Science Revision Test Set A

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CLASS-X (2021-22)D

General Instructions: MAXIMUM MARKS-50
1. The Question
Paper contains three sections and
2. Section A has 24 10pages
questions. Attempt arny 20questions.
3. Section B has 24
questions. Attempt ay 20 questions
4. Section C has 12
questions. Attempt any 10 questions.
5. All questions carry
equal marks.
6. There is no
negative marking

Section A consists of 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions from this section.
The first attempted 20 questions would be evaluated.
Q1. The organic acid present in tomato is:
(aJoxalic acid b)lactic acid
(c)malic acid (d)tartaric acid

Q.2 The electronic configurations of three elements X, Y and

-2,8,2. Which of the following is correct? Zare X-2,8; Y-2,8,7 andZ
(a) X is a metal
b) Y is a metal
c) Zis a non-metal
(d) Y is a non-metal and Z is a metal

Q.3 Which of the following are combination reactions?

) 2KCIO, Heat 2KC1+30,
(i) MgO +H,0 Mg(OHh
ii) 4Al+302Al,O
iv) Zn +FesO4 ZnsO+ Fe
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iv)
((i) and (v) (4) Gi) and (ii)

Q4 Which of the following are not ionic compounds?

() KCI (i)HCI (ii) CI4 (iv)NaCI
(a) i) andgi) 6) Gand(i)
(c) ii)and(iv) (d) ) and(ii)
Q.5 Seema took 10ml of Lead Nitrate solution in a beaker and added
lodide solution to it. What would she
approximately 8ml of Potassium
(a) The solution turned red.
(b) Yellow precipitate was formed.
(c)White precipitate was formed. (d). The reaction mixture became

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Q6 Which among the following alloys contain mercury as one or i1s
(a) Stainless steel (b) Alnico
(c) Solder (d) Zinc amalgam
9.1. Baríum chloride on reacting with ammonium
sulphate forms barium sulphate and
amnonium chloríde. Which of the following correctly represents the type of the reaction involved'?
(i) Dísplacement reaction (i) Precipitation reaction
(ii) Combination reaction (iv) Double displacement reaction
(a) (i) only (b) (i) only
(c) (iv) only (d) Gi) and (iv)

Q.8 Which of the following salts does not contain water of

(a) Blue vitriol crystallisation?
(b) Baking soda
(c) Washing soda
(d) Gypsum
Q.9 A sample of soil is mixed with water and allowed to settle. The solution turns
thepH paper yellowish-orange. clearsupernatant
Which of the following would
change the colour of this pH paper to greenish-blue?
(a) Lemon juice
(b) Vincgar
(c) Common salt
(d) An antacid

0 PlastcrofPris (o)COCh
)Gypsum NaHCO
0i)Bleachingpowder Na:0O:10H
r) Baking soda 0) CaSO.4H0
Waching soda () CASOL2H0
Q.10 Identify the corect match:
)i-d, i- e, ii- a, iv- b,v-c
6) i-d, ii-e, ii- b, iv- a, v-c
i-e, i-d, ii- a, iv- c, v-b
i-c, i-d, ii- a, iv-b, v -e

Q.11 Where should an object be placed in front ofa convex lens to get a real image of the size of the
(a) At the principal focus of the lens
(b) At twice the focal length
(c) At infinit
(d) Between the optical centre of the lens and its principal focus.

Q.12 No matter how far you stand from a mirror, your image appears erect. The miror is likely to be
(a) only plane.
(b) enly concave
(c) onty convex
(d) either plane or convex

Q13 which of the following lenses would you prefer to use while readingsmall lettcrs found in a
(a) A canvex lens of focal length 50 cm.
(b) Aconcave ens of focal length 50 cm.
(c)A convex lens of focal length Scm
(d) A concave lens of focal length 5 cm.

Q.14 At oon the sun appears white as

(a) light is least scattered
(b) all the colours of the white light are scattered away
(c) blue colour is scattered the most
(d) red colour is scattered the most

Q.15 Which of the following phenomena of light are involved in the formation
of a rainbow?
(a) Reflection, refraction and dispersion
(b) Refraction, dispersion and total intermal reflection
(c)Refraction, dispersion and intermal reflection
(d) Dispersion, scattering and total internal reflection
Q.l6 Under what conditions, the ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is always a
0 when the colour of incident light is same
(i) when the pair of media is same
(i) when the first medium is always optically denser than the second mediunm
(iv) when the second medium is always optically denser than the first medium
ldentify the correct set of conditions:
(a) Condition (i) only
b) Condition () and (i) only
(c) Condition (), Ci) and (ii) only
() Condition (), (i) and (iv) only

Q.17 The danger signals installed at the top oftall buildings are red incolour.
These can be easily seen from a distance because among all other colours, the red
(a) is scatered the most by smoke or fog
(b) is scattered the least by smoke or fog
(c) is absortbed the most by smoke or fog
d) moves fastest in air

Q.18 In which ofthe following cases, the image formed is not laterally inverted?
(a) When an object is placed at a distance of bcm from a concave mirraor of focal length 10 cm.
(b) When an object is placed at a distance of 6cm froma convex mirror of focal length 10 cm.
(c) When the object is placed at any distance from a plane miror
d) When an object is placed at a distance of 6cm from a convex lens of focal length 10 cm.
he enzyne Pepsin a d Tiypsn a e r m

a) Subtance they break down and optimum plH

b) Optimum ptl and site of secretion
c)Substance they break down and Site of secretion
d All of these

.20 To demonstrate the presence of CO2 in exhaled air whiclh chemícal substance you would choose-
a) CaO
b) CacO3
c) KOH
d) Ca(OH)2
Q.21In the giver

tu nna
Acuhi A cioses

a) B swell as water flows into them

b) B shrink as water flows out of them
c) B become turgid as water flows out of them
d) B become flaccid as water flows out of them

Q.22 Which among the following will be found in the

cells of all the organisms that feed upon glucose?
a) Lactose
b) Ethanol
d Pyruvate
Q.23 Which of the following does not
happen when we breathe in -

a) our ribs are lifted

b) The airways become inflated
c)the chest cavity becomes smaller
d)our diaphragm is flattened
Q.24 Cold blooded animals tolerate some mixing
of the oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood because
a) They can store oxygen in their body
b) They have filtration system which later separates the
c)Their body temperature does not depends on the oxygenated
and de-oxygenated blood
temperature in the environment.
d) They do not need Oxygen consistently to
produce energy to warm up their body.

Section -B consists SECTION- B

of 24 questions (SI. No.25 to 48). Attempt any 20
attempted 20 questions would be evaluated. questions from this section. The first

0.25 Which of the following
sunrise or sunset? phenomenon contributes significantly to the
reddish appearance
(a) Dispersion of light of the sun at
(b) Scattering of light
(c) Total internal reflection of light
(d) Reflection of light from the earth
Q.26 Which of the following statements is
light in air? correct regarding the propagation of light of different colours of white
(a) Red light moves fastest
(b) Blue light
moves faster than
green light
(c) All the colours of the white light move
with the same speed
(d) Yellow light moves with the mean as speed that of the red and the violet
Q.27 A concave lens of focal length 5 the
cm, power of lens is (a). 0.2D
(b)-0.2 D(¢). -2D (d).-20D.
Q.28 An object is, placed 50 cm from a concave
of lens. The focal lens and produces a virtual
length of lens is image at a distance of 10 cm in front
(a) 12 cm (b) -12.5 cm (c) 10 cm
(d)-10 cm
Q29. Suhana takes three beakers A, B and
C filled with
acid respectively as shown in aqueous solutions of glucose, alcohol and
the following figure: hydrochloric
Battery bulb BalteryBulb

eaker Beaker
od Graphite Graphitle
rod rod
Alcohol DiIL HCI

Which of the following statement is

correct in terms of
glowing of bulb when the switch is ON?
(A) Bulb A and B do not glow but bulb
(B) Bulb A and C do not glow but bulb B
(C)Bulb B and C do not glow but bulb Aglows.
D) All the bulbs glow.

Q.30 Which among the following statements is incorrect for

(a) It burms in oxygen with a dazzling white flame magnesium metal?
(b) It reacts with cold water to form magnesium oxide and
evolves hydrogen gas
(c) It reacts with hot water to form magnesium
-(d) Itreacts with steam to form magnesium hydroxide
and evolves hydrogen gas
hydroxide and evolves hydrogen gas
Question No. 31 to 34 consist of two
statements- Assertion
selecting the appropriate option given below: (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions
A. Both A and R are true and R is
the correct
explanation ofA

2nd (rv)
W . h i cqs
(0, (i)
B. Both A and R are true and R is not the
correct explanation ofA (a) (),

C. A is true but R is false )

D. A is False but R is true

Q31.Assertion (A): After white washing the walls, a shiny white finish on walls is
obtained after two to three
Reason (R): Calcium oxide reacts
with carbon dioxide to form calcium hydrogen carbonate which gives
shiny white finish.
9.32. Assertion (A): Gas bubbles are observed
when sodium carbonate is added to dilute
hydrochloric acid.
Reason (R): Carbon dioxíde is
given off in the reaction.
Q.33 Assertion (A):
Transpiration is a
Reason (R): It causes water necessary
loss but helps in upward movement of water and minerals.
Q.34 Assertior (A): Refractive indexhas no unit.
Reason (R): The refractive
index is a ratio of two similar
Q.35 Assertion (A): Property of
converging of
Reason (R):
Property of lens whether the ray is convergentorlens does not remain same for all media.
diverging conversing is independent of the
surrounding medium.
Q.36 Solid calcium oxide reacts
heat. This process is called vigorously with water to form calcium
water to form its slaking of lime. Calcium hydroxide dissolves hydroxide
accompanied by liberation of
solution called lime water. Which
solution formed? among the following is (are) true about
slaking of lime and the
1) t is an endothermic reaction
(i) It is an exothermic reaction
(ii) The pH of the resulting solution will be more
iv) The pH of the resulting solution will be less than seven
(a) G) and (i)
(c) () and (iv) (b) (i) and (ii)
(d) (ii) and (Giv)
Q.37 Which of the following statements is correct about an aqucous solution
a base? of an acid and of
) Higher the pH, stronger the acid
i) Higher the pH, weaker the acid
in) Lower the pH, stronger the base
(iv) Lower the pH, weaker the base
(a) i) and (ii) (b) i) and (i)
(c)) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv)

Q.38 Which of the following statements about the given reaction are
3Fe(s) 4H20(g)Fe304 () +4H2 (E)

() Iron metal is getting oxidised

(ii) Water is getting reduced
(i) Water is acting as reducing agent
(iv) Water is acting as oxidising agent

(a) (i). (i) and (ii) b) Cii) and (v)
()), (i) and (iv) d) (i) and (i

Q,39. Which of the following is used for dissolution of gold?

(a) Hydrochloric acid (b) Sulphuric acid
c) Nitric acid (d) Aqua regia
Q.40 Four students performed reactions of zinc and sodium carbonate with dil Hydrochloric acid and sodium
hydroxide and present their result as follows.
The right represent evolution of gas and cross represent no reaction.

Zn Na,CO, n Na,Co,

Zn N2C03 Zn Na,CO,


The right set of observation is

a) A b) B c)C d D

Q41 Which of the following gives the correct increasing order of acidic strength?

(a) Water<Acetic acid <Hydrochloric acid

(b) Water Hydrochloric acid <Acetic acid
(c) Acetic acid <Water <Hydrochloric acid
(d) Hydrochloric acid <Water <Acetic acid.

Q.42 Identify the device used as a spherical miror or lens in the following case, where the image formed is virtual,
erect and diminished and between focus and optical centre on the same side as that of the object when the
object is placed between infinity and device.
(aconcave mirror
(b)convex miror
C)concave lens
(dhconvex lens

Q. 43 Human body stores energy in form of:

a) Glucose
b) Insulin
c) glycogen
d) Fructose

Q44 The rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is much faster than that seen in terestrial organisms,
the amount of dissolved oxygen in water is fairly high as compared to the amount ofoxygen in the
6) the amount of dissolved oxygen in water is fairly low as compared to the amount ofoxygen in the
)aquatic organisms need more oxygen to breathe.


G) aquatic organisms do not have proper breathing

Q45 What is the form of nitrogen in which it is absorbed (A)Mq
a) N2 gas by the plants?
b) N20 and NO2
cnitrites and nitrates
d) both N2 gas and nitrates

Q.46 Which of the

a co2
following is the source of oxygen released during
b) Minerals
d) H20
Q.47 Which of the
a Ureter following structure is under nervous
b) Kidney
d) Bladder
Q.48 Choose the odd one out.
a) Hibiscus, lichen, roundworm
b) Cuscuta, Amar bel, Lice
c) Lichen, legume, ticks
d) Lice, parrot,
Section-C consists of SECTION-C
three Cases
questions from this section. Thefollowed by questions. There are a total of 12
evaluated first attempted 10 questions questions in this section. Attempt any
would be
CASEI. Read the
given passage and answer
the following questions from Q.49. to Q.52.
The reaction between
in the MnO2 with HCl is depicted
following diagram.
with bleaching abilities
It was observed that
a gas
was released.
HCI (aq)

Q.49 The chemical reaction between Mn02 and HCl is an
of example
(A) displacement reaction
(B) combination reaction
D) decomposition reaction.
O.50 Chlorine gas reacts with_
to form bleaching
dry Ca(OH)2. powder. (A
(B) dil. solution of Ca(OH)2.
(C)conc. solution of Ca(OH)2.
(D) dry Ca0
Q.51 Identify the correct statement from the following:
(A) Mn02 is getting reduced whereas HCI is getting oxidized.
(B) Mn02 is getting oxidized whereas HCl is geting reduced.
(C) Mn02 and HCI both are getting reduced
D) Mn02 and HCl both are getting oxidized.

Q.52 What will happen if we take dry HCl gas instead of aqueous solution of HCI?
(A) Reaction will occur faster.
(B) Reaction will not occur.
C) Reaction rate will be slow.
D) Reaction rate will remain the same.
Blood transports food, oxygen and waste materials in our bodies. It consists of plasma as a Fluid medium. A
pumping organ(heart) is required to push the blood around the body. The blood now flows through the chambers of
the heart in a specific manner and direction. While Flowing throughout the body, blood exerts a pressure against
the wall of a vessel.
Q.53 Choose the incorrect statement from below-

a)High blood pressure is caused by the constriction ofveins.

bThere is decreased resistance to blood flow in high BP
c)Blood pressure ofa normal human being is 120/80 mm of mercury.
d)Blood pressure is measured with an instrument called sphygmomanometer.
Q54. The given graph indicates the average rate ofblood fow in the dif
The Average Rate of Blood Flow through the Blood Vessels


heart contraction);
(relaxation; refilling)

The rate of blood flow in the capillaries is very low because capillaries are
(a) very narrow and have high resistance
6) much wide and have low resistance
(c)very narrow and have low resistance
(d) much wide and have high resistance
Q55. Select the incorrect
a) Capillaries are smallest vessels which have one-cell thick walls
b) Arteries are called capacitance vessels as they can accommodate more
volume of blood
c)Veins have valves that ensure that the blood flows only in one direction.
d) the arterics have thick and elastic walls

Q56. Study the graph below that

represents changes in pressure within large arteries during a single cardiac cycle
of contraction and relaxation.
Choose the correct combination of
plots provided in the following table.
Blood pressure category Diastolic (mmHg)
Systolic (mmHg)
Normal 120 80

b) Normal
80 120
c) Hypertension 110 65
d) Hypertension 70 60

Ram placed a glass slab on a
drawing sheet and marked its boundary as PQRS. Then he removed the
drew a lince AO on the side
PQ. He placed the glass slab glass slab and
in position, passed light from a laser torch
AO. He observed the path of light
through the glass slab and marked the points O, B and C. PQ is the through it along
separation of air and glass and that RS is the surface
of separation of glass and air
surface of


Q.57 Where does the incident and

emergent ray meet in above figure?
a) inside the glass b) infinity c) above the glass slab d) none of these

Q.58 When a ray of light enters a glass slab, then

(a)Its frequency and velocity change.
(b)Only frequency changes.
(c)Its frequency and wavelength change.
(d)lts frequency doesnot change.

Q.59 Is the angle of refraction greater or lower than the angle of incidence when it goes from
a) Greater b) Lower c) Equal d) None of these glass to air?

Q.60 In the above figure lateral displacement is mentioned by

a) AO b) OB c) BC d) CD.


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