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Science 08.12.23 QP PB1

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केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन,कोलकाता संभाग


प्री-बोर्ड परीक्षा/PRE-BOARD EXAM-2023-24
कक्षा/CLASS- X अविकतम अंक /MAX.MARKS-80
विषय/SUB.- SCIENCE समय/TIME-03घंटे/HOURS
प्रश्न पत्र सेट/Q.P.SET- 2

General Instructions:
i. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.
ii. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A
student is expected to attempt only one of these questions.
iii. Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
iv. Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions
should be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
v. Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these
questions should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
vi. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to these
questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
vii. Section E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with sub-
Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for
each of the questions 1 - 20. There is no negative mark for incorrect response.
Q.Nos. Questions Marks
1 The emission of brown fumes in the given experimental set-up is due to 1

a) Thermal decomposition of lead nitrate which produces brown fumes of

nitrogen dioxide
b) Thermal decomposition of lead nitrate which produces brown fumes of
lead oxide
c) Oxidation of lead nitrate forming lead oxide and nitrogen dioxide
d) Oxidation of lead nitrate forming lead oxide and oxygen

2 Which of the following salts does not contain water of crystallisation?

(a) Blue vitriol 1
(b) Baking soda
(c) Washing soda
(d) Gypsum

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3 The metal X does not react with cold water but floats on hot water with 1
formation of colourless bubbles. Which of the following represents metal X
a) Aluminium
b) Copper
c) Magnesium
d) Lead
4 In which of the following compounds, — OH is the functional group? 1
(a) Butanone
(b) Butanol
(c) Butanoic acid
(d) Butanal
5 Choose the event that does not occur in photosynthesis 1
(a) Absorption of light energy by chlorophyll
(b) Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates
(c) Oxidation of Carbon-to-Carbon dioxide
(d) Conversion of light energy to chemical energy
6 A student sets up an experiment to study the role of enzymes in digestion of 1

In which test tube, the digestion of protein will occur?

(a) Test tubes A as pepsin will breakdown protein into simple molecules.
(b) Test tube B as HCl will breakdown protein into simple molecules.
(c) Test tube A as pepsin will breakdown into simple molecules.
(d) Test tube B as HCl creates an acidic medium which facilitates the action of
the enzyme pepsin

7 The growth of pollen tubes towards ovules is due to 1

(a) hydrotropism
(b) chemotropism
(c) geotropism
(d) phototropism
8 The refractive index of medium A is 1.33. If the speed of light in air is 3x10 8m/s, 1
what is the speed of light in medium A?
9 Magnification produced by a rear-view mirror fitted in vehicles 1
(a) is less than one
(b) is more than one
(c) is equal to one
(d) can be more than or less than one depending upon the position of the
object in front of it

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10 A homozygous dominant guinea pig with black fur is crossed with a homozygous 1
guinea pig with white fur. The F1 generation is crossed with itself. What
percentage of F2 generation is expected to show white fur coat?
a) 25%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 100%

11 Solution of which of the following oxides in water will change the colour of blue 1
litmus to red?
(a) sulphur dioxide
(b) magnesium oxide
(c) iron oxide
(d) copper oxide

12 If 10,000 J solar energy falls on green plants in a terrestrial ecosystem, what 1

percentage of solar energy will be converted into food energy?
a) 10,000 J
b) 100 J
c) 1000 J
d) It will depend on the type of the terrestrial plant.

13 Effective segregation of wastes at the point of generation is very important. 1

Select the appropriate statements giving the importance of waste segregation.
i)less waste goes to the landfills
ii)better for public health and the environment
iii)help in reducing the waste
iv) resulting in deterioration of a waste picker’s health
a) both i) and ii)
b) both i) and iii)
c) both ii) and iii)
d) both i) and iv)

14 w SnO2 + x H2 ---------> y Sn + z H2O 1

For which of the following values of w, x, y and z will the equation above be
a) w=1, x=1, y=1, z=1
b) w=1, x=2, y=2, z=1
c) w=1, x=2, y=1, z=2
d) w=1, x=1, y=1, z=2

15 Carefully study the diagram of the human respiratory system with labels A, B, C 1
and D. Select the option which gives correct identification and main function
and /or characteristic.

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a) B-Ribs: When we breathe out, ribs are lifted.
b) A -Trachea: It is supported by bony rings for conducting inspired air.
c) C-Diaphragm: It is pulled up when we breathe in.
d) D-Alveoli: Thin-walled sac like structures for exchange of gases.
16 Which one of the following structures correctly depicts the compound CaCl 2? 1

Question No. 17 to 20 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
17 Assertion(A): Greater number of individuals are present in lower trophic levels. 1
Reason(R): The flow of energy is unidirectional
18 Assertion (A): One circuit with 15 A current rating is used for appliances such as 1
geysers and air coolers.
Reason (R): Appliances with metallic body are connected to an earth wire with
low resistance
19 Assertion(A): The effect of root pressure in transport of water is more important 1
during daytime
Reason(R): Transpiration pull is the major driving force in movement of water
during the day.
20 Assertion(A): Esterification is a process in which a sweet-smelling substance is 1
Reason(R): When esters react with sodium hydroxide, an alcohol and sodium
salt of carboxylic acid is obtained.

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Question No. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions
21 A chemical compound X is used in glass, soap and paper industries. On 2
treatment with ethanoic acid, it forms salt, water and carbon dioxide.
a) Identify X
b) How is this compound obtained from brine? Write the equations
22 Amount of urine produced generally decreases in summers as compared to 2
other seasons if we don't keep ourselves sufficiently hydrated. Justify.
What is the purpose of making urine in the human body? Name the organs that
stores and releases the urine.
23 Observe the following diagram showing an image formation in an eye: 2

a) Identify the defect of vision shown in the figure.

b) List its two causes and suggest a suitable corrective lens to overcome
this defect.

24 A helical coil whose length is greater than its diameter is connected to a battery 2
as shown below.

(a) How does the magnetic field at point P compare with the magnetic field at
point Q? Justify your answer.
(b) State one way in which the strength of the magnetic field inside a current
carrying helical coil can be changed?

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25 Study the food web shown below.

(a) Identify and write the food chain from the food web shown, in which the
eagle will receive the highest percentage of the energy from the producers.

(b) Which organism will be the most affected when a non-biodegradable

pesticide is introduced into the soil? What is the phenomenon responsible for
this called?
26 What happens when: 2
i) Leaves of Bryophyllum fall on the soil?
ii) Planaria is cut into many pieces?
Also mention the mode of reproduction in both the above cases.
Draw a diagram showing germination of pollen on stigma of a flower and mark
the following parts : i) pollen grain ii) pollen tube iii) stigma iv)female germ cell

Question No. 27 to 33 are short answer questions
27 Give reasons why- 3
i)Aluminium is a highly reactive metal, yet it is used to make utensils for cooking
ii) Carbonate and sulphide ores are usually converted into oxides during the
process of extraction.
iii) Copper is used to make hot water tanks and not steel

28 Write the chemical equation of a double displacement reaction which is also a 3

i)Neutralization reaction and ii) Precipitation reaction. Give justification for your
2g of silver chloride is taken in a china dish and the china dish is placed in
sunlight for some time.
i)what will be your observation in this case?
ii)write the chemical reaction involved in the form of a balanced chemical
iii) Identify the type of chemical reaction.

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29 i) Which hormone is secreted into the blood when you are under stress? Name 3
the gland that secretes this hormone.

ii) How is the timing and amount of hormone released regulated? Explain with
the help of an example.

30 i)State the rule used to find the force acting on a current carrying conductor 3
placed in a magnetic field
ii) Given below are three diagrams showing entry of an electron in a magnetic
field. Identify the case in which the force will be a) maximum and b) minimum
respectively. Give reason for your answer.

31 3

a) Which chamber of the heart (A,B,C,D) pumps blood to the lungs for
oxygenation, name it?
b) State the significance of separation of right and left side of heart as seen
in the above figure.
c) Give reason why muscular walls of ventricles are thicker than the walls
of the atria.
32 A narrow beam XY of white light is passing through a glass prism ABC as shown 3
in the diagram:

a) Trace it on your answer sheet and show the path of the emergent beam as
observed on the screen PQ
b) Name the phenomenon observed and state its cause.
c)Draw a ray diagram to show the path of light when two identical glass prisms
are arranged together in inverted position with respect to each other and a
narrow beam of white light is allowed to fall obliquely on one of the focus of the

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33 An electric lamp, whose resistance is 20 Ω, and a conductor of 4 Ω resistance 3
are connected to a 6 V battery as shown in the figure
(i) the total resistance of the circuit,
(ii) the current through the circuit, and
(iii) the potential difference across the electric lamp and conductor.


i) An electric bulb is connected to a 220 V generator. The current is

0.50 A. What is the power of the bulb?
ii) An electric refrigerator rated 400 W operates 8 hour/day. What is the
cost of the energy to operate it for 30 days at Rs 3.00 per KWh?

Question No. 34 to 36 are long answer questions.
34 A neutral organic compound ‘X’ (molecular formula C2H6O) on reacting with 5
acidified K2Cr2O7 gives an organic compound ’Y’ which is acidic in nature. ’X’
reacts with ‘Y’ on warming in the presence of conc.H2SO4 to give a sweet-
smelling compound ‘Z’.
i) Identify ‘X’ ,’Y’, and ‘Z’
ii) Write the chemical equations for the reactions in the conversion of
(1)”X” to “Y” and (2)”X” to “Z”
iii) State the role of (1) acidified K2Cr2O7 in the conversion of”X” to “Y”
and (2) conc.H2SO4 in the reaction of “X” and “Y”.
iv) Name the reaction which occurs when “Z” reacts with an alkali.
An organic compound ‘P’ is a constituent of wines. ‘P’ on reacting with acidified
K2Cr2O7 forms another compound ‘Q’. When a piece of sodium is added to ‘Q’, a
gas ‘R’ evolves which burns with a pop sound when a burning matchstick is
brought near it.
a) Give the chemical name of compound P.
b) Mention another use of the compound ‘P’ apart from the use mentioned in
the question.
c) Illustrate with the help of chemical equation the conversion of ‘P’ into ‘Q’.
d) Give a balanced equation to depict the reaction of Q with sodium.
e) What happens when ‘P’ is heated with conc. H2SO4 at 443 K, write its
chemical equation.

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35 a) Where are testes located in the human males and why? State two function of 5
the testes.
b) In the human female, one of the ovaries releases an egg every month.
State the changes that take place if
(1) The egg is fertilized, and
(2) The egg is not fertilized
c)What is done during the surgical method in males and females to prevent

36 Rashi went to a palmist to show her palm. The palmist used a special lens for 5
this purpose.
i)State the nature of the lens and the reason for its use (2+1+2)
ii)Where should the palmist place /hold the lens so as to have a real and
magnified image of an object?

iii)If the focal length of the lens is 10cm, the lens is held at a distance of 5cm
from the palm, use lens formula to find the position and size of the image.


a)Neha visited a dentist in his clinic. She observed that the dentist was holding [2]
an instrument fitted with a mirror. State the nature of this mirror and the reason
for its use in the instrument used by the dentist

b) A security mirror used in a big showroom has radius of curvature 5m.If a [3]
customer is standing at a distance of 20m from the cash counter, find the
position, nature and size of the image formed in the security mirror.

Question No. 37 to 39 are case-based/data -based questions with 2 to 3 short
sub-parts. Internal choice is provided in one of these sub-parts.
37 Sahil performed an experiment to study the inheritance pattern of genes. He 4
crossed tall pea plants (TT) with short pea plants (tt) and obtained all tall plants (1+1+2)
in F1 generation.
a. What will be set of genes present in the F1 generation?
b. Give reason why only tall plants are observed in F1 progeny.
c. When F1 plants were self - pollinated, a total of 800 plants were produced.
How many of these would be tall, medium height or short plants? Give the
genotype of F 2 generation.
When F1 plants were cross - pollinated with plants having tt genes, a total of
800 plants were produced. How many of these would be tall, medium height or
short plants? Give the genotype of F 2 generation.
38 In the diagram given below when electricity is passed through an aqueous 4 (1+1+2)
solution of a common salt, A substance ‘Z’ is produced along with the evolution
of gases ‘X’ and ‘Y’. When a burning matchstick is brought near the gas ‘Y’ it
burns with a pop sound, whereas X is used for disinfecting drinking water. When
gas ‘X’ is passed through a solution of slaked lime, an insoluble substance ‘A’ is

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a) Write the name of gases ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
b) Write the balanced chemical equation for the formation of substance ‘A’.
c) Write you observations:
i) if a drop of blue litmus solution is added to the aqueous solution of substance
ii) if methyl orange is added to substance ‘Z’
Write a balanced chemical reaction that takes place when ‘X’ and ‘Y’ react with
each other. The product so produced will turn blue litmus red only when wet,
39 In the given circuit, A, B, C and D are four lamps connected with a battery of 60V 4

Analyse the circuit to answer the following questions.

(i) What kind of combination are the lamps arranged in (series or parallel)?
(ii) Explain with reference to your above answer, what are the advantages (any
two) of this combination of lamps?
(iii) Explain with proper calculations which lamp glows the brightest?
(iv) Find out the total resistance of the circuit.

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