Soesilo 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1153 012015
Soesilo 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1153 012015
Soesilo 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1153 012015
Joko Soesilo1, Sutanto1, Indriati Retno Palupi2, Wiji Raharjo2, Priyo Hutomo2,
Wahyu Hadinoto2
Geological Engineering, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
Geophysical Engineering, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta
Jl. SWK (Padjadjaran) No.104 Condong Catur, Depok, Sleman Yogyakarta
E-mail : [email protected]
1. Introduction
Indonesia is an archipelago country. It has many island that separated by the ocean. It is located between
Australian and Eurasian continent plate and also between Pasific and Indian ocean plate. For the result,
Indonesia has many volcanoes and prone of many disaster like earthquake, tsunami, etc. Beside the
disaster, Indonesia has a large of minerals and energy. One of them is located in Borneo island. It is
located in north of Java and between Sumatera and Celebes island.
Borneo is part of Sunda shelf, formed by igneous rocks, granitic. There are also alkali breakthrough,
metamorphic and sediment. It’s age is about Paleozoic to Quarter (Figure 1). The age can be devided
into three periode, they are Paleozoic-Mesozoic, Mesozoic-Tertiary and Quarter.
Paleozoic-Mesozoic period take place in the middle of Borneo, specially around Schwaner High. It is a
stable part of litosphere which has exposed by sedimentation process, orogenesis and old granitic
breakthrough (Carbon-Mesozooic (Trias)). In north and south part of Schwaner High, there were thick
flysh sediment rock, acid to medium volcanic, and melting rock in the age of Trias-Jura which has
contact with granitic (breakthrough) in Lime period. As the result, the dominant rocks in the south is
acid to medium volcanic (Matan Complex, Bammelen 1949 op cit [1]) that break by granitic and formed
metamorphic. While in the north, there are andesit, dasit and pyroclastic in the age of Trias-Jura and
also break by granitic. The existence of granitic is indicated as a part of subduction from the north.
Mesozoic-Tertiary periode was started by the breakthrough of igneous rock into granitic and dasit in
last Lime- early Mesozoic in the north of Schwaner. In Serawak, Malaysia, there is Ophiolit Lupar way.
It is melange zone, indicated that there is subduction process in the area that has direction to norht-west
and come from South China sea beneath Borneo island (Katili 1973 & 1981; Hamilton, 1978; Hutchison
1973 & 1975 and Haile et al 1977 op cit [1]).
In Quarter Period, the sediment that has age in Plistosen to Resen was deposited in flood plains and
river and for the last period, that continue from Holosen untill now, formed two transgression and
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9th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1153 (2019) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1153/1/012015
regression cycle. It resulting beach and land. As we can see now, most of the river in Borneo cutting
the lower part of Barito Basin that located in Borneo [1].
Figure 1. Geological Map of Borneo Island (Haile, 1968; Pupili, 1973 and Hamilton 1979 op cit [1]).
2. Experimental Method
The geological condition of Borneo as metion before is related with Indonesia archipelago formed over
the past 300 million years, especially in Borneo, it also related with Cretaceous active margin with
Sumatera, Java and Celebes. Based on [2], there was Cretaceous margin that run the length of Sumatera
into western Java and continued to northeast trhough sourthern Borneo and western of Celebes. It has
high pressure-low temperature subduction that related to metamorphic rocks in Central Java, Meratus
Mountains of southeastern Borneo and western Celebes (Figure 2).
Subduction zone is place that potentially occur earthquake and magmatism. So it can be well defined
by seismicity. The depth of subduction zone in Indonesia can reach untill 600 km and by volcanoes
(Figure 3 and Figure 4). Indonesia is passed by ring of fire with 95 active volcanoes that erupted since
1500. Two famous erupted evidence were Tambora and Krakatau in 1815 and 1883 [2].
Beside voelcano, Meratus Complex is one of subduction product. It located in Borneo with
predominantly North-Northeast trending mountain belt with 65 km wide and 300 km in length. The
elevation exceeds 1000 m, with the greatest topographic lies in central and northern parts. It includes
metamorphosed arc and ophiolite rocs that interprated as result of oblique collision and accretion of
East Java and West Celebes terrain to the Sundaland margin from mid-Cretaceous (e.g Sikumbang
1986; Hall, 2012 op cit [3]).
Based on Witts et al (2014), from the combination data of structural, sedimentological, provenance and
satelite data of Montalat Formation, it show that uplitft of the northern part of Meratus occur during the
Early-Miocene. In contrast, in the upper part of Warukin Formation that also part of Meratus indicates
that uplift further did not occur untill Late Miocene.
From the explanation above, we can see that subduction zone analysis can give information about the
history of the area formed. In subduction, partial melting is taking place also. It contain of hot mantle
material and resulting magmatism. Both of them has an important thing in the evolution processes of
the earth. One way to analyse the subduction zone is by describing the seismic velocity structure from
seismicity data. From seismic velocity, we can estimated physical properties of earth’s interior because
it related with seismic wave. There are two seismic wave often used, they are P and S wave. From P
wave, we can interprete the existence of fluid, and from S wave we can get the information about the
physical parameter [4].
9th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1153 (2019) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1153/1/012015
9th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1153 (2019) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1153/1/012015
Figure 5. (a) Convection current in astenosphere; (b) Three kinds of plate movement (divergent (A),
convergent (B) and transform (C) ([5])
Figure 6. P wave Tomography beneath Tonga arc and Lau back arc region (Zhao et al, 1976 op cit [4])
Besides velocity, attenuation and anisotrophy can be calculated and modelled by tomography technique.
However it needs a good model parameterization, forward modelling and ray tracing, earthquake
relocation and inversion methode [7]. Romanowics in 1994 [8] also studied about anelastic
tompgraphy. It can describe thermal strucutre in the subsurface that associated with hospot. Other
exampel of tomographic inversion is to describe magma chamber under the volcano by Paulatto et al in
2012 [9]. As mention before that P wave can describe fluid, Paulatto et al in 2012 use this characterize
to predict magma chamber and thermal modelling at Monstreat. Magma chamber descripted from low
velocity of P wave.
Seismic Tomography is one way to get description of subduction zone. To do it, seismicity data, velocity
model and travel time is needed. In this research, ISC data during the period 1930 to 2018 for seismicity
and AK 135 velocity table is used. Before get in to tompgraphy process, relocating of seismicity
9th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1153 (2019) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1153/1/012015
(hipocenter) data is important to get a better description of subduction zone. Generally, determination
of hypocenter location is used homogeneous velocity model. In real condition, the subsurface is
heterogeneous. Relocating has aimed to look for new better location of hypocenter by using
heterogeneous velocity value with AK 135 table as refference. This research is focused on relocating
process while the tomopgrahy process will be done in the next research.
One simple method of relocation is Geiger method. Calculation of hypocenter location is a non linier
inversion problem. Geiger method make it simple by diferentiating the forward modelling equation into
the parameter model (hypocenter location).
( − ) + ( − )
+( − )
= +
Equation (1) is a forward modelling formulation to calculate the arrival time of P wave in each station.
In this research, the model parameter is x 0, y0 and z0. While xi, yi and zi is station location, vp is P wave
velocity and t0 is origin time of earthquake. To get the parameter model, the first step is diferentiate the
equation (1) into the parameter model (equation (2.1) untill (2.3)).
( − )
= (2.1)
( − ) + ( − ) + ( − )
( − ) (2.2)
( − ) +( − ) +( − )
( − ) (2.3)
( − ) + ( ) + ( − )
Equation (4) is inversion formula to calculate new hypocenter location, where m is model parameter, J
is Jacobian matrikx, and d is the difference between travel time data observation and calcualtion [10].
9th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1153 (2019) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1153/1/012015
In Figure 8.b, beneath Borneo, it can be seen that the subduction zone of Celebes is not reach under the
Borneo (Kalimantan), so we can prove that subduction of Sumatera and Java only that give the
influenced of Borneo.
-5 -100 0 5 10 15
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
Figure 8. (a) Subduction zone in area 1 and 2 (yellow squre in Figure 6) and (b) Subduction zone in
area 3 (red square in Figure 6).
4. Conclusion
Subduction zone between three island, that is Sumatera, Java and Celebes was descripted to know the
influence in Meratus mountain in Borneo. Geiger method was used to described it. This method is
9th International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1153 (2019) 012015 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1153/1/012015
simple and easy to applied. Based on the result, it can be known that the subduction of Sumatera and
Java that have an influence to Borneo and Meratus and improve that there was a microcontinent in
research area. The angle of the Sumatera’s subduction zone is sloping and has the time of magmatism
younger than in Meratus predicted but it should re calculate by tomographic inversion for the next
5. Reference
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