20th Annual National Real Estate Challenge - Details 2022

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20th Annual National Real Estate Challenge | Thursday, November 17, 2022 – Austin, TX


Each school may enter only ONE team with at least four members but no more than six members. Team
members must be graduate students currently enrolled in graduate level classes at your university. You
may compose the team of your best mixture of first and second-year students. Beyond the educational
component of this event, the primary purpose of the Challenge is to showcase the talent of students who
will either be graduating this academic year and on the job market and internship candidates.
Substitution of team members will not be allowed once the case is released to all teams.

Each team should select a team name which provides no reference to their school, mascots, etc. No logos
or any other school references are to be included on the team’s presentation materials. This includes
PowerPoint presentation slides, clothing, etc. No verbal references of school affiliation are to be made to
the Judges during the team presentations.

Each team should have at least one faculty advisor. The role of the faculty advisor is two-fold:
a. to formally acknowledge and approve of the team's participation in this competition on behalf of the
university and to confirm that all team members are currently enrolled as graduate students at the
specified school; and
b. to provide advice and guidance to the student team in preparation prior to receipt of the case (but
not during the case analysis or competition). Please note that the faculty advisor is not allowed to
discuss the actual details and merits of the case with the team, nor should they provide or facilitate
outside assistance from others to the team. The desire of the Challenge is to judge how the student
team (and not its faculty, staff, alumni, or friends) has approached the questions and issues involved.
c. Upon clear understanding of the required, aforementioned rules, the faculty advisor will only be
invited to participate during the awards ceremony at the conclusion of the event in Austin. No guests
or advisors can be present for any team presentations during the preliminary rounds or the finals.

Teams must submit the headshots and resumes of the team members for the Challenge Resume Book. All
students and judges will be provided with a resume book, which will include all participating students’
resumes, to facilitate follow up interaction. The purpose of the Challenge is not only educational, but is
also meant to provide students and industry professionals the opportunity to network with each other
after the event. Several judges are selected not only on their expertise, but also due to their firm’s
historical active recruiting of real estate MBAs.

The case will be distributed at 5:00 pm (Central Time) via email to each team on Thursday, November 10,
2022, the Thursday prior to competition day. Once the case is distributed, outside assistance is NOT
acceptable. Teams cannot discuss any details of the case with anyone who is not a team member. Faculty,
students, alumni, family members, peers, or industry professionals are NOT allowed to advise the team
members on the case. The goal of the challenge is to judge how the team (and not its faculty, alumni, or
friends) has approached the questions and issues involved.
Teams may access any public research data available to them via the Internet or other electronic means
only. Invariably, some students will try and find out which actual asset the case is about and then
contact principals and agents associated with the transaction to gain an advantage. Not only is this
behavior prohibited, but is easy to discover (the real estate community is a small world) and may very
likely result in the team being disqualified from this and future competitions.

Questions that arise after the case has been distributed should be submitted by email to the individual
designated in the case distribution within 24 hours of receiving the case, no later than Friday, November
11th at 5:00 pm CST. Questions will only be answered via email to all teams IF the case writers deem the
answer as being critical to a team’s ability to solve the case and the case does not contain enough
information for the team to solve the issue themselves.


Upon case distribution, each team will be provided instructions on submitting the final written material
(PowerPoint presentation slides) by the due date and time. Your PowerPoint presentation slides with your
case analysis will be due by 5:00 pm (Central Time) via Dropbox on Sunday, November 13, 2022; the
Sunday before the live competition. No changes to a team’s slides will be allowed after the due date and
time. The presentation you upload to Dropbox is considered your final version and updated versions will
not be allowed. Teams can continue to work on their oral presentation throughout the week in
preparation for the competition.


On the live presentation day, there will be one preliminary round (all teams) and one finals round (four
teams). The room assignments, time slots, and team presentation order will be determined by a random
draw prior to presentations.

Preliminary Round: With a total of 20 teams, there will be four (4) presentation rooms, with five (5)
teams presenting in each. The first presentation will begin promptly at 8:30 am CST. Each room will
contain a room host who will be in charge of monitoring the room and keeping time. The designated
room host will be in charge of checking that the presentation the team uses is the version of the
presentation that was submitted by the November 13th deadline.

Any change in the content of the presentation the team shares on the day of the presentation will result
in immediate disqualification of that team. Each presentation will be strictly limited to 20 minutes in
length followed by 5-10 minutes of questions from the judges. If teams complete their presentation in
under 20 minutes, then the extra minutes will be added to the Judge’s Q&A time, for a total time of 30
minutes allowed for each team in front of the judges. It is recommended that every team member
participate with a speaking part in the presentation. Judges will select only one team from each room
to advance to the finals.

Finals Round: Four presentations between the top teams from each of the four rooms from the
preliminary round. Format remains the same, twenty (20) minutes for team presentation, ten (10)
minutes for Q&A.
Any faculty advisors, other student teams, or other invited guests will only be permitted to participate in
the closing award announcement. The judge’s panel will determine First, Second, Third, and Fourth Place
winners from among the finalist teams.

The decision of the judges is final. Cash awards to each member of the winning teams will be
distributed via U.S. Mail after the competition. Federal/tax information, including ID and Social Security
Number and/or foreign citizenship information will be required from each individual prior to cash
distribution. Cash awards are considered taxable income by federal law. Cash awards are divided evenly
among all members of a winning team.

Cash awards are distributed as follows:

• First place team: $12,500
• Second place team: $10,000
• Third place team: $7,500
• Fourth place team: $5,000
• Honorable Mentions from Preliminary Rounds: $2,500


Business dress is required on presentation day. Business casual is requested at the reception and the
dinner on the night prior to the competition.

All travel expenses including hotel, airline, and ground transportation are the sole responsibility of each
team and/or sponsoring school. Meals will be provided to all participants of the Challenge from day one’s
opening dinner through breakfast and lunch on day two (Competition day).


Failure to comply with these regulations may result in team penalties or disqualification from this and
future competitions.

Friday, October 7, 2022– 5:00 pm (Central Time)
Team registration due. Submit your University name, team name, advisor information, team roster (first, last
name, email address) via Eventbrite. No exceptions.

Friday, October 28, 2022 – 5:00 pm (Central Time)

Team resumes and headshots due. No exceptions. DropBox folder will be shared with project team leader once
your team is registered.

Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 5:00pm (Central Time)

Case distribution. This will be sent electronically and once the case is distributed, outside assistance is not
acceptable. No exceptions.

Sunday, November 13, 2022 – 5:00pm (Central Time)

Presentations due. Please submit these electronically no later than this date and time.
No exceptions. A Dropbox link will be provided for submissions.
Thursday, November 17, 2022 – AT&T Executive Conference Center
All times listed are Central Standard Time and our subject to change

7:00 am Day-of schedule released to each team

8:30 – 12:00 pm Challenge Preliminary Presentations
12:00 – 1:00 pm Break
1:00 – 3:00 pm Final Presentations
3:30 – 4:30 pm Awards Ceremony


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