Infant Swimming Resource's Family Aquatic Safety List
Infant Swimming Resource's Family Aquatic Safety List
Infant Swimming Resource's Family Aquatic Safety List
#1 EFFECTIVE Permanent Fence Pool Toys
SUPERVISION • Permanent 4-sided pool fence • Outdoor toys should be stored in
• Supervision is the first, and
with a self-locking gate an area that is isolated from the
most critical line of • Periodically shake-test every part pool deck
defense to prevent of your pool fence • Keep your pool deck clean and
drowning. • Do not allow your child to play on clear
• Segment Supervision by and/or climb the fence • Pool tools are not pool toys
designating a specific • Remove patio furniture that may
period of time to devote be pushed or pulled and used as Alarms
your complete and a ladder • Make sure all doors leading to
undivided attention to your the pool are locked and alarmed
child who is around the Pool Water • Alarms should indicate that
water (15 min.) - Don’t • Keep the water level at the someone is in the pool area or
answer the phone, don’t uppermost point has opened/closed a door or
read and don’t talk to other • Aim jets and in-floor jets to the gate, or is trying to climb the
adults - give your child shallow end of the pool fence
100% of your attention
• Waterfalls in pool areas create a
• Designate one parent as
noise level that may compete Educate Others
the Water Watcher so there
with a cry for help • Friends and family may not
are never questions about
understand the importance of
which adult is responsible
for watching the child
Phone keeping gates closed, doors
• Never answer your phone during locked, closing toilet seats,
Segmented Supervision emptying buckets, etc.
• Carry a cell phone with you at all • Visiting family, holiday parties and
times to call 911 in an emergency celebrations can lead to
• Have an outside pool phone breakdowns in routine
designated for emergencies only supervision and effective barriers
• Have your address printed out to the water
next to your outdoor phone for • If a child is missing, look for him
emergency situations or her in the pool or spa first
Please be cautious of the curiosity and fun doggy doors
can be for young children.
Drain Entrapments are a SERIOUS danger. Please make sure your children:
• Do not play or swim near drains or suction outlets especially in spas and shallow pools
• Never enter a pool or spa that has a loose, broken or missing drain cover
• If you see a broken or loose drain cover, immediately notify a lifeguard or pool/spa manager
• Children’s public wading pools, other pools designed specifically for young children and in-ground
spas that have flat drain grates and single main drain systems pose the greatest risk of entrapment
Information provided by:
Let your ISR Instructor know if you are going to the beach so that
certain skills that are of greater benefit in rapidly moving,
turbulent water can be stabilized or practiced more during
As your child continues to grow their
survival skills will need to grow with them.
Because children are always growing and learning new skills, your
child’s abilities in the water will change from year to year -- and
sometimes from month to month.