Foreign Aid Blessing or Curse
Foreign Aid Blessing or Curse
Foreign Aid Blessing or Curse
January 9, 2008 Bangalore International Centre
Typical purposes:
Diplomatic Commercial Developmental Humanitarian Promoting democracy/human rights Addressing global problems Strengthen fragile states
Multilateral Donors
UN Agencies FAO, UNDP, WFP, IFAD, WHO, UNICEF Non-UN Agencies WB, IMF Why? To promote development & economic reforms
Bilateral Donors
DCs OPEC Countries Japan Why? To promote security, economic/political reforms etc
Development Aid, Humanitarian Aid and Military Aid Food Aid, Commodity Aid and Projects Aid Bilateral (USAID), Multilateral (World Bank) and Non-Governmental (CARE) Includes grants and loans with at least a 25% grant element are defined as Official Development Assistance
Political (strategic self interest) (buy friends) (security assistance) Economic self-interest
a. b.
Tied with unreasonable conditions, which infringe on the sovereignty. Chinas massive investment in Africa is tied to commercial interest in natural resources.
Transfer of money performs the function of a price paid for political services rendered. (Morgenthau, 1962) Bilateral donors largely pursued their own political interests when allocating aid. (McGillivray, 2003) US has typically considered financial aid as being important means to achieve their foreign policy objectives. Zimmermann, 1993) The main purpose of American aid is not to help other nations but to help ourselves. (Richard Nixon) Aid does buy votes in UN General Assembly.
WHAT IFIs GET IN RETURN, IF POLICES/AGENDA ARE IMPLEMENTED? A huge marker for the global capital Favourable conditions to have extraordinary return on investment An open space for global big businesses to do whatever they like to do Foreign Aid & Poverty.ppt
WHY AID MIGHT NOT BE A PANACEA TO THIRD WORLD DEVELOPMENT2 Foreign aids enable governments to pursue policies that retard growth and exacerbates poverty Foreign aid makes it easier for governments to restrict internal private investment so to serve their political interests. Aid has often been applied to dictate unpopular and unsuitable external development models.
WHY AID MIGHT NOT BE A PANACEA TO THIRD WORLD DEVELOPMENT3 Aid breeds dependency and promotes the belief that economic improvement depends on circumstances and influences outside ones control The influx of money from aid drives up the exchange rate and adversely affects inflation at home and foreign trade competitiveness