Bodily Fluid Spillages During Nursery Activities
Bodily Fluid Spillages During Nursery Activities
Bodily Fluid Spillages During Nursery Activities
This Risk Assessment is an example only and must be reviewed/amended to suit your own business practices and working
Approved date
Approved by
Hazard: Biohazards
Staff, children & visitors Appropriate First Aid Kit Available Low Risk:
By way of infection due to Bodily Fluids Spill Kit Available Likelihood: 0/9
contact with bodily fluids A spill kit for bodily fluids c/w training is available to be Severity: 8/9
used in the event of an emergency
Hazard: Chemicals
Staff, children & visitors Chemicals Are Stored Securely Low Risk:
Chemicals are correctly stored in accordance with the
By way of poisoning/skin care Likelihood: 0/9
supplier & MSDS information
issues due to inadvertent use of Severity: 6/9
cleaning products COSHH assessments communicated
COSHH assessments have been communicated to relevant
Staff, children & visitors Correct Disposal Contaminated Material Low Risk:
Contaminated material is disposed of in accordance with
Risk of ill health via infection due Likelihood: 0/9
current guidelines.
to handling hazardous waste. Severity: 7/9
Regular Waste Collection & Duty Of Care Notes Kept
Regular waste collections are made and the Duty Of Care
Notes are kept for at least 2 years
Staff, children & visitors Cleaning In Progress Warning Sign Displayed Low Risk: 7
Warning sign displayed to warn others in the vicinity that a
Risk of injury whilst traversing Likelihood: 1/9
cleaning activity is taking place
across wet floors Severity: 7/9
Floor Not Left Wet After Cleaning To Prevent Slips
Wet floors not left after cleaning - clean them to a
completely dry finish
Risk ratings are calculated by considering the likelihood of an event occurring along with the severity of the potential consequence should an
accident occur. After considering existing control measures, values are assigned to the likelihood and severity from the scales below and these
figures multiplied to established the risk rating.
1 5 9 4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
No injury / harm Minor injury / harm Fatality
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9