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EE450/EE451-Cadence Tutorial

1. Environment setup
a. Use putty and run Start-X-Windows to log into Linux server, these two programs should in
your windows start menu

b. Make sure you are in your home directory

Check the path, should be:
/top/students/ UNGRAD/ECE/your name/home

c. Create a folder for EE451/450

mkdir EE451
cd EE451

b. Copy and run setup file:

cp /top/students/GRAD/ECE/weiwei/shared/EE451/cadence_setup.sh .

c. Source Virtuoso
source cust_ic613_mmsim.cshrc

d. Invoke Virtuoso
2. Command Interface Window and Library Manager
a. CIW Some default libraries and the libraries you created will be shown here.
Tools -> Library Manager…

We don't have any gate level schematic in our library, so you need to create the gate from
transistor level in your library, save it and use it in the future.

b. Create new library

File -> New -> Library…
Pick a name for the library (name it using your name, for example "Henry", “lab0” in this

Check “Compile an ASCII technology file” and browse to tsmc18.tf in the tsmc018_process
directory). Close the library manager.

c. Create new schematic

File -> New -> Cell View…
Pick a name for this new cell ( “inv” in this tutorial).
Select “schematic” as the Type. Select “Schematics L” in the Application pull-down list.
3. Schematic editor
a. Add an instance

Create -> Instance… or click on the toolbar.

Browse to the cell you want to add to the schematic (select “symbol” as view).
In this tutorial we need a NMOS and a PMOS, they are both in the tsmc018_pdk
library. Use “nmos2v” for NMOS and “pmos2v” for PMOS.
The instance property window should pop out. Fill in the necessary information for
the instance. Here we need to fill in the “Width” and “Length”.

Place the instance by clicking on the schematic drawing window. You can place the
same instance as many times as you want by clicking multiple times on the drawing
window, press ESC to leave the add-instance mode.

b. Add VDD and Ground

Use “vdd” and “gnd” in analogLib for VDD and Ground, respectively.

c. Add a pin
Place pins to inputs and outputs nodes.

Create -> Pin… or click on the toolbar.

Enter the pin name and the direction. In this tutorial we need an input pin and an
output pin.
Place and connect them correctly in the schematic.

d. Add a wire

Create -> Wire (narrow) or click on the toolbar.

First a single click to start wiring, if this wire ends up at a node of an instance or any
part of a wire, a single click to end wiring, otherwise double click to end wiring.
Press ESC to leave wiring mode.
We can rename any nets as we want.

Create -> Wire Name… or click on the toolbar.

Enter the Wire Name and click on the net you want to rename in the schematic
e. Check and Save
The schematic view of the inverter is shown below. Before going any further we
need to check the schematic, fix any errors or warning if there are any, and save it.

Check -> Current Cellview or click on the toolbar.

f. Create the symbol view

Create a symbol view for a schematic is good when you do hierarchical design. It
makes the schematic clean and easy to understand especially when you have lots of
blocks in your design.
Create -> Cellview -> From Cellview…
You can specify the library name, cell name and pin locations of the symbol. The
symbol view is shown below.

Remember to do “Check and Save” before leaving symbol editor.

Now we have to create a new cellview for top-level design. In this new cellview add
the inverter symbol we just did in the schematic.

g. Add power supply

Use a DC voltage source as the power supply.
It is “vdc” in analogLib, place it in the schematic and connect it to “vdd” symbol.

h. Add a stimulus
Here we can use a voltage pulse generator as the input. It is “vpulse” in analogLib.
Place it to the schematic and connect it to the input.
In this tutorial we also need a capacitor at the output. Use “cap” in the analogLib
with 10fF as its capacitance.
Place it to the schematic and connect it to the output.
The top-level inverter view is shown below.

4. Spectre - Spice Simulator

After the schematic is done, we need to test its functionality and performance by
running spice simulations. This is done by Spectre.
Launch -> ADE L
a. Setup the library
Setup -> Model Libraries…

Browse to the library/libraries you want to use for SPICE simulation. In this lab we
use “rf018.scs”.
Select “tt” in the Section pull-down list.

b. Add an analysis

Analyses -> Choose… or click on the toolbar

There is a list of analyses we can choose from, and associated to each analysis there
is a set of options.
Here we only do transient analysis on the inverter. Set the stop time to 5nS.

c. Add a probe
In order to check the waveforms of nets we have to add probes to nets based on
our needs. The waveforms will tell us if the functionality is correct and if the
performance meets the SPEC.
Outputs -> To Be Plotted -> Select On Schematic
Click on the nets you want to plot. Those nets should be shown in the “Outputs”
box in the ADE window.

We also can do this by clicking on the toolbar.

You can enter the net name by hand or select it from schematic view by clicking
“From Schematic”.
d. Generate the netlist
Simulation -> Netlist -> Create

e. Run simulation
The ADE should be setup as below.
Simulation -> Netlist and Run or click on the toolbar.

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