A CFD Suite For Design and Performance Prediction
A CFD Suite For Design and Performance Prediction
A CFD Suite For Design and Performance Prediction
A CFD Suite for Design and Performance Prediction of Single and Multistage
Axial Flow Compressors
2 242
2 authors, including:
Carlo Cravero
Università degli Studi di Genova
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A CFD Suite for Design and Performance Prediction of Single and Multistage
Axial Flow Compressors
The development of high performance turbomachinery relies heavily upon the use of Computational Fluid Dy-
namics (CFD). At the early design stage, reduced order modeling methodologies are widely used in order to ex-
plore the design space of a new configuration. The matching of new multistage gas turbine solutions needs a large
number of calculations; different off-design conditions have to be checked with fast computational models. Thus
modern 1-D, 2-D, through-flow and axisymmetric codes are the most appropriate tools to be used for this purpose,
due to their low computational demand. They can also give accurate results if properly tuned. A 3-D Na-
vier-Stokes methodology can then be effectively introduced at later stages in order to check the performance of
the turbomachinery configuration under study. In this paper a complete design/analysis system is described. A
design suite of codes (T-AXI) is coupled to a new blade section modeler (PRFL), while a 1-D Time-Marching
code (COMP1D) and a 2-D axisymmetric Navier Stokes code (NAV-AXI) are used for the design and off-design
performance prediction. The presented methodology has been applied to different turbomachinery configurations.
In the present paper the attention is focused on a single stage transonic compressor and an industrial multistage
and particularly how the 3-D calculation can help the pressors. An interesting numerical approach, with an
multistage turbomachinery development. The physics improved loss modeling implementation (in order to en-
shown in a 3-D analysis can be understood and the un- sure accurate off-design performance prediction), has
derlying concepts implemented (as lower order model or been more recently presented by Boyer and O’Brien
correlation) in simpler design/analysis tools. In order to [6,7].
explore the design space of a new configuration the re- Here, starting from a 2-D axisymmetric software sys-
duced order modeling tools are widely used in the indus- tem developed in collaboration with the University of
trial practice. Another example of process where quick Cincinnati and the MIT [8] for axial flow turbomachinery
computational tools are of great interest is the gas turbine design, the authors present a complete integrated CFD
matching: a large number of solutions for different suite. A new blade section modeler developed completely
off-design conditions for a complete multistage axial at DIMSET - the PRFL_NURBS code - has been coupled
flow compressor have to be computed. For their quick to a throughflow code. In the second part of the paper the
execution and good overall performance prediction the analysis system, based on a 1-D and a 2-D codes, is pre-
1-D, 2-D, throughflow, streamline curvature and axi- sented. Finally the application of the design/analysis sys-
symmetric codes can be very useful tools. Smith [3], tem has been carried out for two examples of axial com-
Novak [4] and Schobeiri [5] reported how, in last dec- pressors: a single transonic stage and a 17-stage indus-
ades, the streamline curvature methods can be used for trial axial flow compressor.
the meridional plane analysis of multistage axial com-
a nose width Q conservative variables
b L.E. thickness R rational B-Spline basis functions
c blade chord T.E. trailing edge
h weighting factor Greek letters
k curvature function β pressure ratio
n segments of the NURBS convex hull φ flow coefficient
t NURBS curve parameter, time η efficiency
x Cartesian coordinate ψ load coefficient
y Cartesian coordinate Subscripts
B NURBS curve control points, source term k NURBS curve degree
F flux vector TT total-to-total
L.E. leading edge Superscripts
N B-Spline basis functions • 1st derivate with respect to t
N.R. nose ratio •• 2nd derivate with respect to t
Design System
The turbomachinery design system here used is the
result of a research collaboration with the University of
Cincinnati and the MIT. The software suite has also been
proposed as an educational tool for teaching design con-
cepts for axial flow turbomachinery [8,9]. A set of files
including the fundamental design parameters is the start-
ing point, then the single or multistage turbomachinery
configuration is automatically obtained. Using the soft-
ware suite freely distributed on the web, the 3-D geomet-
rical model definition and visualization are possible. The
main features of the coupled codes, a 1-D meanline de-
sign (T-C_DES) and a 2-D axisymmetric solver (T-AXI)
have been already presented in previous publications [10].
The reader is addressed to the work by Turner et al. [8]
for the complete and detailed procedure description and
to the work by Bruna et al. for the investigation of a
multistage case-study [9].
Fig. 1 Design system block diagram
D. Bruna, C. Cravero A CFD suite for Design and Performance Prediction of Single and Multistage Axial Flow Compressors 3
The authors are currently coupling the design method- suction side and on the L.E. geometry induced the
ology to a CFD based analysis system (2-D axisymmetric authors to implement NURBS (a more complex and
and a 3-D) including lower order models (1-D) and to a flexible mathematical curve model). In fact even weak
geometrical tool for the blade design based on NURBS, changes in the curvature can influence negatively the
in order to have greater geometry definition capabilities. flowfield, as pointed out in a previous analysis [11].
In fact with the original version of the suite the user
has a limited control over the blade section geometry
definition. Thus the implementation of a powerful blade
section modeler, the PRFL code [11] has been performed.
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the upgraded design
system coupled to the analysis suite. The PRFL_NURBS
code replaces the original blade section generator, here
referred to as “Geo Q3D” for its capabilities to define the
geometries in the axisymmetric surfaces with streamtube
thickness. The geometries can either be analyzed with the
Q3D flow solver MISES [12,13] or with a 3-D Navier
Stokes code. The in-house NAV3D code is directly in-
terfaced to the 3-D blade geometry, output of T-AXI.
4 Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows
A detailed analysis of the suction curvature on the Load (ψ) and flow (φ) coefficient values computed by
PVD airfoils, recently presented by Bruna and Cravero. T-C_DES are coupled to standard stage performance
[11], showed the improvement in the local geometry curves, obtained from open literature [18] and made
definition using NURBS with respect to the previous non-dimensional with respect to design values for the
curve model implemented in the PRFL code. In fact it current stage, as described in Ref. [10].
has been shown that minor oscillations in the profile
curvature (induced by the Hermite parametric form that NAV-AXI
does not guarantee a C2 continuity) have a strong influ- An axisymmetric viscous flow solver based on the
ence on the Mach number distribution, especially in the NAV3D code structure [17] has been developed. It
case of PVD profiles. solves the Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes equations
with a time marching approach and an explicit
Analysis System Runge-Kutta multistep scheme. In the present version the
For the understanding of complex structures of inter- code obtains the blade geometry from the same dataset of
nal flows inside a turbomachine a 3-D Navier Stokes the NAV3D solver but the integration of a blade modeler
methodology is nowadays the most well suited analysis is under development. The blade channel is currently
tool [17]. But in the industrial practice simplified ap- modeled using the profile meanline and standard correla-
proaches are also required and intensively used thanks to tions (Carters’ rule and Leiblein’s diffusion factor) are
their low computational resources required. In the fol- used to model the blade performance into the related
lowing section both a 1-D and a 2-D axisymmetric code momentum and energy balance equations. The algebraic
for single/multistage compressor performance prediction turbulence closure from Baldwin-Lomax is used to pre-
are introduced. dict the endwall blockage.
The idea of a highly integrated software system with This preliminary version of NAV-AXI, whose results
reduced external input data required is “driving” the CFD have been compared to the NAV3D calculations for a
suite here presented. multistage industrial axial flow compressor, is currently
under development. In fact a new correlative scheme for
COMP1D total pressure loss prediction, developed by the authors
for modern compressor profiles [11, 19], will be included
The COMP1D code performs a 1-D turbomachinery
into NAV-AXI.
analysis and it is coupled to the 1-D design code
(T-C_DES) that supplies the required geometrical data
and boundary conditions, Fig. 3.
In the present section a transonic single stage and an
industrial multistage compressors have been chosen in
order to apply the presented CFD design/analysis suite.
The compressor map for different rotational speed (55 Table 2 V64.3A Redesign results
- 100% with respect to the design value) has been calcu- T-C_DES T-AXI
lated. Design and off-design working conditions have Δβ +6.64% -1.85%
been simulated and then the values compared to available
ΔηTT -1.25% +0.45%
experimental results [20, 21, 22].
The comparison in Fig. 5 shows two different results.
In the range of 85-100% rotational speed the code pre- Moreover the NAV-AXI has been used for a prelimi-
dicts the performance (as pressure ratio) with acceptable nary analysis of this multistage configuration. A com-
accuracy. But at lower rotational speeds for both accu- parison between the results from the axisymmetric and
racy and predicted operating range there is a loss of fi- the fully Navier Stokes codes is shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
delity with respect to the available data. The stage effi- The predicted mass-averaged distributions for tempera-
ciency is well predicted at peak values but the curve ture and pressure along the turbomachinery at each trail-
slope is not captured giving a wider range of high effi- ing station are in good agreement with those computed
ciency, for every rotational speed, as result. The authors with the NAV3D code. The above distributions have
believe that the difficulties encountered are to be attrib- been made non-dimensional with respect to the values at
uted to the reference stage performance curves [18] im- the outflow for industrial reasons.
plemented in the code. In fact these curves do not corre-
spond to the modern highly loaded transonic stage but
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