Error Correction
Error Correction
Error Correction
Passage 1 ( 10 mistakes )
Since water is the basis of life, composing the greater part of the tissues of all living things, the
crucial problem of desert animals is to survive in a world where sources of flowing water are
rare. And since man’s inexorable necessity is to absorb large quantities of water in frequent
intervals, he can scarcely comprehand what many creatures of the desert pass their entire lives
without a single drop.
2. in intervals -> at intervals : đan xen nhau ( now and then ) = sometimes
Uncompromising as it is, the desert has not eliminated life but only those forms unable to
withstand its desiccating: khô hạn effects. No moist-skinned, water-loving animals can exist
there. Few large animals are found. The giants of the North American desert are the deer, the
coyote: chó sói , and the bobcat: linh miêu . Since desert country is open, it holds more swift-
footed running and leaping creations than the tangled forest
. Its population is hugely nocturnal, silent, filled with reticence, and ruled stealth. Yet they are not
emaciated.: extremely thin ( starvation or illness )
Having adapted to their austere environment, they are as healthful as animals anywhere else in
the world. The secret of their adjustment lies in the combination of behavior and physicology.
Nobody could survive if, like mad dogs and Englishmen, they went out in the midday sun; many
would die in a while of minutes. So most of them pass the burning hours asleep in cool, humid
burrows underneath the ground, emerging to hunt only by night. The coverage of the sun-baked
desert avarages around 150 degrees, but 18 inches down the air is only 60 degrees.
Preserving organisms in museums is one way of retaining them for posterity, but almost people
agree that it would be nice to keep a few of them live in the wild, too. At the moment, which
species survive, which decline to threatened or even status and which succumb for extinction is
something of a lottery. WORLDMAP is an easy-to-use software that identified geographical
patterns in diversity, rarity and conservation priorities. It can perform a range of specialist
biological analysis for countless numbers of species, with a view to provide biodiversity data for
research purposes. The program divides the surface area of the world into cells, usually arranging
in a rectangular grid. WORLDMAP can also predict the likelihood of a hitherto ( until now )
unobserved species found in an area on the basis of theirs known distribution.
1. Almost people -> almost all people / almost everyone/ almost noone
most + N
2. Live -> alive ( adj ) : existing
3. Succumb for -> succumb to : to die or suffer badly from an illness
4. Identified -> identifies
5. Provide -> providing
6. Arranging -> arranged
7. Theirs -> its
Given the patchiness of most records, which is a useful trick. Furthermore, it can select
complementary areas for preservation. Those are not necessarily cells with the highest individual
biodiversity, but for those which, together, maximize what is preserved by picking places with
the least overlapping species
Passage 3 :
Over the past few years, computer technology has started to change many aspects of our lives.
One of these is our approaching to teaching and learning. Many people believe that the Internet
will greatly enhance student’s lives but in my opinion, the costs will outweigh the benefactors.
One future affect of the Internet on academic study is that the level of lecturer/student contact
that we are used to may be reduced. This might happen simple because students do not need to
spend so much time on the university campus. The alike may be true of lecturers. If they are
capable to put their lectures on the Internet, they may choose to do this from home when so be
less available for consultation. In my view this would be a great advantage. In my home country,
tutors usually stress the importance of regular, informal meetings and students’ work could suffer
if efforts are not done to maintain these
II. Wordform
Holidays at home are usually a last (COURSE) ______________when all other options have
been ruled out for one reason or another, but, in these tough times when money is perhaps tighter
than ever before, the grim (REAL) _______________ that the stay-athome vacation may be the
only realistic (ALTER) _______________ is one that more and more of us are faced with.
However, this does not have to mean a (MISERY) _______miserable ______ time in the same
old (ROUND) ____surrounds ________ you are in for the other 355-odd days of the year. For
those willing to think outside the box a little, there are, in fact, a (MULTIPLE) ___multitude
__________ of possibilities that should be explored. Ever thought about a house swap, for
example? The house swap is ultimate holiday (RECEDE) ___recession : sự suy thoái
__________ buster. And there are now websites on which (MIND) ___like – minded : cùng chí
hướng _________ individuals, couples and families looking to get a flavour of the life lived in
some else's home can hook up and start house swapping. Okay, so it's not the two weeks in Gran
Canaria you might have hoped for, but staying in someone else's (RESIDE) ___residence
_________ for a few days at least, whether it be ten, fifty or one hundred miles away, sure beats
(SLOUCH) ____slouching : bước đi nặng nề _________ round at home on your sofa.
1. There’s not that much difference between irony and sarcasm ( LINE ) a fine line
between : giống nhau
There’s a fine line between …..
2. I sincerely promise you that I’m telling you the truth ( BOTTOM )
I promise you from the bottom of my heart : một cách chân thành that I’m telling you
the truth
3. As far as I know, no one’s talking about you behind your back ( BEST )
To the best of my knowledge, no…
4. I’m finding it difficult to cope with all the work I have to do ( TOP )
All the work I have to do is getting on top of me
Getting on top of someone : đạt đến đỉnh điểm
5. There is grave= seriously bad : trầm trọng concern about confirmed cases of cholera that
originated in the makeshift shelters
Of grave concern are confirmed cases of cholera that orginated in the makeshif
6. The collision didn’t damage my car much
Not a great deal of damage was caused to my car by the collision
7. This system of communication only worked within groups
Between groups this system of communication didn’t work