, 11:.u n '-'t.1
rt fl\;r ..:0,
., u.·n '-"''-'d " ' ' 111.1n c ." I hl· fl H~h c n,, ..... n,~ m, • 1 ,r ,,ru tu~
t ,11ftl •:1rn ..: 111 1P4 1pul:ir ,, llh th ..
c gn \c- • '-• 1
m111 c 1... 1ul n ew"-. n n '-1 ~••'-'~r1111u: n •
t,LI~ ;,, 11 b~" ..,1n1c1u n llt1 l\\ u \" . Ued ( Hh c 1 11cw-,,1u 1pe 1,-.
••'~ 11 , plr tl·c . h111 n o,, 11.1C ,J.:U\ ct n1 '-'hi c,u , 1,uc , . I l lcl v ,, 11 .,, 111
nn1 1: nt " -""
c 1II 1ly Wu t 'I ,,a I IL, CUUl\:n ,, 1Ulll o tl c n ~O llh• 11 c tl \\lr
f u u J> Jfl •
111rt1J1c t.:
\,,ri t ft.!'1 •
,Jr 11 0 t1r.-..ua11dln11 ur lht• 1,a_s,.11
gc,. " 11 , -.. t• r t h ~ 'l Ut,.11,r n , 1:h ,•n 1 1
,.J "" Y" n ut hor n: lc r hr "Ac ta " ·· ' ~ '"'·
1w• ,VhY .,,,. .., t h e J\!1 1:u u, ··,
"'-- pu bli c :in n
;l ., r,,c,.,._. we rc the firs t . nu n ccn k 111, '111 t
1·c,1 h)• 11 l.u, i:
re th e tm ,t new spa pcn .,
,,) f hcy wc:
...) n 11 ,
.:, · we n: ,um m: iry
of the dch 11 • \\ c 1c I ·I
. . fl- . ·. • c, th111 " ' the 1<111111111 s• ..~ ,.,, , I c. .
fhe )' \\ t: r< ., "" '' lmv -. u r aci s •in n uu ncc ,I 1,, IIle•ll
(1•· • te R, 1111:111 gnv c m ,m •11,
au tho r. the fac t th ut thc c·,r • ntc prHccc llln t,t, \\ CfC' l11""0111inuctl
('•'Ording Ill the ,1 111t-1rs.· IUtv c a 11 :111'a Jn,l, l,c, t ') nu p,c~, ' "1 1Ile Scn
'•) ,\ rhc:· ~ c~ h t t•f ~um c ,e ,
- v ~ 111 llli )lJ •r 11 .. .
II1 . (11) cdi 11ng , c '"""' \\h 1eh I, .. . . . .... ....
,) Ac W 0 1u rm n ·-
• 'P·1Pc "
1111 ) 11 c" (i, ·J cc1N1 1,h 1p
· I , 1 t he ' 8 •
. 1,ct 1hi: up 11. un
1 1.11 c" p luy , wh 111 cng u l !!11.-ctt c · w an tn to l""J~·c1, w11h ref e re nce w 11, 111111111.:
, :it" ~ . rch• f n, .,•ipCr
•e.:klv• p o. llll c:tl 11 ml co m me l1J) CII 1, 1 llfl l ••
i'\ \\
• 1 u,u ~, hut 111fluc11cc tl hv nun c ·
(11) nc ut ru ht\ •
(i) d /vc rs 11y (n •) d1111llty
wo rd u, ~h • f (Ill ) ,n, uhm ty
,np fcte th e fol lm, ini,: w ilh ""c rum pur ,,gr nph 2.
C ° - - ---
r Opinion Reasoa
ic h ·,,. I I I t\!l c,l cnt
r _.11_"h_ '-'. ~•' •~ tc, nn .1n
fbe wr i1er :;avi. 1ha 1 lhc1hccurly nc" sr,1ix:rs 111 th c. 11II h Cl'I IIU I) we re pr1111ed 1111 large nc, "·,hcc 1,.
,,! Which socitLI :,raw
did y enter to'!
.., re·rs•• n' wh )' 11lc On11,h P1 ,·,i tft: n~,·, , l.ce pm u., u du \C wa t ch 1111
.,,., .,cf on vu ur rea ding. o f the 1cx1 · lisl - • ort •v
1/) .,...,..s abou·1 the m lum cd 011 1 hi be a va in eff .
new (11)
................. .... ...
(i) ..... .................................. ··· .. ..... .. ..... .. •
..,. ..... •··• ...( ···•· ..... ..
l\\ccn 1• lor c thc
What con ne ction . docs the wr ilc r dru w out he
11 c re aym g o n ew , un d gn ver nm c nl , hc
) . iu'!
ow n 111 lnd
· newspape rs came 11110 1hctr
re in1 rod uce u · I I u · · h presu.J · cncy in Ca ku t111 11nd Mudm~ were nut mc un t
ws ·she. ers· .rha l we . in l l ' rn" ru .')
fr) The m:
on . Wh ich wo rd ma tche~ wi1h 1his ~la lcmc,u'! ( Pa
ior gen eral c1rcula1t (i11) ccn,ored
lll') co mrirchcn,i w
(ii) exc lus ive nd ~ \\ he n 1hcy
(i} inclus i\•e hncJ unothcl" nmtiw 111 their mi
follow ing : Th e P11 rtu gu csc
ril Supply I point ro jus rify Lhc ia.
import ed pri nting pre ss in Ind mc ntm ncd 111 1he pm,sngc ~ince
the Mughal,
in Ind ia, a~
,j ) Given bel ow is the lisl
of relay ing of ne ws
TE c nll)' in th is li:.t.
Evalua le 1he IN AP PR O PR IA igiou :, hook., a nd lcallc " tu :.prcad C'hn~• 11111
wri1a: . (it ) rcl
(i) relays of run ne rs ,llld ne ws
sh ce ls for I he Br ilis h pre ~id c nl')' (w ) Bengal Ga t e Ile
(iii) nt•ws
(1•1') new nc ,":.papcrs
(v) Ca lculUI Ge neral Ad viser
ad the pa ssa ~ gh'en below. g Ind ia to lca pfm g to a 1)11, 1- md uMr111
I ,oc1cty,
tec hn ology ( /7) , far fro m hel pin
The revolutio n in inform ati on st of mu ny.
rup ture the soc ial fab ric by e nr iching a few al the co rld of
1hrcare ns n~iuc rab lc eminence 111 1hc wo
dly . Ind ia ha s ris en tu cu
un cx pe c1c cirt s and
Jn a very sho rl rim e a nd q ui re pro du cts arc exp ec ted to acco unt for S 5.7 hilhon 111 c,p
ar. so frwa rc pe r ce nt.
informatio n tec hn ology. Th is ye the ec on om y. wh ich is ex pecte d to grow nearly ~c\cn
the growth in ftwarc
wilJ account for a qu a rte r of Me Ki nse y an d Co . a nd the Nationa l i\s~oc1a1iun of ~o
rec en t s tud y by
Within eight years. predicts .i ua l IT ex po rts co uld hie S 50 billion ah11u133 per Cl' IH 11f global
o1n u Service Co mpan ies (Nassco
m), Ind ia·~ ann s- a nd pw,h ou r gm ,, th rah: ne a r
ge ne rat e 2.2 mi llio n job
is expe cte d to
,,,frw:irc exp ons. Such a su rge
ny Ea st As ian Tig ers e njo ye d be fore the 1997 cras h.
double digi1s lha t ma
. thC error in an advc rtbc mc m I',
1dC Yffer c r a co,m .
· ei,c i1cm and
111 s,l~ o . to~ will la.~t the e n tire day. AvJi(·
II ,uppl y the oorrcc11on. ' "' the follow ing
'fb!S CO ,t 1 -.: (r, 15'1
,1ven ronn at for your ~ s pons e. uff!
~ - I 3
Sec tion B: ere-....-
...,.,,. Writing Ski lls
__, addrt
-sscs used i11 the q1ws tio11.v 11r,· fic ; (10 Mar ks)
,,:r.('"' ,,.a""_uN
" ONE from . below. 111 0111• R.sc111
A and 8 given
b/1m c,• ,f 11 1
~ 1~,our gran dfoth cr is very upse t abou t the risiiw pr'i ..
· ' ), 11 p11rel yco111cidc11111/.
. d
,~) ry chea p. " cc, ,in keep s thinlti
ng O h •~
f '
~ are convinced thut in llatio n hns made life dif(i . f . o l,kn lime , when thing.~ were
. ~ur:,1:10r of a n ation al dailv desc ribin g the diffic 1
u,e •""" cult_t ofr comm o n man. Wntc
Lajpa t Nagn r-1. Ncw Dc· ll11.
. u 1es aced b)· ""' f ·,· aylcllcr m \IM )- \20 wo rds tu
679 , .. .. If nm11es. ou arc Prab hm/P rc m a ul
tBJ Write a lette r to ~ natio nal daily, cxp.r cssin
g your opinion a ml view s on the incrcas.!d hum an
011 technology. Righ t from a smal l child depe ndence
to an adul t. or eve n an old man, cvcry onc wam,
phone, I-pod. lapt op. etc. This also has a nega tive effect on social relat gadg et. onl)-Cell
the lette r in 100- 120 word s. You arc Sam bhav/Sun ionship, . Usin g your own ideas write
ayna of 230. Lajp at Nagar-11 . New Delh i.
:. ,\!tempt ANY ONE from A and B ginn below.
IA> Toe pie chnn belo w shows the main reaso ns
why agric ultur al land beco mes i.:~~ prod uctive. The
how these ca uses affec ted three regio ns of the world table shows
durin g the 199O's. On the bas~ o[ the pie chart . write
analytical para grap h nn ·cau ses of Wor ldwid e Land an
Degr adati on· .
Causes of Worldwide Land degradation
~ Over-graz ing
~ Over-cultivation
1B Deforestation
[Ill Othe r
a health mnguinc.
1 . •wn line. from with 11u1rrcn1s like
(r) Sdr:c1 the: cnrrcc1 option 10 GIi in ihc: t,lank for t tc gr
Rue hcrh bcncfits arc vnrrcd and plc:n1iful• it ·····························............ ' 1111 111\rJ
minerals. and ,,itamim tha1 arc .bc.-ncficial tn humans. . be J (n J ,~ loadc·•
. , .. f 11 (t11) is cncum re u
(,) ha~ many 11 15
) u , 11 ') ihc correction for 1hc following lute
(,/) Sclecr the option that iclc1111fics tl1c: aror and ~UPI ~ · huo1
academic rcpon. · t • I • .· I ·
~O r n Ph D re·1J more umc ~:. I 1an u11cr Junior 1 1
It is quite: clear 1hat 1buse s1udenl) who rcscarc h • • • cq , 1"
or uthc:r ~tudcnts
OpcJoa DO, £nor
(1) quite
(11) chose
research arc rc!>Carchmg
(iii )
(fr) Lhan
(r) Complete 1hc given narrative. by filling in the blank wich 1hc correct opti~n:
Tbc modern agricuJ1ural practices. c.,ccssive use of fertilizers and pcs11c1dcs ........................
adversely ......................................... the soil.
(i) has affected (ii) bavc affected (iii) has effected (11') haw been dfc:, 1,
(}) Fill in the blank by using the wrrcc1 form of the word in 1he bracket. for the concluding pnn11111 , ,· ,
It is high 1imc 1ha1 lhe concerned authori1ics should wake up to thi.s social problem and II) ltl r~,n 11 . 1 •
rising prices so 1ha1 lhc: miJdlc cl~ ......................................... (do) suffe r.
(g) Report and complete the dialogue between 1wo sisters, hy filli ng up the: blanks.
Maaorama: Where are you going to?
Aau: I am going 10 lhe market. Do you wanr anything?
Manorama asked Anu ......................................... Anu rc:plicd that she wa~ going 10 the 111arkc1 and runt ,
asked ......................................... .
(i) where she was going. if/whether she wanted anything.
(ii) where was she going, if/Whether she wanted anything.
(iii) where was she going? if/whethe r she had wanted anything.
(iv) wberc was she going, if/Whether she had wan ted anything.
(h) Identify the error in the given sentence:. from a newspaper report and supply the corrc:c:tion.
There have also been several films, 1elcvisio11 and theatrical produc1ions. and even an opera. hn,nJ ,11.r
the novel.
Use the given fonnal for your response.
Emir Corndlon
(i) Faiz shared some information with Tariq about his long holiday. Report Tariq's question.
Tariq: ..... .. .. ................. .. .......... ............ ?
frlt11d: I have hccn 1ravelling for a momh so, I am tired.
(j) Fill in rhe blank by choosing the correct option. 10 comple1c 1hc slogan hy the MODAL
The company ....................... able 10 sell as many products if they don't find the right marketing profr,,u,r,
(i) couldn't be (ii) might be (iii) wouldn'1 be (i1·) shnuldn·t h<'
q Select the correct option 10 complete the narra1ion of !he dialogue bctwcc:n a teac ha anJ lu:r da"
Cbildrta: We all pledge 10 save our trees because they arc: 1hc lungs uf the city.
TeKher: Let us start today by planting a sapling each.
The children pledged lo save trees as ................................ Then the teacher said 1hn1 .......................
The ri,c ,,f India i11 1he 11 11 urlJ J The lnJi.111 m1ddk " •"' 7
2. The Ind ian rn1Jdlc dai.l>
1 I he 11Sc ,,f India 111 1h.: 11 "' orl d
J. lndi11 and ISi J lml m ,111d ISi
~- Thc grc a l digital Ji vidc -1 . ·1he gn: a l digi1.,I di'1dc
SCI (i) Set (1i I
Sa mple Papl.! rs 11 5
111.,, dc~pcmtc Ill 111.1 kc 1i- prc~ cncc left hu1 rcma 1n.:d 1111
l. F, 11 lh•· min JI) gro111111: d.,~~. wh1d I I I
(11 II ~• watc 1.:1 I 1.: "'.. <.J
H'. Vl > 1111u11 f""' 11
ri.,J 1..
~ u111) amJ rcg1 et.
lhc gr.·a l lndio n 11111 hal.'f.. ot lh•· i; 1Ton ~he obJcch 11111111:
thi· mom c,H the) hu1c hccn wait ing (ur. When ~" .ll'.ll flC~ hkl' Jupu~ 111'.tl ( u;rman~,
ih,, 1 ~ r 111th1'tl) . 11 1, 111 1
dours Ill sol1c 11 0111 ta knt to 1m ,goratc thei
.,Jm mllion. ~houlJ romc knnc king nn nur ' ''
· . And IT,~ . the c:tu~ e n f .II a II .
re1kmpt 1011 of sorts 1i:c ,
,~. 11 ill 11 do an enco re fur Indi a as a nation, amJ ,wt JUSt fo1 a wu fl'r t11111 pcrrcnt, 1111
-1. The big 11uestion
the 11 1!('<" lndiu ns. 1110$lly th,· po~1..- r ho~ of g ;1f.. 11111qt, I.
foik d 111 rou1 ·h the lives of thi: aver age l'i1i1cn 11ml lndiu is nuwh•·rc close In bein
5. IT ha.\, :L, }Cl, ou1111 1cs. Ind,•, r,111t,l,
l Da1 11 C11rporn tio11 (/!JC ). in a survc) oJ 551:
i:conomy 1•r wcicty. As per thc hm·rnatiuna ·
5-lth nn its lnfo r1111111011 S1.1i.'.1cty lmlcx.
S)M cm which hr,·, ,J
foci is. is strn ight forw ard rdl n·1io 11 of the deep inequality of our cduc.:ati,~n
I,. fhc 11 II 1 ri: 1111 S111111 ,I \•
the n,,1 of the enti re nati on. ,\ Mud y Lw, former d ircc tor of the Nar 111na l C1·r1
fc" ·geniuses' ut 111 IT cdu,a 111111
gy. R. N<1 r:L,i1 tth:111. pnin l~ nul 1ha1 now here i~ the digilal divi de more glarr ng lhan
Technolo t 1 ric1m11io n ,~ ICJlhn 1
with rhe sofrwurc indu stry and irs cx,xm~
The repo rr wu rns 1'1 111 Indi a·~ 'obsessio n' rhl· IJ;, '
uf une mpl oyab le ~t udcn ts on one hand and brighl whiz-kids on rh1· other. \Vhik·
the chu rnrn g 1>ur
former remain unc mploya tilc.
ure lure d .1way h} 1wcr~c.L, employer.-. the
llgt', answ·er lht ques llon s 11ive
n ~lo w.
BasNI on your anding ortht pM.\S
(a) Infer one reason for 1hc follo
wing. ha~ d 1111 infc1m111 rio11 in p:m 1graph
g i11 India.
rhe IT rc:\-uluriun rhrca ten~ tu hoomcrun
Ill ri II in lhe blanks.
{/t) Select lhe appropria1c opli on ................. 111, •1
fPura grup h -1. we can infe r that rhc IT revo lution ha~ brought .............. ..............
From lnJian miJdli: d.,,
tiur ....... ....................................... the Grear
rnini~,ulc percentage of IIT po~rcr boys
(ii) i!lor ificarion. bypassed
(,) di~1inc1ivcnei;s, sh:1t·klcd
(fr) dive r~iry. casc J
(iii) moderni ty. focili ra tcJ a~imhan.
opri on rh:11 hust s rhc hypt : arou nd IT sert or al'ro rdin g ro the ~llrd y hy R. Nar
(c) Select rhe
(i) our IT whiz-kids arc II
k communiiy
(ii) our economy is obsessed wi1 h IT
expo rts
(iii ) n ur IT professio nab arc obse ssed
with fo reig n jobs
(i1•) uur edurarion S}~tcm is 11bse sscd
wirh IT
e the! followi ng senrencc.
(d) Select the ,-orrcct option 10 complet
................ .......... hut ,,
a ·~ ri~ in rhc wor ld of Lnfo m1:1 1ion Technology has 1101 only been ..............