NCM110 Semi and Finals

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International Perspective Obstacles to Effective Nursing Management

Information in Canada
Topic 1: Nursing Informatics in Canada
 Limited interoperability: Incompatibility
 Nursing informatics in Canada represents between different health information
the intersection of nursing practice and systems can hinder the seamless
information technology, aiming to exchange of patient data, leading to
enhance the delivery of healthcare fragmented care and inefficiencies.
services through the effective use of  Resource constraints: Nursing staff may
digital tools and data management face challenges due to inadequate
systems. As technology continues to resources, such as time constraints for
advance, nursing informatics plays an documentation, lack of training in health
increasingly vital role in supporting informatics, and insufficient access to
patient care, improving clinical technology or support systems.
outcomes, and optimizing healthcare  Privacy and security concerns: Nurses
processes. must navigate complex privacy
 It involves integrating nursing science regulations and security protocols when
with information management and handling sensitive patient information,
analytical sciences to support healthcare which can create barriers to efficient
delivery. It encompasses technologies information management.
like electronic health records, telehealth,  Resistance to change: Implementing new
and data analytics to improve patient care technology or workflows requires
outcomes and streamline processes in organizational change management, and
healthcare settings. Canada has been resistance from staff or stakeholders can
increasingly investing in nursing impede progress in adopting innovative
informatics to enhance healthcare information management practices.
efficiency and patient safety.
Effective Nursing Management of Information
 Data Security: Ensuring patient
information is secure and protected from
 Canada Health Inforway: A federally unauthorized access or breaches is a top
funded organization focused on priority.
accelerating the development and  Documentation Accuracy: Nurses must
adaption of digital health solutions, such accurately document patient assessments,
as electronic health records and telehealth interventions, and outcomes to facilitate
systems, across Canada continuity of care and support clinical
 Canadian Institute for Health decision-making.
Information (CIHI): A not for profit  Interoperability: Challenges arise when
organization that provides essential data integrating information systems from
and analytics on Canadas healthcare different healthcare facilities or
system to inform decision making, policy departments, hindering seamless
development, and healthcare communication and exchange of patient
improvement initiatives. data.
 Canadian Nursing Informatics  Workflow Integration: Information
Association (CNIA): A professional management systems should be
organization dedicated to promoting seamlessly integrated into nursing
nursing informatics practice, education, workflows to minimize disruptions and
research, leadership in Canada. maximize efficiency.
 Training and Education: Nurses need
adequate training and ongoing education
on information management systems to
utilize them effectively and stay updated jurisdictions across the country; some
on best practices. have continued to grow and expand while
 Standardization: Lack of standardized others languished. In 1999, the COACH
terminology and documentation practices Board disbanded the Nursing SIG.
can lead to inconsistencies in data
interpretation and communication among TOPIC 2: NURSING INFORMATICS IN
healthcare providers. EUROPE
 Ethical Considerations: Nurses must
adhere to ethical principles, such as In Europe, as in many countries worldwide, the
patient confidentiality and privacy, when main rational for implementing a greater use of
managing sensitive patient information. information technology (IT) in the healthcare
sector is to improve safety and quality, improve
IMPLICATION TO NURSING INFORMATICS patient outcomes, and at the same time try to
TO HEALTH INFORMATION reduce costs of healthcare. Europe is a continent
with over 750 million inhabitants in about 50
 Nursing informatics plays a crucial role countries with many different languages, culture,
in health information by integrating social system, and other living condition.
nursing science, computer science, and
information science to manage and IT IN EUROPE UNION (EU)
communicate data, information, and
knowledge in nursing practice. It helps  The Europe Commission (EC) is a
improve patient outcomes, streamline driving force of healthcare informatics
workflows, enhance decision-making, development by funding projects that are
and facilitate communication among all cross-cultural involving healthcare
healthcare professionals. Additionally, it professional users, educators, and
supports evidence-based practice and administrators, always with three or more
quality improvement initiatives by countries participating. In May 2004, the
providing access to relevant data and EC adopted an action plan, the “e-Health
analytics. Overall, nursing informatics Action Plan” aiming at delivering better
contributes to more efficient and effective quality healthcare throughout Europe.
healthcare delivery.
CANADIAN NURSING INFORMATICS registered nurse (RN) in Sweden are by law, since
ASSOCIATION 1986, obliged to document nursing care.
•Regulations emphasize the RNs have an
 In 1985, IMIA Nursing Working Group 8 autonomous responsibility for planning,
sponsored its second international implementing, evaluating nurse care and that
conference, “Nursing Uses of Computers nursing diagnoses in the patient record is a part of
and Information Science” in Calgary. that responsibility.
This major international event provided
the catalyst for the organization of a INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF NURSES
nursing interest group within the (ICN): ICN has initiated the development of the
organization that is now COACH, ICNP, which has been translated into at least 12
Canada’s Health Informatics Association. European languages and tested in several
Following that successful conference, the countries.
COACH President at the time, Dr.
Kathryn J. Hannah, C.M., prevailed on
the COACH BOARD to host a breakfast
One of the main challenges for Europe and the rest
meeting for nurses at the annual COACH
of the world is the process of getting standard for
Conference in 1987. The COACH
EPR. The possibility of aggregating data on
Nursing SIG emerged from that breakfast
groups of patients requires standardized
meeting. Across Canada, provincial
information in the individual patient record.
nursing informatics interest groups
emerged during the 1990s in various

TOPIC 3: PACIFIC RIM changes are being witnessed in the

nursing workforce.
The evolution of NI has varied in each of the  Credentialing and accreditation of
Pacific Rim countries. The adoption of informatics nursing specialties is now being
usually began as a vision by one or more promoted.
individuals. The Asia Pacific Medical Informatics  Australia has more than 50 such specialty
Association (APAMI) was formed in 1993 as a national nursing organizations (NNOs),
regional group of the International Medical where the Health Informatics Society
Informatics Association (IMIA). APAMI has Australia’s nursing informatics special
helped launch national healthcare informatics interest group (HISA NI Sig) is one of
associations in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the these.
Philippines and has generated awareness about the
field in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Fiji. Other TOPIC 4: NURSING INFORMATICS IN ASIA
member nations are Australia, Hong Kong, Japan,
Korea, New Zealand, the People’s Republic of  Healthcare informatics in Asia has seen
China, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. significant growth since the 1970s.
 Focus on administration, billing, now
HEALTH AND NURSING INFORMATICS IN transitioning to electronic health records.
NEW ZEALAND  Governments and professional
 New Zealand’s total population is just organizations crucial in promoting IT in
over 4 million. healthcare.
 In 2003, there were 32,687 active  Education, research, and professional
registered nurses and midwives working outreach pivotal for NI adoption.
in nursing and midwifery in New
Zealand. Korea
 Firstly, in line with international trends in
nursing workforce development, the History:
Nursing Council of New Zealand
established the new role of nurse
practitioner.  Late 1970s: Computers introduced for
 As part of ensuring standards of practice hospital finance and administration.
the government passed the Health  1987: Korean Society of Medical
Practitioners Competence Assurance Informatics (KOSMI) established.
(HPCA) Act (2003).  1993-94: Computers used in nursing
education. NI introduced in universities.
HEALTH AND NURSING INFORMATICS IN  1998: NI study group funded by Korean
AUSTRALIA Science and Engineering Foundation.
 Conferences: IMIA conference
 Australia is a federation of eight states MEDINFO98 boosted NI exposure.
and territories.  Clinical Practice
 It has a population of just fewer than 20  Hospital Information Systems:
million. Widespread adoption for financial and
 Around 225,000 registered (80%) and patient care purposes.
enrolled (20%) nurses are employed in  Nursing Information Systems:
acute care hospitals (65%), aged and Comprehensive systems in large
community are (35%) in Australia. hospitals.
 Australia’s contribution to international  Home Healthcare: College of Nursing,
education, the resultant workforce Seoul National University developed
mobility, economic growth, and changes system.
in the healthcare industry resulting from
technology and informatics advances,
Education  ICNP Translation and Validation: ICNP
 Health Informatics Courses: Approx. translated into Thai.
25% of medical, 21% of nursing schools  Nursing Informatics Society of Thailand
offer. Established in 1949.
 Graduate Programs: Seoul National Nursing Information System
University's NI specialization program Implementation
since 2001.  Healthcare 2000: Collaborative software
Research for nursing data.
 Focus Areas: Application of programs,  ICNP Integration: Ongoing challenges in
system integration, AI in nursing. integrating ICNP into nursing system.
 Standardization: Efforts for unified
healthcare terminology. Professional Outreach
 International Engagement: Active in  Thai Medical Informatics Society:
ISO/TC215, HL7. Established in 1991
 Nursing Informatics Society:
JAPAN Collaboration with TMI
 1980s: Initial computer use for TAIWAN
administrative purposes. History of Nursing Informatics
 1990s: Introduction of electronic medical  1990: Incorporation of Nursing Data in
records (EMRs). Hospital Information System
 2000s: Focus on electronic health records  2001: Emergence of formal NI programs
(EHRs) and data sharing.  NI Education: Elective courses, computer
Clinical Practice integration in Education
 EMR Adoption: Varied adoption rates Nursing Information System in Taiwan:
across institutions.  Long term care: Similar pattern observed
 Nursing Informatics: Introduction of in long term initiatives.
nurse stations with EMR access.
 Telemedicine: Growing use, especially in TOPIC 4: NURSING INFORMATICS IN
rural areas. SOUTH AMERICA
 Information is crucial for healthcare
CHINA decision-making.
Healthcare Landscape  Technology plays a key role in providing
 Rural Healthcare: Focus on primary care, timely and meaningful information.
health campaigns.  Pan American Health Organization
History of Nursing Informatics (PAHO) provides guidelines for
 1991: Nursing Informatics Special Interest information technology in Latin America
Group formed. and the Caribbean.
 1999: "Nursing information science"  South America ranks third in information
introduced. technology expenditure.
 2002: "Nursing informatics" first
referenced in Chinese literature. NURSING INFORMATICS INITIATIVES
 Clinical information systems in hospitals
THAILAND of countries like Brazil, Mexico,
Development of Health Information System Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and
 1997 – National Health Information Paraguay.
System Initiated  Trends towards computerization of health
 Funding: Secured from World Health records and internet connectivity.
Organization  Nurses' increasing involvement in
 Collaboration: Center for Nursing designing and implementing clinical
Research information systems.
Development of Nursing Information System  International developers investing in
 Minimum data set: Identified essential South American healthcare technology
nursing data market.

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