ch3 1
ch3 1
ch3 1
So the rulers of the Vijayanagara got built large embankments to store water. They also constructed
reservoirs of varying sizes. They also make arrangements to store the rainwater as this was the
most arid zone of the peninsula. A very large tank was found built in the fifteenth century to store
water. The water tank presently known as Kamalapuram tank. The water of this tank was used for
several Royal centre purposes.
(i)The water from the tank was used to irrigate the nearby fields.
(ii)The water of tank fulfilled the needs of the Royal centre.
(iii)The Hiriya canal drew water from a dam across the Tungabhadra river which was used for
4.What do you think was the significance of the rituals associated with the mahanavami dibba?
Ans. The mahanavami Dibba was the King’s palace in Vijayanagara though there is no definite
evidence. From the available source we can guess that it had very beautiful wooden structure with
base of the platform was covered with relief carvings. The Mahanavami Dibba had a very impressive
platform known as “the audience hall”. It was surrounded by high double walls a street running
between them.
Many rituals were associated with the Mahanavami dibba. Here the Hindu Festival Mahanavami or
Navaratri were celebrated with a great pomp and show in the months of September-October. This
festival continued for 9 days. The rulers of Vijayanagara Empire displayed their power, prestige and
suzerainty. On this occasion several ceremonies were performed this included:
(i)Worship of the different gods and goddesses
(ii)Worship of the state horse.
(iii)The sacrifice of buffaloes and other animals.
(iv)The main attraction of this occasion were:
(b)Wrestling matches
(c)Processions of horses, elephants, chariots and soldiers.
All these ceremonies presented before the king and his guests. On the last day of the festival, the
king inspected his army as well as the nayakas of the army. He also accepted gift from the nayakas.
5.Fig. 7.33 is an illustration of another pillar from the Virupaksha temple. Do you notice any floral
motifs? What are the animals shown? Why do you think they are depicted? Describe the human
figures shown.
Ans. Given illustration of the pillar from the Virupaksha temple has pictures of plants bearing
flowers and different animals-birds.Animals, birds include peacock, horse, duck, etc. These pictures
were probably carved out on gateways to attract people. These pictures also express devotion,
religiousness and-love for art of patronage ruler.Except this various kinds of animals and birds were
associated with different gods and goddesses.
That was why they were also worshipped.Human pictures include both deities and their worshippers
respectively. A god is shown wearing malas and crown. He also has gadda in his hands.Probably he
was the destroyer of Rakshashas. In another picture devotee is shown near the ‘Shivlinga’ His
method of worship is also strange which is not applicable in any form.
8.What are the architectural traditions that inspired the architects of Vijayanagara? How did they
transform these traditions?
Ans. The rulers of Vijayanagara were known for their many innovations in the sphere of architectural
traditions. They built many new temples which presented their architectural skills. They also added
many new features in the temple architecture. For example, they built gopurams and royal
gateways. The towers of the central shrines signalled the presence of the temple from a great
distance. But the royal gateways surpassed the kings. They showed that the kings had full
command over the resources, techniques and skills.
9.What impression of the lives of the ordinary people of Vijayanagara can you cull from the
various descriptions in the chapter?
Ans. Ordinary people were those people who did not take part in power structure. They spoke
different languages and follow different religious traditions. They consisted of small traders and
local merchants. They use to live in cities, trade centres, port , towns and villages. Local
communities of merchants known as kudirai chettis or horse merchants participated in exchanges.
People such as peasants, workers, slaves, etc. were also included in ordinary people.
The workers were known as “Vipra viodin”. This group of ironsmiths, goldsmiths, carpenters,
sculpture-makers, etc. Who often quarrelled mutually for their right. It seems that during that period,
need was felt to frame laws for the society to execute social justice.
Kaikkol known as the weavers were in large numbers. They lived near temples. They played
significant role in running the administration of the temple. In Vijayanagara state there were
Gadarias known as Kambalattar. They followed the customs of polyandry. The special characteristic
was that the wife was elder to the husband. Their women had physical relations with the husband’s
kinsmen like father, brothers were prevalent.
There was an orthodox bigot section in Vijayanagara called as reddis who owned the land. They had
enough influence in the Telugu region of Vijayanagara. In the society there were a few low class
people, who were non-influential. They were Domber, Marva,Jogi, Paraiyan, Boi Kallaar, etc. Some
low caste people converted into Christianity under the influences of Portuguese.
10.On an outline map of the world, mark approximately Italy, Portugal, Iran and Russia.
Ans.Followed by routes to reach Vijayanagara from Italy and Portugal:
The travellers crossed the Red Sea, Arabian Sea and then, they taken land route to reach South