Cleaning of Diving Equipment: HSE Information Sheet
Cleaning of Diving Equipment: HSE Information Sheet
Cleaning of Diving Equipment: HSE Information Sheet
Introduction Rinsing
This diving information sheet is part of a series of The use of clean potable water for rinsing is
information sheets providing guidance on diving essential. The aim of rinsing is to flush away any
at work. The information is also relevant to the minute deposits, which could act as nutrients
recreational diving sector. It provides guidance to for microbial growth. Rinsing also removes any
manufacturers, as well as users, on the risks from growth that might already be forming. Where the
micro-organisms that can be present in diving quality of the available water is in doubt, sterile
equipment and how these risks can be minimised. or bottled water should be used. Sterile water
can be purchased, or a suitable alternative can
Diving equipment, due to its nature and the fact be produced by boiling and then leaving water to
that it might be stored in a damp condition, cool directly before use. This cooled boiled water
creates an environment where micro-organisms can be stored for later use in sealed containers
including fungi, yeasts, bacteria and viruses, can that have been treated with sterilising tablets.
multiply rapidly. Fungi are one of the most likely
contaminants and these can produce large quantities Drying
of spores. Inhalation of these spores can cause an
allergic reaction in the lungs, producing potentially Humid and moist conditions encourage the growth of
life-threatening conditions, particularly in those micro-organisms. It is therefore important that after
individuals who may be predisposed to allergy. rinsing the equipment is allowed to dry completely.
Whilst the priority is to ensure complete drying, the
Cleaning regime quality of the air in which the equipment is dried
should also be considered to minimise the potential
Users should always follow the manufacturer’s current for recontamination. Drying equipment inside an
instructions regarding the cleaning regime of their enclosed, clean and dry room with circulating air
equipment. The most effective defence against micro- (eg with a fan) provides the best conditions. Where
organisms is to avoid creating conditions in which they this is not feasible, the decision on the drying site
thrive. Equipment should be thoroughly cleaned, dried should consider exposure to airborne contaminants.
and then stored in a dry, clean environment – ideally,
an enclosed room with circulating air. The key areas Storage
that need cleaning are those parts of the equipment
which allow a direct path into the diver’s airway. Once cleaned and dried, the equipment should
These include mouthpieces and oral nasal masks and be stored in a clean and dry environment.
the mouthpieces, and internal surfaces of BCDs. In the There should be adequate air circulation to
case of rebreathers, the full breathing loop, including minimise the potential for condensation.
hoses and counter lungs, must be considered.
The minimum recommended cleaning regime after
each day’s diving is thorough rinsing with clean When disinfectant is used the equipment should
potable water and then drying. Microbial agents can first be thoroughly rinsed, to remove any soiling
be particularly opportunistic and tenacious. Therefore that might be present. To be fully effective and
the inclusion of periodic disinfection as part of the safe, several factors need to be taken into account
cleaning regime should also be considered, in order to when choosing and using disinfectants:
further reduce the risk from these micro-organisms.
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Health and Safety
n The disinfectant must be effective and able n Shared equipment. Where equipment is shared
to kill the full spectrum of micro-organisms between individuals, for example, during training
that might be present in breathing apparatus. and many commercial diving scenarios, there is
It is recommended that the disinfectant is effective potential for the spread of infectious agents from
against the most resistant micro-organism, which, user to user. When equipment is shared, more
in this context, is Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB). frequent periodic disinfection would be appropriate,
n The equipment manufacturer’s recommendations including the rinsing and disinfection of
regarding suitable disinfectants should always mouthpieces and oral nasals between dives.
be followed. The use of disinfectants that have n Storage. Equipment that is not used for an
not been endorsed by the manufacturer may pose extended period will not benefit from regular
a health hazard to the diver and/or damage cleaning (rinsing and drying). This will increase the
components of the apparatus. potential for growth of any micro-organisms that
n The disinfectant and equipment manufacturer’s might be present. The disinfection, rinsing and
guidelines need to be closely followed to ensure drying of equipment before it is placed into
that the dilution of disinfectant and the contact storage should be considered.
time (time which the disinfectant is in contact
with the surfaces of the equipment) is adequate. Information provided by manufacturers
Excessive contact times or insufficient dilution
might damage equipment, while the opposite Manufacturers have a responsibility to provide users
might reduce the disinfectant’s effectiveness. with the necessary information to carry out effective
cleaning of their product. As part of this, users should
Post-disinfection rinse be made aware of its importance as a critical element
of the equipment maintenance regime and how it
The number of these rinses and how they are should be performed in an effective and safe manner.
conducted must be in accordance with the equipment
and disinfectant manufacturer’s instructions to Users should always follow the manufacturer’s
ensure that all surfaces are cleared of disinfectant instructions regarding the correct cleaning of
residue. If not completed adequately, any residue their product.
might pose a health hazard to the diver and/or
damage the equipment. Sterile water is ideal for Further information
the rinsing process, but the alternatives of clean
potable water, bottled water or cooled boiled For information about health and safety, or to report
water (see rinsing process) may be used. inconsistencies or inaccuracies in this guidance, visit You can view HSE guidance online
Where the equipment is subsequently to be stored for and order priced publications from the website. HSE
a significant period, the use of sterile or cooled boiled priced publications are also available from bookshops.
water for the last rinse would minimise the possibility
of introducing any waterborne contaminants. This guidance is issued by the Health and Safety
Executive. Following the guidance is not compulsory,
Frequency of periodic disinfection unless specifically stated, and you are free to take
other action. But if you do follow the guidance you
When recommending periodic disinfection, will normally be doing enough to comply with the law.
manufacturers should consider the following, Health and safety inspectors seek to secure compliance
regarding its frequency: with the law and may refer to this guidance.
n Time. Micro-organisms can reproduce very rapidly This leaflet is available at:
in the right conditions. The greater the timescale
between disinfections, the greater the potential
risk from any that might remain in/on the © Crown copyright If you wish to reuse this
equipment after the standard rinse and information visit
drying regime. htm for details. First published 01/18.
n Heat and humidity. Higher ambient temperatures,
as well as humidity, promote the growth of
micro-organisms. In warm and/or humid climates
more frequent disinfection should be considered.