Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Chapter 1: Rise of Nationalism in Europe
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The French Revolution is regarded as one of the most important events in history. It not only gave a
huge setback to monarchy but also gave the first clear expression to the idea of ‘nationalism’. The
French Revolution led to the transfer of sovereignty from monarchy to the French citizens. The
Constitution in France came into existence and citizens were awarded with the rights of liberty and
The French revolutionaries introduced various measures and practices to create a sense of
collective identity amongst the French people. These were:
• The ideas of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen) was introduced.
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• The Estates General was renamed the ‘National Assembly’. Its members were elected by active
citizens (citizens who paid taxes to the government).
• The new French flag replaced the former royal standard.
• Nation now became supreme. Hymns were composed and oaths were taken on the name of the
nation. It was regarded as a ‘fatherland’.
• The administrative system was centralised, and uniform laws were formulated for all citizens.
• A uniform system of weights and measures was adopted, and internal custom duties and dues
were abolished.
• The French language was made the common language of the people residing in France.
• The revolutionaries declared that their next motive is to help other people of Europe to become
The French Revolution impacted the middle class including professionals and students in several
countries such as Switzerland, Holland, Italy and Belgium. They also wanted to throw off the
monarchies in their countries and become nations.
During the mid-eighteenth century, there were no nation states in Europe. Italy, Germany and
Switzerland were not one nation but were divided into various kingdoms. Central and eastern Europe
was under absolute monarchies. Several factors led to the emergence of the idea of nationalism in
the later half the eighteenth century. Some of these were the rise of the middle class, liberalism
and the rise of a new conservatism after 1815 and its opposition by the people.
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Rise of the new middle class: The aristocratic class in Europe was a dominant class, but it was
comprised of only few people. Most of the people in Europe were peasants. The Industrial
Revolution resulted in the emergence of the labour or working class. Many small industrialists,
businessmen and professionals who formed the middle class gained prominence. These classes
supported the abolition of aristocratic privileges, demanded equality and advocated the idea of
Liberalism: The middle class stood for ‘liberalism’. Liberalism in political terms stood for
equality, freedom, formation and working of government by consent. In the economic field,
liberalism advocated the freedom of markets and the abolition of unjust duties on the movement
of goods from one territory to the other. This led to the beginning of economic nationalism in
Europe which contributed to the rise of nationalism. The new commercial class argued for the
creation of a unified economic territory allowing the unhindered movement of goods, people and
capital. Later, several measures were introduced. Some of these were
•In 1834, a customs union called ‘zollverein’ was formed at the initiative of Prussia. Several
German states joined this union
• The union abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number of currencies from over thirty
to two.
• The introduction of railways created mobility leading to the national unification.
• The creation of a network of railways further stimulated mobility harnessing economic
interests to national unification.
We find that a wave of economic nationalism strengthened the wider nationalist sentiments
growing at the time.
Rise of New Conservatism and its opposition by the people
After the defeat of Napoleon, there was a rise of new conservatism.
They were of the opinion that the traditional institutions of
state and society – like the monarchy, the Church, social
hierarchies, property and the family – should be preserved
Did not propose a return to the society of pre-revolutionary
days but realised that modernisation could in fact
strengthen traditional institutions like the monarchy
The Congress of Vienna was held in 1815 in which Britain, Russia, Prussia and Austria
participated to draw up settlement for Europe. The Congress was hosted by the Austrian
Chancellor Duke Metternich. Some results of the Congress of Vienna were:
• Monarchy was restored in France and strengthened in Prussia, Belgium and Austria.
Autocratic governments were set up in these countries.
• A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in
Conservative regimes set up in 1815 were autocratic. They did not tolerate dissent and imposed
censorship on those materials and articles in newspapers, books, plays and songs that reflected the
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creating the idea of the nation. Art, painting, poetry, stories and music played an important role in
strengthening the feeling of nationalism.
Romanticism was a cultural movement in which the artists romanticised human feelings and
emotions. This was done to create a common cultural past
as the basis of a nation. Stress was laid on vernacular
languages and folklore. This gave communities who were
living under the control of other powerful nations a
cultural identity. For example, the people of Poland who
were under Russian control defied the ban on speaking
Polish. This was a kind of struggle to overthrow the
Russian rule from their territory and to become an
independent nation. Similarly, German philosopher
Johann Gottfried Herder claimed that true German
culture was to be discovered among the common people –
‘das volk’.
The emphasis was laid on using vernacular language and
A painting by a French painter Delacroix who
the collection of local folklore not only to discover an
depicts an incident in which 20,000 Greeks were
ancient national spirit, but also to carry the message of said to have been killed by Turks on the island of
modern nationalists to illiterate people. Chios. Through this painting, he was trying to
create sympathy for the Greeks.
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• On 18May 1848, 831 elected representatives marched to take their places in the Frankfurt
Parliament. They drafted a constitution for a German nation to be headed by a monarchy
subjected to Parliamentary control.
• The Prussian monarch Friedrich Wilhelm IV rejected the constitution. The German Parliament
which resisted the demands of the workers and artisans lost their support. Later, the
parliament led by the educated middle class was forced to disband.
• At this time, women all over Europe campaigned for securing voting rights.
Germany and Italy were European nations which were divided into various kingdoms. The unification
of Germany and Italy were important events in world history.
Unification of Germany
• The newly emerged middle class in Germany in 1848 tried to unite several German kingdoms
which were suppressed by monarchies and large landowners into one nation state governed by an
elected body.
• Prussia, a German kingdom, took the leadership in uniting various German states. Otto von
Bismarck, the Chief Minister of Prussia, aimed to achieve the goal of
unification with the help of the Prussian army and the bureaucracy.
• Spread over seven years, the Prussian army with the help of the Austrian,
French and Danish armies fought three wars and successfully incorporated all
the small German kingdoms. This marked the process of completion of German
• In 1871, William I was declared as the emperor of Germany at the Palace of
Versailles. The process of the unification of Germany exhibited the power of Otto von Bismarck
the Prussian state. Many new reforms were initiated in banking, currency,
administration and judiciary in Germany.
Unification of Italy
• Italy was also politically fragmented into various small states which were ruled by
• During the mid-nineteenth century, only the state of Sardinia-Piedmont was ruled
by the Italian monarchy. The northern states were under the Austrian monarchy,
Central Italy was under the control of the Pope and the states in the south were
under the control of the Bourbon kings of Spain.
• Giuseppe Mazzini was a revolutionary who actively supported the unification of the
Italian states. For achieving this aim, he formed a secret society called ‘Young
Italy’. Giuseppe Garibaldi
• The state of Sardinia-Piedmont took the responsibility of fulfilling this task after
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the failed uprisings in 1831 and 1848. The king of Sardinia-Piedmont, Victor Emmanuel II, was
actively helped by his Chief Minister Cavour. Cavour led the process of the unification of Italy.
• In 1859, the state of Sardinia-Piedmont defeated the Austrians. In 1860, the Italian forces
helped by Giuseppe Garibaldi and his volunteers marched into southern Italy and unified it with
• King Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed as the king of united Italy. The complete unification
of Italy was achieved in 1871.
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Important Questions
Multiple Choice questions-
1. Elle, the measuring unit in Germany was used to measure:
(a) cloth
(b) thread
(c) land
(d) height
2. Zollevrein started in 1834 in Prussia refers to a:
(a) Trade Union
(b) Customs Union
(c) Labour Union
(d) Farmer’s Union
3. What do the saints, angels and Christ symbolise in the Utopian vision?
(a) Equality among people
(b) Fraternity among nations
(c) Freedom of nations
(d) Resentment against nations
4. Who were the ‘Junkers’?
(a) Soldiers
(b) Large landowners
(c) Aristocracy
(d) Weavers
5. Which treaty recognised Greece as an independent nation?
(a) Treaty of Constantinople, 1832
(b) Treaty of Vienna, 1815
(c) Treaty of Versailles, 1871
(d) None of these
6. Which treaty recognised Greece as an independent nation?
(a) Treaty of Constantinople, 1832
(b) Treaty of Vienna, 1815
(c) Treaty of Versailles, 1871
(d) None of these
7. Which of the following group of powers collectively defeated Napoleon?
(a) England, France, Italy, Russia
(b) England, Austria, Spain, Russia
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d. Liberty.
iv. Which of the following is not true with respect to "Allegory"?
a. It is a symbol representing an abstract idea.
b. Artist became an allegory of a nation.
c. It is an idea expressed through a person or a thing.
d. An allegorical story has two meanings, one literal and one symbolic.
1. Answer: a
2. Answer: a
3. Answer: b
4. Answer: b
5. Answer: a
6. Answer: b
7. Answer: c
8. Answer: c
9. Answer: d
10. Answer: c
11. Answer: b
12. Answer: a
13. Answer: b
14. Answer: d
15. Answer: b
Short Answer:
1. Answer:
Metternich described him as “the most dangerous enemy of our social order”.
2. Answer:
Metternich once remarked, “When France sneezes, the rest of the Europe catches
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3. Answer:
I. Lord Byron was an English poet.
II. He organised funds and later went to fight in the war, where he died of fever in
4. Answer: Romanticism was a cultural movement which sought to develop a particular
form of nationalist sentiment. Romantic artists and poets generally criticised the
glorification of reason and science and focused instead on emotions, intuition and
mystical feelings.
5. Answer: Karol Kurpinski celebrated the national struggle through his operas and music,
turning folk dances like the polonaise and mazurka into nationalist symbols.
6. Answer:
I. There was enormous increase in population all over Europe.
II. In most countries there were more seekers of jobs than employment.
7. Answer:
I. The Grimm brothers were born in the German city of Hanau in 1785 and 1786
II. They collected folktales and considered their projects of collecting folk-tales and
developing the German language as part of the wider effort to oppose French
domination and create a German national identity.Answer:
8. Answer:
I. Louis Philippe was forced to flee and
II. National Assembly proclaimed a Republic.
III. Suffrage was granted to all adult males above 21.
IV. Right to work was guaranteed. National workshops to provide employment were set
9. Answer: Feminist means awareness of women’s rights and interests based on the belief
of the social, economic and political equality of the genders.
10.Answer: Ideology is a system of ideas reflecting a particular social and political vision.
Long Answer:
1. Answer:
The political condition of Europe in the mid-eighteenth century was as mentioned
below :
(1) There were no nation states
(2) Germany, Italy and Switzerland were divided into kingdoms, duchies and cantons
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professionals came into existence. It was among the educated, liberal middle classes
that ideas of national unity following the abolition of aristocratic privileges gained
4. Answer:
(1) The term ‘liberalism’ is derived from the Latin word liber, meaning free. Thus, for the
new middle classes, liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all
before “law.
(2) Political and economic ideas supported by the liberals were as given below :
(1) Political ideas :
I. It emphasised the concept of government by consent.
II. Since the French Revolution, liberalism stood for the end of autocracy and clerical
privileges, a constitution and representative government through parliament.
III. They did not necessarily stand for universal suffrage.
IV. In revolutionary France, which was the first example of liberal democracy, the
right to vote and election was exclusively granted to property-owning men. Men
without property and women were not granted political rights. Thus in the 19th
and 20th centuries there were movements demanding equal political rights.
(2) Economic ideas : They supported freedom of markets and the abolition of state-
imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital. During the 19th century
this was a strong demand of the emerging middle classes. Also see Textbook Question
5. Answer:
I. In France, the right to vote and election was granted only to property-owning
II. Men without property and all women were excluded from political rights.
III. During the period of Jacobins, all adult males were granted right to vote.
IV. The Napoleonic Code again granted limited right to vote. Women were reduced
to the status of a minor, subject to the authority of fathers and husbands.
V. Women and non-propertied men organised opposition movements demanding
equal political rights during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
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