Microsoft Security Compliance Manager (SCM) Release Notes: Version History

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Microsoft Security Compliance Manager (SCM) Release Notes

November 19th, 2010

2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version History
SCM v1.1.2.0 (Novem er 1!t"# 2010) SCM Download: fixed ability to obtain baselines and appli ation !pdates behind some proxy servers SCM v1.1.1.0 (Septem er $t"# 2010) SCM "#: fixed vario!s display problems when !sin$ a very low s reen resol!tion SCM %xport: optimi&ed the 'C() file si&e when !sers export in the SCM baseline format *o al +,- tool: fixed lo al import of settin$s so that this tool now applies them in rementally .instead of f!ll reset/ SCM v1.0.0.0 (%pril &t"# 2010) #nitial 0elease

System Re'uirements
1o !se the Se !rity Complian e Mana$er .SCM/ tool, the followin$ system re2!irements apply: 3indows 4ista5 Servi e ,a 6 2 .S,2/, 3indows5 7 or later' Mi rosoft5 %x el5 2007 or later to export data in %x el wor6boo6s' S8* Server5 2009 %xpress edition' Mi rosoft 'N%1 :';' 3indows5 #nstaller <';' (n a tive #nternet onne tion for downloadin$ Mi rosoft baselines'

(etting Starte)
#f yo! are new to the SCM tool, or wo!ld =!st li6e a wal6>thro!$h, please download the SCM Getting Started Guide' 1han6s for !sin$ the SCM tool, and feel free to onta t !s: Se !rity Sol!tions 8!estions ? @eedba 6

*p)ate +,isting -nstallation

1he followin$ pro ed!re is the only way to install a newer version of the SCM tool and not re>install the database for the tool to avoid losin$ yo!r data' "se the Repair option to omplete this pro ed!re' .o use t"e Repair option in t"e SCM setup /i0ar)1 1' Do no man!ally !ninstall or delete the SCM tool bits or database s hema on yo!r omp!ter' 2' Start the Mi rosoft Se !rity Complian e Man$er Set!p 3i&ard, li 6 the SCM install lin6, and then follow the steps in the wi&ard !ntil yo! rea h the Configuration 2ptions pa$e' :' -n the Configuration 2ptions pa$e, li 6 the Repair a previous installation option, and then li 6 Ne,t' <' Complete the remainin$ installation steps of the set!p wi&ard'

3no/n -ssues
1' 1he +,port to +,cel feat!re of the tool re2!ires yo! to enable ma ros in %x el' 1he export pro ess will not omplete if ma ros are not enabled' %x el will open and yo! will see a se !rity warnin$ above the wor6boo6' Cli 6 the 2ptions b!tton in the se !rity warnin$, sele t +na le t"is content, and then li 6 23 to omplete the export pro ess' 2' 3hen !sin$ the +ro!p ,oli y Mana$ement Console .+,MC/ to import a +,- ba 6!p reated with the tool, li 6in$ the Vie/ Settings... b!tton may a!se the followin$ error messa$e to appear: ACo!ld not find file BC+,->)a 6!p> ,athCD$preport'xml'A 1he +,- ba 6!p an be s! essf!lly imported by not li 6in$ this b!tton' :' #f the SCM tool is installed !sin$ an a o!nt with normal !ser privile$es that has been elevated with "ser ( o!nt Control, the !ser will not be able to import or d!pli ate baselines' 1his problem an be avoided by !sin$ the followin$ steps to install and onfi$!re the tool: a' #nstall the tool !sin$ an !nprivile$ed a o!nt and provide redentials for an administrator a o!nt when prompted' b' Start the tool, sele t 2ptions, and then sele t 4ol)ers' ' #n the 5ocument 4ol)er se tion, han$e the path to the path of the desired !serEs profile, and then li 6 23' Note1 (n error messa$e may appear after li 6in$ 23' Fowever, if yo! re>open the 2ptions window, yo! sho!ld see that the new path is in effe t' <' #f yo! re ently installed 3indows #nternet %xplorer5 9 yo! may not be able to install S8* %xpress, whi h is re2!ired by the SCM tool' #f yo! en o!nter this problem, lose #nternet %xplorer, la!n h #nternet %xplorer a$ain, omplete the #nternet %xplorer 3el ome 3i&ard, and then restart the SCM installation pro ess' ;' D!rin$ installation, the SCM tool does not offer the option of !sin$ an existin$ instan e of S8* Server or S8* %xpress' 1o resolve this iss!e, yo! an either reate a new instan e of the server software by downloadin$ and installin$ S8* %xpress or by installin$ S8* %xpress from a previo!sly downloaded file' G' 1he SCM installation pro ess will fail if it attempts to install S8* %xpress, and the a o!nt that was !sed to start the installation does not have all of the re2!ired !ser privile$es' 1he a o!nt !sed to install SCM m!st be a member of the (dministrators $ro!p' #n addition, the a o!nt m!st have the followin$ !ser ri$hts in order to install S8* %xpress: )a 6!p files and dire tories .Se)a 6!p,rivile$e/ Deb!$ ,ro$rams .SeDeb!$,rivile$e/ Mana$e a!ditin$ and se !rity lo$ .SeSe !rity,rivile$e/

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