Elenari Healing System: Training Manual For Practitioner To Healing Master

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Elenari Healing System

Copyright, 2004


The Healing of the Realm of the Faery

Received by and channeled through,
Rev. Gail Lehmann, OM; EHS Master, Founder/Originator, Reiki Master

The Elenari Healing System is a sharing system---free of all money exchange/energy exchange.
It is truly one of the first ‘pay it forward’ systems, in which there is a degree of passing it on to
be passed on and on.
Therefore, no money or energy need be used as a way to ‘pay’ for this system. Share it
completely on every level.

Elenari translates to “Star Elf”. All healing on this dimension comes from
the Higher Realms of the traditional Source—the Higher
Source/Creator/God/Goddess of All. The Star Realms. This healing system
utilizes our senses of visualization and intention to heal. The connection is
Earth based and Star based. It implements only 3 symbols, by visualization
only; and can be used to heal any element, person, animal, or plant. It may
be used to magnify and manifest our needs. It may be used as a way of
communication—sending energy from one person to another through our
intention and breath, for breath is a translation of Life and Spirit. This
system allows us to know who we are---Beings of Light. It will assist in even
greater knowing as it grows within you and you connect to the Source of All
Life For those who are Starseeds and Starbornes; this system will assist in
your growth in a very powerful way. It will bring your reasons for being here
into reality. This system will also open the door to a new connection to the
Realm of the Faery, in which this system if initially based. There is a deep
opening to Nature within this system—the connection to Mother Earth
heightens and broadens as you walk this path.

The basis for this healing is to bring balance and connection to the
healer/initiate creating the three sided symbol of the pyramid to represent
three levels of energy: Love, Compassion and Enlightenment; each taking
its position in the Heart Chakra and connecting one to the other with a
lightening energy that flows from one symbol to the other.
The energy then rises through the upper Chakras, aura and spiritual bodies
to the Source of All Healing and Enlightenment/God/Goddess/All That Is to
connect the initiate completely to the Elenari Healing Energy at the Master
or third level of initiation. The flow of energy then begins—back and forth
to supply the initiate/Master with the healing energy to now help both self
and others. This action takes place as soon as the third symbol reaches the
Heart Chakra, for their awareness of the power of healing rests within the
connection, to each other and then to Source.

Most of all, this system presents source of direct, powerful healing to the
initiate on each level. Each level, from the very beginning can send energy.
There is no waiting to do distant healing and energy sending, since the
Healing System is complete within itself, yet magnifies as each level is
In relation to Reiki, this system highly advances and supersedes Reiki and
its energy to a high degree.

What Elenari Healing is and what it isn’t:

Elenari Healing System is NOT a Reiki System. It does not incorporate any
of symbols related to any Usui Reiki system. It is not have lineage that links
it to the Usui System or any other Reiki-like Systems. The term Elenari,
Elenari Reiki, and the term Elenari Healing System are copyrighted. No use
of this name shall be allowed to any other form of healing system or
Reiki/Reiki-type healing system.
This system does not require any other base system such as Reiki or
mastership in any other healing system to be effective.
It does not replace traditional medical advise, procedure or medical advise.
The practitioner is never to diagnose an illness, condition; or provide
medical advice.

Due to the power of the attunement process, it is recommended that at

least three to five days lapse between attunements. Each student will be
interviewed by the teaching master before any attunements take place to
determine first if the system if for you, and secondly to access your
progress. If for any reason the teacher decides you are not ready for the
next level, then you will be asked to continue self-healing and extend this
adjustment period to what is necessary for your well-being.
The teacher does have the right to deny access to the system if they feel
you are unable to handle the power of the attunements.

It is recommended that self-healing be done for at least three days between

levels to associate the initiate to the energy and allow the energy to settle
Please remember to drink lots of water, and connect with nature as much
as possible within the Elenari Healing System. Enjoy writing your
experiences with the Elenari Healing System. You will find them helpful in
your growth process and new connection with the Realm of the Faery and
their wonderful tool for healing and enlightenment.

There are only three levels in the Elenari Healing System. This is to insure
a simple to understand/use holistic healing energy is always incorporated
each time you chose to use it. Each level has one attunement, and it is all
done by distant attunement. No hands touch the body during the
attunement process. The Fae will assist in the attunement process with
you. Please make sure you read the attunement instructions, for they are
extremely simple; and enjoy the process!

This system is a sharing system. One that does not require money, nor
should it ever be a system of energy exchange to receive it. Please do not
sell this system in any way, shape or form. See this system as a ‘pay it
forward’ system—one that continues to give and give with complete attitude
towards sharing. This includes this manual, all attunements; and
There is no ‘spiritual lineage’ according to the Fae, and to create such a
lineage would only set limitations on it, as would selling the system. Take
this system as a gift in every way.
If for any reason you feel a need to sell this system, we must allow a
warning to be delivered. Take money for it, sell it; instruct others that they
can do any of the above, and the karmic laws of the Fae will begin their
process. Beyond any legal stance that could be taken, the karma is much
more devastating and long lasting. We strongly warn you to follow the rules
in regards to this system for the good of the system and for any
complications that could arise in the process.
Certificates and lineage: The completion of the system has attached to it a
simple certificate. This document does not set the student to the right to sell
or barter this system. It shows completion of the system and an
understanding of its methods, symbols and receivership of the
attunements. The student may give away at no charge of any kind the
attunements to a person who desires it. That person is to be instructed to
give away the system to whomever is in need or desires it. It must be made
perfectly clear that the system is never to be sold for any amount of
money—and that includes the documents and manual.
There is no seal, ribbon or stamp on the certificate. There is no lineage, for
the Fae feel this is just a form of control and eventually create a desire to
sell the system or create a hierarchy. This is just not a part of their plan, for
all they want is the healing of humanity and the return of balance to Mother
Your teacher who gives you this gift of Spirit can be seen as a beloved
treasure. One that carries a gift so full of wonder and Light. They carry that
Light within them and give it to you. You become the beloved
treasure…and the Gift goes on and on and on!
Please respect this Gift. We do know that there will be those who will
attempt to sell this system. To you, the warning is clear. We hope you will
respect the system and its quality to create healing and promote sharing,
giving; and Light.

Elenari Healing System Level 1: The Energy of Love.

Opening to Love

The first level opens us up, allows the Energy of Love to gently flow into our
spiritual bodies and cleanse the chakras. The energy will flow on the 5-
pointed Star in a circle—the pentacle. The 5-pointed star on its own is the
Pentagram. The Circle represents life—the constant flow of life. This is one
of the most ancient symbols, for it represents the 4 directions—Earth, Air,
Water and Fire; plus the fifth element that connects them all: Spirit. The
Circle then implements the essence of life, the deepest connection, the
miracle of creation that comes only from Source. No one, no thing, no
element cannot exist without its connection to Source. It is what creates the
Light Being that we are. It is the representation of all spiritual beliefs, and
by more ‘recent terms’ it is the 5 wounds that Jesus The Christ bore on
the Cross—which The Faery witnessed with much grief and shock and then
returned to the Ancients to tell the story—with many tears, but hope for
peace in our world and the world to come. This symbol is visualized in
whatever color is needed to do the healing at the moment. Visualizing it in
gold assists in manifestation of desires on all levels.

This symbol moves through the chakras, auras, and then rests in our heart
to radiate the energy of Love throughout, as we need it to be. It becomes
the floor and the right bottom point of the Elenari pyramid. To activate that
Love energy, after initiation of Level 1; just touch the Heart Chakra; and the
energy will radiate and flow through the Heart Chakra, and through the
body as self-healing energy. To send this energy out as a communication
or healing, simply take a breath through your nose and then exhale through
the mouth, tongue held gently against the roof of the mouth just behind the
front teeth; and visualize the symbol then your thought/communication. You
may also visualize the person who you wish to speak to, and see them as
you send the energy of Love.
You may do this as many times as you wish, for as you send out the
energy of Love, you so shall receive this energy back ten-fold in healing
and love.
Elenari Healing System: Level 2: The Energy of Compassion
Opening to Gentleness and Compassion

The Second Level is the Energy of Compassion. In initiation, it brings a

newness to our awareness of the connection to Mother Earth and All Her
Power. She too, is creation; for from Her Womb comes all life. Mother Earth
feeds us, nurtures us; and cradles us. She is the Unity of Source—where
life is created and comes forth. The symbol of the Crescent Moon flows
through each chakra, aura and spiritual bodies of the individual then settles
in the Heart Chakra to join the Pentacle and create the left wall and the left
bottom point of the pyramid. To activate the energy of Compassion, just
touch the Heart Chakra and the energy will flow through the chakras and
body as self-healing energy.
This is always visualized in a gold color and is also seen as the crown of
Mother Earth and the seat on which She steps, sits and holds. Mother
Earth is gentleness and compassion.

To send out compassion to another in distant communication or healing,

simply inhale with your nose, then exhale with your tongue gently touching
the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth; visualizing the individual and
the symbol flowing to them, immersing them in the gentleness and
compassion of Mother Earth. You may do this as many times as you wish
to send out as much energy as you wish. Each time you do, the energy you
send out will return to you ten-fold and present healing, gentleness and

Elenari Healing System Level 3 (Master Level)

The Door to Enlightenment

This is the final level of the Elenari Healing System. It is the Doorway to
Enlightenment within the system itself. Its symbol is the 7-pointed star
called the Faery Star.

The Faery Star finds its place at the top of the pyramid point, becoming the
crown/cap and right wall of the pyramid, which is located in your Heart
Chakra. As it locks in place, it turns gold in color and shows its personal
color to the initiate. After it shows its personal color it then begins the flow
of the energy through the first two symbols into itself and up through the
last three chakras: 5, 6 and 7; and through the aura and spiritual bodies to
Source. Then by making the final connection, flows back down to the
initiate/master to become a permanent connection to the healing and power
that is the system itself. You may activate this symbol and its energy at any
time in self-healing by touching your Heart Chakra. The energy will flow
through the Heart Chakra, into the body to energize and heal.
This star can be visualized in any color the initiate desires. It will show
itself to the initiate in the color in which will become the power color for that
person to use. Each person is different, and no one color is right or wrong.
It is all within the connection to Source. You may visualize this symbol
either on its own or with a circle around it. This is your choice.
This level of initiation brings with it a total freedom of healing—be it hands
on or with breath; visualization/distant healing, or by simple intent. You may
use the breath, inhale; tongue gently resting against roof of the mouth
directly behind the front teeth, visualizing the person, place or thing; and
then exhaling the visualized Faery Star on the breath exhaled. It may be
done as many times as you wish, and yes; you will receive the Energy of
Enlightenment and healing each time—Ten fold in healing and power each
The initiate/master may use any of the three levels at any time to heal on
that level, be it Love, Compassion or Enlightenment. Also, all three may be
sent out as distant healing by visualizing the three symbols in the pyramid
position: Faery Star at the top, Love: The Pentagram on the right point and
Crescent Moon on the left point. Send them out on the breath as you would

It is advised that respect always be paid to those we send distant

healing/energy to, and to always connect with the Higher Self of the
individual to ask permission—even above their verbal requests; since that
which is spoken sometimes can be the opposite of what is intended on the
higher planes of one’s existence.

Attunement process
The Attunement process that assists in passing the Elenari energy is
extremely simple. Cooperation with the Fae as your initial guides, and
Intent. Center, ground; and then state your intention of what you are
planning to do. Read directly from the below statement until you feel
comfortable within your own words and actions.

Simply stated:
Gracious Ones of the Fae, I come with love and sharing to bring this
attunement to: ___________. Please assist me in this attunement and I
now intent for (name) , at _(city /location)______ Time Zone ______ to
now receive Level One/Level Two/ Level 3, and the Symbol _________ be
sent to her/him at this time. I send it with Love, Light and Peace; for the
highest good of ________and for their gentle and complete healing. May
their lives be blessed abundantly and with joy and Light. And so it is.

After you have been attuned, you may boost your own attunements as
needed and if you feel out of sorts or need that extra boost of energy.
To do this, simply ground, center and then ask the Fae to please come to
assist with the refresher attunement process.
As you give attunements to the Elenari Healing System, you will receive
gentle healing and help with your own needs. You do not need to ask
directly for what you need, for They work very closely with the Angels, and
together They will help you out in any way necessary in your growth and
healing process.
Do always remember, this system is never to be sold for money or
exchange of energy. This is a system of complete and total sharing. Ask
nothing in return except that the person you share it with will be blessed
completely and abundantly. As the energy begins to go out to others in the
same manner, so too will Mother Earth and all Her children become a part
of a great healing process.
May peace, Light and Love always prevail within everyone whom this
energy touches.

Be externally blessed within this gentle healing system, and share with
everyone freely—with love and Light.
I wish all of you who attend to this energy and share it with everyone in the
Mind of Love and Light have a life full of joy, peace, Love and Light.

My love and prayers to you all,

Rev. Gail Lehman, OM
Founder, Elenari Healing System

No sale, transfer of money, or energy exchange is allowed in any way

for the transmission/attunement of Elenari Healing Energy.
Share this energy freely.
Copyright, May 2004

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