HSE Performance Evaluation Report 2024

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Licensees HSE Performance

Evaluation Report

15 April 2024

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 1 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

This report is prepared based on the review of the data and documents submitted by the NEPRA
licensees in pursuance of the performance standards set by NEPRA in accordance with Sections 34
and 35 of the Regulation of Generation, Distribution and Transmission of Electric Power Act, 1997
(NEPRA Act), in conjunction with Section 7.48 of the Power Safety Code and the corresponding
rules and regulations.
Non-provision of adequate data or documents by any licensee may have resulted in low marking
against the respective category. However, if any individual feels dissatisfied with the report, including
the ranking assigned to a licensee in the report, he or she may approach NEPRA in writing along with
the relevant information and documentary proof for its consideration and, if justified, NEPRA may
reconsider the report accordingly.
This report is intended for general information of HSE performance for the purpose of further
improvement and no individual shall utilize this report or any part thereof for any purpose without
the prior written approval from the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority. Any unauthorized
use of this information without the express written consent from NEPRA is strictly prohibited.

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 2 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Table of Contents

Section Section Title Page No.

1. Executive Summary 4

2. Purpose 5

3. Scope 5

4. Evaluation Methodology 5

5. HSE Performance Ranking Summary 13

Combined HSE Performance Ranking of Generation,

6. 14
Transmission, and Distribution Licensees

7. HSE Performance of Transmission Licensees 23

8. HSE Performance of Distribution Licensees 23

9. HSE Performance of WAPDA Hydel Power Stations 24

10. HSE Performance of CPEC Energy Projects 25

11. Conclusion 26

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 3 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

1. Executive Summary

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) is established under the mandate
of Section 3 of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power
Act, 1997 (the “Act”) to exclusively regulate the provision of electric power services to ensure
the supply of safe, reliable, efficient and affordable electric supply to the people of Pakistan.
Electricity supply is not only a basic necessity but also a crucial driver of the country's economic
growth. As the demand for electricity continues to rise across the industrial, commercial, and
domestic sectors, safety has become a top priority for the general public, employees, and
As part of its initiative, NEPRA carried out the third round of HSE Performance Evaluation in
accordance with the Power Safety Code Section 7.48, utilizing a comprehensive questionnaire
of twenty (20) common "Assessment Categories" designed to gauge the HSE performance of
Licensees, regardless of their size, capacity, or technological setup. The evaluation covered all
NEPRA licensees involved in Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, whether in the
construction or operational phase. This included various types of power plants such as hydel,
thermal, coal, wind, solar, and nuclear, as well as projects by organizations like Water & Power
Development Authority (WAPDA), Pakhtunkhwa Energy Development Organization
(PEDO), Punjab Power Development Company Limited (PPDC), and China–Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC). Additionally, it also covered power stations in AJK receiving tariffs
from NEPRA under Power Purchase Agreements.
The evaluation process is primarily based on documents, records, and evidences, submitted by
Licensees to assess whether Licensees’ HSE Management system is adequate, well balanced,
implemented and properly maintained. Licensees who were responsible for work-related or
public fatal accidents during the evaluation year, received a zero point in category # 19.
For all other categories, points were given to them based on the submitted data to
measure their continual improvement in other categories.
This evaluation aims to assess HSE Management system to protect the lives and well-being of
employees, contract workers, the general public including visitors and animals. An effective HSE
Management system serves as a crucial layer of protection against significant incidents or
damages. Incidents are the results, consequences or outcomes of the HSE management system
failure, either not available or not implemented. Despite the significant risks associated with the
power sector, it is imperative to assess and control these risks without unduly limiting the power
industry's contribution to sustainable development in Pakistan.

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 4 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

2. Purpose

The purpose of the Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) performance
evaluation initiative is to assess licensees' performance in comparison to the previous years, with
the aim of fostering continual improvement in accordance with the Power Safety Code Section
7.48. This involves identifying top HSE performers for benchmarking purposes, as well as to
identify organizations with safety deficiencies to provide them necessary guidance in order to
become a safer organization.

3. Scope

The performance evaluation was conducted for fiscal year 2022/2023 for Generation,
Transmission and Distribution licensees for their Occupational Health, Safety & Environment
(HSE) Management System.

4. Evaluation Methodology

The evaluation process primarily relied on documents, records, and evidence submitted by the
Licensees. Points were assigned for each assessment category on a weighted scale ranging from
0 to 5 points to rate the Licensee's performance as outstanding, good, fair, poor or
unsatisfactory, based on the quality and relevance of the submitted supporting documents,
records, and evidence. Points were deducted for documents, records, and evidence that are
unavailable, irrelevant, incomplete, not meeting the intended purpose or not of adequate quality.

NEPRA used the following points scale in order to rate Licensees' HSE performance.

Points 1 2 3 4 5

Points x
Assessment 1 x 20 2 x 20 3 x 20 4 x 20 5 x 20

Percentage 20 40 60 80 100

Unsatisfactory Poor Fair Good Outstanding

1 - 20 21 - 40 41 - 60 61 - 80 81 - 100

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 5 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Following are the twenty (20) common “Assessment Categories”.

Assessment Categories
1. Licensee HSE Management System
Approved HSE Management System/Manual is available in compliance to Power Safety Code?
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. HSE Management System/Manual   
2. Legal Compliance Register   
3. Third Party HSE Audit Report   
4. Management System Certification   
5. Insurance Risk Engineers Report for plants
  
and facilities.

2. HSE Management Team

Is the Licensee's company providing a sufficient number of qualified HSE staff at the site for
supervision, who can effectively oversee their employees and contractors?
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. HSE team details/ organogram is
  
2. HSE team training certifications or training
  
attendance record.
3. Independent and functional HSE
  
4. HSE Team responsibilities and duties clearly
  
5. Total number of company direct employees.   

3. Hazards/ Aspect Identification and Risk/ Impact Assessments

The approved Hazards/Aspect Identification and Risk/Impact Assessment is available, and the
recommended measures have been implemented.
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Risk/ Impact Assessment Procedure/SOP.   
2. Risk/Impact Assessment Worksheet.   
3. List of Risk/ Impact Assessment
  
4. Risk/ Impact Assessment recommendations
implementation action plan/ evidences/   
4. HSE Meeting
The approved periodic plan for HSE Meetings is available, and these meetings are conducted at the top
management level. Additionally, detailed minutes of each meeting are documented.
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. HSE Meeting procedure/SOP.   
2. HSE Meeting approved periodic plan.   

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 6 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable

3. Top management attended.   
4. Minutes of meeting available.   
5. Recommendations implementation action
  
5. Job Specific Training
The approved training need assessment and periodic plan for Job Skills Competency Training are
available. Does the company provide job skills competency training for various roles such as Electrical
Technician, Assistant Lineman, Lineman, Line Superintendent, Heavy Equipment Operators, Riggers,
Scaffold Supervisors, etc.?
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Training procedure/SOP.   
2. Job specific training need assessment   
3. Job specific training approved plan.   
4. Sample of in-house training attendance
  
record or third party training certifications.
6. HSE Awareness Training
The approved training need assessment and periodic plan are available for HSE awareness trainings,
covering topics such as Work Permit Issuer & Receiver, Electrical Safety, Isolation, PPE/T&P, Fire
Watch, Standby man, Fire Prevention, First Aid, Working at Height, Confined Space, Emergency and
Rescue Operation, etc. Have all essential employees/contractors attended the necessary HSE awareness
trainings, including new employees/contractors, before conducting their activities?
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Training procedure/SOP.   
2. HSE training need assessment.   
3. HSE training approved plan.   
4. Sample of in-house training attendance
  
record or third party training certifications.
7. Management HSE Walk-through/ Site Tours
The approved periodic plan for Top Management HSE Walk-through/Site Tours is available and
executed as planned. Does the top management actively participate in these tours, and are corrective
actions taken when necessary?
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. HSE Walk-through/Site Tours approved
  
periodic plan.
2. Top Management participation.   
3. Evidences or photographs of
  
4. Evidences or photographs of action plan/
  
corrective actions.

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 7 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

8. Asset Integrity Management

The approved Preventive Maintenance periodic plan is readily available and actively implemented.
The approved list of safety critical protection devices, instrumentation, interlocks, protection relays,
breakers, controls, safety relief valves, F&G detection system, software and components are available
and their in-service testing/inspection is carried out according to the periodic plan, either by the
government authority or inspection agencies registered with Pakistan Standards and Quality Control
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Asset Integrity Management
  
2. Preventive maintenance/ schedule outage
  
approved periodic plan.
3. Preventive maintenance execution record.   
4. Safety critical protection devices approved
  
5. Sample of safety critical protection devices
  
testing (in-house or third party).
6. In-house or third party integrity
inspection/certificate of stability of civil and
steel structure of plant platforms, workshop,
  
warehouses, normal office buildings, porta
cabins and blast resistant buildings at
intervals of 3 to 5 years.
7. In-service Boiler Inspection Certificate.   
8. In-house or third party inspection of in-
service electrical installation of plant,
workshop, warehouses, normal office   
buildings and blast resistant buildings at
intervals of 3 to 5 years.

9. Management of Change (MOC)

The Management of Change (MOC) program is available and actively implemented. MOC
Committee/Team is present to review and approve any permanent or temporary changes, modifications,
additions, or deletions that are considered "Not In Kind".
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Management of Change (MOC)
  
2. MOC Committee/team notification.   
3. List of MOCs.   
4. Sample of complete MOC.   
10. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) approved list is available with material description. Adequate
amount of PPE inventory is maintained by Licensee at each site?
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. PPE procedure/SOP.   
2. PPE need assessment sheet/report.   

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 8 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable

3. Stock and non-stock PPE approved list is
  
available with material description.
4. Stock PPE inventory is maintained.   
5. Certificates/photographs of in-service
special PPE inspections conducted either in-   
house or by a third party.

11. Electrical and Mechanical Energy Isolation

The electrical and mechanical isolation system is available and fully operational.
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Electrical and Mechanical Energy Isolation
  
2. Electrical Isolation lockout sample
  
3. Mechanical Isolation chain off sample
  
4. Sample evidences/photographs of
mechanical isolation by valve closure with
use of rated blinds at Inlet and Outlet Or
  
removal of pipe spool with the use of blind
flange Or double block & bleed with use of
blind Or removal of mechanical couplings.
5. Blind list or the blind register or marked
P&ID reflecting numbered locations of   
12. Permit to Work
The Permit to Work system is available and has been effectively implemented. Additionally, the list of
approved authorized Permit to Work Issuers & Receivers is readily available.
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Permit to Work Procedure/SOP.   
2. Authorized Permit to Work Issuer &
  
Receiver List.
3. Training or refresher training record for
authorized Permit to Work Issuer &   
4. Sample of executed Permit to Work.   
13. Heavy Equipment, Machinery, Power Driven Tools and other Handheld Portable Equipment’s
The approved list of Tools & Plants (T&P), heavy equipment, machinery, power-driven tools, and other
handheld portable equipment is available, and regular in-service inspections are conducted with
inspection tags installed. Moreover, the list of Heavy Equipment Operators and Riggers is readily
available, and all personnel in these roles are trained and certified.
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Relevant Procedure/SOP.   

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 9 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable

2. Tools & Plants (T&P) approved list.   
3. Heavy equipment approved list.   
4. Samples of in-house or third party
inspection certification or tags of in-service   
heavy equipment.
5. Heavy Equipment Operator and Rigger list.   
6. Heavy Equipment Operator and Rigger
  
training, License and certification.
14. Internal HSE Audit
The Internal HSE Audit system is available, and audits are planned and conducted during the evaluation
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Internal HSE Audit Procedure/SOP.   
2. Internal HSE Audit periodic plan.   
3. Sample of internal HSE audit report/
  
4. Audit non-compliance open/close status.   
15. Health & Hygienic Facilities
Health & Hygienic facilities are provided and regularly maintained. Occupational health assessments are
conducted for selected employees/contractors who are typically engaged in critical tasks, based on their
job roles, to ensure that individuals are medically, physically, and mentally fit for their assigned
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Health & Hygienic Procedure/SOP.   
2. Occupational health assessment record.   
3. Evidences/photographs of hygienic facilities
such as potable drinking water at workplace,   
hygienic canteen, mess or cafeteria.
4. In-house or third party assessment
conducted with correction evidences for
workplace ergonomics, illumination,   
ventilation, temperature, heat stress, noise,
dust and fume.
5. Annual Inspection Report by Labour
  
Welfare Office.
6. Employees' Social Security Registration
  
Certificate for private sector organizations.
7. Employees' Old-Age Benefits Institution
(EOBI) Registration Certificate for private   
sector organizations.

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 10 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

16. Environmental Management System

The Environmental Management System is available and being implemented as per the established
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Environmental Management Procedure/
  
2. An Initial Environmental Examination
(IEE) or Environmental Impact Assessment   
(EIA) study in compliance with EPA.
3. Site Specific Environmental and Social
  
Management Plan.
4. Construction or operational phase EPA No
Objection Certificate (NOC)/Approval   
5. Pollution control measures related to air
quality, water quality, land quality, irrigation,
noise levels, radiation emission, waste   
management, ozone depletion control and
natural resource conservation.
6. Measures to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions to achieve emissions reduction   
targets for carbon footprint reduction.
7. Environmental monitoring report submitted
to relevant Environmental Protection   
8. Petroleum storage License/Approval.   
9. Sulfuric acid or other regulated chemical
  
utilization License/Approval.
10. Industrial waste reduction evidence.   
11. Industrial waste reuse evidence.   
12. Industrial waste recycling evidence.   
13. Industrial waste not intended for recycling
or reuse is treated and/or disposed of via
approved contractors or facilities within   
one hundred and eighty (180) days of the
waste being generated.
17. Fire Prevention & First Aid Facilities
Fire prevention equipment’s are present and regularly maintained at each site. First aid facilities/boxes
are also available and well-maintained at each site. In-service inspection and refilling of first aid supplies
are carried out on a monthly basis during the first week of each month.
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Fire Prevention & First Aid
  
2. In-house or third party inspection records of
  
in-service fire protection equipment.
3. Evidences of First aid facilities/ boxes.   

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 11 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable

4. Evidences of inspection and refilling of in-
  
service first aid facilities/boxes.
5. Evidences of in-service ambulance
  
6. List of dedicated First Aid providers at site.   

18. Emergency Management

The Emergency Management system is available and actively implemented. Both announced and
unannounced emergency drills are planned and regularly conducted.
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Emergency Management Procedure/SOP.   
2. Announced and unannounced emergency
  
drills periodic plan.
3. Announced and unannounced emergency
  
drills sample evidences/photographs.
4. Drill recommendations action plan/
  
implementation evidences/photographs.
19. Incident Reporting and Investigation
The Incident Reporting & Investigation system is available and functioning effectively. Does the
Licensee adhere to NEPRA's emergency reporting instructions for incidents? Furthermore, has the
Licensee conducted thorough investigations for all incidents, including near-misses?
The total work-related fatal accidents during the evaluation year:
The total public fatal accidents during the evaluation year for which the Licensee was responsible:
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. Incident Reporting & Investigation
  
2. Sample injury accident investigation report.   
3. Sample Near-miss investigation report.   
4. Investigation report recommendations
action plan/ implementation evidences/   

20. Response to NEPRA Recommendations/Corrective Actions

Have all recommendations/corrective actions directed by NEPRA been fully implemented within the
specified period of time?
Record/Evidence Attached Not Available Not Applicable
1. The action plan/evidence of the
implementation of the recommendations
  
provided by NEPRA within the specified

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 12 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
5. HSE Performance Ranking Summary

5.1 First Evaluation of the Fiscal Year 2020/21

The initial evaluation of the fiscal year 2020/21 aimed to establish an HSE baseline for the
Power Sector.
No. Category Generation Transmission Distribution Total
1 Outstanding 3 0 0 3
2 Good 43 1 1 45
3 Adequate 70 3 6 79
4 Poor 33 1 5 39
5 Unsatisfactory 10 0 1 11
Total 159 5 13 177

5.2 Second Evaluation of the Fiscal Year 2021/22

No. Category Generation Transmission Distribution Total
1 Outstanding 64 3 2 69
2 Good 40 0 5 45
3 Adequate 33 2 3 38
4 Poor 11 0 2 13
5 Unsatisfactory 3 0 0 3
Total 150 5 12 168

5.3 Third Evaluation of the Fiscal Year 2022/23

No. Category Generation Transmission Distribution Total
1 Outstanding 86 1 3 90
2 Good 27 1 4 32
3 Fair 19 2 4 25
4 Poor 9 0 1 10
5 Unsatisfactory 0 0 0 0
Total 141 4 12 157
Note: Licensees that no longer exist, have had their licenses canceled, or have closed their
operations are not included in the evaluation process. Additionally, organizations with the same
teams and documentation, holding multiple licenses are consolidated/clubbed into one group
for evaluation purposes.

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 13 of 26
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
6. Combined HSE Performance Ranking of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution

6.1 The following table displays the HSE Performance Ranking of the fiscal year 2022/23, based
on twenty (20) common "Assessment Categories". Additionally, it also includes the points for
each company for the fiscal years 2020/21 and 2021/2022 to allow for a comparison to
present performance improvement over the last three years.

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23
Chashma Nuclear Power GL/09/2011
1. Generating Stations GL/24/2016
86 97 98 Outstanding
GL/25/2016 1
Karachi Nuclear Power GL/26/2019
2. Generating Stations GL/27/2021
86 97 98 Outstanding

Quaid-e-Azam Thermal
3. Power (Private) Limited IGSPL/67/2016 64 96 97.5 Outstanding
UCH & UCH-II Power IPGL/014/2003
4. (Private) Limited IGSPL/25/2010
81 99 97.5 Outstanding

China Power Hub

5. Generation Company IGSPL/68/2016 62 90 97 Outstanding 3
(Private) Limited

Foundation Power
6. Company (Daharki) IGSPL/06/2007 88 98 96.5 Outstanding

National Power Parks

Management Company 4
7. (Private) Limited (Haveli IGSPL/70/2016 71 90 96.5 Outstanding
Bahadur Shah)
8. K-Electric (Generation) GL/04/2002 62 90 96.5 Outstanding
National Power Parks
9. Management Company IGSPL/69/2016 69 75 96.5 Outstanding
(Private) Limited (Balloki)
S K Hydro (Private)
10. Limited IGSPL/21/2009 71 95 96 Outstanding

Engro Powergen Thar

11. (Private) Limited IGSPL/49/2015 65 92 96 Outstanding 5
Kot Addu Power
12. Company Limited IPGL/020/2004 56 94 96 Outstanding

13. RYK Mills Limited IGSPL/44/2014 63 87 95.5 Outstanding 6

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23
Gharo Solar (Private)
14. Limited SPGL/25/2018 72 96 95 Outstanding

Halmore Power
15. Generation Company Ltd. IGSPL/07/2006 69 95 95 Outstanding

Punjab Thermal Power

16. (Private) Limited IGSPL/97/2018 64 94 95 Outstanding

Engro Powergen IGSPL/13/2007

17. Qadirpur Limited SGC/87/2013
66 91 95 Outstanding

18. K-Electric (Transmission) TL/02/2010 61 95 95 Outstanding 7

Sachal Energy
19. Development Private Ltd. WPGL/20/2012 64 90 95 Outstanding

Hawa Energy (Private)

20. Limited WPGL/24/2014 65 86 95 Outstanding

Jhimpir Power (Private)

21. Limited WPGL/25/2014 64 85 95 Outstanding

22. Oursun Pakistan Limited SPGL/17/2016 52 69 95 Outstanding

Three Gorges First,
Second & Third Wind
23. Farm Pakistan (Private) WPGL/31/2016 56 95 94.5 Outstanding
WPGL/32/2016 8
Engro Polymer &
24. Chemicals Limited SGC/026/2004 60 88 94.5 Outstanding
FFBL Power Company
25. Limited SGC/111/2015 73 96 94 Outstanding

Harappa Solar (Private)

26. Limited SPGL/15/2015 70 96 94 Outstanding

27. Nishat Power Limited IGSPL/15/2007 63 97 94 Outstanding

28. Thar Energy Limited IGSPL/83/2017 67 92 94 Outstanding
29. Pakgen Power Limited IPGL/07/2003 68 89 94 Outstanding
Lucky Electric Power 9
30. Company Limited IGSPL/66/2016 66 90 94 Outstanding

31. Narowal Energy Limited IGSPL/19/2008 62 93 94 Outstanding

32. Lalpir Power Limited IPGL/06/2003 68 78 94 Outstanding
Rousch (Pakistan) Power
33. Limited IPGL/015/2003 64 78 94 Outstanding

34. ACT Wind (Private) Ltd. WPGL/42/2017
50 83 94 Outstanding

35. Din Energy Limited WPGL/40/2017 55 70 94 Outstanding

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

36. Zephyr Power Limited WPGL/17/2012 62 93 93 Outstanding 10

Huaneng Shandong Ruyi

37. (Pakistan) Energy IGSPL/60/2015 66 87 93 Outstanding
(Private) Limited
ThalNova Power Thar
38. (Private) Limited IGSPL/75/2017 67 86 93 Outstanding

39. Yunus Energy Limited WPGL/16/2011 60 87 93 Outstanding

UEP Wind Power

40. (Private) Limited WPGL/22/2013 56 88 93 Outstanding

Artistic Wind Power

41. (Private) Limited WPGL/41/2017 52 84 93 Outstanding

42. FFC Energy Limited WPGL/09/2010 60 71 93 Outstanding 11

Quaid-e-Azam Solar
43. Power (Private) Limited SPGL/04/2014 50 77 93 Outstanding

Lucky Renewables
44. (Private) Limited WPGL/54/2018 N.A 82 93 Outstanding

Mira Power Limited -

45. Gulpur Hydropower 116/MPL-2008
N.A 81 93 Outstanding
46. Fatima Energy Limited SPTL/01/2015
56 95 93.5 Outstanding
Nasda Green Energy
47. Limited WPGL/49/2017 N.A 69 93 Outstanding

Port Qasim Electric

48. Power Company (Private) IGSPL/47/2015 56 90 92.5 Outstanding 12
Karot Power Company
49. (Private) Limited IGSPL/37/2013 63 95 92 Outstanding

Maple Leaf Power

50. Limited SGC/119/2016 64 88 92 Outstanding

Orient Power Company

51. (Private) Limited IGSPL/03/2005 70 82 92 Outstanding 13
Liberty Daharki Power
52. Limited IPGL/08/2003 50 85 92 Outstanding

Prime Green Energy

53. Pakistan (Private) Limited SGC/128/2019 55 78 92 Outstanding

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

JDW Sugar Mills Limited

54. -Unit-II IGSPL/35/2013 65 92 91 Outstanding

Lotte Chemical Pakistan

55. Limited SGC/93/2013 65 90 91 Outstanding

Gul Ahmed Wind Power

56. Limited WPGL/13/2011 63 87 91 Outstanding

Metro Power Company

57. Limited WPGL/14/2011 63 87 91 Outstanding

Lucky Cement Limited

58. (Sindh) SGC/72/2011 58 91 91 Outstanding
Indus Wind Energy
59. Limited WPGL/50/2017 62 87 91 Outstanding

Tricon Boston Consulting WPGL/33/2016

60. Corporation (Private) WPGL/34/2016 59 87 91 Outstanding
Limited WPGL/35/2016

Fatima Sugar Mills

61. Limited SGC/88/2013 59 81 91 Outstanding

62. Saif Power Limited IGSPL/04/2006 62 73 91 Outstanding

Gul Ahmed Electric
63. Limited WPGL/47/2017 41 75 91 Outstanding

JDW Sugar Mills Limited

64. -Unit-III IGSPL/36/2013 65 90 90 Outstanding

65. Attock Gen Limited IGSPL/08/2006 58 90 90 Outstanding

Metro Wind Power 15
66. Limited WPGL/48/2017 41 N.A 90 Outstanding

Lakeside Energy (Private)

67. Limited WPGL/53/2017 56 82 90 Outstanding

Hamza Sugar Mills

68. Limited IGSPL/45/2014 64 85 89 Outstanding

Fauji Kabirwala Power

69. Company Limited IPGL/05/2003 69 77 89 Outstanding
Artistic Energy (Private)
70. Limited WPGL/30/2016 55 81 89 Outstanding

71. Atlas Power Limited IGSPL/10/2007 51 77 89 Outstanding

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Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23
Sapphire Electric
72. Company Limited IGSPL/05/2006 72 92 88 Outstanding

73. K-Electric (Distribution) DL/09/2024 62 91 88 Outstanding

Sapphire Wind Power
74. Company Limited WPGL/18/2012 53 86 88 Outstanding
Faisalabad Electric Supply
75. Company (FESCO) DL/02/2023 50 88 88 Outstanding

76. Tenaga Generasi Limited WPGL/04/2006 60 67 88 Outstanding

77. Laraib Energy Limited 100/2009
N.A 81 88 Outstanding
Sindh Nooriabad Power
Company (Private) IGSPL/63/2015
78. Limited Phase-I & Phase- IGSPL/64/2015
50 82 87 Outstanding 18
Thar Coal Block-I Power
79. Generation Company IGSPL/74/2017 60 69 86 Outstanding 19
(Private) Limited
Gul Ahmed Energy
80. Limited IPGL/09/2003 49 72 85 Outstanding
Lucky Energy (Private)
81. Limited SGC/030/2005 N.A 62 85 Outstanding

Northern Power
Generation Company
82. Limited (GENCO-III), GL/03/2002 58 63 84 Outstanding
WAPDA Mangla Power
83. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 41 72 84 Outstanding
Foundation Wind Energy- WPGL/02/2006
84. I & II Limited WPGL/12/2011
60 51 84 Outstanding

Liberty Wind Power-I & WPGL/39/2017

85. II Limited WPGL/46/2017
N.A 76 84 Outstanding

86. Indus Sugar Mills Limited SGC/42/2008 59 N.A 84 Outstanding

Liberty Power Tech
87. Limited IGSPL/17/2008 60 86 83 Outstanding 22
Master Wind Energy
88. Limited WPGL/15/2011 56 79 81 Outstanding

Lahore Electric Supply 23

89. Company (LESCO) DL/03/2023 49 63 81 Outstanding

90. Altern Energy Limited IPGL/021/2004 N.A N.A 81 Outstanding

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

Nishat Chunian Power

91. Limited IGSPL/14/2007 64 77 80 Good

Master Green Energy

92. Limited WPGL/52/2017 55 81 80 Good

Thatta Power (Private) 24

93. Limited SGC/76/2011 55 71 80 Good

94. Kohinoor Energy Limited IPGL/016/2003 56 61 80 Good

WAPDA Warsak Power
95. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 28 57 80 Good

Pak Matiari-Lahore
96. Transmission Company SPTL/03/2018 54 82 79 Good
(Private) Limited
Gujranwala Electric
97. Power Company DL/04/2023 49 74 79 Good
(GEPCO) 25
WAPDA Shadiwal Power
98. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 31 62 79 Good

99. Star Hydro Power Limited 172/SHPL-2011 N.A 41 79 Good

Multan Electric Power

100. Company (MEPCO) DL/06/2023 47 68 78 Good
WAPDA Nandipur
101. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 30 61 78 Good

International Industries
102. Limited SGC/60/2010 59 66 77 Good

Lucky Cement Limited

103. (KPK) SGC/104/2014 55 67 77 Good
104. Chiniot Power Limited IGSPL/41/2014 41 49 77 Good
WAPDA Tarbela Power
105. GL(Hydel)/05/2004 32 53 77 Good
Thal Industries
Corporation Limited
106. (Layya Sugar Mills IGSPL/54/2015 55 58 76 Good
107. Chanar Energy Limited IGSPL/71/2016 38 53 76 Good

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23
Saba Power Company
108. (Private) Limited IPGL/011/2003 55 65 75 Good

AJ Solar Power (Private)

109. Limited SPGL/16/2015 44 57 75 Good 29
WAPDA Chashma Power
110. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 35 56 75 Good

Hub Power Company

111. Limited IPGL/013/2003 79 79 73 Good
WAPDA Tarbela Ext. 4
112. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 30 54 73 Good

113. Sitara Energy Limited SGC/012/2002 37 51 70 Good

WAPDA Dubair Khwar 31
114. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 32 47 70 Good

Nishat Chunian Limited

115. Coal Power SGC/115/2016 58 81 69 Good 32
WAPDA Allai Khwar
116. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 34 63 67 Good 33
Jamshoro Power
117. Company Limited (JPCL) GL/01/2002 62 65 66 Good
Peshawar Electric Supply 34
118. Company (PESCO) DL/07/2023 35 72 66 Good

Tribal Areas Electricity

119. Supply (TESCO) 22/DL/2013 32 63 66 Good

WAPDA Renala Power

120. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 31 51 65 Good 35

121. Nishat Mills Limited SGC/40/2008 52 71 63 Good

WAPDA Ghazi Barotha 36
122. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 28 45 63 Good

123. Almoiz Industries Limited IGSPL/53/2015 57 67 60 Fair

124. Engro Fertilizers Limited 19/DL/2009 53 57 60 Fair 37
WAPDA Rasul Power
125. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 30 44 60 Fair

WAPDA Gomal Zam

126. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 32 43 59 Fair
WAPDA Golen Gol
127. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 26 44 59 Fair

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

Zorlu Enerji Pakistan

128. Limited WPGL/06/2008 33 73 57 Fair

WAPDA Jabban Power

129. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 32 50 57 Fair 39

WAPDA Khan Khwar

130. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 34 41 57 Fair

Hydrochina Dawood
131. Power (Private) Limited WPGL/05/2006 56 52 56 Fair

Aquagen (Private) Limited 40

132. Innovative Energy SGC/84/2013 31 30 56 Fair
solution Limited
National Transmission
133. and Dispatch Company TL/01/2002 38 53 54 Fair
Punjab Power 41
Development Company IGSPL/42/2014
134. Limited (MARALA & IGSPL/43/2014
N.A 51 54 Fair
Pakpattan HPP)
U.S. Apparel & Textiles
135. (Private) Limited SGC/131/2019 56 64 53 Fair
Islamabad Electric Supply
136. Company (IESCO) DL/01/2023 46 48 53 Fair

Quetta Textile Mills

137. Limited SGC/014/2002 53 54 50 Fair
WAPDA Jinnah Power
138. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 30 44 50 Fair

139. PEDO (Malakand HPP) GL(Hydel)/07/2006 31 24 49 Fair 44

WAPDA Chichoki Power
140. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 33 53 48 Fair 45
Shams Power (Private) SGC/134/2020
141. Limited SGC/135/2020
45 63 47 Fair
Sindh Transmission & 46
142. Dispatch Company PGCL/01/2019 46 44 47 Fair
(Private) Limited
Olympia Power
143. Generation (Pvt) Ltd. SGC/029/2005 12 16 47 Fair

NEPRA Tower, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/1, Islamabad, Phone: +92512013200, Fax: +92512600050
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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category Position
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

Quetta Electric Supply

144. Company (QESCO) DL/08/2023 36 45 45 Fair 47

Sukkur Electric Power

145. Company (SEPCO) 21/DL/2011 38 33 44 Fair 48

Northern Power
Generation Company
146. Limited (GENCO-III), GL/03/2002 N.A 20 43 Fair 49
WAPDA Dargai Power
147. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 31 43 41 Fair 50

WAPDA Chitral Power

148. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 24 43 36 Poor
ASIA Generation
149. (Private) Limited SGC/66/2010 6 38 36 Poor

WAPDA Khurram Garhi

150. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 27 44 34 Poor 52

PEDO (Daral Khwar

151. HPP) GL(Hydel)/13/2017 30 25 27 Poor
Fazal Paper Mills (Private)
152. Limited SGC/117/2016 20 30 27 Poor

153. PEDO (Pehur HPP) GL(Hydel)/08/2009 39 37 25 Poor 54

Hyderabad Electric
154. Supply Company DL/05/2023 28 29 23 Poor
(HESCO) 55
155. PEDO (Machai HPP) GL(Hydel)/11/2013 32 20 23 Poor
Olympia Power
156. Generation (Private) SGC/029/2005 12 16 21 Poor
Limited 56
157. PEDO (Shishi HPP) GL(Hydel)/10/2013 25 N.A 21 Poor

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
7. HSE Performance of Transmission Licensees

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

1. K-Electric (Transmission) TL/02/2010 61 95 95 Outstanding

Fatima Transmission Company
2. Limited
SPTL/01/2015 56 95 93.5 Outstanding

Pak Matiari-Lahore
3. Transmission Company (Private) SPTL/03/2018 54 82 79 Good
National Transmission and
4. Dispatch Company (NTDC)
TL/01/2002 38 53 54 Fair

Sindh Transmission & Dispatch SPTL/02/2015

5. Company (Private) Limited PGCL/01/2019
46 44 47 Fair

8. HSE Performance of Distribution Licensees

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

1. K-Electric (Distribution) DL/09/2024 62 91 88 Outstanding

Faisalabad Electric Supply
2. Company (FESCO)
DL/02/2023 50 88 88 Outstanding

Lahore Electric Supply

3. Company (LESCO)
DL/03/2023 49 63 81 Outstanding

Gujranwala Electric Power

4. Company (GEPCO)
DL/04/2023 49 74 79 Good

Multan Electric Power

5. Company (MEPCO)
DL/06/2023 47 68 78 Good

Peshawar Electric Supply

6. Company (PESCO)
DL/07/2023 35 72 66 Good

Tribal Areas Electricity Supply

7. (TESCO)
22/DL/2013 32 63 66 Good

8. Engro Fertilizers Limited 19/DL/2009 53 57 60 Fair

Islamabad Electric Supply
9. Company (IESCO)
DL/01/2023 46 48 53 Fair

Quetta Electric Supply

10. Company (QESCO) DL/08/2023 36 45 45 Fair

Sukkur Electric Power

11. Company (SEPCO) 21/DL/2011 38 33 44 Fair

Hyderabad Electric Supply

12. Company (HESCO) DL/05/2023 28 29 23 Poor

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Islamic Republic of Pakistan
9. HSE Performance of WAPDA Hydel Power Stations

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23
WAPDA Mangla Power
1. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 41 72 84 Outstanding

WAPDA Warsak Power

2. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 28 57 80 Good

WAPDA Shadiwal Power

3. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 31 62 79 Good

WAPDA Nandipur Power

4. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 30 61 78 Good

WAPDA Tarbela Power

5. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 32 53 77 Good

WAPDA Chashma Power

6. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 35 56 75 Good

WAPDA Tarbela Ext. 4 Power

7. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 30 54 73 Good

WAPDA Dubair Khwar Power

8. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 32 47 70 Good

WAPDA Allai Khwar Power

9. Station
GL(Hydel)/05/2004 34 63 67 Good

10. WAPDA Renala Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 31 51 65 Good

WAPDA Ghazi Barotha Power
11. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 28 45 63 Good

12. WAPDA Rasul Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 30 44 60 Fair

WAPDA Golen Gol Power
13. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 26 44 59 Fair

WAPDA Gomal Zam Power

14. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 32 43 59 Fair

15. WAPDA Jabban Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 32 50 57 Fair

WAPDA Khan Khwar Power
16. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 34 41 57 Fair

17. WAPDA Jinnah Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 30 44 50 Fair

WAPDA Chichoki Power
18. Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 33 53 48 Fair

19. WAPDA Dargai Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 31 43 41 Fair

20. WAPDA Chitral Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 24 43 36 Poor
WAPDA Khurram Garhi
21. Power Station GL(Hydel)/05/2004 27 44 34 Poor

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Islamic Republic of Pakistan

10. HSE Performance of CPEC Energy Projects

Sr. Points
Licensee License No. Category
No. 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

China Power Hub Generation

1. Company (Private) Limited IGSPL/68/2016 62 90 97 Outstanding

2. S K Hydro (Private) Limited IGSPL/21/2009 71 95 96 Outstanding

Engro Powergen Thar (Private)
3. IGSPL/49/2015 65 92 96 Outstanding
Sachal Energy Development
4. Private Ltd. WPGL/20/2012 64 90 95 Outstanding

Three Gorges First, Second & WPGL/11/2011

5. Third Wind Farm Pakistan WPGL/31/2016 56 95 94.5 Outstanding
(Private) Limited WPGL/32/2016

6. Thar Energy Limited IGSPL/83/2017 67 92 94 Outstanding

UEP Wind Power (Private)
7. Limited
WPGL/22/2013 56 88 93 Outstanding

Huaneng Shandong Ruyi

8. (Pakistan) Energy (Private) IGSPL/60/2015 66 87 93 Outstanding
ThalNova Power Thar
9. (Private) Limited
IGSPL/75/2017 67 86 93 Outstanding

Quaid-e-Azam Solar Power

10. (Private) Limited SPGL/04/2014 50 77 93 Outstanding

Port Qasim Electric Power

11. Company (Private) Limited IGSPL/47/2015 56 90 92.5 Outstanding

Karot Power Company

12. (Private) Limited IGSPL/37/2013 63 95 92 Outstanding

Thar Coal Block-I Power

13. Generation Company (Private) IGSPL/74/2017 60 69 86 Outstanding
Pak Matiari-Lahore
14. Transmission Company SPTL/03/2018 54 82 79 Good
(Private) Limited
Hydrochina Dawood Power
15. (Private) Limited WPGL/05/2006 56 52 56 Fair

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National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
Islamic Republic of Pakistan

11. Conclusion

The higher ranking in the report does not guarantee that a Licensee's actual performance in the
field is the same as stipulated in the report.
Companies whose HSE performance falls into the poor category must take appropriate
corrective and preventive measures to improve occupational health and safety performance in
compliance with the NEPRA Power Safety Code, among other applicable documents.
It's imperative to remind that the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director or equivalent
position is responsible and accountable for planning, establishing, implementing, maintaining,
monitoring and communicating the occupational health and safety of employees, contractors,
and the general public, as well as mitigating damage to property and adverse environmental
impacts, directly associated with Licensee operations/infrastructure.

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Website: www.nepra.org.pk , Email: [email protected] Page 26 of 26

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