Jpce 2022 4 6 - 7
Jpce 2022 4 6 - 7
Jpce 2022 4 6 - 7
DOI: 10.53469/jpce.2022.04(06).07
Volume 4 Issu
Issue 6, 2022
Journal of Progress in Civil Engineering ISSN: 2322-0856
incidents from the Epics the Puranas, and the [8] S. Rajasekhara-1985-Karntaka Architecture-
Mythological Accounts Dharwad
7) The Pillars-Vijayanagar Architects used different [9] Dr. Chandrakant Koligudde “Belagavi Jilleya
types of Pillars for building Temples. There were two Chikiodi Mattu Gokak Talukina Mahasati
Types of Pillars were Prominent during the Kalugalu Directorate of Archaeology and Museum.
Vijayanagar Period. The first Type of Pillar is Vijayanagar Adhyana. Volume-IX-2004. P-86-94
basically square, tall and Slender. The Pillar shaft is [10] Dr. ChandrakantKoligudde-Art and Architecture of
divided into three Square Sections each Separated by Thadigudi” Directorate of Archaeology and Museum
an octagonal and sixteen-sided band. The square Vijayanagar Adhayana, Volume XI-2007. P-260-262.
Portion on the bottom has Naga-Bandhas. The Pillars [11] Dr. Chandrakant Koligudde. “Chikodi Talukin
Mainly Preferred forms the Schist. Devalayagalu mattu Shilpagalu Directorate of
8) TheCeilling-Generally the ceilings are flat and plain. Archaeology & Museum Mysore Proceeding 2010. P-
The central ceiling the Navaranga and Mukhamantapa 224 to 30
are decorative. In the virupaksha temple, the ceiling of
Rangamatapa is flat and spacious with Painted
9) Flight of Steps-It was another important feature of
Vijayanagar Temple. Fight of Steps Built at the
Entrance into the Mukhamantapa. The steps are
flanked by slabs depicting sural Yalis. The Elephants
are adorned with ornaments of different kinds. Flights
of steps with sural yalis can be seen in the temples of
Balakrishna and Virupaksha
10) The Sikhara-The Sikhara is built with Bricks and
Mortor. These are less in height Compared with
gopuras. The Sculptures are found on the Sikhara
Prepared with the Stucco. For temple building they
used granite. The Vijayanagar Monuments followed
the traditions of Cholas and Pandyas. The layout of the
Vijayanagar monuments is bigger than the Cholas and
2. Conclusion
The Vijayanagar architects added their own touches as well
–Virupaksha temple’s entrance features a massive Gopura, a
unique facet of South Indian temple architecture. The city is
surrounded with seven fortifications wall. Its streets were
wide enough for multiple chariots, and it was known that
chariot festivals were popular during the Vijayanagar.
Today, Vijayanagar represents the richest, surviving
monument in South Indian architecture. Every one of its
temples represents the confluence of the finest influences in
India at their time of creation. The Vijayanagar Empire
represented a magnificent epoch in the history of south
India, Which cannot be forgotten. Paes quoted that
Vijayanagar is the best provided city in the World
[1] P. Brown-1971-Indian Architecture-(Buddhist and
Hindu Period)-Bombay
[2] D. Devakunjari---1970-Hampi-New Delhi
[3] S. Rajasekhara-1983-Masterpieces of Vijayanagar
[4] S. Grover-1980-The Architecture of India Buddhist
and Hindu-New Delhi
[5] J. R. Ramamurthy (Ed)-1997-The Vijayanagar
[6] K. R. Srinivasan-1971-South Indian Temples-New
[7] G. Yazdani (Ed)-1960-The Early History of the
Volume 4 Issu
Issue 6, 2022