ASME F&D - Head - Design - Tool
ASME F&D - Head - Design - Tool
ASME F&D - Head - Design - Tool
8 Dimensions:
9 24.000 Do [in] - outside diameter of head
10 24.000 L [in] - inside crown radius (note 1)
11 1.440 IKR [in] - inside knuckle radius (note 2)
12 0.188 tb [in] - thickness before forming
13 0.159 tf [in] - thickness after forming (note 3)
14 0.010 Corr [in] - corrosion allowance
15 2.000 Skirt [in] - straight skirt length
16 Material and Conditions:
17 SA-240 304 Material
18 20,000 S [psi] - allowable stress
19 0.85 E - head longitudinal efficiency
20 50.0 P [psi] - interior pressure
21 Calculated Properties:
22 note 1:Suggested radius L per UG-32(j) 24.00 Approx. head weight based on steel, lbs = 38.53
23 note 2:Suggested radius IKR per UG-32(j) 1.440 Approx. head volume including skirt, cuft = 1.12
24 note 3:Suggested thickness after forming 0.1555
25 Variables:
26 nt [in] = tf-Corr ~~ thickness with corrosion allowance removed 0.159-0.01 = 0.149
27 D [in] = Do-2*nt ~~ ID with corrosion allowance removed 24-2*0.149 = 23.701
28 L/r = L/IKR 24/1.44 = 16.667
29 M= 0.25*(3+sqrt(L/IKR)) 0.25*(3+SQRT(24/1.44)) = 1.771
30 Ro [in] = L+tb 24+0.188 = 24.188
31 Required Thickness: App. 1-4(a), App. 1-4(d)
32 App1-4(f) = tf/L 0.159/24 = 0.007
33 App1-4(f)Calc = if(AND(0.0005=<App1-4(f),App1-4(f)<0.002),"Calculation Required","Calculation not required")
34 App. 1-4(f) Calculation Not Required
35 Treq [in] = (P*L*M)/(2*S*E-0.2*P)+Corr ~~ required minimum thickness
36 (50*24*1.771)/(2*20000*0.85-0.2*50)+0.01 = 0.073
37 CheckTreq = Treq<=tf 0.073<=0.159 = Acceptable
38 Maximum Pressure: App. 1-4(a), App. 1-4(d)
39 Pmax [psi] = (2*S*E*nt)/(L*M+0.2*nt) ~~ maximum allowed design pressure
40 (2*20000*0.85*0.149)/(24*1.771+0.2*0.149) = 119.4
41 CheckPMax = Pmax >= P 119.4 >= 50 = Acceptable
42 App. 1-4(f) calculation is not included on this sheet
43 Nozzles may be subject to a smaller required thickness depending on location in the head.
44 Only the knuckle required thickness is calculated on this sheet
45 Heads may be subject to stress relief if large elongation occurs - UCS-79(d), UNF-79(d), UG-37(a)(1)
46 The UG-16(b) minimum thickness requirement has not been taken into consideration here.
47 This sheet cannot be used to check for allowable exterior pressure loads.
48 Use the Weld Efficiency program to calculate E
49 This sheet is for educational use only - use at your own risk.