(GRR 9602e) Simoon (v1.1)

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SCARE Sheet: Simoon


When I first met Simoon on the American Hero set, she was a typical pretty American teenaged girl. She was more
concerned about clothes than politics, and was actively embarrassed about the nature of her power, never talking
about it unless asked and utilizing it in only the most trivial, prankish manner.

I think using it in the show’s fake scenarios gave her the first real taste of how potent her ability could be. Watching the
news coming out of Egypt politicized her, but I was surprised, to say the least, when she joined the aces who broke
away from the show and went to Africa to help John Fortune in his stand with the Egyptian jokers. I was sad to learn
she’d given her all for her people, and astonished to learn of her return via Cameo. Not many get a second chance at
life – such as at was, but now with Cameo’s passing, even that has been denied her.

It is a mystery why Simoon didn’t appear at the final confrontation with Tom Weathers—probably one that will never be
solved. Her SCARE dossier can, once again, be placed on the Dead docket.

Rest in peace, Aliyah Malik.


Jamal Norwood
SCARE operative

History impersonator, but The King (for whom she took the sur-
name Malik, which is “king” in Arabic) himself, a wandering
Ali (as she preferred to be called) was born in Las Vegas, mystic of great power who walks the Earth taking care of
Nevada, in 1990, the child of Isis of the Living Gods and business. She hopes her being on American Hero will some-
a wandering performer who swept Isis off her feet but left how bring her to his attention and they will reunite.
before their child was born. Although the child of Egyptian Alas, it was not meant to be.
immigrants, her life as a teenager is typically American: Her
Aliyah, who is short, richly curved, and pretty with long,
favorite activities include hanging out at the mall, text-mes-
thick, dark hair and dark eyes, does fairly well on American
saging her friends, show biz gossip, and clothes. She very
Hero, but her most lasting contribution is telling Jonathan
rarely uses her wild card power (sometimes diverting
Hive (Bugsy) about the amulet containing Sekhmet the
unwelcome attention from boys by irritating their eyes and
Destroyer. Bugsy relays the story to John Fortune, Fortune
making their underwear gritty). She has little knowledge of
and Sekhmet become bound in a symbiotic relationship,
(and is somewhat embarrassed by) her Egyptian heritage,
and the revived Egyptian ace persuades him to go to Egypt
and never uses the name Simoon (“desert wind”), which
to aid the imperiled jokers.
was bestowed upon her by her Uncle Osiris.
As only a teenagers can, Ali, who up until then had been
When Ali hears about American Hero, she thinks she can
largely apolitical, has a flash of empathy and is inspired to
use the show to further her one true obsession: finding
join the group of American Hero contestants who follow
her father. She believes he wasn’t just some itinerant Elvis
Fortune. She acquits herself well and her actions at the sec-


ond Aswan battle help turn the tide for the rag-tag band of Name: Aliyah Malik WC Name: Simoon
aces and jokers. Unfortunately, during the next stage of the Occupation: Reality TV Show WC Status: Ace
battle, she meets a cruel death at the hands of the Righteous contestant, crusading ace
Djinn before Drummer Boy saves the day by taking out the Base: Originally Las Vegas; Ethnicity:
Caliphate ace with his sonic powers. as a Committee member, African American
New York City
But that was not to be the end of her career.
A year later, Aliyah’s mother spirits of the dead by handling items they used in life. Isis
tracks down Cameo, who gives Cameo a T-shirt and earrings of Aliyah, and Cameo
is still in hiding from the revives her spirit. Aliyah’s memory only extends to the
Allumbrados. last time she wore the items, which was the day before
Cameo can she left for Egypt, and she is astonished to learn she’s
channel the really dead. Isis, happy to have a reunion with
her lost child, allows Cameo to keep her
effects. Simoon becomes one of the dead
aces Cameo can call on.
While in New Orleans, Simoon (through
Cameo) uses her powers to help build levees
and other defenses against the coming hur-
ricanes, at some point losing the T-shirt and later
one of her earrings. Ali also gets reacquainted with
Bugsy and they start a relationship that lasts for over
a year. Eventually, Bugsy cracks under the pressure of
having an affair with a dead girl through an inter-
mediary body and breaks up with Ali, breaking
her heart as well. Acting in a manner idiotic
even for Bugsy, he throws her last focus ear-
ring away into a snow-covered field in Central
Park, thus ending Cameo’s ability to re-call the
young ace, and consigning her spirit to what-
ever awaits her after death.

Aliyah is a high-spirited, energetic teenager, con-
cerned with matters that grip most teenaged girls:
clothes, popularity, fitting in, and boys. The events of
American Hero—or more specifically the events that
happened alongside American Hero, like her role in
the return of Sekhmet, and seeing Rustbelt stand up to
one injustice after another—seem to burn any shallow-
ness out of her personality, and she becomes
a steadfast, brave, and determined fighter.
After being recalled by Cameo she’s
bewildered by her death, but is still
more than willing to go into dan-
gerous situations to help those in
need. She has genuine feelings for
Bugsy and his ultimate rejection
breaks her heart.



Simoon Power Level 10

Strength Stamina Agility DEXterity Fighting INTellect AWareness PREsence
0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
POWERS Complications
Dustdevil Form: Insubstantial 2 (sand), Sandstorm (Selec- Motivation—Acceptance then Responsibility: Before the battles
tive Burst Area Damage 10), Whirlwind (Flight 1 (4 MPH) to protect the jokers of Egypt, Aliyah’s main concern is finding
• 42 points her place as an American teenager. The events in Egypt convince
her that she has a duty to use her powers for good. Still, when she
SKILLS comes back from the dead, finding love and acceptance in a fright-
Expertise: Popular Culture 4 (+4), Insight 2 (+2), Perception 2 (+2) ening new situation motivate her personal life.
Quirk then Power Loss: Unless she takes care to maintain pos-
Advantages session of her clothing while she’s in wind form, Aliyah is left
Benefit (Daughter of the Living Gods) naked when she stops using her power, which can be embar-
rassing. Early on this kept her from using it pretty much under
Offense any circumstances. This becomes critically important when Si-
moon’s powers are being channeled by Cameo through Aliyah’s
Initiative +1
T-shirt and earrings.
Sandstorm — Burst Area, Damage 10
Unarmed +0 Close, Damage 0 Abilities 6 + Powers 33 + Advantages 1 + Skills 4 + Defenses
15 = 59
Will 5
Simoon is popular on American Hero and then in the
Committee (once she overcomes the hesitancy her former
teammates have toward her as a channeled dead spirit).
Powers & Abilities Jonathan Hive and Cameo (and even Will-o’-Wisp, in a
way) are her closest allies.
Although an average teenaged girl in other respects, Aliyah
can morph into a living dust devil with human intelligence.
She has excellent control over her ability and can affect a Enemies
large region with high winds and deadly sand that can Simoon has no specific enemies, although she harbors
scour the flesh off an unprotected body, or limit it to target hard feelings against the Caliphate after she’s told the
individuals or small groups. details of her death.



Credits & License

Wild Cards - SCARE Sheets #2: Simoon of that material. Mutants & Masterminds, Super-powered by M&M,
Green Ronin, and their associated logos are trademarks of Green
Writing and Design: John Jos. Miller and Steve Kenson
Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Development: Jon Leitheusser
Original Character Creation: Daniel Abraham The following is designated as Product Identity, in accordance with
Editing: Spike Y Jones Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, Version 1.0a: hero points, power
Art Direction: Pauline Benney points. All characters and their associated images, descriptions, back-
Graphic Design: Hal Mangold grounds, and related information are declared Product Identity.
Interior Art: Jamal Igle The following text is Open Gaming Content: all game system rules and
Publisher: Chris Pramas material not previously declared Product Identity.
Green Ronin Staff: Pauline Benney, Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Steve
Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Jack Norris, Green Ronin Publishing
Chris Pramas, Donna Prior, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz 3815 S. Othello St., Suite 100 #304
Seattle, WA 98118
Wildcards SCARE Sheet #2: Simoon is ©2013 Green Ronin Publishing, Email: [email protected]
LLC. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material Web Sites: www.greenronin.com
in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders www.mutantsandmasterminds.com

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licensee in terms of this agreement. version of this License. Wild Cards Campaign Setting, Copyright 2008, Green
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of Ronin Publishing; Authors John Jos. Miller and Steve Kenson.
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Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. Distribute. Green Ronin Publishing; Authors John Jos. Miller and Steve
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