Charles Babbage

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Charles Babbage develop online nursing administration and

– English mathematician scholar first nursing informatics master’s programs.

mechanical computer. “Analytical Dr. Linda Thede
Engineer” 1821 designed to compute the – Professor emeritus at the College of
values of polynomial functions “Father of Nursing at Kent State University, where she
Computing” has developed and taught nursing
informatics programs.
Augusta Ada Lovelace
– Mathematician is attributed with the first Dr. Susan K. Newbold
efforts at programming a computer when – Healthcare informatics consultant based in
she authored the first algorithm intended to Franklin, Tennessee, worked and founded
be processed by a computer. CARING, a nursing informatics group that
was established in 1982. She also
Robert Ledley participated in teaching nursing informatics
– Dentist who studies Physics, is credited with to nursing students at multiple curricular
inventing the first full body computed levels.
tomography (CT) scanner. He was also
founding fellow of the American College of Dr. Susan J. Grobe
Medical Informatics – Developed the Nursing Education Module
Authoring System, which consists of a set of
Harriet Werley software programs that faculty can use to
– First nurse researcher at the Walter Reed create modules on the nursing process.
Army Research Institute and was asked to – One of the first nurses elected to the
join in the small group of people who were American College of Medical Informatics.
consulting about the possibilities of using
computers in health care.

Dr. Patricia Abbott

– Develop nursing informatics as a specialty
field and was a member of the team of
authors who crafted the initial American
Nurses Association Scope and Standards of
Practice for Nursing Informatics
– American Nurses Credentialing Center to
develop the first certification exam in
nursing informatics.

Dr. Virginia Saba

– Pioneer of nursing informatics, actively
participated in initiating academic
technology programs and healthcare IT

Dr. Kathleen McCormick

– Has been a clinical trial researcher and
nursing informatics scientist withing the
National Institute of Health Clinical Center
and the National Institute on Aging, and she
is an elected member of the National
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine
(IOM) now called the National Academy of

Dr. Marion Ball

– Has provided service to the public sector as
a member of the National Academy of
Medicine and on the Board of Regents of
the National Library of Medicine.
– Worked with multiple national and
international committees, including serving
as president of the International Medical
Informatics Association and as a member of
American Medical Informatics Association.

Roy L. Simpson
– Vice president, nursing informatics, Cerner
corporation, worked with colleagues to
Clinical Informatics & Nursing Informatics Nurses and other HCPs use their education and
experience to assemble data in a clinical
context to create information, which gives
Clinical Informatics is a broad term that insight about patient care.
encompasses all medical and health Information can be used to plan care for patient
specialties, including nursing, and addresses aggregates, increase the efficiency of
the ways information system examples are organizations, improve quality of care,
barcode medication administration systems, prevent medical errors, increase efficiency of
radiology imaging system, and patient-care care, and potentially reduce unnecessary
devices, are used in the day-to-day costs.
operations of patient care.
Systems that support the transfer from data to
The domains of clinical informatics include health information are known as information
system, clinical area, information and systems. Systems that support the transition
communication technologies. The purpose of from information to knowledge are decision-
the clinical informatics is to improve patient support system, and those that apply
care by using methods and technologies from knowledge through wisdom are known as
established discipline such as computer expert system. At each level, these systems
science and information science. contain computer, communications and
human elements.
Nursing Informatics is a specialty in the
discipline of nursing, and it is classified as a Knowledge creation concerns the ways that
special group in professional organizations nurses and HCPs use the data and
whose focus is clinical informatics. information they create to better understand
Nursing informatics is defined by the and manage their practice. The definition of
International Medical Informatics Association’s knowledge, as “information that has been
Nursing Informatics Special Interest Group as synthesized so that relationships are
the “science and practice that integrates identified and formalized”.
nursing, its information and knowledge, with
management of information and
communication technologies to promote the For example, information is a trend of a patient’s
health of people, families and communities vital signs and lab results after surgery, and
worldwide”. knowledge is recognition that elevation in
patient’s temperature and white blood cell
Because of the emphasis on promoting health, count could mean a post-operative infection is
the study of nursing informatics is a natural fit developing. The proper use of knowledge to
for nurses who are dedicated to quality care solve real-world problems and aid continuous
for patients. improvement is what is known as wisdom.
Principles of informatics can apply to many
The role of clinical informatics is becoming different fields from economics to health care.
increasingly important and can be seen in However, in clinical informatics, people with a
almost every aspect of patient care, from the background in health care use informatics
bedside to the patients’ bill. The use of tools, such as health information databases,
powerful clinical informatics tools can support medical imaging software, or point-of-care
processes of care, such as promoting the flow technologies to capture information and
of information between those who are present it to other members of healthcare
involved in the delivery of care across HCPs teams.
in large delivery systems. The implementation of clinical informatics tools
has the potential to create vast improvements
in patient care by improving efficiency and
At the macro-system level, clinical informatics reducing errors, which is a top priority for the
tools can be used to assess specific United States.
outcomes of care for groups, such as the
efficacy of annual influenza vaccinations or
fall prevention programs. The Culture of Health Care in the United
Informatics is a multi-disciplinary science, with
its beginning is how data are processed and The United States spends more per capita on
communicated between systems. health care than any other country in the
world. Health expenditures in the United
Data are values of measurements, bits of States neared $3.2 trillion in 2015 –
information that can be collected and accounting for 17.8% of the overall share of
transformed, allowing a person to answer a the economy.
question or to create and end product, such
as an image. In health care, data may be
created with every patient encounter. While the intent of Affordable Care Act (ACA),
enacted in 2010, was to reduce healthcare
spending, the ACA is typically associated with
the expansions of healthcare to underserved
individuals. Though cost containment has
been demonstrated in areas of healthcare,
costs continue to rise at a rate of 5.4%
annually through 2024.

According to the Commonwealth Fund, the US

ranks poorly, and frequently last, when
compared with other 11 other industrialized
countries on factors of healthcare including
healthy lives, access to care, healthcare
quality, efficiency and equity.

On measures of quality, the US ranks near the

top in two of four aspects of quality, effective
care, and patient-centered care, but ranks
much lower in providing safe and coordinated

Fragmentation, occurring when healthcare

professionals focus on momentary issues with
patients and failing to look at the big-picture is
a serious issue in today’s healthcare

The Role of the Nurse

Nurses will play key roles in the redesign of

healthcare delivery systems, with expanded
roles, knowledge, and skill sets, to address
problems facing the health IT world, such as
lack of interoperability.

The challenges of the working with specific

populations, complex co-morbidities, and
multiple healthcare systems, along with the
increasing need to incorporate evidence-
based practice make it necessary for nurses
at all levels of educational preparation to
master essential informatics competencies.

In addition to familiarity with basic computer

skills, nurses will need proficiency with
patient-care technologies and an attitude to
openness to innovation and continual
learning, as information systems and patient
care technologies are constantly changing.
With their experience in multiple aspects of
patient care, nurses have the capacity to be
far more than end users. Participating in the
design, testing and the launching of
informatics technologies can help to increase
the accuracy, ease of use, and adoption of
valuable tools.

Previous studies have reported an 83%

increase in the success of entry of history of
present illness and review of systems data
into an electronic chart when the task was
assigned to a nurse.

Nurses have often found themselves serving as

translators for patients, families, and other
healthcare professionals. Many nurses will
find a natural extension of this talent in their
work with assisting other HCPs to efficiently
use health IT technologies.

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