A Practical Guide To Dragon Magic

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$ | E A A RR | Inscribed by

B ^ is A ; ":

ES ue oe ri ca Ele |
x | Mrs ah ` The Greatest Kénlier Wizard
ys Fd Who Ever Lived ° peas, 1
(and Honorary Dragon!) —

2i r此


WITH — ‫ی‬‎

ragons have magic running through their veins. This natural
connection with magic combined with their incredibly long
. a life span has led dragons to become some of the world’s most
e powerful spellcasters.

Y CON tell To 9^ the Dragon magie is elemental magic, meaning dragons can De
Re E the Dragons scales! the elements to power their spells. Common elements are fire,
: | lightning, ice, poison, and acid. The element a dragon channels is ©
bi determined by its heritage, but the form the dragon's magic takes
© reflects the personality and the education of the individual dragon.

ia" The fue breath 132 8 A dragon's pun weapon is the simplest ‫ی‬‎ of $ magical
E nd 3 power. Even in the egg, dragons can use this most basic form of
۱ is catte the iiec.
magic. Hatchlings cough forth elemental magic to help them break -
open their shell. However, just because they are natural magic-users
doesn't mean they don't need help in learning how to harness the
power. The more complex the spell, the more studying a dragon has
to do to be able to cast it. ۱ vac


Dragon Enquerre |
pc 5 fi E $

nbber,even a baby EN is likelyto see e you as an amusing animal at best, VT

i at worst! That is why it is important tobe very polite at all times.
a voro ET PM Er Work hard! a. |
forthe firsttime adeae,
hereafter — 6. Dont talk
down to a dragon. E
E, Dont use items made a dragons.—.
8 Never stealfrom a dragon. 1 ô
| qnm engages their
3 Dontrun
r awayfrom a Ton
predatory instinctel

۱ Y
10.Never lieto a dragon.

They can alae always tell!

s Pt E.
Eggshell: Powdered dragon
eggshells have powerful healing
and elemental resistance
properties if mixed properly
into the right potion.

Scales: Stronger than steel

but flexible, dragonscale
Magic to the Core armor is much sought after.
. Dragonscale boots enable
Even those who are uneducated in the ways of dragons can you to walk across lava!
take advantage of dragon magic by using parts of a dragon's Teeth: Sharp and durable,
body in their spells. The bones and blood of dragons hold . dragon teeth make excellent
magic-magic that can be used by wizards to make their swords, arrowheads, daggers, -
and other weapons. Dragons
spells more potent and to craft amazing magical items. shed their teeth multiple times
The magic is always most potent if donated willingly by a as they grow bigger, making .
living dragon, but convincing a dragon to part with a piece teeth among the easiest draconic
components to come by.
of eggshell or a shed scale can be as difficult as fighting
the dragon tooth and claw! Anyone who possesses a piece | Claws: Dragon claw clippings,
of a dragon can use it to curse the dragon it belongs to, when stewed and enchanted |
properly, make excellent
sometimes even compelling that dragon's eternal obedience, sharpening ointments.
and few dragons are willing to risk their health and freedom peni
to give a wizard a spell component, no matter how kind or. . Horns: Hollowed out and fitted
. with a cap, a dragon horn can
persuasive the wizard. hold acidic agents so potent.

_ they would eat through glass

Most dragon-enhanced items are either made by dragons or or crystal. Dragon horns are
their human apprentices, who are bound never to use the- one of the few containers that
draconic items against their master. A few are made from
can store dragon |blood.
1 ^a

the remains of dead dragons——evil dragons slain by valiant kiBlood:In bidod Kiss o 3.
heroes, or good dragons passing away from old age. But and bubbles with magic and
can be contained only in |
using dragon remains is frowned upon in civilized society, a specially enchanted vial.
and those butchers who would desecrate a dragon’s pome When iused instead of ink
often become victims of draconic justice. in a wizard's spell, it makes
the spell.almosthace 1
Unfortunately, expensive and complex rituals are required y
` Spit: ae
to keep draconic components from rotting or turning to of des
dust within a month-and even more rituals are required if
you want to retain some of their innate elemental powers.
Dragon Spellcraft
Dragon magic takes four basic forms: combative, defensive,
controlling, and communicative. Most humans are familiar with
a dragon's combative magic, but did you know it can also use its
magic to control the weather, talk to animals, or create icy armor?

Combative Magic
The flashiest magic in a dragon's repertoire is a dragon's combative
spells; The most basic form of combative magic is the breath
weapon, but dragons can also use their magic to cause the earth to
tremble, to summon venomous insects, to drain the strength from
their victims, and to blind their foes.
And the La within

Defensive Magic
Dragons dislike being injured just as much as humans do.
Luckily, dragons can use elemental magic to protect themselves and
their lairs. Dragons can raise up walls of stone or ice, summon fog
۱ or darkness to cloud their territory, and create a moat of sucking
pon Dragons also use their magic to protect the only thing they
E care about more than their treasure-their own skin. Dragons have 2
been seen to create icy armor, put their victims to sleep and RR
imas their foes iin place with a glare.
| D

De 32 At a 人 about a cold. stare! ۱ ES RE dragon's body.dis

۱ : Sm A its spirit often lingers as an
Controlling Magic ‘ | expression of the dragon's
Eee es chs S e, | magical essence. This spirit
When you have an ego as big as a dragon's and the power to match, qever the bite TAE
NE - ;
| you get very good at using your magic: to Be: everything ARS of the dragon, helping or
E plants, humans, the elements, hidden treasures, gravity, the weather— àTOU with the beliefs -
to doas you command. PH make it erfe ctl, the dragon held in life.
g ۱ ۱ ‫ی‬‎ AD m

2 Communicative Magic
3 5 Beh In, “Rawr! Ph like
chromic dragons tend to communicate with their bellies. Ex T letter iin ei belly)”
e iaa dragons are often as curious about us as we are about them!
;i These dragons have learned how to use magic to send their voices » ^
far away, to talk to animals or plants, and to read your thoughts.
in E. ۹
UEM fs 1 5 AR t2 Don 4 want to be able to SAN thoughts!
Talking with Dragons
If you are interested in dragons, you'll want to learn a bit of their
language and the proper etiquette for dealing with dragons. While
most dragons speak Common, speaking to a dragon in its own Commonly che she

language encourages a dragon to stop thinking about you in terms of a cart, A about
of food. In addition, many of their spells and books about magic as heavy aS one too!
are written in Draconic. Legend has it that dragon writing is highly
magical and is necessary for a dragon's most powerful spells.

BP e dd Script

x Ne ۹ i gr N

ae $
۰ ha ۳

M. "t EX
" 8 E
^. IMPORTANT Draconic
`. Here are some words and phases youlldefinitely
. want to memorize before you search out any
+ dragons or adopt a dragon familiar.



Leader (teacher): mackrix 4 d

Pet (human apprentice): kosjirl l ;
Friend (dragon companion): thurirl |
Student (human apprentice): thurae “ ‫ج‬‎
We-ofthe-shell ashkayth P 1 dormshell
- Stormshell: kepeskashka is the ick s
- E bo. Ons ey train
e N 1

Poure PHRASES IN DRACONIC witht when y

are ay pee iced
Many thank-yous. A 7 ۳

Throden velkais. — . ton dragon.

:el ۱ S1 )
Talk not of it! as UL The N
standard ere Welcawer
_. Thric ukris su myr!
1 would be eternally grateful.
.. Isk naev evlyra velkai. Writing with Dragons
Formal Draconic |
+ My heart cries for you. aT het’: »
The script of Draconic, the language
Ur carvx dax ihk wux. Le MG trey
of dragons, is composed mainly of
` It isanhonor to see so strong a dragon! `
-. Myr vi orik ekess ocuir zyak versvesh orik darastrix! uncomplicated straight or slightly curved
` Thoughit cripples me, |must go. lines, all of which are easy to produce using
Arssix myr thurgix ur, Isk boros gethrisj - a talon. Dragons do not always scratch
their writing on wood or stone, though. As
-UseruL PHRASES iN DRACONIC dragons possess opposable thumbs, they
_ Iwant to learn magic. are able to use writing implements large
.. Isk tuor ekess parvex arcaniss. enough for dragon claws, and parchment
Whereis the bathroom? large enough for dragon letters.
- Vessyxvi rax gurgulax? -
i ‚Help! My enchantment goes dangerously awry! Young dragons practice their letters with
_ Farwelis! Ur levex gethrisjs korthys agox! both talon and stylus on large beds of wet
clay in their lair. If the dragon wants to
|| Compliments iN Draconic keep the writing, it needs only to harden -
; Please take my small gift! the clay with fire. If it wishes to erase a
te Y Jaeiss clax ur kosf majiks! zi
mistake or does not wish to keep its
|l. Yourstrength and knowledge are legendary!
* || Wuxa versveshys vur othokenta hys sjahax! writing, it needs only to use its tail to wipe
a \ Legend pales before your brilliance! the surface clean again. | ®
- | \ Sjahax lunyr ghoros wuxa orthokenta! pe Of Course, A dragon CA^ always change info E.
copy the writing onto parchment as well
2 aan Mee a
区 i E ‫نا‬‎ Tox M
-— EE

A teacher is
called a Ji
mackrix, or REN,
ta e

Magic Lessons
Dragons are born with magical powers,
but they still need help learning how best
to channel their powers. A wyrmling
. must train for seven years to gain mastery
; over its magic. Those whose parents
either cannot or will not train them
must seek out a teacher to train them in |
the ways of dragon magic. The maekrix is
- often a dragon with exceptional magical
skills. But some dragons will send their -
young to a magic academy to work with
a dragon master, a young wizard with a
gem strong connection with dragons.
Mare AR: those tw
Like a human learning to draw, it can
options Inter in this Cook!
| take along time for the wyrmling to learn
` how to use its natural elemental magic as
anything other than a blunt instrument,
A hatchling has to learn exactly the right
amount of power to channel, as well as .
the speed, direction, and intention they
should wield it with. Dragons have to
whistling have a firm grasp on exactly how their
E with one breath UR
ape 5i yor mole ۰
Teya magic works before they can try to use it
Now change the sh N After ayoung os— BSR
SE air ۳ ow. for anything complicated.
ex erimenting with the
Aves € D RR ES M
dragon can contro] its magic,itcan learn“ ba %Piy
RED H Ghoema E
Nove s tongue
all the different ways it can combine the |BEN ay
oat. ow hd
our Cb) aso Ara to your fire with its other talents. —
d N
NS ‫ی‬‎ Re

4feel i A dragon to
I. an Ya dto how ia


Dragons have a saying: "Once a maekrix, always

a maekrix” Even after dragons are no longer
apprenticed to their master, they still refer to their
dragon master as maekrix, and the dragon master
~ still refers to them as thurae. While dragons do
not owe their allegiance to their maekrix after
training has been completed, a dragon will not move
against its maekrix unless it has no other choice.

Dragon Magic and You

For humans, there are two basic ways
to learn dragon magic-apprenticing
38 yourself to a wise wizard dragon or
studying alongside your own dragon
wyrmling at a school for dragon masters.

Become a Dragon Apprentice

A maekrix accepts apprentices in
groups of three called stormshells,
or kepeskashka as they are known in
Draconic. Sometimes a stormshell has
a human apprentice in addition to the
three young dragons. Called a kosjirl,
which is akin to “pet” in Draconic, the
human learns alongside the dragons and
is often jealously guarded by the dragons
ea other

$ x dr

aT abs‫ی‬‎
in the stormshell. à

Learning from dragons-the very LA Dracenic. i 5 ۲

embodiments of magic themselves-is

not easy. It takes a lot of research to find
a good maekrix and even more to find
one who is willing to accept a human
apprentice. You'll also have to work.
„hard to convince the maekrix that you
M is coser lessLate
are trustworthy and useful, as dragons
release the secrets of dragon magic only thana dragon uu E2

to those who have worked hard to earn

the right several times over. Once you
find a maekrix who will accept you, you
will live in the dragon's cavern.
Become a Dragon Master
A dragon master is a dragon's best friend from the moment the
dragon hatches into the world-and thats a big, but rewarding,
responsibility. The only way for a human to become a dragon master
is to become a student at Darastrix Academy for Young Dragons
and Their Wizards.

This school for future dragon masters and their dragons guides
you through the process of figuring out what kind of dragon you
should bond with, what kind of dragon magic you should study,
and ultimately, what specific dragon is best suited to you. Then,
alongside other future dragon masters, you learn how to care
for and hatch your egg, make a lifelong magical bond with your
dragon, and teach your dragon how to best use its innate magic.
I, t takes a special kind of person to apprentice to a dragon, and
"the path of the apprentice is as dangerous as it is thrilling. You
are isolated from humans as you learn volatile secrets of dragon
magic and compete against your stormshell's draconic rivals.

As most stormshells do not include humans, you will be able to slip


by traps and magical barriers to dragonkind, helping to give your

stormshell an edge in games. You can also use magical items that
5 One or the First thi
ngs A dragons cannot, and your fine dexterity and small hands can help,
dragon AE is ow to ES particularly in stormshells where the dragons have not yet learned
A bi. shape —which make how to take on human form.
s i
polishing treasure, exp
loring Dragon apprentices must be brave, intelligent, perceptive, and most “
cities, and reading boo of all, hardworking. Their devotion to learning dragon magic must
much easier (and make
s be absolute, for dragons are demanding, and sometimes forget that
tall. 5 SE their apprentices are only humans.
A Ist €$$ screamin |

E x Pu. E E en 3 ME. as ne ^ Re + x e e E : »
e 3 QS ~ a 1 x We E. ۹ i E n €


1. You cant stop talking about dragons.
E 2 = x A 1 i
^ 5. You cant stop dreaming about dragons. -
i P x k "à ۳ ES x 3 * D: i 5 ER > 1 ke
be2. You find the idea of flying exhilarating. 6. Thunderstorms excite you — — y
E i nt b ee WIE UU Ro
3. You've studied allyou can find on 7. You tend to hoard pretty things. — a
dragons, including my other guides ee Red oa E
to dragonkind: A Practical Guide to 8. You tend to think oframpaging: — || .
Dragons and A Practical Guideto dragons as “misunderstood.” —— i un ‫نخ‬‎ ‫بز‬
gon Riding.
Hiding. s never SUPE
9. You've really fitRUM
in with NN human
T kd|| - ;
4. Sometimes people look at you funny, Society, — fs Dee
and you realize you've slipped into
10. You cant stop thinking about dragons. /
Draconic. Again.
| d M> P4
‫‪۹۳۳۲۱۳‬‬ ‫یر‬
Why Apprentice to a Dragon?
Human sorcery is a pale shadow of dragon magic. Flying on wings
of your own, breathing fire, casting spells instinctively and at will
rather than after intensive nightly study, and moving with the
superhuman speed and strength of dragonkind-these are things only
dragon magic can teach you. Apprenticing to a dragon and learning
how to cast magic like one means that after your apprenticeship,
magic will be as natural to you as breathing.

Destined for Dragons

Anyone who thinks that living, playing, and fighting with dragons—
even young ones—is easy should think twice before embarking on
this line of study. However, the rewards are as great as the risk, and
for one destined to learn from dragons, no other path will do.
May 1 ‎‫لمات‬ €^ M TA OA.
E May 2 ‫نما‬‎
e: : zu

| 2 s
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beaccident2 hiin1۷
138 2
la dan
5 gerous m tad
+ q be unintentionallyte"NS or seed WA
E >: ‘snoring dragon.
R 2
Es T 18 ‫ی‬‎
S. May Y eret
o rece |

Benefits .
f. a to TA PER
. 2. My€ will C. a das
2. TH le‘able% COR gs! a es Or ice, de bi h2

or poison, Orr
f More research 0^ dragon

s 1to send JonetoAnt ‫ام‬

‫س‬‎ B

| > 6. Dib 1 Een om t
fly? y 3 ‘

۱ E

SEO uw
£ *& s
Tila more a ۰
bout being a
dragon ride
r, read A

Guide 6 Dragon Ridind

Kinds of Dragon
Dragon magic is a broad subject, and there are
many different areas in which you may choose
to specialize. It is recommended that first-time
students of dragon magic select one of the
following three apprenticeships.

Dragon Descendant
Description: Descendants of dragons themselves,
these apprentices learn to tap into the dragon
within and channel raw magic without the
use of human wizard materials, gestures, and
magic words.

Requirements: Must have a draconic ancestor

Si feel a Gt re tian?

fy.u CA^ only Ts

this d Length of Study: Ten to thirteen years
ave draconic (dood.
pe Recommended Dragon Stormshells: ~H
Red, Gold, Brass
Dragonfire Adept Student ofPreath .
Description: The vast majority of
apprentices become dragonfire adepts.
These apprentices can sprout dragon
wings to fly on their own, gain the
elemental breath of their patron dragon,
and aquire the enthralling majesty and
secret knowledge of dragons.

Requirements: Must be willing to

work hard

Length of Study: Five to seven years

Recommended Dragon Stormshells:

Blue, Silver, White, Green

Hand of the Winged Masters

Description: Working as spies for the
stormshell they are apprenticed with,
these students. practice stealth, hone
their senses dragon sharp, and learn
how to channel the elemental fury of
their maekrix.

Requirements: Must be good at

sneaking past people and monsters

Length of Study: Seven to ten years

Recommended Dragon Stormshells:

Black, Copper, Bronze
Dragon Apprentice Duties. — . Pi
Even though you are human, you will be treated just like the dragon. ۳ V. ‫و‬‎
apprentices. You will do chores, play egg games, go to classes, and
study alongside dragons like classmates. Do.

Chores ۱ A af Human hands can get

An apprentice must do chores for their maekrix, giving their hide de much peo
maekrix some of their time as well as their hoard in exchange for than dragon claws:
education. Common chores include scrubbing a dragon's hide,
polishing a dragon' treasure, cleaning out a dragon's traps, fetching
pigs for a dragon's dinner, relaying messages between the dragon _
and neighboring dragons, speaking as the voice ofthe dragon in the

nearby towns, and organizing as E library. NES ۳ last Tarot ehr

" PA
i $ ds separatin ‫هات‬‎ |
b Mc nor 1 tT 3
ee members

P the drains wehe

vill give maekrise

Pe | ee
pre your der
fo re rieve the treasure
where 1 marks th

spot. Th is is veyeod.
MN for th
t e base

The majority of your time will be spent training with your maekrix
and the rest of the stormshell. When you arent actively learning, you
. will usually be given something to practice outside in the dragon’s
domain. Common assignments are channeling the element of air
to fly as high as you can up into the trees, and collecting a leaf
each time; channeling the element of fire to make a puddle boil;
channeling the element of earth to raise small walls; and channeling
the element of water to make stone turn to mud.

If you are not given an activity, you will likely be assigned research
on ancient dragon magic. While this sounds dry, it is a great honor,
as only those the dragon truly trusts are allowed in its library.
- Humans, provided they are fluent in Draconic as well as Common,
are often chosen for this job, as their size and nimble fingers are
more adept with books than dragon apprentices who have not yet ©
‘learned how to take on the form of humans.

Stormshell Train ing

The first phase of an apprentice’s training is very much like
play. The maekrix will present various challenges that can be
completed only by using magic. Then, as the apprentices work to
- overcome the obstacles, the maekrix watches closely to see what
talents its apprentices display. » 全

The second stage of training concentrates on theunique SS thier.

apprentice displayed in the first part of their training. The dete |
will demonstrate a spell it thinks fits the apprentice's talentsand ¿Le
then describes how it channeled its natural elemental magic to cast |
it. Then the apprentice will try to cast the same spell — —
A ad.most —
The final Ew pits the dragon students against other dragons in
games and contests, figuring out innovative new ways to use their 20
. newfound dragon magic.
When 0M acs a faced »

Apprentices often happen upon the beginnings of their new abilities ,

i wi ۱ Le ‚given a
spontaneously, butittakes study with a maekrix—who has seen a great `
Lok NU Mir From
variety of dragon magic and can describe the theory behind a given

onchanted cs that yu m 5;
a Beat ER OA es ane.
Ee allow the apprentice’s talents to fully flower.

TERM the ds get harder and harder, and the M gets

greater- still, until the maekrix is satisfied that its students are
Wow it, the other members =
e «pressing every ounce of magical talent they are likely to have and ut As ctormehe ll will
‫و‬ ‫و‬

atthey can perform well under pressure and in grave peril. bo^ o» Ao matter Nas

Tar away 1 are.


These are Raw :

jene dragons ys Y OR C >


Egg Games ‫با‬‎ |

^ > The most challenging partofa dragon apprentice's training are the n i i
- egg games. Egg games, played between two stormshells of similar ۲
level, are often used as a way to encourage young dragons to practice
their developing magical abilities, as well as help them learn the :
: value of teamwork. Young dragons, much like young humans, are Naekrixes like ‫و‬‎ ‫ تا‬the GN
E much more
| likely to do something the less like work it appears. lat care, but they ate ic B
EY Ma intere
sted in 3
| seeing their own team
s WÁA, a
| i . particularly agai
nst other
maekrixes the might bape
once competed with!
Vewall, a mase

Capture the Egg

In Capture the Egg, each of the two
stormshells gets a golden egg to hide
in a single area selected jointly by the
maekrixes of the two stormshells. The
stormshells have one day to set up
whatever traps, misdirection, or barriers
they wish around the egg. The goal is
to capture the opposing stormshell's egg
and keep the other team from capturing
your egg. There is no safe territory, and
dragons are allowed to defend their eggs,
making for an action-packed game that
can last weeks.

Blind Dragons Bluff

In Blind Dragons Bluff, the dragons 3
are all blindfolded, save for one dragon ro ate e
on each team, called the *Seer" Then,
large bells are tied around the tails of
the remaining dragons. The Seers' goal
is to "see" for the rest of the dragons in
their stormshell, and to help them claim
all the bells off the opposing team while
QM young ELS tied a ea Cc |
retaining all their own bells. The dragons of Clb. oA Ud es :
E es (A
are allowed to use whatever magic and a forest to set a tra fi.
misdirection comes to mind, but they d
| e opposin stormshefl!
cannot silence or remove the bells on 5 :
their tails. The first team to gain all the
opposing side’s bells wins.
What You'll Need
Here are a few items you'll want to make sure you
bring to your apprenticeship among the dragons!

No oem ons were

Dragon Rider Armor the E of this Ba

This armor is crafted from the cast-off scales

of dragons rather than from dragon hide. That
means it won't get you in trouble with any dragons
you happen to meet. Specially crafted to aid you
in dragon riding and naturally resistant against
the type of energy the dragon who donated the
scales wields, this armor is also enchanted to slow
your fall should you ever take a tumble from a
great height.
计 de ie oing & d
下 的

deck ragons!
atit sf time

| Goggles of Draconic Vision

Unlike humans, dragons can see perfectly in
the dark. Also unlike humans, dragons have a-
number of ways to cloud the vision of mortals,
usually by summoning magical fog or darkness.
With these goggles, neither night nor magical fog
_and darkness shall obscure your vision—you'll be
able to see just as well as a dragon!
> INTA Es 9

Torque of Power Preservation

Not merely fashionable, this elegant dragon-
magic imbued necklace makes it easier for you
to use your innate powers! Think of all the extra
practice you could get in when wearing this
necklace. Hours extra a day, I imagine!


Ring of Dragon Friendship 4

When you wear this ring, dragons will find you
charming, well spoken, and polite. In addition,
they will also find that they cannot lift a claw agic items ‘da an
other use
to hurt you! I cannot stress how helpful this is as well, 计 you
ever reed to
when you're planning on spending time among ROC 4 dragon, de Ps.
sd. ita magic
the more... excitable of dragonkind. itew! Yan drag
on Es Some
temporary magica
l abilities,
and according to E LR on
jome , *

i t magic tastes go
s | AA
Where You ll Stay Bed, clothes, blankets, e

As a dragon apprentice, you will live with your silverware, etc, E

maekrix and your stormshell in the maekrix's ۳
caverns. Be sure to bring everything you think / BARTA i
۱ you might need to live comfortably, as unless you :n
are staying with silver dragons, they are unlikely : ۱
to have thought to provide human comforts. 3
Their cavernous domains, however, often provide
other advantages.

o -$

e cum eu E @ ‫میس‬‎ x
۱ : ; "d.
fr f E da | D
1 "AS Lu M yousepes *. ^Db. s
"ou d feel lightning racing tl penyour veins, —
eel ET i ox
A de Mt " |
1 n ! w ES Sbe unleashe (d [hen building a TA
stop yourself ۹
have os: i
AM Y nn 3 2 | campfire,
from do youit ever
building s Do Y | |
Ever ma
ha Tm ovt Se ANS ۱ Mm M necessary? Do GUN " ni.
extraordinary | IN ilcattleanddal pr P
a de
^ BE
1 Na n ۲
۰ Voas
luck? These are sigas , ۳

۱ being a sorcerer y by"i

UE dte thedeal
e appr
to E your draconic eee ean
۱ m oh thestudy of dragor ex can A es
Be,eu learn |K Di MESE im. s du
qui. aet URS EUN.
$i £L

This isa mar ^; the ctormshell caverns 1 stayed in hes ۲

visited. Faramyre the aver dragon A the Or» storwmshe lll

A 1 IN ¿ ۳۹ i r5



h Cistern $
xA 3

The Dragon Pact
A dragon pact is an agreement you
make with a maekrix, where the maekrix
promises to teach you dragon magic in
return for gifts or service. The magic
of the agreement forges a lifelong bond
between you and the dragon, just as living
alongside the dragons and learning their
ways will surely do. Anyone who wishes
to learn magic at the foot of a maekrix
must go through the following steps:
The Research
First, you must decide what kind of dragon you want to apprentice
to. There are many factors to consider when choosing a dragon,
the most important of which is what kind of magic you want to
ur exam le, apprentices
ie T T? Mis learn. Then, you should consider what kind of dragon you prefer.
i Fre magic
interested LA
" ۸ " 4 ( Study the habits and personalities of the different dragons who
how ET EEAS practice the kind of magic you like! Then talk to local wizards
ane gold dragons. to find out which maekrixes have accepted human apprentices in
th € pas t. Se the uem on dragon ar E

2 to select the riole waelris i you!

E The Call
Find somewhere secluded, such as a library. Then, focus all your
will on calling the dragon you want to attract. You will be able to
tell that a dragon is interested when you hear its voice in your head.
Arrange to meet the dragon to finish the bargain in person.

This stage is also sometimes AS Iu. m on an to meet OU, You

kaowa as The Per aining: The Gift a should

ably Find A different dragon!

You must offer a dragon something of value to get it to partner with

you. Usually this is a treasure for the dragon to add to its hoard, but
some dragons require more—promises of service, lands, or whatever
strikes the dragon’s fancy. Make sure you don’t promise anything
you will regret—or can’t deliver! Even the kindest of dragons will not
forgive someone who breaks a bargain.

What 人 MS et the Ira on that |

cerillas? oi Xr dra ONS
sometimes require large gifts, 7
just as often, th
t e pres wore use tor
entertainment and. Tri
eadship thar till
wore 人 and al)
The Pledge
The pledge takes place at the dragon's
lair and is part of the ceremony where
you give your gift to the dragon and
the dragon formally accepts you as an
apprentice. Bow when you give your
gift to the dragon, then recite the
standard pledge.

If the dragon accepts you, it will call you

thurae, the dragon word for apprentice.
Then, both dragon and human recite
their promises to the other, setting the
terms of the magical contract. When
both parties are satisfied, they seal
the contract.
The Results
The moment you seal the pact with the dragon, the treasure
you offered is immediately transferred to the dragon's hoard,
and you are bound by magical contract to do whatever else you
promised, usually with severe consequences should you fail.

The sealing of a dragon pact gives the dragon some of your magical
۱ tract i potential and instills in you some of the dragon's magical abilities,
: magica
his : C AS
contra such as breathing fire. Over time, you will become more like a
called. 2 gras, N can Es dragon and less like a human in your casting of spells.

(roken only by^ wi
wore powerful than

iA | mi
dragon Who eal y

h refur IW bond | ^ A
Jia pour arto, Md o ct =)
NO w id

Brus ees “ee f

Be very careful about who you make your dragon pact

with, for while it can be broken, breaking a vow to.a
dragon is never a smart thing to do. If you break your ds
Pi dragon
pact to a maekrix, not only will your former teacher |
come after you to teach you a lesson, so will the entire liora to call thera!
stormshell you apprenticed with. On the other hand,
if you are ever in trouble and need aid, you can always
count upon the dragons in your stormshell to help you.
re you leaning toward becoming a dragon apprentice? The
only way to make this dream a reality is to find a maekrix to
teach you.

ee For every kind of elemental dragon magic, there are at least two
An aid: in the very ‫لا‬‎ kinds of dragons who practice it-one chromatic, and one metallic,
two sides of the same coin. Chromatic dragons embrace the
task A picking ^ tormshell
o, destructive side of their innate abilities and use their magic
A A Ir on to apprentice
for personal gain. Metallic dragons, on the other hand, see it
on the fol owin TAS yon M
as their responsibility to use their powers for the good of those
fu ۵ hist ^r A ۱the most around them. | E A

a Aormshells least i
0 While there are always exceptions among every variety of dragon,
m to mistake o for Sinner.
in general, if you choose a metallic dragon, you shouldbe prepared.

to be held to a very high moral standard, whereas if you choose a


chromatic dragon, you must be prepared to constantly strive against —

the chromatic dragon's darker instincts.


The bi. est
3 Do all the research you can on the type of dragon js chat 1 A
you will be spending time with. Otherwise, the ar
dragons may mistake you for a talking, walking snack! |E 0 the mae rine

| eBring gifts for all the members. 一 ‫ےک‬‎ a V

POS io a Oe ae
CT c etat d 3. Bring only a small bag of your supplies. Leave ee r "n.
everything but the bare necessities at home. You dont | qur & "s
m ihe b
want to fill up the dragon's cave with human stuff.
They love the Y — | -
Wear the same color clothing as the dragon you areERS J|
E (due! | living with. | Ses APP cd
wor , SN
Chromatic Dragon s Bat totally fascinating
Chromatic dragons embody the destructive and catastrophic
side of nature, Selfish, ambitious, greedy, proud, cruel, and fickle, 7

chromatic dragons are natural catastrophes—cataclysms for those

y unfortunate enough to encounter one. So if you want to learn
۱ Zen powerful destruction magic, you'll want to make a bond with à
‚Dit FOR luca 9 chromatic dragon.

ser ac -‎‫ا‬hroma
‫ ه‬۳0 atic x ۷ 4 1 0
To build a relationship with a chromatic dragon, you will need to

; + ol À 1
3 dragon la action: be particularly persuasive. After all, from the dragon's perspective,

it has already done you the favor of letting you live!

Living with Chromatic Dragons

Living with a chromatic dragon is risky at best- deadly at worst-but
it is never boring. Be sure you word your agreement very carefully to
ensure good treatment and solid education, and ` work your
) hardest
to please your maekrix at all times.

Vou will alse LENS want

1 És procure a Ring of D
riendehip, which will prevent
e was qu ate (ving with

= EK sttac M ee iFtheyare ia

a foul wood. " p

» N

* ` b dne Y +


e >
* .

¢ 1

Vou CA^ ¿Pen epe N * ۳۹ 7

< zi à s

a chromatic dragon wth > ee Fag


the att ot fresh weat tox we 3 5 7 ‘Si


j like a sake or boat! Eo * "B. > PU


E A é ` A

- , | f T TR ` DR

ons 2 |
E TV eL Chromatic ra | |
back, aree ad white: ^

Catic dragons come In redi Glue,

E i
: có
i FON, Us
un »

iE 6 ۱
‎‫مچ‬ x oy
most ‫از‬‎ |
Re and Plues aê

ma ically tee tinea: Gut proudest ||

an NPP cult to ii aces are

A fy



EU os on shhOkare wothBel
e P. to have use For non dragons
X 1
a e ۱

èY n L
‎‫;>م‬ Lo:


to track dam. 2
‘White! are the nn See
e a dragons, ft >
< ere not the roul
i sede You will have to
to them. |
LA qe our worth doubly
Red Dragon Stormshell:
You can't show a moment's fear or hesitation if
you want to find your way deep into the heart
of the Deathshead Mountains, to where the red
dragon stormshell Charstryx makes its lair. Led
by the fearsome elder red dragon Loethar, the
Ht is 3
Charstryx stormshell is fast becoming the most
| / REASONS TO Live "^

respected stormshell in the world. Red dragons

are usually kept in check by their pride, greed, ||

—— i
and unwillingness to work together, but Loethar, PARA
1. Best roast marshmallows ever
with his strong belief in the rights of dragonkind,
has united them the way no one else has been 2. Keep warm snuggled against
their always-toasty scales ASIA
3. Unforgettable fire shows
after dark j

\\ 4. Awesome scavenger hunts ` //

i :
1 $$ ||
15 b. P
۱ =, agen SS>”
|be a A a PES OA
Red Dragon Magic
The Charstryx stormshell specializes in fire and earth magic. With
- a slap of their tails, they can make the earth tremble. With a glare
they can make the earth give up the secrets of hidden pathways and
lost treasures, and they can exhale a firestorm. Look closely at a
Charstryx dragon, and you can see the fire in its eyes and flickering
across its scales-an amazing sight that causes most creatures to
stand rooted to the spot, unable to move, or, if able, to run in fear.

The Way to a Red Dragons Heart

You will want to make sure you bring plenty of valuables if you
want to convince Loethar to add you to his stormshell. The best gift
for him may be a gift that allows him to easily find other treasures.

Red dragons eat meat-the more tender, the better. They prefer to
eat young female humans and elves when given the chance, so be
on your toes!
Black Dragon Stormshell: Vutharyx
If you make it past the stinging insects, the vine- and thorn-choked
trees, and the putrid, watery walkways through the Marrowsinge
Swamp, you may just be lucky enough to meet the stormshell
Vutharyx. There, in a den accessible only through the water, the
black dragon Wyvrex makes his home along with three moody and
violentyoung black dragons. Wyvrex has earned a reputation among
dragonkind for his ingenious lair defenses and traps. Humans who
show stubbornness, ingenuity, and a lot of coins to the Vutharyx
stormshell have a chance of being accepted-and even appreciated—
by this sullen but effective stormshell.
Black Dragon Magic
` The Vutharyx stormshell channels the Imagine having
powers of the swamp. A harsh thought ile ‫ی‬‎ €
will summon a cloud of stinging, biting N
insects that serves better than armor dad us i
against fleshy opponents. A sour look it i
from a Vutharyx apprentice intimidates SIGNS A BLACK —
plants into strangling enemies, and a | DRAGON Is ABour
glower gathers the shadows around TO ATTACK
the apprentice into a cloud of inky "qe T ۱9 ‫ی‬‎
darkness. In addition, the black dragons 1. Black dragon sees you for |
of Vutharyx can channel the burning ALO Hmc
acid that suffuses the core of their 2. Black dragon looks happy.
being into a spray of acid that will eat . $.Black dragon's throat
through metal and stone as fast as if A Puffs out in preparation to
Maybe that’. uA 3 uiis 7
they were paper.

theyre sitet
The Wayto a Black
Dragons Heart
The way into a black dragon’s good
graces isthrough coins, plain and simple.
So be sure to go to your local bank and
withdraw every last copper if you plan
on trying to worm your way into a black
dragon’s. sullen heart, for you'll surely
need it!

Black dragons subsist largely on fish, but

rare sea creatures—scallops, squid, and
oysters-are a special delicacy for this
inland dragon. Not a bad diet, if you're
going to live with them!

M worry d the fl

teat Pres) Mack dragons

D "n LÀ
have ^ stronger stomac
than most mortals.


Blue Dragon
Stormshell: Ulharyx
Mystery and danger await should you venture
deep into the Mirrorage Desert where the -
blue dragons of the stormshell Ulharyx dwell.
The ancient blue dragon Haravyri, known as
live bythe
"Stormbringer" by her enemies, is the master of
Some (hie Ira ons
the Ulharyx, a secretive stormshell with powers
y ros
the p
sea. lee bear and methods not fully understood by any outside
c ale them. 1 rem its ranks. The blue dragons have an appreciation—
alTinity for and many -uses—for mortals who are crafty,
them 4i their own

thunderstorms. talented, and can keep a secret.

= Jike wei

- Blue Dragon Magic

A blue dragon can deafen ise enemies by barking
out a thunderclap. And b coaxing a storm into
carrying its words, it can throwitsvoice as far as
the wind can carry it. The dragons of the Ulharyx
stormshell are particularly oroud, however, of
how they channel a br greatest. weapon—
. lightning. Not only can |o lightning bolts _
crackling from their lips, bu DOE
alsorelease EG
just one flash
Ka Au. theirel emies. OC -
When a AS 1.2qon TES CI: ti GS EP

" iA en

l |
Digit you, CA^ see lightaing A

s on isteeth!
The Way to a Blue
Dragons Heart
If theres one thing blue dragons a et spot ‫طب‬‎
love, it is themselves-but they are also Haravyri USC T L
E E n i ‫یر‬‎ ot waco
very fond of things that remind them this TRE à
of themselves. Sapphires are their er many ^ tight E a
favorite treasure, though you won't find 3),
AE ts

them turning down other blue-hued

valuables either.

I hope youre not afraid of snakes,

because they-along with lizards and :One large desertisnake
other desert reptiles-make up the main | Handful of smoked salt
part of ablue dragon’s diet. Handful of cracked black pepper ,
E 4
And ours, unless ou
Pu Skin and bone snake. Coat snake completely with IE
Das ) our ۸
Pl smoked salt and cracked black pepper, rubbing them due
deep into the meat. Fry briefly with lightning breath
until outside is crispy black, inside hot and tender.

o a Enjoy! A
Kis us lichtaing,” as
the bhie ragons Pr
Green Dragon
Stormshell: Achuryx 1. They eat elves, faeries, sprites,
and probably humans tool
Only the most resourceful will make it through 2. They live surrounded by |
the overgrown, poisonous Ghostwood Forest to poisonous plants.
where the dragons of the stormshell Achuryx
3. They are temperamental and
reside. Avaryx, the maekrix of the stormshell, hard to please.
assumed the mantle of leadership when he killed
the old maekrix. While bad luck for the previous
maekrix, this proved a turning point for Achuryx.
Previously a bit of a joke, the green dragons of
Achuryx have become a force to be reckoned
with. Green dragons bear a grudging respect for
those who are determined, capable, and insightful
enough to survive long enough in their noxious
homes to meet them.
Green Dragon Magic
- $ 2 A "e Few have magic as evil as the green dragons of
oh d D: PA the Achuryx stormshell. The dark whispers of
ow. these creatures cause plants to grow tall, thick,
e A e o | and poisonous. Their strong will and sinister
e EE "oua whispers also command mortals: with a single
: Ja glare, these dragons are able to convince a human E
M Wu : to give up trying to escape, and with a word they
9 Po | can then send that same human running for his
5 ® ۱ ‘or her life. Perhaps most frightening of all, the
* ; 4 e dragons of the stormshell Achuryx have mastered
their venomous nature and are able to release it
in a single, invisible exhalation of lethal gas that
poisons first the mind, and then the body.
n i

The Way to a Green Dragons Heart

Green dragons are perhaps the hardest dragons to
bribe, not out of a lack of greed, but because what
they crave most are trophies from past victories.
This means that if you want to cozy up to a
green dragon, you'll have to do a lot of research
on the dragon in question, and then track down
several artifacts from its past victories worthy of
its attention. While less expensive than bribing
other dragons, it is certainly time-consuming!

۱ = aL eM ۱ 7 ۲

‘if you plan on living among the © |
white dragons, youllhave a few |
Whi te D ra g 0 n - other items you'll want to pick up!
“Stormshe ll:
. Aussir yx 1. Snowshoes, Ao. ice i p۱
۱ IE 2 Alot ofwarm blankets ——
Better pack your warmest cloak, for the dragons — - andcoats —
of the white dragon stormshell Aussiryx live high’ 3. Ice pick
in the Ice Rime Mountains, in a lair surrounded «
by a perpetual snowstorm. A relatively new
stormshell, the three members of Aussiryx are |
led by the legendary white dragon Ravinsky. x ;
Ravinsky is known for his isolationist tendencies, KO PE ۱ i 5
his ability to move undetected within his realm, BR ۲
and his use of ice to craft complex traps. Only the
truly hardy and brave stand a chance of making it |
through the white dragons' realm. : AN
l u


= 4 I

C2714 oco


. White Dragon Magic +2

` The white dragons of the Aussiryx stormshell
are born with the soul of winter. Summoning
the unforgiving cold within; white dragons are
v. able to spit a torrent of frost that freezes their
- opponents solid-just the way white dragons like :
- . their food. With training, white dragons can use 9 > 0 use a fan:
` that same frosty breath to create walls of ice or , ^ 。
let it leak through their scales to coat them in
an even more resilient, glittering glacial armor. A
beat of their wings calls forth a bitter wind that ^H
2 l À
buffets their enemies, and by letting just alittle of JAT who los wit, i
the heat of their temper spill forth, they are able | white dragons often fad
۱ to turn their snowy breath into fog. EK C vois that the weather reflact
e dragons aye by|

e The Way to a White Dragons Heart | |

Diamonds, fine crystals, platinum-all valuables
that sparkle like the snow of its homeland—hold
. a special place in the white dragon's heart. Be 2 1 t (42 ۳3 talk
Ik after v 2
crXPpPENA to come to the dragon glistening with awads easy TIS 1 ae Po E,Le
the had to use an axe and? ted Aen
ad icy Uc. to earn a place in its home. In ped a lo free some tasty ice- 2%
= ` frozen tundra, white dragons have develo
for rut es pleasure!
frozen food.
ly tastefor Ü

This wold.
DA make

Ae $tTor ^

Metallic Dragons `
Metallic dragons embrace all that is good and
useful about the elements. Spontaneous and
bright natured, majestic as mountains, and warm
as fire, metallic dragons are nature's blessings on.
the world-miracles to those fortunate enough to
meet them. So if you want to devote your life to
learning, ridding the world of evil, and casting
powerful defensive magic, you'll want to make a
bond with a metallic dragon.

To build a relationship with a metallic dragon,@® ES) E

you will need to hold yourself to a particularly :
strict code of honor. After all, from the dragon's
perspective, it is doing you a favor, and you must When
“natal ou give
n a m EXa
prove that you are worthy by making a positive c TARON, make sure thE
difference in the world. " 1 came by it
through b lat 9
means. A metall
ic d
dragon will
Living with Metallic Dragons bow d the
treasure ns «e
and it wie
llk. ۳
Living with a metallic dragon is still risky,
considering that you are living with a creature.
that could accidently snort a burst of deadly |
breath at any time. But aside from that, it really is y 1
E ®
a treat. Be sure you abide by every word of your
> NE 感 N ép & P

N ^ ne 0n x
agreement, work especially hard, and do nothing
eo x h " t 4 id pá

to draw the ire of the dragon whose stormshell 6

* = ۳ x y

you are in. Little is deadlier than the wrath of a- e pa x 72 a۱

" t DA QM e Com
€ »

metallic dragon that catches you doing something i

wrong while under its protection! They |dt. the N P
4 B WM 1 t
Y IR > 3 re E

` 1 EME

$3 M 1
ug evildoing.
iier AIRS 1K u ‫نادر‬‎
me > E ed

, Kindo et Me
tall. Drago
Take are
ES kunde kr
metall. drag
* |
ons ole, silver, Coppe
| r, brone, and EM
Mw hie i

GoM and. silver"

diuns are the
“magical JF
thee md ice,
but also |old
x edel e. andi us the associate

with to the highest standard

s. They
may pm Yn difficult: to H

er (var by. are >
ul,‘and cas to fud. However

Asomewhat N involved in
Hey ales e the least reason RE
partner wiithhumane and herder.

ron: eue uns are er dh

fu jmlosa due topu lave ee
the wilderness j
[ | r a
A | Y A 3 -A LL ON

Few prove strong enough of heart to earn a place among the gold
dragon warriors of the stormshell Auryx. The gold dragons home
is found in the belly of a dormant volcano, where they can ascend
to the heights to read the future in the stars, or descend into the
comfortable warmth of the deep. Oroyalis, the leader of Auryx,
holds a fierce belief in the good of his work. If you are committed
to justice, love beautiful things, and are willing to work hard, you
Which ai auch
might just find a home among the gold dragons.
about during wy stay!
Gold Dragon Magic
Gold dragons are infused with the brilliance of
the sun. With a simple exhalation, gold dragons
can breathe forth the fiery brilliance of stars. By
keeping the inferno in their bellies and breathing
air over that fire, gold dragons can exhale air so
hot it drains, dehydrates, and weakens their foes.
They are also able to see into the future by reading
spots and flares in the sun and in the positions
of the stars. In addition, the dragons of the
stormshell Auryx have learned to draw back
the veil on their brilliance, blinding all who dare
to look Apod them. (s ‫ی‬‎ Imagine learning

j DC magic? |

The Wayto a Gold Dragon's Heart

Better become a good judge of art if you want
to earn a place by a gold dragon’s fire, for Golds
are collectors of fine sculpture and priceless
paintings. But that isn't the only reason pleasing
a gold dragon is expensive. Gold dragons subsist
entirely on pearls and other precious gemstones!


1. Make a necklace for yourself and your dragon

out of freshwater pearls and beads.
2. Write a poem for your dragon in Draconic.

3. Keep your lair super clean. ©

oe d - . 4. Be completely truthful at all times.

P. CONS Gul dragons love á 5 Learn the names and locations of all the
E SU AW hard worker! ۱ constellations.
a i E
EA ae rt EE
Copper Dragon Stormshell: Rachyx
In a towering, ancient rock cathedral within the Desertwing
Mountains live the copper dragons of the stormshell Rachyx. The
elder copper dragon who leads them, Pocyr, is renowned for both his That could be you!
heroic deeds and master craftsmanship. Pocyr is currently searching v
` for his replacement among his current students. If you want to earn
a place among the copper dragons, you had best brush up on your :
best jokes and keep on your toes because the copper dragons have a
wit as sharp as their bite.


va hand at alt Times when 1 a : :
gons . Three tears from a nymph
living with copper dra
xh : One pinch dragon eggshell-crushe d
considering their het

... One cup essence

of willow bark
7 LE

Mix first two ingredients to make a paste. Bring one —

cup essenceof willow bark to a boil, then pour over —
` paste, stirring briskly until the potion has turned. —
sparkling gold. Wave your wand over the potion to __ | 09f45۳

. drawa smile in the air, and say “pouet fawel kopelin” —

- Wait until
thepotion has cooled, then bottle it quickly _
A ‚to retain maximum potency. — —
pu *i
Mar. COE rds woes
LUNy cdxusa 5 2 eS DET wi
PUE wmEr Se
3 ch

e. 2 :
qe 3 Ng e

sl 9 es \ 2
aE Tee:
M qios & :
3 i ۷
Ss "

$ ‫۾‬‎4 4 E
% m x
ey ^
yi Copper Dragon Magic
.‫بز‬ ‫ےک‬ ae The copper dragons of stormshell Rachyx are masters of earth magic.‫‏‬
á | They can raise walls of stone with a flap of their wings. By merely ~, *
9 ‫ا‬0‎ a walking toward a section of earth and hissing their intentions, they i
A A 0 can cause the soil to make way for them, and they can turn their
l MNT han ۱ skin to stone with a passing thought. And of course, copper dragons
can exhale clouds of slow gas and streams of poison, both secrets of
the deep earth that are the copper dragons birthright. e T
And SOON, yours!

The Way to a Copper Dragons Heart —

Be RER e q thick Copper dragons love the treasures that can be found in earth and
: í N antidote. Stone. Rare metals, precious gems, statues carved from marble as
Ou e = well as valuable minerals, and even fine ceramics made from clay all
are good ways into a copper dragon's good graces.

Catching a copper dragon's lunch is no mean feat-these dragons.

- enjoy snacking on strictly venomous creatures! Scorpions, cobras, +
; a ; :"e" deadly spiders-if it can kill with a bite or sting, the copper dragon
b. :7 "x qu TM will be salivating. Jtwake sure ۳ dent get bitten in the process
nk ۱ i : ds at will really rula a Barmer dragons appetite,
Brass Dragon Stormshell: Bensvelkyx
Buried beneath the sands of the Goldust Desert is an underground
cavern the size of a small city. Therein dwells the stormshell
Bensvelkyx, living side by side with snakes, lizards, large-eared foxes,
big-eyed mice, and other desert creatures. Jaarvyx, the leader of
the stormshell Bensvelkyx, is devoted to the delicate balance
of his homeland and considers his stormshell the guardian of the
environment. If you think nothing is more beautiful than nature
and can talk all night about any topic under the sun, you might
want to consider studying with the brass dragons!

Brass Dragon Magic

Nature's favored creatures, brass dragons are imbued with the wind
and fire of creation rather than of destruction. The weather itself
reflects their mood. With a simple hiss, a brass dragon can cause a
gust of wind or a gentle breeze, and by whispering a lullaby on that
breeze, a Brass can send anyone it wishes into the deepest slumber.
Their most well-known ability is to exhale a long stream of flame
fierce as any of the red dragons know.
The Way to a Brass
Dragons Heart
Brass dragons are perhaps the easiest and
least expensive of all dragons to please.
Creatures of nature, brass dragons enjoy
items made from plants: a rare cut of
wood, a finely woven garment made out
of cotton, and a pixie's best flower petal
skirt all are worth more than silver to a
brass dragon.

Keeping food on a brass dragon’s table is

likewise easy, if specific. Collecting dew
drops in crystal vials at morning's first
light is likely to be one of your first tasks -
as a member of this stormshell.
Brass TA QUAS must ie

rast to subsist
on $o (ttle,
eing so m

Asour Brass DRAGONS — Youve been talkingto
Highs ees 4 dragons havent xri

MYTH: Brass dragons are silly weaklings.

TRUTH: Brass dragons are brave and fierce | d a
as any dragon. They avoid harming even the Oo ©
smallest animal out of respect for nature, not ^ o
out of weakness. But that wont stop them from
crushing any blue dragon dumb enough to harm
even a single creature in Brass territory.
e : pe

Bronze Dragon Stormshell: Aujiryx &

Getready fora journey into paradise! The sun is always shining and the
sky is always sapphire blue on Auraveil, the tropical island where, | 4
the bronze dragon stormshell Aujiryx dwells. Aujiryx’s maekrix,
Liiravre, is the last living member of her old stormshell, which
long kept the sea dragons at bay. The bronze dragons of stormshell Who ee eae!
Aujiryx are determined to prove themselves worthy of the legacy
to live there?
handed down to them. |

Bronze Dragon Magic

Bronze dragons draw their magical powers from summer storms.
By sounding a low, bellowing note, they can call in the fog off the
ocean. And they can shape and move torrents of water by curling TER.
a claw. The bronze dragons ofthe stórmishéll Aujiryx have even ۱
mastered the art of conjuring food and water from thin air to suit Bu AA finger.
any guest's tastes, be they alligator, elf, or dragon. Their breath is
. the essence of a storm itself, either striking out with tongues of
lightning or repulsing their enemies with the unbridled rage of a ۱ TE
storm. Due to their relatively solitary location, the dragons of the Even header! Fig
stormshell Aujiryx have also learned to detect the thoughts of other ty
creatures,so rarely are they intruded upon.
a not onlyis
de. tos
Bronze dam
At TANTTHE will M eat

- Bronze DRAGONS IF pearls, AS A
(ne delicacy!1

— Q5. VM

1. You are mos athome iin The Way to a Bronze Dragons Heart
the water. u, C
^E Get ready to dive to the bottom of the ocean
2. You love all good animals-
‚for your dragon, because more than anything,
and hate evil animals. |
: iL ۳ bronze dragons appreciate pearls, coral, intricate
_ 3. You are curious about
shells, and other treasures of the deep. But bronze
dragons are also practical: when no sea riches are
to be found, they will also admit their fondness
for gold.

Bronze dragons like the savory taste of justice,

and so eat almost exclusively cruel creatures of
the sea, their favorites being sharks.


Silver Dra
Stormshell: Ornyx
I hope you like heights because the
silver dragons of the stormshell Ornyx
live in aeries on the uppermost reaches
of the Razorback Cliffs. Faramyre, the
^stormshells maekrix, is nicknamed
Daredevil for his seeming lack of fear
when it comes to flying, diving from
great heights, and confronting evil
dragons. Prospective students of Ornyx
must likewise be bold, adventurous, and
prepared to give their all in order to have
any hope of being accepted into this
elite stormshell.



1. Draw your silver dragon a picture

of you two flying together.
2. Make a silver dragon out of clay.
3. Use fabric painttomake a silver
dragon shirt-one for you and one
for your dragon in human form.

Silver Dragon Magic om Res dragons cali *

Wind and high altitudes sing in the veins of silver dragons. The’ the p es: ‫هجا‬‎

. very breezes anticipate the silver dragon’s will and can help
the silver dragon fly faster and turn quicker or buffet its enemies
-out of the air like toys. Of course, all silver dragons can breathe out
the high mountain wind with such speed and force that it freezes,
either paralyzing its opponents with a coating of ice or battering
them with the fury.ofa winter storm. * `

i $
e A

The Way to a Silver Dragons Heart

Silver dragons are among the easiest of the dragons to please. Their Y d have a talent
love of travel and humankind leads them to prefer treasures that e
or making crafts, the
have cultural significance to remind them of the people and the gr
silver NE ons will be
places they've known. Jewelry, fine woven fabrics, and expert coli
particular y EP d
are their favorites. you!

Silver dragons are as adventurous at mealtime as they are in every

PIE fe. v ; t
aspect of their life. Every day, they have a different meal and
A different flavors, rarely repeating the same one twice in a decade’
unless it is a particular favorite. You might consider bringing your
E ‚silver dragon rare herbs to spice up its culinary explorations and
earn a place iin itsheart! ۱


* * e

Y 3

ER $. dy 1 1 eae y ee, aret

rese ‫دوو‬‎ S fium eee a
REA S ho uc
c WE ‫و‬‎
s š
Sae I d PLU NE i o
A Pe
jn co t5
x ۷ oa ®
dye masters create a hush when they walk into town, a
An I dangerous! dragon wyrmling twined around their shoulders or padding
along companionably, side by side, chatting. Most people are under
the mistaken impression that the dragon is the dragon master's pet
and engage in embarrassing behavior such as reaching down to
One Ay Friends dragons pet the dragon’s shiny scales and saying demeaning things in baby
[KCaratryx, tried to roast ae talk. Nothing could be further from the truth-or more insulting to
ers Gr calling the dragon.
nae P
ue ži “hee oot widdle basi Typically beginning at age eight, dragon masters attend a school
L4 ‎‫و‬ dedicated to raising both dragon masters and their hatchlings,
lee agon: y
with both human and dragon teachers. Prospective dragon masters
É receive the letter inviting them to Darastrix Academy on their
Though some start eighth birthday, after they've demonstrated signs that they would
as late A: el be good prospective students.


You know everything there is to 6. You find heights exhilarating,

know about raising a dragon. 7. You already bought polish, a buffing
. You've always wanted to ride rag, and a scale pick.
a dragon. 8. You can tell the difference:
. You often feel like you identify between a black hatchling and a
more with dragons than humans. green hatchling.
. You write your journals 9. You've been caught studying
in Draconic. dragons at more than one recess.
. Your notebooks are filled with 10. Youve always wanted a dragon for
drawings of dragons. a best friend.
Why Bond with
a Dragon?
When dragon masters first start out, they
are just like you and me. But they make a
promise to a dragon that in exchange for
its egg, they will make sure the hatchling
is well cared for, always served fresh
food, taught everything they know, and
given a lot of room to explore the world
and their innate magical talents.

When a wyrmling dragon bonds with

a human, it creates a much stronger
bond than those created between adult
humans and adult dragons. In fact,
the very strongest bonds are created
between hatchlings and young humans
around the age of thirteen. Growing up
together, learning together, exploring
magic together, the dragon and human
quickly become inseparable.
DIO c7 X" at E. M ; ET

Raised with Dragons

ike ee *
Dragons in particular like this arrangement, as their hatchlings ng

are practically guaranteed a good human match. A school 4

with a very good reputation is likely to be entrusted with
gold, red, silver, and blue eggs-otherwise very hard to come
by due to the proud and noble nature of those particular
dragons. Less. prestigious schools are likely to have white,
copper, black, brass, green, and bronze dragons. AP.

M SESS ass ‫دی‬‎ y 3

‎‫زان‬ wa p $ b ^ " *

一 一 一 -一 一 一一 一 一一一

BENS “MG te o ee
.1 Growing up together with aM » NE Make a mistake and risk ha
for a best friend! re ee dragon |parents Tage... “Ss
2.3 * to cast dragon magicsp with 2. Once bonded, 1 am responsible for. E
cA real dragon! |— — a D up the dragon for a lifetime.
s 5
3.Des through thecloudson "myA id 3 What if my dragon and I dont ia
e dragon! r4 each other? — — |
4 Get to teach dragons aboutie 4. |may be porn ona eaten by N
humans, etc. E my dragon. i
5. Get to hang out with xm T .. 5 tmay be unable to talk about Td ce
masters and their dragons. E - other than dragons.
New Cook idea: A

k aica Guide
to umar "
Darastrix Academy for Young
Dragons and Their Wizards -
Each wing of Darastrix Academy is decorated and keptinaccordance — |
with the desires of the dragons housed there. For example, the white

i dragon wing is kept at -26° at all times, its walls are white marble with
: s ` veins of blue, and hard tundra covered with powdery snow make up 1
the floors. The blue dragon wing, by contrast, is sweltering—as hot —
7 es f is
P PUR m Tlent as the desert the blue dragons come $ from--with walls of sapphire
^i warm clathec|
blue and floors of sand that the dragons can burrow into at will.
You can see why wizards make particularly good dragon masters—
for who else would be able to keep the dragons so happy or mage
sure their hatching conditions were exactly right?

Netter 1 re
Heres the | |
e mesa
Daradtrix Academy!

Sh Lacon OE E El e
mm ON S : y à A A Wh ir

m: RE
S = E 3 3 Y m».Ti y al Morro, *

uem Academy | exPUEDA;
0۳ dunJgHaa ۱
:1 ve and Their Warde Cars iR
4 Um ae E Sh S aco UR 4 |

DeerSindriSuncatcher, |
wing -

an outstandi En ht. eae

P b t Tademy
1es ras master, you are cordi
bt al ce ote5
T,Young Dragonsand TheirWizards, Ww ae gives
i A
Pr gical| education ;pivela here ‫اب‬‎
youvillcontinue. :
۱ | sbameverything there istoA
| ons,

wilthen hatchns

hi inyour cont
inuing edu
EOI 5 “Student eile


is ‫قوا‬‎ory,
GICpr» 8"i
StudentDorm ?
mené he
= Ei
E | Potigas T PT Z y
E 7 u» YE
, ©

Qu Chamber
Dragon Master Responsibilities
The-dragon master's responsibilities for his or her charge starts the
moment the dragon breaks free of its shell, and lasts a lifetime.

When the hatchlings exit their shells, they are already as smart as
your average human, just begging to be filled with knowledge of
the world. They are born with the knowledge that they are dragons,
a dominant species. However, as their primary source of care, you
are in a unique position to earn their respect and affection.
You are also responsible for helping them explore their innate
magical talents.

Luminia, Borealix, Aurex, Aethyr
SILVER DRAGON ES. t ve es to do anything
Karaglen, Vorella, Viviex, Iskar — — it doesn’t want to. You can E A
Brass DRAGON “ Convince them, but RAR
Poccri, Kethenda, Myrikar, Svyrgi © 人 nr
TA SA dragon and is sta in wit,
Copper DRAGON. T E 3
Snydel, Rhasvym, Vaerie, Rachyr _ ۱ 1 AS lectu. A ou bs t want

Bronze DRAGON y » SEINthat: dra who knows de

Immersa, Irathos, Aujyre, Wysvyr so well and ma e it an oer

Blight, Sjacha, Malsvyre, Thurkyr
GREEN DRAGON Naming Your Dragon
Blister, Machuak, Verthichar, Vyrvesh — Your first responsibility as a dragon
WHITE DRAGON 1 | master is to name your dragon. Be
Rime, Aussyre, Gixa, Dartax sure to pick a name that is regal and
BLUE DRAGON ۱ respectful-one that acknowledges the
. Dazzle, Kespecco, Korthyre, Karryte dragon's heritage and personality. If the
WE . RED DRAGON dragon does not like the name you give
= Scorch, LER Ixynne, Valenar it, it may choose not to bond with you.

Often called Dragons
all love to collect treasure,
ee »
ee. hard A and one of your responsibilities as a
dragon master is to help them start their
hoard. If you go on adventures, be sure
to always offer your dragon first pick
of the treasure you find. Not only is it
polite, but showing such respect for your
dragon’s desires will make your dragon
particularly fond of you. You should
Ha dragon becomes trul also give your dragon gifts to mark
fond of yous it will is TN l important events, such as its hatching
dE. youaft: ALA day, and occasionally just to show
| Tee 9WA ceed hoard] day BEE EI
Caring for Your Dragon
Caring for your dragon means keeping it clean and well fed, and
making sure it has a warm place to sleep at night. Most dragon
masters and dragons find themselves happiest sleeping curled
up together.

While dragons can clean themselves, just like on a cat, there are
some spots that are difficult to reach, and scrubbing your dragon's
scales is an excellent way to bond. Use a sea sponge with strong
soap, a bristle brush and pick for difficult spots, and a rag with
armor polish to really make your dragon gleam! Dragons find the
- process of being bathed both pleasurable and addictive.
ls L

TS i ERRAT $ leiten is th& reason wer dragon

x ۲ g l ii entrusted. to yon in the first place,

JA: j | : vag thisA Ford important part ot

raising Mer dragon,
Educating Your Dragon

Dragons are intelligent creatures, even having just hatched. At a

school such as Darastrix Academy, you will be taking most of your o
classes together, learning side by side. In some classes, you will even
be doing activities designed to help you and your dragon plumb the
depths of its magic by exposing you both to a variety of challenges
and unique situations. It shouldn't take much effort to coax your
dragon into exploring its abilities-most dragons are just as excited
as humans at the prospect of learning magic. LAST AI: S Th 1
$ tia A E : 1 ts ۶ also A^ great

Dragons are excellent students and learn very quickly justthrough learning opportunity for: you!

observation. The best thing you can do for your dragon outside "

the classroom is to take it with you everywhere. But be. careful.

Not everyone is open-minded about having dragons around—
particularly librarians. yl
a ue

easier once Nous ; ۱ ^ |

3 Te gets el i

3 ete” dragon ERT human Tore : ”一 raconomicon is 5 layers

1 Fr t book in thee Rakes: ;
; ai, ibrar — you 人 人
> d ge 9 1 n ; A^ your ragen will
TT A E n pleat sr Lime with
Make a Dragon Bond
When it comes to selecting a dragon, you don't
_. find a dragon—a dragon finds you. In most cases,
2 dragons that have an egg they are looking to bond
with a human call upon Darastrix Academy. The
teachers at the school select candidates for that,
dragon's egg. Then, the young would-be dragon
masters are brought to the dragons to see which
is the best fit.

In some rare cases, dragons notice a particularly

promising human child outside the Darastrix Qué of the hardest
Academy system and approach them, usually nes ray Lave ds L
is to
in the guise of a human themselves, to gauge separate: board. ar
abe :
whether the child would make a good companion
like da Ios ‫الا‬‎
for their wyrmlings or not. In this case, the
human is almost always immediately offered a
place at Darastrix, not only on the merit of the
dragon's opinions, but also for the well-being of
the dragon they have been entrusted with.

or dragons whe
۳ ‫سم‬‎


Exhaustive questions about dragon

lore or magic
Obstacle courses
T display
= Treasure hunts
piel BET
Hypothetical moral dilemmas
The Test |
Before a dragon will entrust you with its egg,
you must prove yourself a worthy companion to
the dragon's satisfaction. The form the test takes Testin ingenuity Al r
- depends largely on the kind of dragon, as well as 1our a di
to | p
` that dragon’s individual personality. These tests dart a f,Fas
ie ` can last anywhere from five minutes to five days,
ure A |

foF their young
b. depending on how exacting the dragon parent is.

The Promise
This promise, made to an anxious dragon parent, is where you
demonstrate that you know what a dragon requires and that you are
up to the task of bonding with one and raising it. In your promise,
you must display specific knowledge of that kind of dragon's feeding
requirements, tastes in treasure,and educational needs.

The Egg
Assuming you pass the dragon's test and make a promise that meets
the dragon's standards, the dragon will entrust you with its egg. This
is where going to Darastrix Academy is particularly useful! The
school has whole wings devoted to each kind of dragon, and within _ ey A

those, there are dedicated nurseries where young would-be dragon

masters have all the resources they need to care for their eggs-and
the instructions and oversight to make sure they do it right.

l thing
This is no ¿mal
e exacting :
considering th
‫ وء‬ree La
e Aandards ‫جو‬‎
order to hatch!

ET a

Helping a hatchling learn how to use magic is an

ucational experience for both dragon and dragon
master. Few humans ever get to see how a dragon learns
to channel their innate power, and the bond a dragon
master shares with his or her dragon allows for an inside
view to the whole process. Dragon masters use their
unique perspectives as human wizards who understand
the Way dragons cast magic to meld the two into
innovative and new forms of magic. If a dragon master
shares a particularly strong bond with his or her dragon,
the pair can even cast spells together that combine the
` best of the human and dragon forms of magic, going
. where no "nam orragon could go before.
Finding Your Dragon: A Quiz
` Find outwhat kind of dragon you have in your future! Are
you going to study under the wise gold dragons? Or do you
have a fiery young red dragon apprentice in your future?
Answer the following questions and find out!

1. When you have finally become a master of dragon magic, you

will use your newfound powers for

a. The good ofall.

b. Personal gain.

2. You have stumbled upon an ancient dragon's lair and woken the
mighty beast. It is very angry, but also very bored, and offers you >

a sporting chance of leavipg its domain alive. You pte E à

a To fight him. ^. rat ۳ ar th

b.To> challenge him to:a battleQEWLE m TIT Er AS

3 A oi in yourHose] Bs a Baia enchanted, Suh

: n C sized sword iin itshoard. The dragon will let you play with the
-. . sword once, and the weapon fits your hand perfectly. You can't
Dar E E hing you wantmore. You

E ` a Steal it or try to trick the -— into giving it to you.

ab. Ask the dragon to sell it to you or demand it by way of force.
y e : * šE

4. Youarea ‚dragon knight, sworn to uphold the justice DES rus $

dragonkind. "You have finally tracked down a dragon outlaw, ands
it is holding a priceless:work ofart infront of it like a shield. You

as Blast ee your rigorsmagic anyway. . The dragon is obviously

using it as a shield hoping you won't risk hurting the art to get
T to it! j
ap. Try to save ae first-do you have any idea how much a ‫و‬‎
E e 3worth?-then fight the dragon.
QAum» E
5. Two di iwin your sstormshell are fighting, and it looks pretty
vicious. One asks for your help. You
4 Es

" pu Forcë them to stop fighting long enough to answer some A:

۷5 . questions-such as, which one will pay you Sn or Xp they JT
: ‚are,fighting! pon RT, RE O
E ۱ ans ۳ b..epo! the i A Ge. BEN. T SINUS. ae >. = A ; 3 ders A
= * ARES { ۱a iY ; EC e m A et - : E = EU 1


6. At Dee Academy, a fpem entrusts you with.a zolden egg

as part of the test to see whether you would beaagood RN x a
m its |egg. Unfortunately, you DOS x ix cda
3 A

a. Carefully construct a replacement egg orblame the

۱ br
the egg on someone else.
- b. Tell the dragon what happened even thoughit I mea
۱ thetest. wit ARS, ES

= T 2 wm SER" ۳۰

7 You come c across |one

S o AR in your orm Rell crying.
It asks you to help it get back at another dragon iin fous,
stormshell. You —
y Ba OF y o a 0

Í i Sd iJ
a. Agree toPhi T TE fe Wu i aM
b. Talk to the other ae first to find out its side of the story.

s 8. A prospective student comes bearing a at you know the

maekrix will love. You M 5 á k

a. Take the gift by force or convince the student to give you the = 553 é
gift and present it to:the maekrix as er you had Peuriit Pus
for them. SES on ys
¢ her
and u him or
b. Help the student find the maekrix
presenting the gift..
Sr x 4i "n

9. Asthe final segment in your dragon master test, to see if you are
worthy of an egg, you are offered a choice: solve a riddle or
complete an obstacle course. You
o E à : 2

a. Choose the riddle. = 4 "UAR a f

b. Choose the obstacle course. tud irs gt

mit E
a d
: VEN E d E be ac wo de

10. You are a dragon master, and your dragon offers you agiftoff : ae
a beautiful set of silvery chain mail that is light as a feather and
enchanted to turn away all but the sternest blows. At the same - A
time, a dwarf comes by the academy asking if anyone has seen a -
set of enchanted chain mail that was stolen from it. e ۳

PA d ben the chain mail to the dwarf and role Um your dragon.
b. Keep the chain mail. It was a gift from your dragon, and E
` besides, who is to say it's the same chain mail as was stolen we N he

the dwarf? 3 ۹ poses


11. You are wandering when you come across two morale wounded
dragons, one gold and one red, collapsed on the ground. The
gold dragon is unconscious, but the Red offers to teach you -—
dragon magic if you help it-and threatens to eat you ifyou| wonx
You're down to your last healing potion. You ;

a. Give the red dragon the healing potion.

b. Give the gold dragon the healing potion.

> 1 1 a
12. Two stormshells are fighting over you! You

a. Watch to see which one wins or ask which one will give ypu more,
. and pick that one. E ie Hy,
_ b. Pick the one you like the best, or give them a test to2
j which one you'll pe | :
Answers i you received:
b, a, a, a, b, a, a, b, b, b, a, a: Better be on your toes, because your
mischievous personality has you headed for the black dragons,
who are unpredictable, sly, and relentlessly clever. Life is always
interesting as the student or master of temperamental black dragons.

b, b, b, b, a, b, b, a, a, b, a, b: Alone in the wastes, surrounded by

glittering treasure like desert princes, the proud blue dragons are
difficult to find and once found, even more difficult to befriend.
But once you have gained their trust, blue dragons make for:
fierce friends—whether they start as master or apprentice. 4,

b, a, a, b, b, a, a, a, b, b, a, a: Have an appetite for leadership? Bold,

demanding, and uncompromising, green dragons are hard masters
bent on the relentless conquest of neighboring lands, but they are
also very rewarding to the students or masters who please them.

b, b, a, b, a, a, b, a, a, b, a, a: I hope you like the heat because your fiery

temperament has you headed for red dragon territory! Natural sorcerers,
charismatic and proud, red: dragons are among the wealthiest and most
powerful dragons in the world, and make valuable familiars and teachers.

b, a, b, a, b, a, a, b, b, a, a, a: Better stock up on fur coats and

snowshoes—you're headed for the frozen North where white dragons
soar! Wild and untamed, the white dragons not only throw some of the
_ best parties, they also boast unparalleled mastery of their homeland
and make the coolest.companions, be they master or apprentice.

a, b, b, a, a$ b, b, b, a,a,b, a: Start practicing your Draconic

because you're destined for time with the terribly talkative brass.
dragons! Brass dragons like nothing more than to engage ‫اه‬‎ '
conversation all day and all night. In fact, you may need tó. ` x
remind them you need to sleep! As a student, you're sure to © —
learn loads just from listening to these good--hearted dragons, -
and asa master, you ll never find a more eager Apprentice. PASTE.

a, a, b, a, b, a; a, b; b, a, b; b: Pack your hiking gear and get ready im TA

an adventure because youre likely to be the future friend ofa bronze `
dragon!.Like the human ngers you: are more m familiar with, bronze
dragons-with their use of dragon magic—are custodians of the wild,
bere defenders of the animals, andRE explorers of the world.

a, b, a, b, a, a, b, a, a, b, b, b:I hope you haves a good: sense of humor ۳

because you'll be spending your days with the copper dragons. While —
not the most attentive ofcompanions, life will never be boring among the
mischievous copper dragons, and they will ensure you are as comfortable
and entertainedas possible-as long as,you Iaugh.at their jokes.,
j >I

a, b,b,b, a, b, b,b, a, b, b,a Be ready to work hard, for you bue

dod dragons awaiting you. Wise and devoted to justice, gold dragons
are exacting but patient maekrixes, and demanding but rewarding
‘students. Among the most powerful and noble of the dragons, gold R la ae
dragons are the knights of the dragon realm, studying ssecrets other -
dragons can only dream of, and righting wrongs wherever theyEe
a, a, a, a,.a, a, b, b, b, a, b, b: Compassionate and ed silver=
dragons make the best of friends. As masters, silver dragonsAo
more about humans than we do ourselves, apd a often make exemplary | —
teachers, explaining the mysteries of dragon magic m > "e I: zh i
any other of dragonkind. As studei ts, silver dragons are foi d oe A
intelligent pupils, as evot to you as they are to pe education, 24 pon
: LN x ۱
^N N


S uean 小 Morris

` Edited by |
wA Hess

Cover art by
«il PFiegenschuh

a Interior art by
aarken, Eric MESA 7 (UAI Dutrait, Wa ^e C» baad, ASON A. E be,
“e C iegenschuh, 4. Giorell,, Jars le ES Gala

Raloh Si Jere arvis, Todd Jockwood, David Martin, Peth Trott,

ji ۱۳۹/۳۹۹ Wil Lam O OAAOr, Ame Stokes, Frans Vohwinkel, va UAE A


Cartography by
JasonA Engle

۱ Art Direction by
Š Kate Ara

Graphic Design by
Jisa Hanson ‘

Visit our web siteatDungeonsandDragons.com

A Practical Guide to Dragon Magic

©2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC,
All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is
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* u fantasy roleplaying game,
Published by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Wizambs or THE Coast and its logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. ‫او‬

Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the Library of Congress U.S., CANADA, ASIA, PACIFIC, EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS
, l Printed in the U.S.A, & LATIN AMERICA ; Hasbro UK Ltd
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| Brany


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Every book in the Practical Guide series is filled with exactly the kind of stuff
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Then grab some friends and go on adventures with the Dungeons ۴

Roleplaying Game Starter Set—it's got everything you need to start your career ds
as a heroic adventurer.


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Wizardsof the Coast, Dungeons & Dragons, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2010 Wizards
Do you wish you could fly alongside your
favorite dragon, on wings of your own?
Breathe fire? Cast spells in the blink of an eye?
This book contains the deepest magical secrets
of dragonkind, never before revealed to mortals.
And it's the private property of my Aunt Moonbeam.
If you truly believe in the power of dragons,
you can peek inside the pages.



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