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217 ~

lwlKhl Ill.~ ' m, l.a\.l11K It • n

ll1hl lhc volunw 11 {
'"" h•111,1l11l11g 111111,1 (:)
U.., . 'l h" , lil'umlr 1 , ' " [aU) lll'SU, 20201
v,,. ,. " " t' of lht> ''•11i'1 of a ryllmtrln1I
l I• l.\l nn •n,I 1111 lwl~hl h1 2!\ l'm, Hahl llw
(I) ,,.,1111 11 ul lh,• ")'lln,1,•r,

tll) vulum" of ")'lln,h•r, (u"c It • 22 ) ""' ~ ll('Sl!, 201RI

If\\ II\
0 , ~. A, ru11h-11I h•nl I• I11 " '•',omnm,l,11,• 77 p1•rimm1 , [iarh
I rn-on mmil h.avc 16 m' of .iir 111 \in•,11lw. Clv,·n
lh" r11,ll111t of lhc h•nl AN 7 m, fln,1 the h,•l~ht of the
h•nl 1111,I .alrio II• rurv,•,I imrf,11·c iln•.i.
W:il IICS ll, 20'17I
' ' t·'""' l'.11,,•r ~,•m•II, ~11121
\,il, \ :" \' I\ Topper Answer, 2017
1\11 \. \ hl\,kl,
1'J,hu~ l1') .. I'\ ,·m : Sul.
I kl~:ht ll I) ... lfl ,·m 1 'fo.1\11hci~n-c. 1, 1~(~t: .. hc1,..Q..t Ila.. • ·1 I .I< II. .
\\,• ~"''"'• \ \,\11m,• ....., R'It -- - - - _·..ri ~i. .., ~
\/0~116. ' \ I &\I. • _ j_ tH!._ h,_ _ _ __ :
-: '- (h) ~ >-. (lei) . , - - ~- - :
' •• I Z. ~ 'l. • J. ~ '22., _ "-...; f ..IL l A ~ _

.. l.'ln'
, ----- ~
l •t "' -
h ·- _ ---- :,
' - ;. lo.1turJ..._ Ji w'va1.._&)&At.l... ~ .l l'C J,r;:-r~ ____ : I

r,,,tius (r) • 1 l' I\\ _ -_ __

·J l- _)!:. _ • I l', -.J\ ~ •1 i ~ --------
hd~~hl (11) • tl l'm -
-- \ -------------
- _ ______________________________________
_______ .., .2l. )I. 2 !.) _ •-550 lY\ ).. !:
__ ,
l ,
\\',•k,ww, \ 'lll\11\\l' • - :r,-l1

1 .,..,
- 3 )I. T )( (2)l )( 6 Examlner'S Comment
~ ln solving this probll•m, most of the C'rrors were
17ll :\
• - rm· • due to incorrl'Ct calculation or formula . Answer
7 :I was not expressed correct lo the nearest whole
R,•m,,inin~ v,,hmll' • v,,tunll' "' cylin,kr : number. ,

- 2 x V\llum~ ,,fa Will' ~---------------- ---------------- ----- ----- --- ·
1~72 ., 176
- -7 - .. x- 7 Answering Tip

---- t2bi2
Give ample practice on question based on

~---------------------------------- ------ --- -·
Q. s. In the diagram given below, if M • 21 cm, CE =

- t2bi2 - J.i;2
30 cm and fB • 7 cm. Find the volume of the figure.

• 1160cm'
-- 12.uo

Q. 2. From a tolld wooden cyllncler of height 28 cm and B
(ICSE Specimen, 2017)
di1mmr cm, two conical cayttlea are hollowed
out. The dlameten of the conel are alto of 6 cm and
- 211 o ,w.1.,l ICS( Q 11t'\ lll 11' lt ,nk (li.,p l t' I Wl~t' & T plcwise, MAT

! n,11,, +nr
1, ,v
+ 2_ 3
l' '2 3
- 3
1 22 (7)lx 21+ -22 x (7) 2 x 30+ -2 x~
• 3x1x 7 3 ' )(('r
II 2
l lt-1>',hl ,1f '"'"'' 1, 1 ,. ~I rm, lwlt~ht (1{ ,·yllm 2,2x7x30 + - x22 x7x 7
kr • 22x7 >< 7 + 3
lt 1 .. JO rn1, r,1,llus r • 7 rm, Abuw giwn
Is ,,,111tiln,1tl,1n ur 3. l) !lgun• n11w , rylin
J,·r ond ( 2()
4 + 718.67
lwmlsplwn~ . 101 8+'
:. \',,lunw ,1! th,• ,,ll\1Vl' fl~un• • Vulumc or cone cm3 (Approx)
s:: (,416 .67
+ Vulumc or cyUnJl'r [ICSE Marking Schetn
+ V,,luml' or lwmbpllC'rC e,~~

H 4 Marks Questions
Q. 1. The lnm•r drcu mfo rmce of the
rim of a circular . f the solid is 25 cm. Take 7t = ~ ·
height O
nwt,ll tub Is 44 cm. 7
Find the: .
. Volume of the sohd
(i) d rface area of the solid
(11 ) Curve su
Give yo ur answer correct to the nearest "·h

number. " 01,

(a) The inne r radius of the tub. 25cm
(b) The volume of the material of the
tub if it's outer
radius is 8 cm.
Use1r = 22
Give your answer correct to three
figures. (ICSE Specimen Paper, 2023)
Sol. Inner circumference of circular
metal tub ~ [ICSE Specimen, 2018 & 2020!
= 44cm
Sol. Given total height of the solid = 25
⇒ 2,rr = 44 Height of the cone (hi) = 4 cm
22 Diameter of the cylinder = 6 cm
⇒ 2X - Xr= 44
7 Height of the cylinder (h ) = 25 - 4 = 21
1 cm
Radius of the cone = Radius of the cylin
7 1 der =(r)
⇒ r=4 4X 22x 2 6
= - = 3cm
⇒ r=7 cm 2
Now, Volume of material of tub Slant height of cone = \✓ hi + r2 \
= 31t (R3 - r3)
= 1✓4 2 +32 \ = ✓16+9
2 22
= -X- X (83-73) = 1"2.51
3 7
2 22 =5c m
= x (512- 343) (i) Volume of the
37 X solid = Volume of cylinder +
2 22 Volumeofconr
= x 169
37 X
= 354.095 cm3
= 1tr2h1 + 3 1tr2h1
= 354cm3
Q. 2. The given solid figure is cylinder
surmounted by
a cone. The diameter of the base of the cylin = v (h +~h2)
der is
6 cm. The height of the cone is 4 cm and
the total
= X 3 X 3 X (21 +t.)

. X 9 X 67

"" - 7 Mensuration 219
3 \
"" 631.71 cn,3 .

632 c n, 3 (A Answering Tip
• rvcd drt' a o f the solid == tprolC.)
'I Lil .S.A. ofcylind .,.. S~dents to calculate the volume of a remaining
~' +C S er
= 2nrh 1 + 7tr/ · .A. o f cone solid by putting all the volumes in a combine

I == Ttr (2/1 I + /)
manner with plus and minus sign instead
of ~a!culating each volume separately. Give

f ::::~ ::)14cm'
suffi_o ent practice in problems based on volume
of different solids. Read the question carefully
__ ___~~~ _use the given value of 1t.
i :
Q. 4. The fo~;o-;;ng figure represents a solid consis~~g
i C rved surface area == 443 cm 2 (A
/hernjspherical and a conical hJP~ox .).
of a right circular cylinder with a hemisphere at

one end and a cone at the other. Their common
a.J· ,. solid wooden cylinder. Find the IS scooped out radius is 7 cm. The height of the cylinder and cone
o . I'd h e volume of th are each of 4 cm. Find volume of the solid .
.-rnaining so • w ere the measu e
,. rements are as
; follows: --.
The height of the solid cylinder is 7 .
h . h ' cm, radius of 4cm
each of em1s~ ere, cone and cylinder is
}fright of cone 1s 3 cm. 3 cm.
Give your answer correct to
the nearest whole
nurnber. fTake 7t = ~ ]
4 cm
t lYhoJe
[ICSE, 2019] · · · · · · · · ·· +· · · · ·· ··· ·
-+- 7·cm

0J) [ICSE, 2018]

Sol. ·: Common radius (r) = 7 cm
and height of cylinder (h) = height of cone (h)
Volume of the solid = Volume of hemisphere +
volume of cylinder + volume of cone
Volume of the solid= ~ 1tr3 + 1tr2h + ! 1tr2h
3 3
2CDOJ Sol Remaining volume = Volume of Cylinder -
(volume of cone + volume of hemisphere) 2
2 (1 2,. 2 3)
[2r + 3h + h]
=v h - 3nr ''I + 3xr
=- - +4X
~ X 3 X 7 -(¼X ~ X 3 X ~ X3 )
3 [2 X 7 4]
X 3+¾
2 2
- (r) =
[·: Given, r = 7 cm and h = 4 cm]
= x3 2 [7-(1+2)] = 22 x 7 [14 + 16]
7 3

= 22 x3 2 x4 =~= 113.1 =113cm (Approx.)

= 22 x 7 x 30 = 1540cm3
7 7 - 3
[ICSE Marking Scheme, 2019)

[ICSE Marking Scheme, 2018)

, ~ So
me candidates made nust
. akes in applying
of solids
N ~
Examiners Comments
Some candidates did not read the question

the correct formula of one or morehile a few

(Cylinde~ cone and he~~ere) values of 7 carefully and took the radius as i instead
made mistakes in substttutton ped out of° of 7. They made mistakes in appl~g the
radius and height of the _solids ~ the value correct formula while a few made mistakes
the cylinder. Some candid~tes
of It = 3.14 for calculation i,nSle8

f the given in calculation, especially those who used the
valueof1t = 3.14. ----- - -- - -- - - -----·
, Value -22 • ·---------------------
~ 7. ----------
,..ATICS, Class-X
i - .~-~--~~~'.'.l_l~~:-~'.~'.~~~ -•~~~-~~'.~:•:~-~~~ -~\ T icwise, r• . 6 cm each an
f thei r bas es is
~;::.~ ~. con• is 5cm. 4 '

22 nl uiven : 1', ¾
: .,. Value of 1t should be taken Calc ulat e..
' as - , u ess o· : (') the heig ht Of
the con e.
7 ' th rd
,: as 3.14 . l lunt e of e so l .
__________ •
~--------------------------- ---- --- -

I (ii) the VO ': , \

Answering Tip 5cm

.,. Give sufficient practice in problem
based on volume
and surface area of different solids.
Also teach
students shorter methods of solving such
, problems
instead of calculating each volume sepa
: rately and
then adding up.
_________ __-
• Q. 5. The give n figure repr
esen ts a hem isph ere
surm oun ted by a conical bloc
k of wood. The 0 llCSE ,nn..

P ) 6 Marks Questions
Q. 1. A buil ding is in the form of
a cyli nde r surm oun ted
by a hem isph eric al dome. The
base diameter of
= - X-SH
9 9
the dom e is equ al to ~ of the
total heig ht of the
3 64 x9x9 = H3
buil ding . Find the heig ht of the
buil ding , if it
con tain s 67.!_ m 3 of air. 4x4 x4 x3x 3x3 -H3

21 2x2 x2 -
3 =H
2 X

⇒ H =6 m
Therefore, heig ht of bui ldin g
Q. 2. A fact ory man ufa ctur es 120
000 pen cils daily. Thr
=6 m

1-11 pen cils are cyli ndr ical in sha

pe each of length
25 cm and circ umf eren ce of bas e as
the cost of colo urin g the curv
1.5 cm. Determnw
ed surfaces of tht
pencils man ufac ture d in 1 day
Her e, d = -2 xH Sol. Circumference of base
at~ 0.05 per dm2 •
3 = 21tr = 1.5
H 22
r= - 2 X
7 X r = 1.5
Volume of air insid e the building
= Volume of cyli nde r+ Volume of hemisphere r = l.5x 2- x.!
22 2
= 1tr2h + ~1tr3 10.5
3 , r = - =105
Here, heig ht of cylinder, h = (H - r) 44 , 440
671- = 1tr h+2-r )
21 3
2( r= - cm
Now C.S.A. of cylinder = 2nrh
67.!21.. = 22x(H) 2(H-r+32,)
7 3 = 2 X 22 X 21 X 25
7 88
1408 = 22xH2 x(H-')
21 7 9 3 = 2x~ x25
::$ 643 • H2 x(tt-H)
9 9 = 752 = 37.5 crn 2
"'4aftlirc1iaptn. w, C.S.A. of 1 pencil = 37.5 an2
i0i 3 Mar ks Que stion s
• th radius
. are
Q. 3...-.
t.J 0

3 0
solid right circular cylind ers of
w many . b
d height 3 cm ,can e made b t~<li
llle)liti tq
2 c~ . ht circula r cylind er of diarne t/rticll\

Q. l. A cone and a sphere havmg e same sohd rag g,
radius an
melted and recast into a cylinde r. The
height 15 can?\ . 12 ~
height of the cone are 3 cm and 12 cm respect iv~I~
If the radius of the cylinde r so formed is 2 cm, fan
Radiu s _(R) of cylind er = 2 : : 6 cm
the height of the cylinde r. Heigh t (H) of cylinde r :::: IS cm
[ICSE Specim en Paper, 20231
st Radius (r) of small cylinde r :::: 2 c
Sol. Since, a cone and sphere are melted and reca ed
into a cylinder. Heigh t (h) of small cylinde r :::: 3 c:
⇒ Volume of cone + Volume of sphere As the volum
e of metal remains cons.,.
) .
= Volume of cylinder during meltin g "1111

⇒ !w~+!w 3 = nR~ So, No. of cylind ers

3 3 Volum e of cylind er
⇒ !3 (3)2(12) + !3 (3)3 = (2)2H == Volum e of small cylind er

⇒ 36 + 36 = 4H == rcR 2H _ 6x6x1 5 = 45
⇒ 72 = 4H rcrzh - 2 x 2 x 3
~ H = 18
Hence , 45 cylind ers can be made.
Height of cylinder = 18 cm
Q. 2. A solid cone of radius 5 cm and height 9 cm is solid spheri cal ball of radius 6 cm is melted ind
Q • 4• A • h •
melted and made into small cylinde rs of radius of recast into 64 identi cal sp encal marbles. Find~,
0.5 cm and height 1.5 cm. Find the numbe r of radius of each marble . ~ [ICSE,~I
cylinde rs so formed. Sol. Volume of spher e= Volum e of 64 marbles
[ICSE Exam Sem-11, 2022]
Sol. Given, ix1tx r3 = 64xix 1txR3
For cone, 3 3
Radius (R) = 5 cm, Height (H) = 9 cm 4 63
-7t = 64xix nxR 3
For cylinde r 3 3
radius (r) = 0.5 cm, height (h) = 1.5 cm
Volume of Cone 63
No. of cylinde rs = Volume of cyIi n d er R3 =

_!1tR 2H !x(5)2 x9 R =~ or R =~ or 1.5 cm

= = 4 2
=3 3 2Sx3 = 200
1tr 2h (0.5)2 xl.5 0.25xl .5 [ICSE Marking Scheme,Jl2'1

number of metallic con
, l •' L°'~nd height 3 c?' are melted e:, each of radius
,1• :c~ sphere of radius 6 cm. Find nd recast into

"°"es,olid spheres of radii 2

t . t crn
the nurnb a
er of
~ [Iese, 2016)
and 4 crn are
II Answering Tip
2 3-
-rt.'O s I

1j. 1•· d and rccas

m o a cone of h . I ....
To a 1·d l
• ,..,ue dius of the cone so formed eight 8 crn. Find to v? ong calculations, there is a need
tltt ra • [Iese 201 5 f guide. studen ts of using shorter methods
two sph
JJl of the volumes of the ' 1 :
equating and hence, solving of numerical
• _ __ problems. ,
;,I,~the cone eres == Volume
a 3 4 43 } 7
------ --- ---- ----- -------------- --------- ·
11x2 +37tX = 3Jtr2 X8 Q. · A solid sphere of radius 15 cm is melted and recast
into a solid right circular cones of radius 2.5 cm
4x8+4 X64=8 r2 and height 8 cm. Calculate the number of cones
recasl [ICSE, 2013]
[divide by !!3 on both s1'des) Sol. Given: Radius of cone, r = 2. 5 cm and h = 8 cm
...2 - 288 radius of sphere, R = 15 cm
r - -==36
8 4 3
Volume of sphere = -1tR
. r = 6cm 3

.. [ICSE Marking Scheme, 2015) = -4 X7CX(15)3

Detailed Solution 3
Radii of two solid spheres respectively,
R = 2 cm and R2 = 4 cm Volumeo fcone = -1 x 1t x r 2 x h
r~tal volumes of both solid spheres
4 4
= -,rR
+-,rR 3 3
= .!.x 7tX (2.5) 2 X 8
3 I 3 l
Volume of sphere
= !,r[R 3+R 3] N o. o f cones =
3 I l Volume of cone

= ½1r[(2)3 +(4)3] !x rt x (15)3

4 X 72 = 96,rcrn3 !xrt x (2.5)2 x s
= -,r ~
= 15x15x1 5 = 270
Height of a cone, h = 8 cm 2.5x2.5x 2
Then, volume of a cone = 31 m- 2h Q. 8. A hollow sphere of internal and external radii
6 cm and 8 cm respectively, is melted and recast
= .!.,r(r) 2
x8 into small cones of base radius 2 cm and height 8
3 cm. Find the number of cones. [ICSE, 2012)
Sol. External radius of hollow sphere = (R) = 8 cm
According to question,
Internal radius of hollow sphere = (r) = 6 cm
.!.,r(r)2 X 8 = 96,r Volume of hollow sphere
= ~1t{R3 -r3)
,2=~ =36
=! x 1t{(8)3 -(6)3 )
r=6cm 3

Some candidates made cal
because of using the
cuJation errors
method of
= i x 1t(512 - 216)

- XJt X 296
Radius of cone (r1) .,. 2 cm and
IY~ted as
finding out each volume separate Height of cone (h) = 8 cm
"'oUid be easier if the volumes are
1 ....zx8.
Volume of cone • 31 x 1tr1 l x h
!.x J 4
3" 2 +-1tx 43 •-,..
33 d,IOUgl\OUt ~ X Jt X (2)l X 8 = ~ X It X 32
~ out the certain terml pa_.tcn _._ii. _ __
C::':c•••••••• •

.__ ~e)(pression and a eill\P

.......... ed. ------- -- ........
111.; ------- ------- ····· """_,, _ __ _
' '
o ~waal !CSE Ques tion Bank Cha pte rwise & Top1cw 1se, M

.. ! x n >< 21l0
Voluml' of hollow sphl'rl' 3
Nu. of com·~ •
Voluml' of con~
•re • ~ x 1t(O·S)J
4 Volume O f i,.p I'l 3
- -"'
3_ __
)( 7t )(

>< 1t >< 32
- 296
Volume of corw
No. of splwre • Volume of ~pht' rc

• 37 1 x n x200
Q. 9. A 1olld cone of radius S cm and hclKht 8 cm Is - .>1..3----
ml'lted and made Into 11mall spheres of radiu s 4 x n(0·5)1
0.5 cm. Find the number of spheres formed. 3
IICSE, 2011) 50 50 X 10 3
Sol. R,Hliu!i of com• (r) • 5 cm nnd '1 • 8 cm = (O.S)J = 5x5x5 = 400
R,11.liu s of splwn• (R) • 0.5 cm
h , herical bowl of diameter 7.2 cm is filled

Volume of cone • - x 7t x (r ) 2 >< Ir Q. lO. A cml ,ts ply with chocolate sauce. This sauce is
3 comp cc .
·nto a inverted cone of radiu s 4.8 cm. Find
1 poure d 1 ~
• - ><7t >< 25 >< 8 the he;ght of thecone.
3 , (ICSE,

le# 4 Marks Quest ions

Q. 1. A solid cylinder of radius 7 cm and height 14 cm is
melted and recast into solid spheres each of radius
3.5 cm. Find the number of spheres formed.
(!) [!!TI [ICSE Specimen, 2018 & 2020)
II ,..
Examiner"s Comment
Many candidates used incorrect fo~mula for
(Ii) Voh1rn9

Q. 2. A solid metallic sphere of radius 6 cm is melted finding curved surface area of the cylinder.
., __ -- - -------- - - - -- -- - --- - - - - - - - ------ -- ---... I

and made into a solid cylinder of height 32 cm.
Find the:
(i) radius of the cylinder Volm
Answering Tip
(ii) curved surface area of the cylinder. [Take 1t = 3.1)
(!!TI [ICSE, 2019) ,.. Give adequate practice to the students for
application of various mensurati on formulae of I
volume and surface area of solids.
Toppe r Answer, 2019 I

~----------------------------- ---------------' I

Sol. Q. 3. The surface area of a solid metallic sphere is 2464
cm 2• It is melted and recast into solid right circular
: •....::!'-., s ' ct"'
:I _,Ji~;c_,..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cones of radius 3.5 cm and height 7 cm. Calculate
: !i'IN 1'q S,~ ,....<eo4=1 -iii> 0 c;:,:4-u{~ (i) the radius of the sphere.
, VII£ ,f ll'N-k - Vo/ of !=t,J.c..w4.
(ii) the number of cones recasl ( take 1t = 2: )
i) '-1 ILJi l
l ,-a
-;. M "-k
• '
~ [ICSE, 2014)

Sol. (i) Surface area of sphere = 41tR2

2464 = 4x xR 2
R2 = 196
R = 14cm.
(ll) No. of cones • Volume of sphere
Volume of cone

·--- -----------------------------------------·
-~ !1tR3

- ,_•.,'"'"''
, ___
~ ' It'\,,~,: ' :-
D Anawtrtn1 Tip
M1111\ 11111t1011 225 -

.,. h l~ 111'\'\'!<."•"V h1 rd11h•hl' 11111d,·11t "' wllh

h 11111111.,~ l'd,11\-,I h1 v1 1 h11m• ,111d 1111il,11·l• 1111·,1 .
~1111.h-111:,1 nn,:-1 h • l11~1ni, h·d h• 111o1• tlll' v,,lu,·
,,f l't • ~ i . lt II I~ f,IVl'I\ In tlw 11m·~llt111 ,,nJ
n,11 « - ;\. 1-l. ln~h·,,d 11£ fl111lt11~; v1•hlllll' (1(
1.\ 111\' ,111d :-1'h1•1,• i-1•1•,11-.11"1y 1ol11d1·11l 1 111,,y
l,• ,\\\\'l~,·,1 h1 11:-1•, \'t•l1111\l' 1•f ~l'h1·r1· • 11 x
,, ,,r
, ·,1h111w (\Wll'!I whl'n' II • n11111lwr of ('(lnl'l'I . ,

:w • -4,7, r~ ' --------------------------------------------·

. CJ. ~- Th\' lt\lft',h·t• 41'\'4 of
!lull,l 11wl,1llk !il'lwrt• lit

"t«1 ,·m 1•
It l~ nwlh•,l ""'' rt'l' ol!II Into !ltn.ill,•r !iphl'rl'!J
,,t',,·h•r ~-~ ('I\\, I low m,my !llll'h 11plwr,•1t can be
,,t-1.ahw,t 7 IICSE, 2007)
~l. C.S.A. ,,f i-plw1,• • t, I& r m:1
C$.A. • 41t1.l
~= 1~ ,,
r = ,1~ : 1-11.'t\\
t,lt, • -l x=x r 2

\\wme 1."\t sphere ::ir:

-KT~ rl • t,tt, x7

= --I X K ).. ( l ,I)~ l,ll~

r • ✓-W = 7cm
\'olume of rone = ! x ra:ilt
3 4
V,,lum~ of sphere = - x 1t x R3
= -XKX
1 (".).:'~): X -1
= -4 x 1t x (7)·'.\ cm 3
= .!.xKxl""~x7on3
3 \'olume of sm,,lll'r splwre
Volume of sphere
~o. of cones = Volume of cone = -4 X Jt Xr 3
!K(t-1)3 4
= 3 "" - XltX(l.75)~ l"Ol~
! 11(3.5)1 >< 7

• ~-128
:15 -______
,.__ ___
1 sm,,11 srh1.•n.·

hrT'f"D ;pn:,l
tonnula for
Some andidates .-cl the --:;:... ol tplwtt
9Urnce UH of sphere,~ lfd IO mc:orr«'
found was incmffCL ThiS 7x7x7
number of cones. ol rJII • gtwn in • 1~75)( 1.iSx 1.75
Some took K • 3.14 blllffCl cdy the glWI\
the problem. To caku)ate aM•ev •
. . MATHEMATICS, ctass -X
& Top1cwise,
226 Osw aal ICSE Ques tion Bank Chap terw ise

i0j 6 Marks Questions e of wate r in tank

= -31tr

Q. 1. A copp er rod of diam eter l cm and

is dnw n into a wire of
thickness. Find the thick
leng th 8 cm

of uniform
. Also find
~vo um

~ Volume of wate r in tank

= 3x 7
x 1.5 x 1.5 x l.5 -
the TSA of wire. 22
Sol. Volume of roppt>r rod= Volu me of
cylindrical wire ~ Volume of wate r in tank = 7 x 1.5 x 1.5

Ro1dius of copp er rod = r = 0.5 cm 22

Length or height of copper roJ = 8 cm ~ Volume of wate r in tank =7 x 2.25

Radius of v.-ire = R
Length or height of wire = 18 m = 1800 cm
Now, 1trh = 1tR2H
0.5 X 0.5 X 8 = R2 X 1800
~ Volume of wate r in tank
= - 7-
70 l
= -99 m3
0.5x 0.5x 8 _ 2 14
1800 - R
99000 li tre
8 = R2 Volume of wate r in tank = 14
99000 litre
=R2 Volume of wate r to be emp tied =
900 28
tank in 1
R=..!.cm Now, volume of wate r com ing out of
30 25
second = litre
Thic knes s of wire = 2R = 2 x ..!. an = ..!..
30 99000 + 25
Time taken to emp ty half the tank =
Now, TSA of wire = 21tr(r + h) 28 7

=2 X
X ..!.(..!.
7 30 30
+ }80()) Time take n to emp ty half the tank = 99000 x l_
28 25
I ...
= 2x!! x..!. .(
+54<XX)) = 3960

Time take n to emp ty half the tank

7 15 30 I
4 I

54001 ,, I

= zx!! x..!. .(
7 15 30
= 990 seconds
= 16.5 minutes
Time take n to emp ty half the tank I

= !!.x..!..(54001)
Now , TSA of tank = 3m·2 I
7 15 15 I

= 377.15cm2 TSA ofta nJc = 3 x ~ x 1.5 x 1.5 I

Q. 2. A hemispherical tank full of water

is emptied by a
pipe at
th 25
litres per second. How much
e rate of 7 =3 x ~ X2.25

time will it take to empty hall the ~ IJS

if ·t . _ 49.5
3 °di the - 3 >< -
m m ameter7 Also find the cost of painting 7
closed tank if cost of painting i, f 26 per m2. = 21.21 m2
Sol. Diameter of tank = 3 m I
Cost of painting 1 m2 = ' 26 I
~ Radius = 1.5 m Cost of paintin 2 2 2 = '551 .46 , . ....

g 1. 1 m = 21.21 X 26
::;o1u~10ns tor Practl
. -------: -----.. ___________ ce Questions (Toplc-1)
, !'(.:irks Outtstions - - - - - - - . - . _... __ .. ____________________________ _

--- :. \ ...~~!'?~ ' " fu.·m.t.inin~ ~'11J t:\2 )( 7

• • \ ,:~:.l~ ,'t C, hnJ"·r - "" x \' l 2 x 22 • r
. t · • - '-' um~ t't Cl'""'
- r-· \ - ~ .. ~ ... ~- .. " r • 21 cm
·' (ii) Volwnt' of cylimkr • nr21i
• X 21 X 21 X 2.'i
• 346~0cm:\
(ICSE Marking Scheme, 2018)

. -1
- .,.. ' (""~-,
-=-" , . Enmlner'S Comment

.,.. M,my candidates applil'ct inrorrt>ct formula
: ~ ,~, .:.l = ~ X 'J = 5\l.lcm~ for finding out the r,H.lius of the cylindt•r i.e.,
* drcumfcrcncc of the base of the ry lindt•r was
t,,k.t•n as 1tr2 or 21trl1 instead of 2nr. Also some
used incorrect formul.:i for finding the volume
of the cylindt•r.
II .,..,
Answering Tip
Give adequate practice for application of
various mensuration formulae to prevent
students from getting confused be tween the
, formul.1e of volume and surface area of solids. ,
(ICSE Muking Scheme, 2020)
4 Marks Questions
. Sol. 5. (i) Diameter = 6 cm

:I! r-■laer's ea...•

: : .,. L'\ sud\ ty'f"'5 of problems, mostly candidates
radius (r) = 3 cm
= 5 cm
sl,mt height (I)
Then, height, h = l~I

·· ""rite incorrect formulas of \"Olume of = IJ<s>2 - (3>2 I

~iinJer and c,l'\;~- and al.--o they Jo errors in
• _____
._ _______ ______________________ _______ _!
cabila~a = 1-h.5-91
= l-./i61 = 4cm

'. ■ ··••lltllf
(ii) Volume of the solid = Volume of hemisphere +

= 2 _,
- 7tr+ -1 nr2h
Volume of cone

: :
: ' .. .\d~-u.ite practia? and
• - ~. . no
remeuu.~u'b I
3 3
••• _ •• I . is
f,(ll'fflUM:e I 1
: ------------------- - ----------- ___ - - - - - - - •

=3 nr2 (h + 2r)
Qn::umference = 132 cm 1 22
height = lS cm = Jx7 X (3) 2 X (4 + 6)
drc:wnference = lKr' 1 22 660
t33•2>CW>Cr = - x- X9X10= -

m-Jx -7
za >Cr
3 7 7
= 94.28 cm3 (Approx.)

.., .all quorstions from St~lio ns. .,... •nd 8
~ .
20 m,u \..11
1. t•) A h,,11,,w spht•rt> {'f int\'tn •,l ,,nJ t•,t •r l t'
Ja.tmt'tt·r ~ cm . FinJ tht.> ht•h.•ht 1. h t "•' ',.,nwt,·rs 4 l..'I\\ ,,nd ~ r m n·sp,•divd v, is nwlt,·J Int,, ,, n 11w 111 b.,~,·
~ l) I l' l'\11\t' •
. 131
.., .... ~,tiJ srht·re \l{ r,,Jius · ~ ·n . "" i .
.., · • l , t s nwltt-J ' f\'\.\lst mt,1 ,, s,iliJ ri~ht d 1\."ul,1r l'lllll'S l'f r.1,liu s 15 r m 1md lwi~ht
tl 11.,n. C.1kul,,tt.' tht.> null\l"'l\•r ,f 3
. . l C\l\WS f\'t.\lst .
td ,",. h,•nuspht> anJ a C'\lnk.,l h ,1, . . . the Vlllllllll' uf the n •m,1ini111-1,
s,.,liJ wht're tht- 1\\t' lSUf\• ' t: ls Sl'\\\ip,·J nut nf 1l sliJ ,, 0,ilkn ryli1llkr.
1 FinJ
. •. nwnts ,lrt> ,, s follliw s: 4
. 11
Tht' h11.•1~ht l,f ll,t' ~,liJ cylinJt•r 1, 7
is ,1cm. · s cm, r,,Jms of t.•,wh of lwmisplwrc.•, c,m~ a nJ cylindl'r is 4 r m. I h•i~ht uf n m e

Give •vour answt.'r correct th e nt>,lrt>st whl,lt.' numl't•r. [ T,,kt.' n = ..,..,


7 cm

2. (a) A metallic sphere of radius 10.5 cm is melted and then recast into small cones, each of radius 3.5 cm
and hl'ight
3 cm. Find the number of cones thus obtained.
(b) A solid spherical ball of radius 6 cm is melted and recast into 125 identical spherical marbles. Find the radius
each marble.
(c) The given figure represent s a hemisphere surmounted by a conical block of wood. The diameter of their bases
8 cm each and the slant height of the cone is 5 cm.
(i) the height of the cone.
(ii) the volume of the solid.

I ",$'


10 marks

3. . . th foof an inverted cone. Its height is 11 cm and the radius of its top which is open; is
(a) A vessel m ~ rmter upto the rim or brim. When lead shots, each of which is a sphere of radius 0.25 cm

2.5 cm. It is filled wi wa I, 2/5 of the water flows out. Find the number of lead shots dropped into the vessel.
are dropped into the vesse (3)

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