Adobe Scan 13-Dec-2023 (1)
Adobe Scan 13-Dec-2023 (1)
Adobe Scan 13-Dec-2023 (1)
,tl \ llh'.
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14.4 l WO
KtN O~~ Of t·H." "~PlHA 1 t<JN
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nt -cd to rn.:ikc ur, Im th e \1 1<,•, . 1,i vv , . ll,I \ Y AEROOIC AND ANAFROBIC
ftll·1 \\I.. . 1 11
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1,lf\ll, ' . .
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\hiH:ring and , t.,ucrin1~ o\ \1.•••l,1 tw11l'n on'" Ice\
., too lh1· L1p, w 11 111 1·, l1 v 111\', 111 •.1,h- I\,, \11111
1, 111 11tl1 ". l11, 1· .
L◊IJ) is :,111 eme1gency ::ictiv'il y of \he n\li sdt
l i•l\ <i 111 .., ' ' l h,t\•
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Ill till·
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Il l) ' ·.l. ,· 11 i,d 11111 •.1 Ii-
l'\i~·•,i, ,1 \ 1·x1·1, 1•,1· ·.11, Ii
energy u~cd in all lhe 1..d\u br .,1..1 1vi lH·•, h .1 ' , \.\• , \ 1 u 1t111 1\}~, ,..,.;i \\. 111 f , 1v1 1 l11n y, d1 •,1.1 111 ! ",,
d \)t "
from th e oxid a\il 111 1,\ µ, Iu lo~,· (( \ \ 1)) ',W in111\II\ ~~. W l l',l\1111~, \\ \ 11;\11 lt\l 111 t' cir
, carbo hyd rate.
I \ f ' ' 111 11 11\11 ' .\ Ii- .
1 wur\1 \1)11 \ ,\ ', \liul 1111\ \f,l I t! l\ull t1ii1 11 1-:y 1•1· 11 lt1 1111 ·,
;4.3 GLUCOSE HAS NO ALTERN ATIVE FOR 'l tlu,1\111n \Ill· mu·,, k ·, -lh' \\1 11 \ 1111' 111 1\w .1h·., 11 1 ,. ,,t
1ixyg l'I\ L111,11 ·1ull\ , 1i:•, p11 ,1l1 1111
RESPtR AT\ON ) 11 , \>111 v 1tl 1 , ·f l! ;1
1mrµ, y ·111,• p111du1\ 11\ .111 .11 111hu 1r•,1,1 1,L\11111111 •,11,
\f the ~imp le car bohy drat e (µ,ll1Lm c) i 'i n11\ h
11\ll \ dl' 'I ,... !\ 1-U l1)\\1\ ,1\\tJI I 11\ l.11 ti, 1d ,I(
,wailabk dircc dy, th e 1.·c\\ s may break c\o wn I hl' ~iVl''- t\1 e lt-l'\11,~, o\ 1.,11~ Ul. \ \11 , 1•, .1 11md
11 11i11 wliH\1
protei n,; 1H' tah lo prndu cl' t?,lu1.. u~l· Im rl.''ipiraln 1n.\y h,·, ,11\n\ '' • , \ 1 \ \ \ \'\ w11 y 1111 ,, . ,I ,11\v
r) 1 ' ,lll b
nccJs. l' ). L' lLl '- 1', t\ir \.1d1 1.. ,,1itl l',1h
•.\11 \•,\ y 11,.H\i · 1d \, y 11.,
l'hink fo r a whil e about thL· ,v ilLl ,rn imah whil h 11 xvµ,1. 11 L1l~1 ,1 \,11\ ,1\lk ,111 t \ thn1 \\w \k\,1 1·, , k1 11 cl'
,m totall y {l(-..,h c,,\ n ,. Thr m.,in (1 1n . . til11t•n\ q\ p 1<1 lhlll\) ).', \ ~ll\11111 llt ()X\Ul: I ll \h
t· \ lllll I.'.'<',
thl'.ir diet i~ protein with vc 1y litlk car\-i()hydr CHEM\CAL STE.PS \N RE.SPIRAl\ON
The excess am1no ,.\t:ids ,,b..,o rbeJ th1o ugh ptl)\t·ir1 t" I n , t\ ·, I I. I l I I
Jiges\ion ar~ brok en dll W11 in \ht· \i ,rt \(\ p1ud llll' \ h.: l hv111i u l t \1 ,l11f,("• \..1k1nvJ pb 1 (' \1 1 ,\ I Jl)\i \ (
~ugar (g\ULo sc) and tht 11i\1t.1 g.rno u , 1 ll ',Pl f ,\\l(l\ l 111 ,\l \1\\ 1,lh ,I ll' tlw 'u lll W
p,H\ ' ;i'-. Ill \\11' .w 111b11
c1rnv crt ed in1 o url' Ll wh1L h ~,.: h 1.· x1.. r1..·\t· d 11..·-,p 11 .1\1<1n 111 \,l.111\ '> ·1hl' ()\ L· 1 ,\\\ d,i:11 \11.. :1\ , k111v
(il\l . r
The gh1cn~e thus; p1nd t11l: 1.\ m,t\ bl- \l',l'tl 1. ,11\ \,r hp r •· ',\' ll lt LI h) 1\1t·
v ,111,\\ 1rn1
in1rnc di ,\l1.·iv nr rnav hct '-lU t\ ·d in t\h· h\l-r . _ cl\.., ,,, ( (,\ I I. l I f, ' l ,l ) !,( I I ' r,\ I ( )
~h·co 11 en f'i ,,r fu tu rl~ ncn k .\ qm1L1r pr 1H:L•-., t,,h 1'" ( ,\mil r 1 ,~\\'' ,, Ill',.,t .,
~~l·al:e~n hum,, n'- if thi:.·y t,11Zl' 1.· \1...1. "'1\· d\ \'l 1,tu 11 \ i,
h \ ll\.' .1h 11\'t: l'\, \ll.ll\ 1) 1\ (\ t·pi,
\', tb· \1 ·1 111 <. ,t \ 1
food. i,, IJt)'i \ ctl \ \.l'<. ll\ mnk I hu •, \w t;,hh
µ, \ ii,,(\ 't1. ,,\ )1,h ll h~,('
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I h,
l'h ,' 11 , 1'1,, P , h,·1m, ,\'. 1,-.1 , 0 ,, 1\ , i: .rn,\,'h~h, \ I,', th, "\\ l\!l.11 1:, , ld l\ ,·, \ h, ,•\\ 1~ , ·11
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111 tit, ( I
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<' l /'/ I \: /,~ l' \\ ' I I I I \ 1,t1111,I )11,11 l' \ \\l' I
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I -let
cannot hold it any longer.
14.8 CAPACITIES OF THE LUNGS Ag. 14.8 Volumes of air exchanged
in the I
Capacities of the lungs or the respiratory SUMMARY OF RESPI ATOltY ·
volumes in a normal human adult are approximately © 11da1 volume VOL~
as follows: Aheoleralr
350] sool
Ilda) volume. Air breathed in and out in a normal l)tad,pace air 150 r;'\
+ 01~
91.Jiet <unforced} breathing =. soo mL @ U19.irat0ry reserve....... 3000 Clpacity
Dead air space. Some tidal air is left in respiratory JOlUJDe (Deep msptration) 3500}~~vi..t
passages such as trachea and bronchi where no @ ~ reserve volume 1000 ~
diffusion of gases can occur = 150 mL
Alveolar air. The tidal air contained in air sacs
·@ ...,I
{lmed expiration)
volume. ........................
@ lbtal ,_g capadly •·····• ... ,.. ,.............. _
= 350 mL
.J· lnspiratory reserve volume. Air that can be drawn
in forcibly over and above the tidal air (also called
complemental air) = 3000 mL
j. Inspiratory capacity. Total volume of air a person Match the items tn Column t with th
can breathe in after a normal expiration. Column II
= 3500 mL Column I Column u
A. Nasal chamber (1) Production of VOtce
Expiratory reserve volume. Air that can be forcibly
B. Epiglottis (11) C-shaped nngs
expelled out after normal expiration (also called
C. Air-sacs (111) Warms air
supplemental air) = 1000 mL D Lungs (tv) Dnves mucus
Vital capacity. The volume of air that can be taken E Larynx (v) Closes wind-pipe
in and expelled out by maximum inspiration and dunng swallowing
expiration = 4500 mL F Trachea (v1) Network of ~_.
;,. Residual volume. Some air is always left in the
G. CUla (vu) Spongy and elast
I How do the following contribute 1n inspi
lungs even after forcibly breathing out This is the . . . breathing ?
leftoftr (residual) air 1500 mL Al,e (11) Dtaphragm
11118 capacity. Maximum air which can at lll lung capacities n Colurm I wl1
le held in the two 1un,s m, mL given in Column II
... d1111.lni r11l1il . lllit, it\ :\ \ 11•, 1il! ,\1p In I' ,1 d 1'i li ' I ' ,
11 1
111 lh, l t"~\111111, ,, , l 1,1, I 1, 1, ,1111 l,1 11 11 \,' II tl tr I ' ' I·
1 11
l lnl ltll\1 1 \1 , 1\11 11 I ' \Ill • 11 , .'\ 11 lil• I d 11 •:1d1;1 1t•"
h,·11 d '11 I 11\ I I I I :111 I I \ \ ', \ ":
;1\ 1\1t ' ;11 i11p, , 111 ll\l' ·11 11\ n, ,· 1n11 1, 1
I 11 I 1 ill IIt I I 'I
1111,i·,1111, · iii l' \ \ il11 ,\ id,
lo,1,,,,., 11 1,,11J,,111• 1 ,, ,, n"H I . 11 l I ' ''"' ' '
l\ll l\l' , :11\1,111 ,\i1) ) 11 k 1\i,111 1h1' lll '•l"" ''I ·
\1IM\lil\ l l
I I II ' I
., \\I I I II ' I '
I ~ I
IIMl 1\1\IN' • Mil\ \'\
W \11 11
,:,ch nask nn d mak e sure th at ti '-' 01riu 1tct1
:1i 1-lighl. L1:ave the Aasks for a
whiclt inl rodu c.c a small burning c 1oUr\ a 11
. . ancl]e . fl~r
. as show
11 ,·,sk . n 111 the Fig. ItJ. J 2· ln, n1ed· 11.1to ,ach
introducing the cand le, close the
, . ] , .· tatelyah
lfosk t 1ghtl y. No te t 1( t11n e taken t
f11ouu1 _ Cr
v .
fl.1111c to go ou~. ,ou will find that or the 01 th t
th candle
,oes out· fas ter 111 the Oas k (A) c . e fla
o . . 111
living anim al. Sm ee oxygen supportsonta 111 ing e
. . . , 6llrn 111
nmnc ol th e cand le goes out fas · th e
ter. 6 g, the
Iivin g- coc kroa ch also co nsurn es ecause
, oxy
respirat ion .
gen for
; \ 11
:,nc\ :n , \1 ·n ~'\\ ->
i 11 1<1l Hc •s pintfi.on
, ·,,11\1, ,\\ l l''•\"' ·''" '" \'''" '" • -· :-. , · 1H•1·v.y ·.1,11 , •,\ \\\ {\' \ ' \', 1n •; \<,\ 1._· , ni\•H\1,,11
( \1 '\ ,\ ,
i\ ,•,.,\,\, 1,' :-. \ ' 11 ,111\111 \1\\1\\ ,; \ ' \ \ , ,111<\ \ "l \ \l l ' I V l \\)\\\11".
· v,: nHh,\.1.on ( l, rva \\1 '1 n µ,) n ·H1 v c n,1..· \\\ s
\:.,.\'-'.l' h ;_\\ (~ X.Cl.: Y-:,\
S\\1 ,,\\ ,\\1 i n""1 ,1\ s \ ik 1..· •, \nH>< •\. 1\ ,,r \ 1y 1.. \ r ·.1) .
,>.. \\\001c\ sy s \ ~\ \\ \r ~H "\ 8 \'lO r \ R \l X. Y \-!S n .