Bloodline - Fire Benders
Bloodline - Fire Benders
Bloodline - Fire Benders
In the body politic of humanity at large, there are virtually infinite variations. It amazes other species to no small extent how many combinations
there are within the general parameters of one head, two arms, two legs, ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes. 0f course, there are the rare humans who
fall outside this categorization, but they almost invariably mutants and thus no longer technically human, or mules and unable to pass along their
genetic variation.
Then there are those groups of humanity called bloodlines A bloodline is an extended family of genetically similar people who share physical
and psychological traits that set them apart Bum humanity at large, but are still not far removed enough to be considered a new species. The most
common source of a bloodline is multigenerational inbreeding (very common among most animal species), closely followed by the supercedence
of a dominant genetic trait, thus refining and concentrating all features of that bloodlineboth for good and for ill. The creation of a new
bloodline is rare indeed, for it takes a bare minimum of several centuries for one to form and can take as long as millennia; this explains why
there are only perhaps a dozen bloodlines in the world today.
This work chronicles and explains the origins and abilities of the (comparatively) recently created family bloodline known as: Fire Benders
Art Of Fire
The nature of the fighting style incorporates the Character to control the element of fire into his attacks, maximizing his elemental abilities by
infusing them into his physical abilities. All of the movements are mixed in to the form of Shaolin Kung Fu
Fire Element:
The element of fire and pain, the element of fire is focused on hurting the enemy and making every hit count. The basic bonus is +1 fire damage
with the elemental sword, the intermediate bonus is +1D6x10 Hit Points, and the advanced bonus is +1D6 fire damage with the elemental sword.
The level 1st ability is Fire Bolt, the level 3rd ability is Channel Life, the level 6th ability is Flame Strike, the level 9th ability is Summon Fire
Kami, the level 12th ability is True Strike, and the level 15th ability is the Ultimate Sword of Fire. See Elemental Power Abilities for more details
on the abilities of this element.
This is the original version of Kung Fu (also called Gung Fu), and the martial art that spawned hundreds of derivative forms. It has shaped and
influenced all the martial arts. It all started in the Shao-lin Temple in the Chiu Lien Mountains. For over a thousand years, students of the martial
arts traveled there for training. This continued until the reign of the 17th Century Emperor K'ang Hsi, when the Shao-lin monks responded to a
call to put down an insurrection. 128 of the monks responded and managed to rout the enemy entirely. This was such an alarming display of
power that the government eventually sent an army against the Shao-lin. Only five monks managed to survive the battle and burning of the
temple. Current Shao-lin training is available only in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Entrance Requirements: No attribute or alignment restrictions. The character must have either magic or psionic or super powers to learn this
fighting style.
Costume: Silk or cotton Kung Fu outfit.
Stance: A side stance, with one foot pointing toward the opponent, and the other on a right angle to the first.
Character Bonuses:
Add +2 to M.E.
Add +2 to P.S.
Add +2 to P.E.
Add+2 to P.P.
Add +20 to S.D.C.
Combat Skills:
Attacks per Melee: 4
Escape Moves: Roll with punch/fall/impact, and back flip.
Attack Moves: Leap and back flip.
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, parry, and automatic parry.
Advanced Defenses: Multiple Dodge, Combination
Parry/Attack, Disarm.
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Knife Hand, Double-Knuckle
Fist, Backhand, Palm Strike.
Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Tripping/Leg Hooks, Snap
Duration: Instant
P.P.E.: 5
Description: The Fire Bender can fire a bolt of magical fire that will inflict damage when it hits the target. When it hits, Fire Bolt
inflicts 2D6 points of fire damage and +1 point of fire damage per level of experience.
P.P.E.: 2
Description: This ability can be used the instant before the Fire Bender rolls to strike a target and does not require any melee attacks to
activate. Once activated, the Fire Bender selects an amount of hit points to channel into this ability and for every hit point channeled,
the attack inflicts +1 point of damage. This increases to +2 points of damage per channeled hit point at level 9 and +3 points of
damage per channeled hit point at level 15. If the Fire Bender fails to hit the target, the PPE used to activate this ability and the
channeled hit points are wasted.
4th: Select one additional Martial Arts Techniques, Body Hardening Exercise (including Demon Hunter Exercises) and Specialty Katas
(including Chi Katas), +1 additional attack per melee round, Additional Body Hardening Exercise: (+10 S.D.C., +lD4 to P.S., +1D4 to P.E.).
5th: +1 on initiative, +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact, +2 to damage.
6th: +1 to strike, knock-out/stun on natural 18 or better. Flame Strike
Duration: Instant
P.P.E.: 15
Description: The Fire Bender can fire a powerful burst of magical fire that will inflict damage when it hits the target. When it hits, Fire
Bolt inflicts 1D6 point of fire damage per level of experience.
P.P.E.: 40
Description: The Fire Bender can summon a minor fire elemental that will serve the sword master in any way it can, similar to how a
Warlock can summon an elemental.
P.P.E.: 7
Description: This ability can be used the instant before Fire Bender rolls to strike a target and does not require any melee attacks to
activate. Once used, the Fire Bender does not need to roll to strike, instead he automatically hits. While the target can attempt to
dodge, parry, or use other defense maneuvers, they will always fail, no matter what the target rolls.
Duration: Instant
13th: +1 to back flip/leap and +3 to damage, +1 on initiative, Additional Body Hardening Exercise: (+20 S.D.C., +1D6 P.E.}.
14th: +1 to roll with punch/fall/impact and +1 to strike, +1 additional attack per melee round, +lD6 to damage
15th: +1 Attack per melee, select one Additional Martial Arts Techniques, Body Hardening Exercise (including Demon Hunter Exercises) and
Specialty Katas (including Chi Katas). Ultimate Sword of Fire
P.P.E.: None
Description: When the elemental sword is drawn by the Fire Bender, the blade of the sword is replaced with a burning red flame
shaped like the original blade. While holding the elemental sword, the Fire Bender is surrounded by bright red flames that cause 2D6
points of fire damage each time the wielder is hit by a melee-ranged weapons to the attacker. In addition, all damage caused by the
sword becomes magical fire damage and the sword can hit targets up to 10' away from the Fire Bender as a normal melee attack.
Duration: Permanent
As a superheated gaseous entity, the character is lighter than air, so his/her natural state is to hover and fly. Through willpower and manipulation
of the plasma energy, the character can fly up to 100kmph+30kmph per level of experience. Maximum altitude is 20,000m
20. Other Abilities & Bonuses
+60 to S.D.C. in Plasma Form
Impervious to Fire and Heat of any intensity. Trying to attack a being of fire with ones bare hands inflicts 4d6 damage + 4 damage per level of
experience on the attacker (half damage against dense attackers).
Fiery Aura gives a +50 S.D.C.
Impervious to fire, heat (includes microwaves, I.R., and U.V. lasers), and plasma!
Eat fire. The character can perform fire-eater type tricks in human and fire form. Eating fire does not provide nourishment.
Roll on the following table to determine if the firey aura enables flight.
01-50 Can hover or fly 100kmph with a maximum altitude of 600m. +2 to dodge flying.
51-00 Cannot fly. Roll again at levels three, six, nine, and twelve.
Horror Factor 14.
Invulnerable to fire, smoke & heat (no damage), including magic ones. Plasma still does half damage.
Can accurately sense air temperature above freezing within 1d6 degrees, as well as the temperature of fires and hot items.
Horror factor 14 when powers are being utilized to their utmost (fire is quite scary.
This power is mental, and so benefits from a high M.E. Add a +1 to strike and deflect/ parry to each of the above powers for an M.E. of 16-21, a
+2 to each if the M.E. is 22-27, or a +3 bonus for an M.E. of 28 or higher.
The following table is a good means of assessing flammable risks.
Vehicles - 20%
Wood Structures - 45%
Old, Dry Wood Structures - 60%
Dry Grass or Woodlands - 65%
Warehouses or Abandoned Dwellings (old) - 65%
Typical Home, Apartment or Office - 70%
Flammable Materials or Chemicals - 80%
Ignite Explosives - 80%
21. Dangerous Limitations & Disadvantages
While in the plasma form, the character is made of PLASMA. No further discussion.
22. Vulnerabilities/Flaws
Cold and water based attacks do double damage.
Magic does normal damage.
Being placed in the vacuum is painful, inflict 3d6 damage per action.
Horror Factor 13
Fire/Plasma requires oxygen.
Turning into flame makes you FLAMMABLE! Touching stuff is extremely dangerous. The following table is a good means of assessing
flammable risks.
Vehicles - 20%
Wood Structures - 45%
Old, Dry Wood Structures - 60%
Dry Grass or Woodlands - 65%
Warehouses or Abandoned Dwellings (old) - 65%
Typical Home, Apartment or Office - 70%
Flammable Materials or Chemicals - 80%
Ignite Explosives - 80%
Standard Moves
These moves are used by other martial artists, but have (to a certain extent) been adopted by the Fire Benders as their own. The following moves
are available from those listed in Ninjas and Superspies/Mystic China: All Body Hardening Exercises, including Demon Hunter Exercises (except
Control Revulsion and Demon Wrestling); the Atemi Abilities of Neural Atemi, Blood F low Atemi, and Grasping Hand Atemi; Chi Awareness
(must be taken separately from any other Chi Power, as must all other abilities that are normally automatic for selecting a Chi Power); the Martial
Arts Techniques of Falling and
Breaking, and the Chi Ball Kata.
Multi-Image: creates 4 +4/lv images of fighter when multi-image is active opponents need a natural 18 strike roll to actually hit the real fighter,
image is destroyed as soon as it is hit
Flame Blast Shockwave: 1-100ftr point blank range kb900ft +1d6*90
Flaming Fist: P.S. +punch +1d10*10 +auto knock down &knock back 1ft/dmg point.
Flaming Kick: P.S. +kick +1d10*10 +auto knock down &knock back 2ft/dmg point.
Flaming Leap Fist: P.S. +Wind Fist*2,
Flaming Leap Kick: P.S. +Wind Kick*2,
The Spiraling Sphere is a technique invented by the A ninja Fire Bender with the power of pyro kinesis after three years of development. It
requires a very high level of chakra control. The Spiraling Sphere incorporates the chakra control learned from the tree-climbing and waterwalking exercises to create a ball of concentrated, spinning chakra in the user's hand that is slightly larger than a baseball, very similar to the
forces in a tornado. For training purposes, teaching the technique is broken into three steps. The first, emphasizing rotation, the user has to learn
to pop a water balloon by spinning the water inside in multiple directions with their chakra. The second step, emphasizing power, they do the
same with a solid rubber ball. Since the rubber is thicker and air is completely different from water, it forces the user to rely mostly on denser
chakra to break it. The final step, emphasizing control, the user has to form a complete Spiraling Sphere by combining what they learned in the
previous two steps and making a ball shape shell around the spinning chakra to hold it in regular shape. A regular balloon is often used to train
making the shell. In Part II, The Spiraling Sphere requires no hand seals to perform, instead relying entirely on the chakra control of the user.
Once the user creates a stable Spiraling Sphere, however, it becomes self-sustaining, so the user does not need to provide any more chakra after
forming it. The force of the spinning chakra grinds into whatever it touches, causing major damage. The force of the attack also causes significant
internal injury. The user can also release the spinning chakra, creating a violent explosive force at the point of contact. (3D6xl0 SDC), landing
3D4xl00 feet away automatically knocking the opponent down and knocking them out[spinning the whole way], automatically knocking them
down and out..The one drawback of the Spiraling Sphere, if it can be considered as such, is that it requires great chakra control. Of course, this
will not be a drawback if the user has learned the technique, because they already possess the necessary chakra control. It can be a problem if
some force is disrupting the user's ability to mold chakra. Unlike the One Thousand Birds, there is no definite limit to the amount of times this
technique can be used in a day. Because it uses far less chakra in comparison, it doesn't carry the same over-use risk as the One Thousand Birds,
The technique of the Spiraling Sphere can be used as an "all-purpose jutsu". It can be used to mix the ingredients for noodles quickly and evenly,
like a blender. The user can uses it to create a path through a maze of houses, in order to see through everything behind the walls. While
outrunning some ninja, the user can use it to as a propeller for a boat. The attack costs 25 Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P.
Katon Rasengan, , literally "Fire Release: Spiraling Sphere"
The Fire Bender combines the Spiraling Sphere with a combustible substance, and fire based chakra to enmesh the attack in liquid flames: This is
an attack that hurls the characters opponent away in a mighty blow (3D6xl0 damage +3d6x10 fire damage), landing 3D4xl00 feet away[spinning
the whole way], automatically knocking them down and out.. The attack costs 50 Chi/P.P.E. /I.S.P.