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1. ISR
Assume AVR ATMEGA328p Micro-controller is used for this design and both switches can
not turn on at the same time.
(a) Analyse the diagram shown in Figure No 1 and pseudo-code program and determine the
basic logic function that is being implemented with this system.
The system implements an XOR logic between the two inputs (PIN1 and PIN2). The LED will be
turned on if the two inputs are different (one is high and the other is low), and it will be turned off
if both inputs are the same.
(b) Describe the advantages of Interrupts compare to Pooling in Micro-controllers.
Efficient CPU Utilization: Interrupts allow the CPU to perform other tasks and only handle events
when necessary, leading to better multitasking.
Low Power Consumption: The CPU can remain idle or in a low-power mode until an interrupt
Faster Response: Interrupts enable the CPU to respond to events as soon as they happen, unlike
polling, which might cause delays due to continuous checking.
(c) Specify the type of interrupt in AVR micro controller that can be used for this design.
External Interrupts can be used for this design, such as INT0 or INT1 on the AVR ATMEGA328p.
These interrupts can be triggered by a change in the state of the input pins (PIN1 and PIN2).
(d) Write the AVR assembly code for the first two lines of Pseudo code. You cannot use two
different ports for inputs and outputs.
; Declare PIN7 as output
SBI DDRB, 7 ; Set the 7th bit of DDRB to 1 (output)
; Declare PIN1 and PIN2 as inputs
CBI DDRB, 1 ; Clear the 1st bit of DDRB to 0 (input)
CBI DDRB, 2 ; Clear the 2nd bit of DDRB to 0 (input)
(e) Identify the registers to enable the local interrupt and write the Hexa values that need to
be updated in the registers.
EIMSK (External Interrupt Mask Register) is used to enable external interrupts. For INT0 and
EIMSK = 0x03 (Enables both INT0 and INT1).
LDI R16, 0x03 ; Load 0x03 into register R16
OUT EIMSK, R16 ; Enable INT0 and INT1
(f) Write the assembly command that can enable the Global Interrupt.
SEI ; Enable global interrupts
(g) Briefly describe about IVT(interupt vector table) in micro-controllers.
IVT is a table of memory addresses that store the starting addresses (vectors) of ISRs. When an
interrupt occurs, the microcontroller uses the interrupt vector corresponding to the interrupt to
jump to the correct ISR. Each interrupt source has a unique vector, which the microcontroller uses
to execute the appropriate ISR.
(h) According to the Logic, write the AVR C code for ISR (Interput Service Routine) in this
ISR(INT0_vect) {
if (PINB & (1 << PIN1)) { // If PIN1 is HIGH
if (PINB & (1 << PIN2)) { // If PIN2 is HIGH
PORTB &= ~(1 << PIN7); // Turn off LED
} else {
PORTB |= (1 << PIN7); // Turn on LED
} else { // If PIN1 is LOW
if (PINB & (1 << PIN2)) { // If PIN2 is HIGH
PORTB |= (1 << PIN7); // Turn on LED
} else {
PORTB &= ~(1 << PIN7); // Turn off LED
(i) What is the difference between RET and RETI used with Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
in assembly?
RET: Returns from a function or subroutine. It does not restore the global interrupt flag, which
remains unchanged.
RETI: Returns from an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) and restores the global interrupt flag, re-
enabling interrupts that were disabled when the ISR was triggered.
Debugging Tools
Tools for Debugging:
HyperTerminal, Arduino IDE, RealTerm, Atmel Studio.
Using Interrupts:
Define ISRs for handling serial communication interrupts.
What is the baud rate in UART communication, and how is it set in AVR microcontrollers?
1. What is the baud rate in UART communication?
Baud rate in UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) communication refers to the
number of signal changes or symbols transmitted per second. In simple UART systems, the baud
rate is equivalent to the bit rate, meaning it defines the number of bits transmitted per second (bps).
For instance, a baud rate of 9600 means 9600 bits are transmitted each second. The baud rate
determines how fast data is transmitted over the serial connection, and both the transmitter and
receiver must agree on this rate to ensure proper communication.
3. Interfacing
Interfacing refers to the communication between a processor and other components like memory
and peripherals.
Components Involved:
Processing: Data transformation, implemented using processors.
Storage: Data retention, implemented using memory.
Communication: Data transfer between processors and memories, implemented using buses.
Bus Structures
Wires: Uni-directional or bi-directional.
Bus: Set of wires with a single function, like address or data bus.
Protocols: Rules governing communication over the bus.
I/O Addressing
Port-based I/O: Direct access to ports like registers.
Bus-based I/O: Uses address, data, and control lines to communicate.
Parallel I/O: Needed when the processor does not support bus-based I/O.
Extended parallel I/O: When processor supports port-based I/O but more ports needed
Purpose: Manage multiple peripherals requesting service from a single resource.
Priority Arbiter: Determines which request gets serviced first.
Types of priority
• Fixed priority
– each peripheral has unique rank
– highest rank chosen first with simultaneous requests
– preferred when clear difference in rank between peripherals
• Rotating priority (round-robin)
– priority changed based on history of servicing
– better distribution of servicing especially among peripherals with
similar priority demands
Serial Protocols
I2C (Inter-IC):
Two-wire protocol developed by Philips.
Used for communication between ICs.
Capable of handling multiple devices with different addresses.
USB (Universal Serial Bus):
Common for connecting peripherals to a PC.
Different standards (USB 1.X, 2, 3.X, 4).
Tiered star topology allowing up to 127 devices.
a) Difference between Port-based I/O and Bus-based I/O
Port-based I/O:
Definition: In port-based I/O, the processor communicates with peripherals directly through
dedicated I/O ports.
How It Works: The processor has specific ports that are either input or output. The software directly
reads or writes to these ports as if they were registers within the processor. Each port corresponds
to a peripheral device.
Bus-based I/O:
Definition: In bus-based I/O, the processor communicates with peripherals over a common bus
using address, data, and control lines.
How It Works: The processor, memory, and peripherals are connected to a system bus. The
processor sends an address on the bus to select a particular peripheral, followed by data and control
signals to perform the I/O operation. This method often uses a more complex communication
(b) Draw a block diagram of processor, Memory peripheral and DMA controller connected
with a system bus, and explain the steps showing what happens during the data transfer from
peripheral to data memory using DMA?
4. Analog to Digital
Analog Signals: Continuous signals representing physical quantities like temperature or sound.
Digital Signals: Discrete signals with binary states (0 or 1). (Eg: Light Switch --> On or off, Door
--> Open or closed.)
Resolution: The smallest change in analog input that results in a change in the output digital value.
Higher resolution improves accuracy.
(A 10-bit ADC has 1024 levels of resolution)
Sampling Rate: Frequency at which an ADC samples the analog signal. Higher sampling rates
allow more accurate representation of the signal.
Nyquist Rule: Sampling frequency should be at least twice the highest frequency in the
signal to avoid aliasing (misrepresentation of the signal).
Aliasing Occurs when the input signal is changing much faster than the sample rate.
Quantization Error: The difference between the actual analog value and the quantized value.
Average quantization error is half the step size.
Types of ADCs
1. Flash ADC (Parallel ADC)
Fastest type; uses multiple comparators for high-speed conversion.
Advantages: Speed.
Disadvantages: High cost and low resolution.
2. Sigma-Delta ADC
Uses oversampling and digital filtering to achieve high resolution.
Advantages: High resolution, no need for precision external components.
Disadvantages: Slower conversion speed.
Programming Steps:
(1) Make the pin for the selected ADC channel an input pin.
(2) Turn on the ADC module of the AVR because it is disabled upon power-on reset to save power.
(3) Select the conversion speed. We use registers ADPS2:0 to select the conversion speed.
(4) Select voltage reference and ADC input channels. We use the REFS0 and REFS1 bits in the
ADMUX register to select voltage reference and the MUX4:0 bits in ADMUX to select the ADC
input channel.
(5) Activate the start conversion bit by writing a one to the ADSC bit of ADCSRA.
(6) Wait for the conversion to be completed by polling the ADIF bit in the ADCSRA register.
(7) After the. ADIF bit has gone HIGH, read the ADCL and ADCH; otherwise, the result will not
be valid.
(8) If you want to read the selected channel again, go back to step 5.
(9) If you want to select another Vref source or input channel, go back to step 4.
Interrupt-Driven ADC:
The ADC can be programmed to trigger interrupts upon conversion completion, allowing efficient
data handling without constant polling.
Example Calculation:
Signal Conditioning
Importance: Sensors might output signals in forms that are not directly suitable for ADC input
(e.g., too small, too noisy, or in a non-voltage form like current or resistance).
Amplification: If the sensor output is too low, it may need to be amplified.
Filtering: Noise can be reduced using low-pass filters, which allow the desired signal frequency to
pass while attenuating higher frequencies.
Level Shifting: Adjusting the signal to ensure it falls within the ADC’s input range.
Linearization: Some sensors produce non-linear outputs, requiring linearization to accurately
interpret the data.
Practical Considerations
Calibration: Sensors may need calibration to ensure accurate readings. This involves adjusting the
sensor output to match known reference values.
Temperature Compensation: If the sensor's performance varies with temperature, compensation
techniques may be necessary to maintain accuracy.
Power Supply Stability: The ADC’s accuracy is highly dependent on the stability of the Vref and
the sensor’s power supply. Using regulated power supplies and decoupling capacitors can improve
Fast PWM
(a) What are the blocks inside the Micro controller that can be used for this design?
ADC (Analog to Digital Converter): Converts the analog signal from the temperature sensor
(which outputs 10mV/°C) to a digital signal for processing.
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Module: Used to generate the PWM signal required to control
the speed of the water sprinklers.
Timer/Counter Module: Works with the PWM module to generate the specific frequency and duty
cycle needed (976.589 Hz with 25% and 75% duty cycles).
IO Pins: Used for interfacing with the external devices like the temperature sensor and the water
sprinkler system.
(c) In this design ADC block used external 2.56V reference voltage with 10bit output
resolution. Find the equation to convert the real temperature value from the binary output
of the ADC block.
(d) Find the threshold binary output value of the ADC to change the PWM operation.
(e) How to configure ADMUX register to the specific condition? (You have to choose left or
right justified ADC output that can be adapted to this situation.)
Reference Voltage: Set to external 2.56V (REFS1 = 1, REFS0 = 1).
Input Channel: Select the channel connected to the temperature sensor.
Left or Right Justified: For this design, right justification is typically preferred as it allows for more
straightforward manipulation of the 10-bit output without needing to shift the data.
(f) Briefly explain that why PWM is used in motor controller applications.
PWM is used in motor control applications because it efficiently controls the power delivered to
the motor, allowing for:
Speed Control: Varying the duty cycle of the PWM signal changes the average voltage, thus
controlling the motor speed.
Reduced Power Loss: PWM reduces power loss compared to analog control methods by switching
the power on and off rather than dissipating excess energy as heat.
Precision: PWM allows for precise control of motor speed and torque.
(g) Fast PWM mode is set in the TimerO Block and AVR Micro controller is connected to the
16 MHz oscillator. Find the prescaler value that generate given PWM signal?
(h) Fast PWM mode is Clear OCO on compare match, set OCO at TOP. Find the OCRO
values that can generate 25% and 75% duty cycles in this operation respectively.
Main Techniques
Waterfall Model
Steps: Requirements → Architecture → Coding → Testing → Maintenance
Critiques: Limited feedback, assumes hardware is fixed.
Spiral Model:
Emphasizes iterative refinement and risk management.
Iterative stages: Requirements → Design → Test → Prototype.
Co-design Methodology:
Integrates hardware and software design processes to avoid bottlenecks.
Quality Assurance
Importance: Ensures that the final product meets requirements and functions correctly.
Verification Techniques: Prototyping, usage scenarios, formal techniques.
Good Requirements
Characteristics: Correct, unambiguous, complete, verifiable, consistent, modifiable, and traceable.
Design Reviews
Purpose: To catch design flaws through team meetings.
Roles: Designers, review leader, scribe, and audience.
Design Process
Synthesis: Automating the conversion of system functionality to physical implementations.
Verification: Ensures designs are correct (accurate implementation) and complete (covers all
Design Evolution
Abstraction Levels:
Higher abstraction simplifies capturing design intent but may complicate implementation.
Gajski’s Y-chart:
Represents different types of descriptions (Behavioral, Structural, Physical) and their transitions.
Synthesis Techniques
Logic Synthesis: Converts logical descriptions into gate-level implementations.
Register-Transfer Synthesis: Converts finite state machines to processors.
Behavioral Synthesis: High-level synthesis for creating single-purpose processors.
Verification Techniques
Formal Verification: Proves properties of designs, such as correctness and completeness.
Simulation: Models design behavior and checks outputs against expected results.
Hardware/Software Co-simulation
Integration: Merges software and hardware simulations to create a comprehensive model.
Challenges: Speed and complexity in maintaining consistent data between models.
Provides a faster alternative to simulation by using physical hardware (e.g., FPGAs) to map
Redundancy Techniques
Types of Redundancy:
Physical Redundancy: Duplicate hardware components.
Temporal Redundancy: Repeating tasks to ensure accuracy.
Analytical Redundancy: Using mathematical models to detect failures.
Applications of Reliability and Fault Tolerance
Safety-Critical Applications:
Aerospace systems (e.g., fly-by-wire).
Railway systems (e.g., driverless trains).
Medical devices.
Business-Critical Applications:
Financial transactions.
E-business systems.
Embedded/Real-Time Systems: Reliability is crucial for performance and safety.
Types of Faults
Hardware Faults: Component failures, wear and tear.
Software Faults: Bugs, design flaws.
Human Errors: Operator mistakes.
Fault Handling
Fault: Defect within the system.
Error: Incorrect output due to a fault.
Failure: System's inability to perform as required.
Safety Considerations
Accident: Unplanned event causing damage.
Incident: Unplanned event with potential for harm.
Hazard: A situation that can cause an accident.
Safety-Critical Systems: Systems that can cause accidents due to failures.
Safety Standards
MIL-STD-882D: Military standard for systems safety.
IEC 61508: Standard for functional safety in electrical/electronic systems.
Definition: The property allowing reliance on the service delivered by a system.
Attributes of Dependability:
Reliability Analysis
Modeling Techniques:
Failure rates, mean time to failure, and availability metrics.
Markov Modeling: Used for reliability prediction based on current states.
Key Concepts
Power vs. Energy:
Power: Rate at which energy is consumed; measured in watts (W).
Energy: Total consumption over time; measured in joules (J).
Implementation Alternatives
Heterogeneous Architectures: Combining different types of processors to optimize performance
and power efficiency.
Specialization Techniques: Tailoring hardware/software for specific tasks to enhance efficiency.
Future Directions
Energy Harvesting: Techniques to capture energy from the environment (e.g., solar, kinetic) to
extend battery life.
1st Question: List down four basic techniques used to achieve low-power computing in
embedded systems.
Parallelism: Utilizing multiple processing units to perform operations simultaneously, reducing
execution time and power consumption.
Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW): Architecture that allows multiple operations to be executed
in parallel, enhancing efficiency and reducing overhead.
Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS): Adjusting the supply voltage to reduce power consumption, as
power decreases quadratically with a reduction in voltage.
Dynamic Power Management (DPM): Optimizing the power states of the system based on
workload, enabling components to enter low-power states when not in use.
2. You are tasked with designing an automated greenhouse irrigation system. The system
should monitor soil moisture levels using sensors placed in different areas of the greenhouse
and control imigation accordingly. The system should be able to adjust watering schedules
based on real-time environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity.
Additionally, it should provide remote monitoring and control capabilities through a user-
friendly interface accessible via a smartphone application or a web interface.
A) Outline the overall architecture” of ’he embedded system, Including the main components
and their interactions.
Main Components:
Soil Moisture Sensors: Monitor moisture levels in different areas.
Microcontroller: Central unit for processing sensor data and controlling the irrigation system.
Water Flow Control Valves: Regulate water flow based on commands from the microcontroller.
Environmental Sensors: Measure temperature and humidity.
User Interface: Smartphone app or web interface for remote monitoring and control.
Communication Module: Enables data transmission between the microcontroller and the user
interface (e.g., Wi-Fi or Bluetooth).
Sensors send data to the microcontroller.
The microcontroller processes the data and controls the valves.
The communication module relays information to the user interface for remote access.
b) Explain the design of the irrigation control mechanism, considering factors like water flow
rate, valve control, and automated scheduling based on soil moisture levels and
environmental conditions.
Water Flow Rate: The system should be able to measure and control the flow rate of water to avoid
Valve Control: Use solenoid valves that can be opened or closed based on commands from the
Automated Scheduling:
The microcontroller adjusts watering schedules based on soil moisture readings.
Integrates environmental data (temperature, humidity) to optimize irrigation times and durations.
c) Detail the communication protocols and interfaces used to enable remote monitoring and
control of the greenhouse irrigation system through the smartphone application or web
• Wi-Fi: For connecting the system to the internet and enabling remote access.
• MQTT: Lightweight messaging protocol for efficient communication between devices.
• Smartphone Application: Provides real-time monitoring and control options.
• Web Interface: Offers a dashboard for viewing sensor data and adjusting settings.
d) Discuss the power management strategy employed to optimize energy consumption and
extend the system's battery life.
Dynamic Power Management: The system enters low-power modes when inactive (e.g., sleeps
during the night).
Energy Harvesting: Use solar panels to supplement battery power.
Scheduled Wake-ups: The system wakes up periodically to check sensor data and control valves
only when necessary.
3. List and describe three general approaches to improve the design productivity?
Modular Design: Breaking down systems into smaller, manageable modules that can be developed
and tested independently.
Reuse of Components: Utilizing pre-designed components or libraries to reduce development time
and effort.
Automated Testing: Implementing automated testing frameworks to quickly validate design
changes and ensure reliability.
4. "Some families of embedded devices have a very high threshold of quality and reliability
i. Briefly explain the term reliability in your own words.
Reliability: The ability of a system or component to perform its intended function without failure
over a specified period under stated conditions.
ii. Describe why reliability of an embedded system is important with the aid of an example.
Importance of Reliability: In medical devices, for instance, a malfunction could lead to incorrect
dosages of medication, risking patient health. High reliability ensures safety and trust in critical
5. "Functional requirements are essential to be fully covered in a design. But non- functional
requirements are also given equal importance in a design." Justify the above statement.
Functional Requirements: Define what a system should do (e.g., watering schedule based on
Non-Functional Requirements: Address how the system performs tasks, including reliability,
efficiency, and usability. They impact user satisfaction and system performance, ensuring the
system is not only functional but also efficient and user-friendly.
6. You are in charge of a system development, which is going to be used in surgical process
to accurately regulate and monitor a variety of parameters such as blood pressure,
temperature and flow to make sure the patient's condition is correct and stable.
a. What do you understand by dependability of a system?
Dependability refers to the trustworthiness of a system, ensuring it performs reliably and safely
under specified conditions.
c. How would you incorporate measures to make sure the system you develop is dependable
throughout the design process?
Thorough Testing: Implement rigorous testing protocols to identify and resolve potential failures.
Redundancy: Use redundant sensors and systems to ensure continuous operation in case of a
component failure.
Regular Maintenance: Schedule updates and checks to ensure the system remains operational and
9. Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs)
Introduction to SoCs
Definition: A System on Chip (SoC) integrates a microcontroller or microprocessor with advanced
peripherals such as GPUs, Wi-Fi modules, and coprocessors.
Functions: Includes both analog and digital functions, mixed signals, and radio frequency
Importance of MPSoCs
Performance Needs: Single processors are often insufficient for high-performance applications.
MPSoCs are essential to meet the increasing performance demands of modern applications.
Characteristics of Multiprocessors
Definition: Multiprocessors consist of parallel processors that share a single address space.
Cost-Effectiveness: Microprocessors are currently the most cost-effective processing solution.
Communication Modes
Shared Memory: All processors communicate through a single memory address space, allowing
implicit communication via loads and stores.
Message Passing: Processors communicate explicitly by sending and receiving messages.
Architectural Configurations
Single Bus Configuration: Processors are connected by a single bus, typically accommodating 2
to 32 processors.
Network Configuration: Processors are connected through a network, allowing for more complex
Programming Challenges
Complexity: Writing efficient multiprocessor programs is challenging, especially as the number of
processors increases. Programmers must understand hardware capabilities to optimize
Design Constraints
Key Considerations:
• Real-time performance to meet deadlines.
• Low power or energy consumption.
• Cost-effectiveness.
Concept of MPSoC
Definition: MPSoCs are custom architectures that balance the constraints of VLSI technology with
application-specific needs, unlike chip multiprocessors, which focus solely on increasing
processor density.
Enhancing Productivity
Strategies for Improvement:
• Raise the level of abstraction in designs.
• Employ structured design methodologies.
• Reuse intellectual property (IP) components.
• Utilize Electronic Design Automation (EDA) support.
Integration Practices
Current Approaches: Many existing practices are ad hoc and rely on low-level interfaces.
Synchronization: Low-level synchronization methods (e.g., interrupts, semaphores) are often used,
increasing design complexity.
Shared memory for data storage and communication among processors.
Can include heterogeneous memory systems, where some memory blocks are accessible only to
specific processors.
Communication pathways (e.g., buses or networks) that connect processors and memory.
Facilitate data transfer and coordination between processors.
Additional components such as graphics processors, Wi-Fi modules, and sensors that provide
functionality beyond basic processing.
Control Units:
Manage task scheduling, resource allocation, and communication protocols among processors.
(2) Explain the concept of Multi-Processor System on a Chip (MpSoC) design using an
example of your preference.
Smart Camera System
A smart camera system designed for real-time image processing and analysis is a good example of
an MPSoC application. This system can be used in surveillance, autonomous vehicles, or industrial
Image Processing Unit (IPU): Specialized processor for handling image data and executing
algorithms for object detection and recognition.
Central Processing Unit (CPU): Manages system operations, user interfaces, and overall control
Shared RAM: Used for storing image frames and processing results accessible by both the IPU
and CPU.
Cache Memory: Local memory for faster access to frequently used data by processors.
High-speed Bus: Connects the IPU and CPU with memory and peripherals, ensuring rapid data
transfer during processing tasks.
Camera Sensor: Captures video input.
Wi-Fi Module: Enables wireless communication for remote monitoring and data transfer.
Control Units:
Task Scheduler: Allocates processing tasks between the IPU and CPU based on current workloads
and priorities.
Functionality of NES
Interaction: NES are designed to interact with their environment and users, collecting data via
sensors and processing it for real-time feedback.
Key Components:
Sensors: Measure environmental parameters (temperature, moisture, movement, etc.).
Communication Mechanisms: Wireline or wireless connections for data transfer.
Computation Engines: Perform computations on acquired data.
Constraints on NES
Size and Weight: Must be compact to minimize environmental interference.
Environmental Conditions: Should tolerate harsh conditions (temperature variations, physical
Energy Availability: Often operate on limited power sources; energy efficiency is crucial.
Cost: Must be affordable, especially when deployed in large quantities.
(1) Explain the concepts of open system and closed system in the context of Networked
Embedded Systems.
Concepts of Open System and Closed System in NES
Open System:
An open system allows for the integration of new components without major redesigns. In the
context of NES, this means components can be upgraded or replaced easily, enabling the adaptation
of the system to incorporate advancements in technology or to add new functionalities. For
example, an automobile's telematics system can accept new sensors or modules without requiring
a complete overhaul.
Closed System:
A closed system is designed with fixed components that cannot be altered or upgraded after
deployment. In NES, this means that once the system is built (e.g., safety-critical components in
vehicles), it cannot easily integrate new technologies or functionalities. This could lead to
obsolescence as newer technologies emerge.
(2) Kilinochchi is one of the districts that receive the highest sunlight in Srilanka. The faculty
of Engineering decided to deploy a pilot project to analyze the feasibility of installing solar
panels across the university premises.
You have been assigned to design a solar monitoring device that can capture solar radiation,
temperature, and solar energy. Device should transfer the sensor data to a central server.
Solar Monitoring Device is consisted of;
Solar Radiation Sensor (Pyranometer)
Temperature Sensor
System On Chip (SOC)
Energy Meter
(a) Briefly describe what is networked embedded system (NES).
A Networked Embedded System (NES) is a distributed computing system that integrates
embedded devices with communication capabilities, allowing them to connect and interact with
each other and their environment. NES can gather data from sensors, process that data, and
communicate results to central servers or other devices, facilitating real-time monitoring and
(b) Explain the functionalities of networked embedded systems.
Data Acquisition: Collecting data from various sensors (e.g., temperature, solar radiation).
Real-time Processing: Performing computations on the collected data to derive meaningful
Communication: Transmitting data to a central server for storage, analysis, and monitoring.
Autonomous Operation: Operating independently in the field, adapting to changes in the
environment without human intervention.
Feedback Mechanism: Providing responses based on environmental data, such as adjusting power
usage based on solar energy availability.
(c) If you are assigned to design the network for the solar monitoring device, explain five
design considerations you will make to design this network.
Communication Protocol: Choose appropriate protocols (e.g., MQTT, HTTP) to ensure reliable
data transmission from sensors to the central server.
Energy Efficiency: Implement low-power communication strategies to extend the life of battery-
operated sensors, minimizing energy consumption.
Scalability: Design the network to accommodate additional sensors or devices in the future without
significant redesigns.
Data Integrity: Ensure secure data transmission to prevent data loss or corruption, employing
encryption if necessary.
Environmental Resilience: Design the network to withstand local environmental conditions (e.g.,
heat, humidity) to ensure consistent performance.
(d) In this design, it is proposed to choose Multi-Processor SoC (MPSoC) instead of SoC.
i. What is Multi-Processor SoC (MPSoC)?
A Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) is an integrated circuit that contains multiple
processing units (CPUs, GPUs) on a single chip, allowing for parallel processing and improved
performance. MPSoCs are designed to handle complex computational tasks efficiently by
distributing workloads across multiple processors.
ii. Give three reasons why you could go for a MPSoC design?
Enhanced Performance: MPSoCs can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, significantly
increasing processing speed and efficiency compared to single-core SoCs.
Energy Efficiency: By distributing tasks among multiple processors, MPSoCs can optimize energy
consumption, reducing the overall power required for computations.
Flexibility: MPSoCs can be tailored to specific applications, allowing for a mix of different types
of processors (e.g., general-purpose, real-time) to meet diverse processing needs.
iii. Describe two challenges you will face when designing Multi-Processor SoC.
Complexity in Design: The integration of multiple processors requires careful consideration of
communication strategies, memory management, and synchronization, making the design process
more complex.
Heat Management: With multiple processors operating simultaneously, managing heat dissipation
becomes critical to avoid overheating and ensure reliability.
11. RTOS
Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS): An RTOS is an operating system that supports real-time
applications by ensuring that tasks are completed within a specified time frame, offering
deterministic behavior and limited resource utilization. RTOS is not required for all embedded
systems but is essential for large, complex applications, such as flight control systems.
Memory Management
Memory Hierarchy: Ranges from fast, small CPU registers to slower, larger remote storage.
Stack and Heap Management:
• Stack: Primarily used for context switching.
• Heap: Used for dynamic memory allocation by the kernel.
Dynamic Memory Management:
• First-Fit, Best-Fit, Buddy System: Different strategies for allocating memory dynamically.
RTOS Examples
Fire Alarm System: Example of a real-time embedded system that uses RTOS to manage multiple
sensors, controllers, and a central server with a focus on fast response time and secure
1. Explain the concept of Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) and discuss the main
classifications of RTOS used in embedded systems.
Concept of RTOS: A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is a specialized operating system
designed to manage hardware resources, run applications, and process data in real-time. The key
characteristic of an RTOS is its deterministic behavior, ensuring that tasks are executed and
completed within strict timing constraints. This makes RTOS crucial for applications where timing
is critical, such as in embedded systems for medical devices, automotive controls, and industrial
Classifications of RTOS: RTOS can be classified into three main types based on their timing
Microkernel RTOS:
• Advantages:
o Modularity: Microkernels follow a more modular design, with only essential
services running in kernel mode. Other services run in user space, making it easier
to update and modify.
o Stability: Since most services run in user mode, a failure in one service is less likely
to crash the entire system. This improves overall system stability.
o Footprint: Microkernels can be more lightweight, making them ideal for
embedded systems with limited resources.
• Disadvantages:
o Performance Overhead: Microkernels require more context switches and inter-
process communication, which can introduce performance overhead.
o Complexity: The separation of services can make system design and debugging
more complex.
3. An Real Time Operating System (RTOS) is an OS for response time-controlled and event-
controlled processes that provides a required level of service in a bounded response time.
(a) Explain when is RTOS more necessary than Superloop in embedded projects.
When is RTOS More Necessary than Superloop? RTOS is necessary when an embedded project
has strict timing requirements, complex task management, and needs to handle multiple tasks
simultaneously. A superloop, which is a simple infinite loop controlling the execution flow, is
insufficient for complex applications where tasks must be executed in parallel with precise timing.
An RTOS is required in scenarios like real-time data acquisition, motor control systems, and
applications where missed deadlines could result in system failure.
(d) Pre-emption and Co-operative multitasking are two task swapping methods used in
A RTOS system is assigned with five processes named P1,P2,P3,P4 and P5. The arrival time
and execution time of each task are given in the following.
i. Draw the task timeline for cooperative multitasking for the above given tasks.
ii. Draw the task timeline for pre-emption under short job first (SJF) priority scheduling.
iii. find the average waiting time for both multi-tasking.
4. Briefly explain the degree of 'real-time' in Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) with
The degree of 'real-time' in RTOS refers to the strictness of the timing requirements that the system
must meet. This can be classified into hard, firm, and soft real-time systems:
Hard Real-Time: Tasks must be completed within strict deadlines; missing a deadline results in
catastrophic failure. Example: Pacemakers.
Firm Real-Time: Deadlines are crucial, but missing one results in degraded system performance
rather than total failure. Example: Airline reservation systems.
Soft Real-Time: Deadlines can be missed occasionally, with minimal impact on the system.
Example: Video streaming services.
5. Give two reasons that why full-feature or general purpose operating system is not always
the good solution in embedded systems?
Resource Constraints:
Embedded systems often have limited resources such as memory, processing power, and battery
life. General-purpose operating systems (GPOS) are designed for resource-rich environments and
might be too large and resource-intensive for embedded systems.
Real-Time Requirements:
GPOS is typically designed for fairness and throughput, rather than strict timing requirements. In
contrast, embedded systems often require predictable and deterministic behavior, which is better
provided by an RTOS. GPOS may not be able to guarantee the timely execution of tasks in time-
sensitive applications.