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Inbound 810970029376660753
What is it?
The answer is...
What is it?
The answer is,,,
What is it?
the answer is...
What is it?
The answer is...
Son Goku
Verbal Analogy
What is Verbal Analogy?
Analogy is a similarity that is drawn
between two different, but sufficiently
similar events, situations, or
1. kitten : cat :: puppy : dog
2. pencil : write :: scissors : cut
3. moon : night:: sun : day
4. apple: fruit :: carrot : vegetable
5. good : bad :: black : white
Verbal Analogy?
Verbal analogies are all about
relationships. They test your ability to
see a relationship between two words
and to recognize a similar relationship
between two other words.
What do Verbal Analogy Questions Look Like?
Knife : Cut
Gun : Shoot
Spoon : Feed
10. Pair Relationship
When the two words form a genuine pair, then it is
called a pair relationship.
Lock : Key
Question : Answer
Pencil : Eraser
11. Study and Topic Relationship
When one word of the pair gives the branch of study
and the other word gives the topic of study of that
branch, then it is called study and topic relationship.
Botany : Plants
Astrology : Planets
Cardiology : Heart
12. Animal and Movement Relationship
When one word of the pair gives the animal name
and other word of the pair represents its movement,
then it is called animal and movement relationship
Rabbit : Leap
Mouse : Scamper
Horse : Gallop
13. Animal/Thing and Sound Relationship
When one word of the pair represents the sound
produced by the animal/thing given in the other word
of the pair, then it is called animal/thing and sound
Lion : Roar
Elephant : Trumpet
Rain : Patter
14. Individual and Dwelling Place Relationship
When one word of the pair represents the dwelling
place of the individuals given in the other word of the
pair, then it is called individual and dwelling place
Mouse : Hole
Soldier : Barracks
Nun : Convent
15. Games and Playing Place Relationship
When one word of the pair represents the place for
playing the game given in the other word of the pair,
then it is called games and playing place relationship.
Swimming : Swimming Pool
Boxing : Ring
Badminton : Court
16. Male and Female Relationship
When two words of the pair represent male and
female gender of each other, then it is called male and
female relationship
Man : Woman
Bull : Cow
Horse : Mare
17. Animal and Young One Relationship
When one word of the pair represents the name given
to the young ones of the animals given in other word of
the pair, then it is called animal and young one
Frog : Tadpole
Cat : Kitten
Dog : Puppy
Group activity!
Story Analysis
General Direction:
One day, a curious young girl named Lily visited Merlin's cottage.
Intrigued by the flickering glow inside the lantern, she asked the wise
wizard about its secret.
Merlin smiled and said, "The light within this lantern is like hope in our
hearts. It can brighten even the darkest corners of our lives. But remember,
Lily, just as the lantern illuminates the night, darkness is essential to
appreciate the beauty of the stars."