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What is an analogy?

 An analogy is a word used in terms of comparing two things or finding a relation

between two things.
 In other words, An analogy is a relationship between one pair of words that helps to
form the same relationship in the second pair of words.
 An analogy shows similarities, or things in common, between a pair of words.


Flow : River :: Stagnant : ?

1. Canal
2. Dam
3. Ocean
4. Pool
5. Sea

Answer: (4) Pool; Water in river flows whereas the water in a pool is stagnant

How do you read an analogy?

Analogies are usually written in the following forms:

a) Annoy: irritate :: dusk : twilight

b) Annoy is to irritate as dusk is to twilight

 Analogy is a topic of Logical Reasoning where the two things are compared and
conclusions are drawn based on their similarities.
 A question consists of words related to each other based on some logic will be given,
and candidates will need to find a word or pair of words analogous to those given in
the question.

Polio: virus :: food poisoning:

A. Fungi
B. Algae
C. Nematodes
D. Bacteria

 Here we see that polio is caused by poliomyelitis which is a virus.

 So the rule is disease followed by the type of organismthat causes it.
 Food poisoning, on the other hand, is caused by listeria, salmonella and other
microbes which are all bacteria.
 Hence the answer is d) Bacteria.
 These questions ask test-takers to identify relationships between pairs of words.
 To solve analogy questions, you must first have a clear understanding of the words’
definitions and then use that understanding to determine how the words are related.

Before solving the questions, an aspirant must understand the concept of analogy.

Tips & Tricks to Solve Analogy questions:-

Given below are a few tips which may help you prepare for the analogy questions and
also help you solve the questions faster:

 A pair of related terms/figures is provided and a similar relationship is to be

established between the two other terms/figures or another pair to identify the
missing term/figure.
 Try to diagnose the relationship between the first pair of terms. (Dog: Pet)
 The analogy problems can be read as sentences, even if it is actually written
differently. (Dog ‘is to’ Pet just like Lion ‘is to’ Wild.)
 Change the analogies into sentences.
 Follow a systematic method especially while solving a hard problem.
 First go through answer options, before choosing a solution and not just rely on the
one match that looks might be a strong match.
 Go through the context, keep in mind tough terms so when you are observing any
analogy-based questions you can recollect it and apply the logical answers.
 If the relationship of a term is unfamiliar, then try to remember the text in which you
have come across the word.
 You may replace it with alternative explanations of terms.
 When solving analogies try to apply the same logic by taking another look at the
relationship possibilities as mentioned above.
 If this doesn't work, discard the unlikely answers and apply logical guesses.

For example:-
Sherpa : Tibet :: Massai :

You can probably guess the correct answer from the following choices—
a. mountain
b. bicycle
c. Kenya
d. desert

 Even if you do not know the exact meaning of the words in the question.
 The correct answer is Kenya—Sherpa are people who live in Tibet and Massai are
people who live in Kenya.
 Even if you were unable to describe the relationship between the words because they
are unfamiliar, you could probably see that Kenya is the only country offered as a
 As you know that Tibet, a country, is the second half of the first pair, you can deduce
that a country is necessary to complete the second pair.


The relationships that are found in analogy questions fall into several general types.
For Example:-

Let’s see in detail:-

■ Synonyms and Antonyms: These questions use pair of words in which one word is
either synonym or antonym of another word
For example, great: wonderful (great is a synonym of wonderful)

recession: withdrawal ::: climb

a. ascent
b. absence
c. dollar
d. absorption

Solution:- a.
Recession is a withdrawal and an ascent is a climb,

total : partial :: smile :

a. gums
b. frown
c. expression
d. Speak

Total is an antonym for partial, and frown is an antonym for smile.

■ Part to Whole: In this type of question, a pair of words consists of a part and a whole.
For example, spoke: wheel. (A spoke is part of a wheel.)

Roof : house : : wall :

a. room
b. straight
c. square
d. Cracked

Solution:- a.
wall is a part of room as roof is a part of house

hilt: sword :: needle :

a. tease
b. compass
c. dagger
d. Kilt

Solution :-b.
A hilt is part of a sword, and a needle is part of the compass.

■ Whole to part :In this type of question, a pair of words consists of a whole and a part.
For example, chair: leg
( Here a chair is a whole object and leg is a part of it )

foot : toe : : face :

a. finger
b. toenail
c. nose
d. arm

Solution :- c
nose is a part of face as toe is a part of foot.

cactus : spines : : pig :

a. piglet
b. sow
c. bacon
d. Bristles

Solution :- d
The hair of pigs are bristles as cactus has spines

■ General to specific. Some analogies compare the GENERAL version of something to

a SPECIFIC example of that thing
For example, insect: Mosquito (A mosquito is a specific type of insect.)

duck : mallard : : flower :

a. smell
b. bright
c. sing
d. poppy

Solution:- d
Poppy is a specific type of flower as mallard is a specific type of duck

Instrument : drum :: tool :

a. drill
b. peace
c. gloomy
d. supersede

Solution:- a
A drum is a specific type of instrument, and a drill is a specific type of tool.

■ Specific to General :These questions use pairs of words in which one word is a
specific type in a general category.
For example,orange : citrus. (An orange is a type of citrus.)

waltz : dance : : fox :

a. trot
b. fur
c. animal
d. trap

Solution :- c
fox is a type of animal as waltz is a type of dance

monarch ::: king : cobra

a. queen
b. butterfly
c. royal
d. venom

Solution:- b
A monarch is a type of butterfly and a king is a type of cobra.

■ Degree of Intensity : These questions test your ability to discern nuance of meaning
among pairs of words.
For example, shower : monsoon. (A shower is light rainfall and a monsoon is heavy

grove : forest : : pond :

a. tree
b. water
c. lake
d. Tadpole

Solution:- c. ( low intensity to high intensity )

Lakes are normally much deeper than ponds and have a larger surface area as forest is a
dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area larger than woods while grove is
a small forest.

inferno : fire : : tsunami :

a. ocean
b. burning
c. wave
d. deadly

Solution:- c. ( high intensity to low intensity )

Tsunami is a very large wave in the sea which destroys things when it reaches the land as
inferno is a large fire that is dangerously out of control.

■ Function : These questions pair words that are related through function.
For example, hammer : build. (A hammer is used to build.)

hammer : pound : : wrench :

a. pinch
b. tool
c. bolt
d. Turn

The function of a wrench is to turn as the function of a hammer is to pound.

key : lock : : spoon :

a. door
b. cook
c. fork
d. stir

The function of a spoon is to stir as the function of a key is to lock.

■ Cause and Effect Analogies:

 Spin & dizzy, fire & burn, read & learn are examples of cause and effect analogies,
where two things are related to one another in terms of cause and effect.
 One is the cause and the other is the effect of the cause.
 Hence it is known as cause and effect analogy.

Development : sprawl :: famine :

a. malnutrition
b. crawl
c. urban
d. obesity

Solution :- a
Development is a cause of sprawl, and famine is a cause ofmalnutrition

■ Symbol or representation:
 These questions pair words in which one word is the symbol of the other.
 Here one would witness a relationship where one word represents a concept, action
or thing
For example,dove : peace. (A dove is a symbol of peace.)

Aside: Parentheses; Olive branch:

a. improve
b. peace
c. fuel
d. brush

Solution :- b

■ Traits or characteristics : In this type of analogy one word is characteristic of another

For example, knife: sharp ( knife is sharp by nature )

17. apple : red : : flower :

a. fragrant
b. garden
c. daffodil
d. bee

Solution :- a


 Analogy of performer and related action: This kind of analogy usually pertains to
the relationship where one is a performer and the other is the action that the
performer renders.
The order can be the other way round as well.

Example: Arbitrator: Judge; Artist: Sketch

 Analogy of performer and tool: In this analogy, the relationship between the
performer and his tool is traced. The order is liable to change.

Example: Artist: Brush; Carpenter: Hammer

 Analogy of tool and object: This analogy traces the relationship between the tool
and the object which it uses.

Example: Hammer: Nails; Car: Fuel

 This type of analogy describes the manner, way, or style by which an action is
For example, shamble : walk. (Shamble means to walk awkwardly.)

Example: Winnow: Wheat; Refine: Oil

 Analogy of action and significance: It is an analogy wherein one word describes an

action whereas the other word reflects the significance of the action.

Example: Fidget: Uneasiness, Curtsey: Reverence

 Analogy of pair: This analogy reflects on objects that are incomplete without the
existence of the other. This helps us put things together in an easier fashion.

Example: Pen: Ink; Letter: Envelope

Quick Revision
 The key to solving an analogy question is to precisely describe the
 relationship between the pair of words and then apply the same relationship to
determine which word completes the analogy.
 Most analogy questions rely on your ability to deduce the correct relationship
between words and to draw logical conclusions about the possible answer

Practice 1 Questions

1. ant : tiny : : rabbit :

a. foot
b. carrots
c. soft
d. Scratch

2. star : shiny : : skyscraper :

a. tall
b. building
c. concrete
d. city

3. fireman : hose : : chemist :

a. laboratory
b. flames
c. test tube
d. Scientist

4. scissors : barber : : net :

a. catch
b. fisherman
c. string
d. butterfly

5. sharp : sword : : smooth :

a. cut
b. rough
c. clear
d. Glass

6. ice : cold : : pickle :

a. eat
b. barrel
c. sour
d. hamburger

7. state : Nevada : : evergreen :

a. pine
b. needles
c. Christmas
d. Cougar

8. pie : dessert : : maple :

a. tree
b. eat
c. sweet
d. cut

9. ball : round : : door :

a. house
b. lock
c. knob
d. Squeaky

10. apple : red : : flower :

a. fragrant
b. garden
c. daffodil
d. bee

11. Elmo : Muppet : :baseball :

a. glove
b. bat
c. Yankees
d. Sport

12. skirt : clothing : : chair :

a. blouse
b. furniture
c. sofa
d. cushion
13. banana : yellow : : child :
a. young
b. school
c. kid
d. Adult

14. big : elephant : : small :

a. tiny
b. mouse
c. giraffe
d. huge

15. ditch : ravine : : crack :

a. cricket
b. crevice
c. break
d. cracker

16. fear : phobia : : upset :

a. hysterical
b. happiest
c. calm
d. lazy

17. hide : cow : : wrapper :

a. gum
b. unwrap
c. fresh
d. paper

18. macaroni : cheese : : chips :

a. salsa
b. basket
c. pasta
d. corn

19. parched : dry : : starved :

a. desert
b. dinner
c. hungry
d. sandwich

20. narrow : thin : : boulder :

a. big
b. hard
c. shoulder
d. rock

21. catch : capture : : docile :

a. mean
b. wild
c. obedient
d. ugly

22. egg : shell : : onion :

a. tears
b. herb
c. scallion
d. skin

Practice 1 Answer Key

1. ant : tiny : : rabbit :

a. foot
b. carrots
c. soft
d. Scratch

2. star : shiny : : skyscraper :

a. tall
b. building
c. concrete
d. city

3. fireman : hose : : lab technician:

a. laboratory
b. flames
c. test tube
d. Scientist

4. scissors : barber : : net :

a. catch
b. fisherman
c. string
d. butterfly

5. sharp : sword : : smooth :

a. cut
b. rough
c. clear
d. Glass

6. ice : cold : : pickle :

a. eat
b. barrel
c. sour
d. hamburger

7. state : Nevada : : evergreen :

a. pine
b. needles
c. Christmas
d. Cougar

8. pie : dessert : : maple :

a. tree
b. eat
c. sweet
d. cut

9. ball : round : : door :

a. house
b. lock
c. knob
d. Squeaky

10. apple : red : : flower :

a. fragrant
b. garden
c. daffodil
d. bee

11. Elmo : Muppet : :baseball :

a. glove
b. bat
c. Yankees
d. Sport

12. skirt : clothing : : chair :

a. blouse
b. furniture
c. sofa
d. cushion

13. banana : yellow : : child :

a. young
b. school
c. kid
d. Adult

14. big : elephant : : small :

a. tiny
b. mouse
c. giraffe
d. huge

15. ditch : ravine : : crack :

a. cricket
b. crevice
c. break
d. cracker

16. fear : phobia : : upset :

a. hysterical
b. happiest
c. calm
d. lazy

17. hide : cow : : wrapper :

a. gum
b. unwrap
c. fresh
d. paper

18. macaroni : cheese : : chips :

a. salsa
b. basket
c. pasta
d. corn

19. parched : dry : : starved :

a. desert
b. dinner
c. hungry
d. sandwich

20. narrow : thin : : boulder :

a. big
b. hard
c. shoulder
d. rock

21. catch : capture : : docile :

a. mean
b. wild
c. obedient
d. ugly

22. egg : shell : : onion :

a. tears
b. herb
c. scallion
d. skin
Practice 2 Questions

1. Fish : School
a. wolf : pack
b. tiger : jungle
c. length : width
d. size : area
e. mileage : speed

2. Foot : Skateboard
a. tire : automobile
b. lace : shoe
c. ounce : scale
d. walk : jump
e. pedal : bicycle

3. Stretch: Extend
a. tremble : roll
b. thirsty : drink
c. shake : tremble
d. stroll : run
e. stitch : tear

4. Kangaroo: Marsupial
a. salmon : mollusk
b. zebra : horse
c. rhinoceros : pachyderm
d. beagle : feline
e. grasshopper : rodent

5.Starving : Hungry
a. neat : thoughtful
b. towering : cringing
c. progressive : regressive
d. happy : crying
e. depressed : sad

6. Dermatologist : Acne
a. psychologist : neurosis
b. child : pediatrician
c. ophthalmologist :Fracture
d. oncologist : measles
7. Frame : Picture
a. display : museum
b. shelf : refrigerator
c. mechanic : electrician
d. nail : hammer
e. fence : backyard

Practice 2 Answer Key

1. Fish : School
a. wolf : pack
b. tiger : jungle
c. length : width
d. size : area
e. mileage : speed

2. Foot : Skateboard
a. tire : automobile
b. lace : shoe
c. ounce : scale
d. walk : jump
e. pedal : bicycle

3. Stretch: Extend
a. tremble : roll
b. thirsty : drink
c. shake : tremble
d. stroll : run
e. stitch : tear

4. Kangaroo: Marsupial
a. salmon : mollusk
b. zebra : horse
c. rhinoceros : pachyderm
d. beagle : feline
e. grasshopper : rodent

5. Starving : Hungry
a. neat : thoughtful
b. towering : cringing
c. progressive : regressive
d. happy : crying
e. depressed : sad
6. Dermatologist : Acne
a. psychologist : neurosis
b. child : pediatrician
c. ophthalmologist :Fracture
d. oncologist : measles

7. Frame : Picture
a. display : museum
b. shelf : refrigerator
c. mechanic : electrician
d. nail : hammer
e. fence : backyard

Tutorial: Beginner Level

Exercise 1 Question

Fill in the blank with the suitable word:

1. Leaf is to tree as petal is to________.

a) Stem b) Flower c) Garden d) Bike

2. City is to state as state is to______.

a) Country b) Continent c) Town d) County

3. Child is to family as student is to _______.

a) Class b) teacher c) Parents d) Brother

4. Second is to minute as minute is to______.

a) Week b) Season c) Hour d) Year

5. Nigeria is to Africa as France is to ------_.

a) Asia b) North America c) Middle East d) Europe

6. Corn is to cob as pea is to .

A)Green b) Pod c) Can d) Bean

7. Classroom is to school as kitchen is to -----------.

a) House b) Cook c) Garage d) Food

8. Dallas is to the United States as Paris is to ----------.

a) Germany b) Chile c) Mexico d) France

9. Letter is to word as word is to____.

a) Envelope b)Sentence c)Mailbox d) Homework
10. Eye is to see as earis to .
a) Here b) Hearing aid c) Hear d) Corn

11. Saw is to cut as hammer is to ______

a) screwdriver b)Pound . c)Chainsaw d)Screw

12. Pencil is to write as spoon is to_______.

a) Fork b) Knife c) Moon d) Stir

13. Clock is to time as thermometer is to .

a) Temperature b) Fever c) Miles d) Late

14. Scissors are to cut as pen is to_________ .

a) Cut b) Den c) Corral d) Write

15. Pilot is to fly as driver is to______ .

a)Ride b) Plane c) Drive d) Insect

Exercise 1 Answer Key

1. Leaf is to tree as petal is to .

a) Stem b) Flower c) Garden d) Bike

2. City is to state as state is to .

a) Country b) Continent c) Town d) County

3. Child is to family as student is to .

a) Class b) teacher c) Parents d) Brother

4. Second is to minute as minute is to .

a) Week b) Season c) Hour d) Year

5. Nigeria is to Africa as France is to .

a) Asia b) North America c) Middle East d) Europe

6. Corn is to cob as pea is to .

A)Green b) Pod c) Can d) Bean

7. Classroom is to school as kitchen is to .

a) House b) Cook c) Garage d) Food

8. Dallas is to the United States as Paris is to .

a) Germany b) Chile c) Mexico d) France

9. Letter is to word as word is to.

a) Envelope b)Sentence c)Mailbox d) Homework
10. Eye is to see as ear is to .
a) Here b) Hearing aid c) Hear d) Corn

11. Saw is to cut as hammer is to

a) screwdriver b)Pound . c)Chainsaw d)Screw

16. Pencil is to write as spoon is to .

a) Fork b) Knife c) Moon d) Stir

17. Clock is to time as thermometer is to .

a) Temperature b) Fever c) Miles d) Late

18. Scissors are to cut as pen is to .

a) Cut b) Den c) Corral d) Write

19. Pilot is to fly as driver is to .

a) Ride b) Plane c) Drive d) Insect

Exercise 2 Questions

Fill in the blank with the suitable word:

1. Tree is to trunk as house is to_____

a) Room
b) Colony
c) Apartment
d) Locality

2. Coat is to sleeve as head is to ____.

a) Toe
b) Finger
c) Hair
d) Here

3. Song is to lyric as jewelry is to__________

a) Nail paint
b) Necklace
c) Comb
d) Kohl

4. Mammal is to mouse as reptile is to__________

a) Camel
b) Pigeon
d) Snake
5. Shoe is to sole as bike is to
a) Handle
b) Car
d) Travel

Exercise 2 Answer Key

1.Tree is to trunk as house is to_______

e) Room
f) Colony
g) Apartment
h) Locality

2. Coat is to sleeve as head is to-_________ .

e) Toe
f) Finger
g) Hair
h) Here

3. Song is to lyric as jewelry is to___________

e) Nail paint
f) Necklace
g) Comb
h) Kohl

4. Mammal is to mouse as reptile is to________

a) Camel
b) Pigeon
d) Snake

5. Shoe is to sole as bike is to__________

a) Handle
b) Car
d) Travel

Exercise 3 Questions

Try your hand at these:

Reduce Competent Fear Thrive Felony

1. Tan:Brown:: :Expert
2. Hunger:Starvation::Survive:

3. Decigram:Centigram: :Eliminate

4. Sad:Tragic::Misdemeanor:

5. Plump:Obese:: :Terror

Exercise 3 Answer Key

Reduce Competent Fear Thrive Felony

1. Tan:Brown:: Competent :Expert

2. Hunger:Starvation::Survive:thrive

3. Decigram:Centigram:reduce:Eliminate

4. Sad:Tragic::Misdemeanor: felony

5. Plump:Obese::fear:Terror

Exercise 4 questions
Choose the word that best expresses a relationship similar to that of the original

1. Goal:Aim::Large:
a)Mammoth b) Miniature c) Tiny

2. Suitable:Appropriate::Expand:
a) Diminish b) Contract c)Elaborate

3. Connect:Conjoin::Relevant:
a) Irrelevant b)Pertinent c) Trivial

4. Normal:Everyday:: Irregular:
a) Disorderly b) Ordinary c) Habitual

5. Fluently : Dexterously :: Dubitably :

a) Inconclusively b) Irrevocable c) Unambiguous

6. Complex : Complicated :: Abandon :

a) Very well b) Desertion c) Restraint

7. Acknowledged : Recognized :: Appeal :

a) Revocation b) Disavowal c) Adjuration

8. Augment : Increase :: Bargain :

a) Negotiation b) Rip-off c) Disagreement

9. Bland : Uninteresting :: Blatant :

a) Concealed b) Conspicuous c) Subtle

10. Bleak : Grim :: Commensurate :

a) Inappropriate b) Unfitting c) Compatible

Exercise 4 Answer key

11. Goal:Aim::Large:
a) Mammoth b) Miniature c) Tiny

12. Suitable:Appropriate::Expand:
a) Diminish b) Contract c)Elaborate

13. Connect:Conjoin::Relevant:
a) Irrelevant b)Pertinent c) Trivial

14. Normal:Everyday:: Irregular:

a) Disorderly b) Ordinary c) Habitual

15. Fluently : Dexterously :: Dubitably :

a) Inconclusively b) Irrevocable c) Unambiguous
16. Complex : Complicated :: Abandon :

a) Very well b) Desertion c) Restraint

17. Acknowledged : Recognized :: Appeal :

a) Revocation b) Disavowal c) Adjuration

18. Augment : Increase :: Bargain :

a) Negotiation b) Rip-off c) Disagreement

19. Bland : Uninteresting :: Blatant :

a) Concealed b) Conspicuous c) Subtle

20. Bleak : Grim :: Commensurate :

a) Inappropriate b) Unfitting c) Compatible

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