourself.
others can contribute.
Task: have a look at New Challenges 2, pages 40–41. XXStudents help their classmates learn when the
Find activities which are suitable for visual learners, activity requires intelligences which are their own
auditory learners and kinaesthetic learners. particular strengths.
XXStudents develop tolerance and cooperation.
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