ECET365 HW7 SMShahnewaz
ECET365 HW7 SMShahnewaz
ECET365 HW7 SMShahnewaz
a) Asynchronous - A protocol whereby the two devices have separate and distinct clocks.
b) Baud rate – total number of bits per time that are transmitted.
c) Bandwidth – the information transfer rate, the amount of the data transferred per second
e) DCE – (data communication equipment) a modem or printed connected a serial communication network
f) DTE – (data terminal equipment) a computer or a terminal connected to a serial communication network
g) Even parity – a communication protocol whereby the number of ones in the data plus a parity bit is an even
i) Frame - A complete and distinct packet of bits occurring in a serial communication channel.
j) Framing error – error when the receiver expects a stop bit and the input is 0.
k) Half-duplex - in communication, allows information to transfer in both directions but one at a time while as in a
channel, allows bits to transfer in both directions but one at a time.
m) Negative logic – a signal where the true value has a lower voltage than the false value.
n) NRZ - a form of digital data transmission in which the binary low and high states, represented by numerals 0 and
1, are transmitted by specific and constant DC voltages.
o) NRZI - Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) is a binary code used in telecommunications transmission, where a data bit of
1 is positive voltage, and a data bit of 0 is negative voltage
p) Open collector – a digital logic output that has two states, low and HiZ. Same as wire-or-mode.
q) Overrun – an error that occurs when the receiver gets a new frame, but the data register and shift register already
have information.
r) Positive logic – A signal in which the true value has a higher voltage than the false value. In digital logic, true is
1 and false is 0
s) Simplex - in communication, allows information to transfer one direction while as in a channel, allows bits to
transfer in one direction.
u) Synchronous - A system whereby the two devices share the same clock.
ECET 365 HW 7 SM Shahnewaz
7.4 Look up in the 9S12 data sheet how the SCI checks for noise. In particular, when is the noise flag set?
How does software clear the noise flag?
Noise flag is set when a noise is detected on the receiver input. NF is cleared by reading the SCI status register
1(SCISR1) and then reading the SCI data register low (SCIDRL).
An ‘0’ will indicate no noise, while ‘1’ will indicate noise.
7.9 Consider a serial port operating with a baud rate of 1000 bits per second. Draw the waveform
occurring at the PS3 output (voltage levels are +5 and 0) when the ASCII ‘B’ ($42) is transmitted on SCI1.
The protocol is one start, eight data, and one stop bit. SCI1 is initially idle, and the software writes the $42 to
SCI1DRL at time = 0. Show the PS3 line before and after the frame, assuming the channel is idle before and
after the frame.
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
7.13 A slave device will be interfaced to the Master 9S12 using SPI. The timing is shown in Figure 7.62.
There are three signals that will be outputs of the 9S12 and inputs to the device (Enable, Clock, and Data).
The timing of the external device is shown below. What CPHA, CPOL mode should you use?
D.7.17 Interface an 8-bit serial device using SPI. The control pin is interfaced to PT2, and the clock and data
signals are connected to the SPI. The control and clock signals are normally high. The SPI needs to clock data
out on the falling edge of the clock. The clock and data are created by the real SPI, and the control signal is
bit-banged. The maximum clock frequency is 1 MHz.
b)Write a function that outputs (transmits) one byte using the SPI port. First send eight bits of data, then
make PT2 low, then make PT2 high again.
while((SPI0SR&0x20)==0) ;
SPI0DRL= ch1;
dummy= SPI0DRL;
PTP_PT2= 0;
PTP_PT2= 1;
ECET 365 HW 7 SM Shahnewaz
b) Transducer – A device that converts one type of signal into another type.
c) Hysteresis – a condition when the output of system depends not only on the input, but also on the previous outputs.
d) Saturation – A device that is no longer sensitive to its inputs when its input goes above a maximum value or below a
minimum value.
e) Breakdown – the place where a break is inserted, the time when a break is encountered, or the time period when a
break is active.
f) Bang-bang – a control system where the actuator has only two states, and the system “bangs” all the way in one
direction or “bangs” all the way in the other.
g) Deadzone – a condition of a transducer when a large change in the input causes little or no change in the output.
h) Phantom bias - a dc voltage (11 - 48 volts) which powers the preamplifier of a condenser microphone. Phantom
power is normally supplied by the microphone mixer, but may also be supplied by a separate phantom power supply.
i) Prevalence - the probability that the condition exists, sometimes called pre-test probability.
j) Triple point - A triple point occurs under pressure when a substance exists simultaneously in all three states: gas,
liquid, and solid.
k) Positive predictive value – the probabity that an event is true when our devices says it is (TP/(TP+FP)).
l) Negative predictive value – is the probability the event is false if our device says it is false (TN/(TN + FN)).
m) Impedance loading – a condition when the input of a stage n+1 of an analog system affects the output of the stage n,
because the input impedance of stage n+1 is too small and the output impedance of stage n is too large.
n) Crest factor – the ratio of the peak to peak value divided by RMS.
a) Accuracy – a measure of how close our instrument measures the desired parameter referred to the NIST.
c) Sensitivity – sensitivity of a transducer is the slope if the output versus input response.
d) Specificity – a transducer is the relative sensitivity of the device to the signal of the interest versus the sensitivity of
the device to other unwanted signals.
f) Drift- drift zero is the change in the static sensitivity curve intercept b as a function of time or other factor while as
sensitivity drift is the change in the static sensitivity curve slope m as a function of time or some other factor.
g) Frequency response – the frequency at which gain drops to 0,707 of the normal value.
ECET 365 HW 7 SM Shahnewaz
i) First order - To have an order of one, especially denoting mathematical equations involving only the first power of
the independent variable or only the first derivative of a function.
j) Second order To have an order of two, especially denoting mathematical equations involving the second power of the
independent variable or the second derivative of a function.
a) Accuracy - a measure of how close our instrument measures the desired parameter referred to the NIST.
c) Resolution – the smallest change in the input parameter that can be reliably detected by the measurement.
e) Reproducibility – a parameter specifying how consistent over time the measurement is when the input remains fixed.
f) Signal-to-noise ratio – the ratio of the information signal power to noise power.
b) LVDT – (Linear variable differential transformer) a transducter that converts position into electric voltage.
c) Electret - a dielectric material that has a quasi-permanent electric charge or dipole polarisation.
f) Ultrasonic crystal - self-contained solid-state devices designed for non-contact sensing of solid and liquid objects.
g) Shaft encoder - an electro-mechanical device that converts the angular position or motion of a shaft or axle to an
analog or digital code.
h) RTD – ( resistance temperature device) a linear transducer that converts temperature into electric resistance.
i) ADXL202 - a low-cost, low-power, complete dual-axis iMEMS® accelerometer with a measurement range of ±2g.
ECET 365 HW 7 SM Shahnewaz
a) Nyquist Theory – Theory that consist of the condition of the sampling frequency to be twice the size of the highest
b) Aliasing - When digital values sampled at fs contain frequency components above 1/2 fs, then the apparent frequency
of the data is shifted into the 0 to 1/2 fs range.
c) Voltage quantization - a function whose set of output values are discrete, and usually finite.
d) Time quantization - the process of transforming performed musical notes, which may have some imprecision due to
expressive performance, to an underlying musical representation that eliminates this imprecision.
e) Time jitter - he unwelcome companion of all electrical systems that use voltage transitions to represent timing