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Jhayne C.

Ducay BSN 2B
Essential Intrapartum of Newborn Care  Decontaminated used gloves properly (by
soaking in 0.5% chlorine solution for at least 10
 Check the temperature in DR (25-28 Degrees  Palpate the umbilical cord to check for
Celsius) pulsations.
 Wash Hands thoroughly  After pulsations stopped, clamped cord using the
 Arranged materials in a linear sequence. plastic clamp or cord at the 2cm from base.
- Gloves  Cut near plastic clamp (not midway)
- Dry linen  Performed the remaining steps of AMTSL.
- Bonnet  Wait for strong uterine contractions then applied
- Oxytocin controlled cord traction and counter traction on
- Injection the uterus, continuing until placenta was
- Plastic clamp delivered.
- Instrument clamp  Massage the uterus until it is firm.
- Scissors  Inspect the lower vagina and perineum for
- 2 kidney basins lacerations/tears.
 (In a separate sequence for after breastfeeding)  Examined the placenta for completeness and
- Eye ointment abnormalities.
- Stethoscope (PE)  Cleaned the mother: Perineal flushing, Apply
- Vitamin K pad.
- Hepatitis B vaccine  Check the baby’s color and breathing; Check if
- BCG vaccine the mother is comfortable, uterus contracted.
- Cotton balls  Disposed of the placenta in a leak-proof
 Wash Hands container or plastic bag
 Put on the 2 pairs of Sterile Gloves  Decontaminate instruments before cleaning for
at least 10 minutes.
 Advise the mother to maintain skin-to-skin
 Encouraged the woman to push as desired. contact. Baby should be prone on mother’s chest
 Applied perineal support and did controlled in between the breasts with head turned to one
delivery of the head. side.
 Called out time of birth and sex of the baby. 15-90 MINUTES
 Informed the mother of outcome.
 Advised mother to observe for feeding cues and
FIRST 30 SECONDS cited examples of feeding cues.
 Placed the baby on the clean dry towel on the  Supported mother, instructed her on positioning
mother’s abdomen. attachment.
 Thoroughly dry the baby for at least 30 seconds,  Wait for FULL BREASTFEED to be completed.
starting from the face and head going down to  After a complete breastfeed:
the trunk and extremities. - administer eye ointment.
- Do a physical examination.
AFTER 3 MINUTES - Administer Vitamin K
- Hepatitis B and BCG injections
 Removed the wet cloth.
 Advised optional/delayed bathing of the baby
 Place the baby in skin to skin contact on the
(must explain the rationale)
mother’s abdomen.
 Advised breastfeeding per demand and about
 Covered the baby with a clean dry cloth.
danger signs for early referral.
 Covered the baby’s head with a bonnet.
 In the first hour, check baby’s breathing and
 Re-check if there’s another baby by palpating color: and checked mother’s vital signs and
the abdomen. Used wet cloth to wipe the soiled massaged uterus every 15 minutes.
 In the second hour, check mother and baby dyad
 Give IM oxytocin within 1 minute of the baby’s every 30 minutes to 1 hour.
 Removed the 1st set of gloves.
Jhayne C. Ducay BSN 2B
Immediate Care of the Newborn NEWBORN CARE

BEFORE DOING THE PROCEDURE  Weigh the newborn after 90 minutes.

 Perform Anthropometric Measurements
 Check all needed equipment, instruments, (Head Circumference, Chest Circumference,
and supplies for newborn care. Abdominal Circumference, Height/Length)
 Make sure the room temperature is warm  Check the newborns vital signs (Note: if
(25-28 degrees Celsius) passage of meconium was not noted take
 Make sure that all surfaces the woman, and temperature via rectum to check for the
the baby will encounter are clean and dry. patency of anus)
IMMEDIATE NEWBORN CARE  Dress the newborn.

 When the head is delivered, wipe the mouth CARE OF THE EYES
and nose with gauze.  Instill eye ointment (Erythromycin) from
 When the newborn is fully born, place the inner to outer canthus of the eyes.
baby on a clean, dry towel or blanket on the  Make sure the tip of the bottle or tubes does
mother’s abdomen. not touch the eye of the newborn.
 Note the time of birth and the sex of the
newborn and announce them loudly enough
to inform the mother. ADMINISTER VITAMIN K
 Wipe the eyes, face, and thoroughly dry the
newborn for 30 seconds.  Prepare materials needed.
 Perform APGAR scoring, 1st minute and
- 1 ml syringe, Vitamin K, Cotton
then after 5 minutes.
Balls with alcohol
 Establish respiration, by stimulating the
newborn to cry enough gently rubbing the  Locate the injection site (left vastus
back while drying. lateralis)
 Assess the newborn’s breathing while drying  Wipe the injection site with cotton with
and stimulating. alcohol.
 Remove wet cloth and place the newborn  Inject 0.1 ml of vitamin K IM at left
skin to skin on the mother’s chest. vastus lateralis.
 Cover the newborn with a clean, dry cloth  Dispose the needle and syringe.
including the head, use bonnet.  Remove gloves
 Monitor newborn vital signs every 15  Wash hands
minutes for 90 minutes (take temperature via  Record
axillary method)
 Place the identification band on the left
ankle of the newborn (Noting the name of
the mother, sex, of the newborn, date, and
time of the deliver)
 Keep the newborn warm by maintaining an
interrupted skin to skin contact on the
mother’s chest for 90 minutes.
 Observe feeding cues, nudge the newborn to
the mother’s breast, observe sucking reflex.

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