10ei308 Data Communication

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Credit: 4:0:0

Marks: 50+50

Course Objective To understand the System Interconnection and protocols. To introduce the concept of communication protocols and give an overview of Data Communication Standards. To discuss the types of cables used for transmission. To discuss the operation and applications of the Protocols used in Industries.

Course Outcome The student will be able to identify the protocol. The student will have the ability to chose the require protocol and the communication modes for the given system. The student will be able to select a suitable cable for the transmission.

Unit I : Overview & Basic Principles Open systems interconnection ( OSI ) model - Protocols - Physical standard Smart Instrumentation systems- Bits, bytes and characters- Communication principles- Communication modes- Asynchronous systems- Synchronous systems- Error detection- Transmission characteristics- Data coding- The universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)- The high speed UART (16550). Unit II: Data Communication Standards Standards organizations- Serial data communications interface standards- Balanced and unbalanced transmission lines- EIA-232 interface standard - Troubleshooting serial data communication circuits- Test equipment- Ethernet - Ethernet Protocol operation - Ethernet hardware requirements. The RS-485 interface standard- Troubleshooting and testing with RS485- The 20 mA current loop- Serial interface converters- Interface to serial printers- Parallel data communications interface standards- General purpose interface bus (GPIB) or IEEE-488 or I EC-625- The universal serial bus (USB). Unit III: Cabling, Electrical Noise and Error Detection Origin of errors- Factors affecting signal propagation- Types of error detection, control and correction- Copper-based cables -Twisted pair cables- Coaxial cables- Fiber-optic cablesDefinition of noise- Frequency analysis of noise- Sources of electrical noise- Electrical coupling of noise Shielding- Good shielding performance ratios- Cable ducting or raceways- Cable spacing- Earthing and grounding requirements- Suppression technique- Filtering Unit IV: Modem and Multiplexer

Modes of operation- Synchronous or asynchronous- Interchange circuits- Flow controlDistortion- Modulation techniques- Components of a modem- Types of modem- Radio modemsError detection/correction- Data compression techniques- Modem standards- Troubleshooting a system using modems- Multiplexing concepts- Terminal multiplexers- Statistical multiplexers. Unit V:Wireless Protocol Bluethooth: Definition - Bluetooth protocol stack Network Establishment in Bluetooth Wireless Local Area Network WLAN Standard Home RF Network topologies Physical Layer Zigbee Networks. Reference Books 1. Steve Mackay, John Park and Edwin Wright, Practical Data Communication for Instrumentation and Control, Newnes Elsevier, USA, 2002. 2. A.S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, Hyderabad, 2002. 3. William A Shay, Understanding Data Communications and networks, Pacific Grove, USA, 2003. 4. P Nicopolitidis, M S Odaidat, G I Papadimitriou, A S Pomportsis Wireless Networks, Wiley India Edition New Delhi. 5. Vijay K Garg , Wireless Network Evolution Pearson Education, Delhi.

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