Final K U History NEP 5 & 6 Semester Syllabus 2023 - 24
Final K U History NEP 5 & 6 Semester Syllabus 2023 - 24
Final K U History NEP 5 & 6 Semester Syllabus 2023 - 24
Course Title: Colonialism And Nationalism in Asia ( 1900 to 1970 CE)
Course Objectives:
Learning Outcome:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
Unit Contents of Course- DSC-10 60 Hours
Chapter-1: What is Asia?: (a) Land and its people (b) Pre
15 Hours
Unit-I colonial Society.
Chapter-2: The Advent of Western Powers: The Early Europeans:
The Portuguese, the Spanish. The Dutch, t he
French and the English.
Chapter-3: Introduction to Modern World System Theory
• Students can be asked to study the main theories and interpretations on
Colonialism and Nationalism.
• They may be asked to survey the causes for the emergence of the
ModernWorld System and its impact on Asia.
• They can be asked to analyse the dynamics and dimensions in the colonial
working and nationalist movements in the five countries of Asia.
Suggested Readings
1 Amin, Samir: Imperialism and Unequal Development England, The Harvester
Press, 1977
2 Anderson, Benedict: Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spreadof
Nationalism, London, Verso, Revise edition, 1991.
3 Bandyopadhyaya, Sekhar: Decolonization in South Asia, London, Routledge,2009.
4 Desai, A.R.: Social Background of Indian Nationalism Bombay, Popular Prakashan, 1982.
5 Edwardes, Michael: Asia in the European Age 1498-1955 , New Delhi, AsiaPublishing
House, 1961.
6 Hall, D.G.E.: A History of South East Asia London, Macmillan, 1964.
9 Sardesai, D.R.: South East Asia: Past and Present , New Delhi, Vikas, 1981.
10 Wallerstein, Immanuel : The Modern World System(3vols.), New York, AcademicPress, 1974
Formative Assessment
Assessment Occasion/ type Weightage in
Assessment Test-1 10
Seminar/Presentation/GroupDiscussion 10
Assessment Test-2 10
Assignment 10
Total 40
Course Title: History of Europe 1789 to 1945 CE
Course Objectives:
Course Objectives:
• To make the students learn major issues and current issues during the
period under study.
• To make the students understand the reaction to Nationalism and Liberalism.
• To understand the impact of World wars on Global Society.
• To estimate the role of UNO in maintaining World Peace.
Learning Outcome:
After studying this course, students will be able to
• Evaluate the contributions of great philosophers and leaders to
thetransformation of Society and economy of Europe.
• To appreciate Europe of today, this occupies a place of vital importance
inworld affairs.
• To examine the impact of dictatorships on the events of Europe and the
Unit Contents of Course- DSC-11 60 Hours
Suggested Readings
1 Hazen C D: Modern European History, 1917.
Formative Assessment
Assessment Occasion/ type Weightage in
Assessment Test-1 10
Seminar/Presentation/GroupDiscussion 10
Assessment Test-2 10
Assignment 10
Total 40
Course Title: Contemporary History of India from 1947-1990s
Course Objectives:
This paper will discuss the political legacies of Colonialism in India. After studying this
students will be able to:
• know the meaning of legacy of Colonialism
• Understand the legacy of Colonialism.
• Assess the political legacy of Colonialism.
• Identify the important legacies in the form of political legacy of British
Colonialism in India.
• Understand the Social, Political and Economical development of India.
Learning Outcome:
After studying this course, students will be able to:
Unit Contents of Course- DSC-12 60 Hours
• Examine the impact of colonial legacy on the post-independent Indian Political
• Discuss the political legacy under Colonialism in India.
• Highlight the different factors of political legacy of Colonialism
• What is legacy? Write a note on political legacy of Colonialism.
• Critically examine the important legacies in the form of political
legacy of BritishColonialism in India
• Discuss the economic legacy of British Colonialism
• Highlight the different fields of economic legacy of Colonialism in India.
• Make an analysis on the social legacy of British Colonialism.
• Discuss the foreign policy of India.
• Examine politics in different states in post colonial period.
• Make an analysis of Green Revolution and Agricultural development
Suggested Readings
1 Akbar M.J: Neharu: The Making of India, Viking Publication, 1988.
3 Chandra Bipan and others: India Since Independence, Penguin Books, Reprint 2017.
4 Chatterjee Partha (ed): State and Politics in India, OUP, Delhi, 1997.
5 Dubey Harihar: India After Independence, Penguin India, New Delhi, 2000
6 Grover B.L and Mehta Alka: A Look At Modern Indian History (From 1707 to the
Modern Times), S. Chand and Company Ltd.,
7 Guha Ramachandra: INDIA After Gandhi, Picador, 2008
Formative Assessment
Assessment Occasion/ type Weightage in
Assessment Test-1 10
Seminar/Presentation/GroupDiscussion 10
Assessment Test-2 10
Assignment 10
Total 40
Course Objectives:
Learning Outcome
Unit Contents of Course- DSC13 60 Hours
• Students can be asked to make a report of the heroes who fought for freedom.
• Students can be asked to examine the British influence inKarnataka
and its impact.
• Students can be asked to \analyse the struggles by Surapura and otherareas
against British rule.
• Students can be asked to collect informations about local freedom fighters.
Suggested Readings
1 Basavaraja. K.R. - History of Karnataka, Chalukya Publications, Dharwad, 1984.
11 Veerathappa K:. Studies in Karnataka History and Culture, KHC Vol-1, 1985.
Formative Assessment
Assessment Occasion/ type Weightage in Marks
Assessment Test-1 10
Seminar/Presentation/Group Discussion 10
Assessment Test-2 10
Assignment 10
Total 40
Course Title: History of India. (1761- 1857 CE)
Course Objectives:
• Student will be able to formulate basis of modern India through different concepts
like modernity, Rule of Law etc...
• Students will be able to analyze the process of rise modern India and its foundation
made by Social reformer and freedom fighters.
• Students will be able to analyze social background of Indian Nationalism.
• Students will be able to categorize different school of thoughts about Modern India
• Students will be able to illustrate rise and growth of Economic Nationalism in
Learning Outcome
At the end of the course, the students shall –
Unit Contents of Course- DSC 14 60 Hours
• The students shall prepare a project on the process that led to
thecolonization of India.
• The students should have a group discussion on the adverse impact of British
• The students should write an article on the making of the constitution.
Suggested Readings:
1 Bandopadhyaya, Sekhara: From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India, Orient
Blackswan, 2004.
2 Bayly, C.A. Indian Society and The Making of British Empire, Cambridge University Press,
3 Bhatia, B. M. : Famines in India, Asia Publishing House, 1967.
4 Brown, Judith M: Gandhi’s Rise to Power: Indian Politics, 1915-1922, CambridgeUniversity
Press, 1972,
5 Chandra, Bipan, : Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India, Har Anand, 2010.
6 Chaudhuri, B.B.: Peasant History of Late Pre-Colonial and Colonial India, Pearson
Education, 1972.
7 Gadgil, D. R.: Industrial Evolution of India, The Economic Journal, Vol.36, Issue 141,
Oxford Academic, 1st March, 1926.
8 Grover B.L and Mehta Alka: A Look At Modern Indian History (From 1707 to the
Modern Times), S. Chand and Company Ltd.,
9 Marshal, P.J. (ed.) : Eighteenth Century in Indian History, Oxford University Press, Delhi,
10 Hasan, Mushirul: Nationalism and Communal Politics in India: 1885-1930, Manohar, 1994.
The course shall be taught through the lectures, interactive session, outdoor visits
and week-end seminars.
Formative Assessment
Assessment Occasion/ type Weightage in Marks
Assessment Test-1 10
Seminar/Presentation/Group Discussion 10
Assessment Test-2 10
Assignment 10
Total 40
Course Title: History of United States of America ( 1776 – 1945 CE)
Course Objectives:
• Students shall be able to identify, explain and give example of significant
development in American history, over a defined span of time, roughly C.
1776 – 1945.
• Student shall be able to interpret and evaluate the acceptability of historical
Learning Outcome:
• Students will be able to interpret the political parties the role of judiciary inthe
making of the republic in USA.
• They will understand the spirit of American Revolution and its ideology.
• Students will be able to understand socio-economic development of USA.
Unit Contents of Course- DSC-15 60 Hours
• Students should be asked to prepare a project on industrialization in America
and its impact.
• Students can submit assignments on the abolition of slavery.
• Ask the students to submit a report on the heroes of the American war of
Suggested Readings
1 Bailyn Bernard: The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. HarvardUniversity
Press 1967.
2 Beard Charles: An Economic Interpretation of the American Constitution.Macmillan,
3 Brown Dee: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, An Indian History of the AmericanWest.
Grover Gardner 1970.
4 Carroll Peter and Noble David: Free and Unfree: A New History of the UnitedStates. Penguin
Books, 1977.
5 Davis David B.: The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution 1770-1823. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
6 Faulkner U: American Economic History. New York, Harper, 1960.
9 Franklin, John Hope: From Slavery to Freedom. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1947.
10 John L Thomas S.J and others: The Great Republic: A History of the American People,
Houghton Miffin, 1991.
Formative Assessment
Assessment Occasion/ type Weightage in
Assessment Test-1 10
Seminar/Presentation/GroupDiscussion 10
Assessment Test-2 10
Assignment 10
Total 40