Plant Chemistry
Plant Chemistry
Plant Chemistry
Volume 12, Number 1, April 2023 | Pages: 407-412 | DOI: 10.14421/biomedich.2023.121.407-412 ISSN 2540-9328 (online)
Angga Puja Asiandu1,2,*, Widya Sari3,4, Septi Widiya Sari5, Alif Syahrul Abdul Majid6
Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Laboratory of Biology, SMA IT Harapan Mulia, Palembang 30113, Indonesia.
Laboratory of Physics, SMA IT Harapan Mulia, Palembang 30113, Indonesia.
Department of Physics, Faculty of Math and Natural Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Department of Sociology, University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu 38731, Indonesia.
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada,Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Corresponding author*
[email protected]
Manuscript received: 30 November, 2022. Revision accepted: 22 July, 2023. Published: 03 August, 2023.
Breast cancer, one of the most deadly diseases occurring in women, is caused by factors. In the healing process, the sufferer needs treatment,
such as radiation techniques, surgery, and chemotherapy. But, these techniques have avoidable weaknesses that damage healthy cells. To date,
natural sources can be utilized in medicine field. Guava (Psidium guajava L.) and turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) are two common plants
obtaining compounds that inhibit the growth of cancer cells based on phytochemical properties. This study was written to review the potential
both of plants as anticancer agents. Through the literature, guava leaf extract consists of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids
that inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Besides, turmeric also has tannins, alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, sterols, and
curcumin. The presence of curcumin reduces histamine production which induce inflammation and decrease toxin. Because of curcumin,
breast cancer cells have dehydration before apoptosis.
potentially used as anticancer. Guava (Psidium guajava Generally, there are two types of cancer cells, benign,
L.) and turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) are two common and malignant cancer. Benign cancer cells have a low
plants producing secondary metabolites such as tannins, growth rate and do not spread to other parts. Meanwhile,
flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponins (Correa et al. 2016). malignant cells have a rapid growth rate, invade and
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) rhizome contains curcumin damage surrounding tissue, and spread to other organs.
which also has anticancer properties which can inhibit Invasion of cancer cells allows these cells to move into
carcinogenesis (Meiyanto 1999; Nurrochmad 2004). the blood vessels to be transported to other organs
Thus, the combination of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) emerging new cancer in other organs (Lumongga 2008).
and Turmeric (Curcuma longa L..) can be used as an The general characteristic of cancer cells is the ability
alternative to prevent breast cancer without or with fewer to grow rapidly and reduce the body's normal control
side effects. mechanisms. Abnormal genes in cancer are called
oncogenes (Guyton and Hall 1997; Putri et al. 2012).
Cancer cells can not maintain when to stop cell division.
They divide uncontrollably which will compete with
This review paper was done with a literature study. A normal cells using oxygen and nutrients from the body.
literature study was carried out to support ideas that are These cells will replace normal cells and cause pain that
based on a strong theoretical basis on several sources ends in death (Nurhayati and Lusiyanti 2006).
consisting of several leading journals. The secondary
data were obtained to support the idea (Asiandu and Breast Cancer
Malayudha, 2022) and used in analyzing the usefulness Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer
of the idea to conclude the final conclusion through some in women, although this cancer can also occur in men.
stages (Sari et al. 2020). Furthermore, the benefits to be The risk of breast cancer cases increases at the age of 40
achieved from writing this scientific work are to provide years, which attacks more on the left breast and the upper
information about the dangers of breast cancer and to part of the breast, close to the arm (Wijayakusuma 2008;
socialize these two materials as the formation of Rahmatari 2014). According to the Indonesian Ministry
pharmaceutical drugs to reduce the number of breast of Health in 2013, breast cancer contributed 30% and
cancer patients safely. was the most dominant type of cancer in Indonesia (Dewi
and Hendrati 2015).
Breast cancer is a carcinoma originating from the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ducts or lobules of the breast which is an international
Cancer Cell women's health issue. Breast cancer is the most common
Cancer cells are normal cells that have undergone a problem in developed countries and is the number two
genetic mutation causing their growth to be uncontrolled problem in developing countries after cervical cancer.
and uncoordinated with other body cells. The process of Overall, breast cancer is the second leading cause of
forming cancer cells is known as carcinogenesis, a death after lung cancer (Suyatno 2010; Sumiatin, 2013).
somatic event, and is caused by an accumulation of A common symptom of breast cancer is a lump in the
genetic and epigenetic changes leading to changes in the breast that can be felt and will get harder, irregular, and
normal regulation of molecular control of cell growth cause pain. Other symptoms are changes in size and
(Figure 1). These genetic changes can be in the form of shape, wrinkling of the breast skin that resembles an
activation of proto-oncogenes and/or inactivation of orange peel, presence of pus, blood, watery fluids, and
tumor suppressor genes which can trigger tumor discharge of milk in a woman who is not pregnant or
formation (Kondo 1993; Nurhayati and Lusiyanti 2006). breastfeeding. Breast cancer is also characterized by
swelling in one breast, itchy and painful nipples, bone
pain, swelling of the arms, and weight loss (Suryaningsih
and Sukaca 2009; Dewi and Hendrati 2015).
Breast cancer can be caused by several factors. These
factors are combined into hormonal factors which
include age at menarche, age at first pregnancy, parity,
history of breastfeeding, infertility, and long-term use of
hormonal contraception. Early menarche or first
menstruation at the age of below 12 years will increase
the likelihood of breast cancer. The risk of breast cancer
increases with the increasing age of women (Priyatin et
al. 2013).
Breastfeeding duration affects the risk of breast
cancer. Women who breastfeed in the 4-6 month range
Figure 1. Cancer cell invasion (Taken from Gupta and Massague, 2006). have a greater risk of breast cancer than 7-24 months. It
Asiandu et al. – Anticancer of Guava and Turmeric 409
shows that the longer the breastfeeding time, the lower polyphenolic and flavonoid (Chen et al. 2007; Lee and
the risk of breast cancer. Meanwhile, the consumption of Park 2010). Meanwhile, secondary metabolites such as
fatty foods also affects the high risk of breast cancer in tannins, alkaloids, and saponins contained in guava
women. In addition, passive smoking, alcohol leaves also inhibited the growth and spread of cancer
consumption, and low physical activity also affect the cells by inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells
occurrence of breast cancer (Yulianti et al. 2016). (Correa et al. 2016).
Phytochemicals Result
Alkaloid +
Glycosides -
Flavonoid +
Tannin +
Sterol -
Terpenoid -
Source: Deb et al., 2013
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