Chapter 3: Network Protocols and Communications: Objectives

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Chapter 3: Network Protocols and Communications

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
-Explain how rules are used to facilitate communication.
-Explain the role of protocols and standards organizations in facilitating interoperability in network
-Explain how devices on a LAN access resources in a small to medium-sized business network.
3.1 Rules of Communication
3.2 Network Protocols and Standards
3.3 Moving Data in the Network
3.4 Summary

3.1 Rules of Communication

The Rules
What is Communication?

Establishing the Rules

An identified sender and receiver
Agreed upon method of communicating (face-to-face, telephone, letter, photograph)
Common language and grammar
Speed and timing of delivery
Confirmation or acknowledgment requirements
Message Encoding
Message Formatting and Encapsulation
Example: Personal letter contains the following elements:
-Identifier of the recipients location
-Identifier of the senders location
-Salutation or greeting
-Recipient identifier
-The message content
-Source identifier
-End of message indicator
Message Size
An overview of the segmenting process:
-The size restrictions of frames require the source host to break a long message into individual pieces (or
segments) that meet both the minimum and maximum size requirements.
-Each segment is encapsulated in a separate frame with the address information, and is sent over the network.
-At the receiving host, the messages are de-encapsulated and put back together to be processed and

Message Timing
-Access Method
-Flow Control
-Response Timeout
Message Delivery Options

3.2 Network Protocols and Standards

Rules that Govern Communications

Network Protocols
-How the message is formatted or structured
-The process by which networking devices share information about pathways with other networks
-How and when error and system messages are passed between devices
-The setup and termination of data transfer sessions
Interaction of Protocols
-Application Protocol Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
-Transport Protocol Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
-Internet Protocol Internet Protocol (IP)
-Network Access Protocols Data link & physical layers
Protocol Suites
Protocol Suites and Industry Standards

Creation of Internet, Development of TCP/IP

-The first packet switching network and predecessor to todays Internet was the Advanced Research Projects
Agency Network (ARPANET), which came to life in 1969 by connecting mainframe computers at four locations.
-ARPANET was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense for use by universities and research laboratories.
Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) was the contractor that did much of the initial development of the ARPANET,
including creating the first router known as an Interface Message Processor (IMP).
-In 1973, Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf began work on TCP to develop the next generation of the ARPANET. TCP
was designed to replace ARPANETs current Network Control Program (NCP).
-In 1978, TCP was divided into two protocols: TCP and IP. Later, other protocols were added to the TCP/IP suite
of protocols including Telnet, FTP, DNS, and many others.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite and Communication

Standards Organizations
Open Standards
-The Internet Society (ISOC)
-The Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
-The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
-Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
-The International Organization for Standards (ISO)

Other Standards Organization

The Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
The International Telecommunications Union Telecommunications Standardization Sector (ITU-T)
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
Reference Models
Benefits of Using a Layered Model

The TCP/IP Reference Model

The OSI Reference Model

Comparing the OSI and TCP/IP Models

3.3 Moving Data in the Network

Data Encapsulation
Communicating the Messages
Segmenting message benefits Different conversations can be interleaved Increased reliability of network
Segmenting message disadvantage Increased level of complexity

Protocol Data Units (PDUs)

Protocol Encapsulation

Moving Data in the Network

Accessing Local Resources

Protocol De-encapsulation

Accessing Local Resources

Communicating with Device / Same Network

MAC and IP Addresses

Accessing Remote Resources

Default Gateway

Communicating Device / Remote Network

In this chapter, you learned:
Data networks are systems of end devices, intermediary devices, and the media connecting the devices. For
communication to occur, these devices must know how to communicate.
These devices must comply with communication rules and protocols. TCP/IP is an example of a protocol suite.
Most protocols are created by a standards organization such as the IETF or IEEE.
The most widely-used networking models are the OSI and TCP/IP models.
Data that passes down the stack of the OSI model is segmented into pieces and encapsulated with addresses
and other labels. The process is reversed as the pieces are de-encapsulated and passed up the destination
protocol stack.
The OSI model describes the processes of encoding, formatting, segmenting, and encapsulating data for
transmission over the network.
The TCP/IP protocol suite is an open standard protocol that has been endorsed by the networking industry and
ratified, or approved, by a standards organization.
The Internet Protocol Suite is a suite of protocols required for transmitting and receiving information using the

Protocol Data Units (PDUs) are named according to the protocols of the TCP/IP suite: data, segment, packet,
frame, and bits.
Applying models allows individuals, companies, and trade associations to analyze current networks and plan
the networks of the future.

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