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01 20/01/2023 Ö. CANDUR F. ASLAN

Revision Modification Date Written by Checked by

Name Date

Project: Votorantim Cement Morocco Plant Concept

Technical Audit Report Prepared


Project No: 2986
1. SUMMARY OF THE AUDIT ............................................................................................................... 3
2. EVALUATION OF EXISTING SITUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................ 4
2.1. Plant Site Data ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1. Ambient Conditions .......................................................................................... 4
2.1.2. Electricity.......................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Chemistry ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2.1. Fuel .................................................................................................................. 4
2.2.2. Kiln Feed .......................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3. Hot Meal & Dust Return & Clinker .................................................................... 6
2.2.4. Evaluation of Volatile Balance .......................................................................... 8
2.3. Pyro Process Unit .................................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1. Heat Balance of Pyro Line and Evaluation of Heat Consumption ..................... 9 Pyro Line Heat Balance Inputs ...................................................................... 9 General Data of Pyro Process ..................................................................... 10 Rotary Kiln Data .......................................................................................... 10 Pyro Line Heat Balance Results ................................................................... 11 Kiln Exhaust Gases Loss & Evaluation of Preheater .................................... 12 Radiation Losses .......................................................................................... 17 Clinker Cooler Operation Data & Thermal Losses ...................................... 21 Cooler Unit .................................................................................................. 22 Heat of Reaction ......................................................................................... 26 Main Burner Transport Measurements ...................................................... 27
2.3.2. Detailed Power Consumption of Pyro-Process ................................................28 ID Fan .......................................................................................................... 28 Downcomer Duct ........................................................................................ 28 Rotary Kiln ................................................................................................... 29 Clinker Cooler .............................................................................................. 29
2.3.3. Bottleneck Analysis of Pyro Line & Recommendations for Improvements .......29 Cyclones ...................................................................................................... 29 Calciner ....................................................................................................... 31 Kiln............................................................................................................... 32 Tertiary Air Duct .......................................................................................... 33 Cooler .......................................................................................................... 33

Table List
TABLE 1: KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR VALUES ............................................................................................... 3
TABLE 2: AMBIENT CONDITIONS OF THE PLANT SITE ............................................................................................ 4
TABLE 3: ELECTRICAL DATA OF THE PLANT SITE .................................................................................................. 4
TABLE 4: PETCOKE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................ 4
TABLE 5: OLIVE POMACE-PETCOKE MIXTURE CALCULATED ANALYSIS ............................................................... 5
TABLE 6: OLIVE POMACE ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................... 5
TABLE 7: TDF ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................................ 5
TABLE 8: KILN FEED HOURLY CHEMICAL ANALYSIS RESULTS .............................................................................. 5
TABLE 9: KILN FEED HOURLY PSD ANALYSIS RESULTS....................................................................................... 6
TABLE 10: HOT MEAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 6
TABLE 11: DUST RETURN CHEMICAL ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 7
TABLE 12: CLINKER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 7
TABLE 13: GENERAL DATA OF PYRO PROCESS .................................................................................................. 10
TABLE 14: ROTARY KILN PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................... 10
TABLE 15: PREHEATER TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE & O2 VALUES* ................................................................... 12
TABLE 16: PRESSURE DROP ................................................................................................................................ 15
TABLE 17: HEAT BALANCE LOI AND SEPARATION EFFICIENCY RESULTS .......................................................... 15
TABLE 18: HEAT BALANCE RESULTS AND DESIGN CRITERIA COMPARISON....................................................... 16
TABLE 19: PREHEATER SHELL TEMPERATURES [°C] .......................................................................................... 17
TABLE 20: KILN SHELL TEMPERATURES .............................................................................................................. 18
TABLE 21: TAD SHELL TEMPERATURES .............................................................................................................. 19
TABLE 22: RADIATION AND CONVECTION HEAT LOSSES..................................................................................... 20
TABLE 23: CLINKER COOLER OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS ................................................................................ 21
TABLE 24: COOLING AIR FAN MEASUREMENTS................................................................................................... 22
TABLE 25: COOLING AIR FAN CALCULATIONS ..................................................................................................... 23
TABLE 26: COAL TRANSPORT BLOWER MEASUREMENT RESULTS ..................................................................... 27
TABLE 27: MAIN BURNER PRIMARY AIR FAN MEASUREMENT RESULTS ............................................................ 27
TABLE 28: KILN ID FAN MEASUREMENTS & CALCULATION RESULTS ................................................................. 28
TABLE 29: VELOCITY PROFILE OF CYCLONES ..................................................................................................... 29
TABLE 30: L/D RATIO OF CYCLONES ................................................................................................................... 30
TABLE 31: PHT CYCLONE AND MEAL PIPE LOADINGS........................................................................................ 31
TABLE 32: VELOCITY PROFILE OF CALCINER....................................................................................................... 31
TABLE 33: KILN DATA ........................................................................................................................................... 32
TABLE 34: KILN HOOD AND KILN ORIFICE VELOCITIES ....................................................................................... 32
TABLE 35: TAD VELOCITY.................................................................................................................................... 33

Figure List
FIGURE 1: HEAT BALANCE CALCULATION RESULTS ............................................................................................ 11
FIGURE 2: OUTLET TEMPERATURE OF PREHEATER CYCLONES ......................................................................... 13
FIGURE 3: CO TREND OF 4TH STAGE CYCLONE OUTLET..................................................................................... 14
FIGURE 4: BLOWING DENSITIES OF COOLER FANS: 23, 23A, 24, 24A 3 AND 4* ............................................... 24
FIGURE 5: COOLER HEAT BALANCE CALCULATION RESULTS ............................................................................. 25
FIGURE 6: COOLER EXHAUST TEMPERATURE TREND ......................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 7: OUTLET OF A CYCLONE....................................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE 8: STATIC INLET OF THE COOLER............................................................................................................ 33
FIGURE 9: SUGGESTED STATIC INLET OF THE COOLER DESIGN......................................................................... 34


Votorantim Cement Morocco Plant, hereinafter referred to as “VMP”, intends to

improve their process performance on the pyro process, in terms of energy
consumption and utilization of alternative fuel. Beyond this, Dal Teknik Makina A.Ş.,
hereinafter referred to as “DTM”, has conducted a technical audit and this report to
discuss in detail about the findings of the audit. Following this report, a CFD report for
calciner will be submitted.

In order to achieve that, DTM has taken almost all required data to evaluate the existing
situation during technical audit of 4 days in total and through mails from the plant staff.
This report will bring the development of an optimization strategy to reach specific
targets through short and long terms investments.

VMP utilizes petcoke as a main fuel; and Olive Pomace and TDF as alternative fuels.
The production rate of clinker line during the audit is 2725.7 tpd (at around 191 tph kiln
feed with 1.68 clinker factor), the specific heat consumption is calculated from heat
balance and is around 841 kcal/kg clinker. Petcoke-olive pomace mixture is utilized for
kiln while; this mixture, pure olive pomace and TDF are utilized for calciner unit.
According to weighing results provided by VMP, thermal split rate of fuels is calculated
as 36.2 and 63.8% for the kiln and calciner, respectively. The specific energy
consumption is calculated as 18.9 kWh/t clinker including ID fan, kiln main drive and
cooler fans’ power consumption.

Table 1: Key Performance Indicator Values

Key Performance Indicator

SHC 841 kcal/kg cli.
SEC* 18.9 kWh/t cli.
Location Mixture % Olive Pomace % TDF % Total %
Kiln 36.2 - - 36.2
Fuel Split
Calciner 17.5 10.8 35.5 63.8

*: consumers are stated above


2.1. Plant Site Data

2.1.1. Ambient Conditions
Table 2: Ambient Conditions of the Plant Site

Plant Location Temara/Morocco

Altitude 52 m above sea level
Annual Average Minimum Temperature 12 °C
Annual Average Maximum Temperature 24.2 °C
Annual Average Humidity 73.2 %

2.1.2. Electricity
Table 3: Electrical Data of the Plant Site

Low Voltage 380 V, 3 ph.

Medium Voltage 6.3 kV
Frequency 50Hz

2.2. Chemistry
2.2.1. Fuel
Plant utilizes petcoke; moisture, calorific value and PSD analyses are given in below

Table 4: Petcoke Analysis

Moisture Gross Calorific Net Calorific
(As received) Value Value R90 R200
[%] [kcal/kg] [kcal/kg]
Average 7.5 0.78 7616.20 7120.00 4.87 0.06
Standard Deviation - 0.26 147.62 - 0.35 0.11

Although residue over 90 µm is in normal range to complete combustion for main

burner, DTM recommends 2.5% of 90 µm residue for better operation.

Petcoke is not used as a fuel alone. The plant utilizes petcoke mixed with thermally
3.5% olive pomace for feeding it to both the kiln and calciner. According to weighing
results, moisture percentage and net calorific value of this mixture are calculated and
shown in the following table.

Table 5: Olive Pomace-Petcoke Mixture Calculated Analysis
Olive Pomace-Petcoke Mixture
Thermal Percentage of Thermal Percentage of Moisture Content Net CV of the Mixture
Olive Pomace [%] Petcoke [%] of the Mixture [%] [kcal/kg]
3.5 96.5 7.66 6923.76

In the plant, pure olive pomace and TDF are fed to only the calciner beside the petcoke-
olive pomace mixture. In Table 6 and 7; moisture, and calorific values of olive pomace
and TDF are tabulated, respectively.

Table 6: Olive Pomace Analysis

Olive Pomace
Moisture Net Calorific Value
[%] [kcal/kg]
Average 10.16 3994.41
Standard Deviation 0.89 115.73

Table 7: TDF Analysis

Moisture Net Calorific Value
[%] [kcal/kg]
Average 0.78 6894.00
Standard Deviation 0.03 225.96

2.2.2. Kiln Feed

Average values of chemical analysis and particle size distribution (PSD) results for raw
kiln feed provided by VMP are summarized in Table 8 and 9.

Table 8: Kiln Feed Hourly Chemical Analysis Results

Kiln Feed Hourly Chemical Analysis Results
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 K2O Na2O TiO2 MnO P2O5 Sum Cl SM AM LSF LOI

AVG. 13.14 3.19 2.01 43.07 1.66 0.39 0.56 0.17 0.22 0.06 0.15 99.90 0.0139 2.53 1.59 102.95 35.46

STD. 0.18 0.11 0.09 0.14 0.13 0.03 0.02 - 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 - 0.07 0.04 1.87 0.22

According to table above, standard deviation of LSF value is slightly higher than DAL’s
operational limit. It should be at most 1.5 for a stable kiln operation. Higher standard

deviation may result in severe problem like kiln dust and cooler lump formation. It may
also cause quality deviation in final product.

Table 9: Kiln Feed Hourly PSD Analysis Results

Kiln Feed Hourly PSD Analysis
R90 R200
Average Value 22.81 4.13
Recommended Range 12 – 15 <2
Standard Deviation 1.36 0.56

The 90µ and 200µ residue of kiln feed is higher than standard applications as seen in
table above. As a result of this, the free lime at clinker may go beyond the limit.
Therefore, burnability and reactivity may be poor as negative impacts of working at this
high fineness. XRD analysis is required to be sure of clinker minerology.

Even though, operating with high fineness consumes less energy; the quality of the
clinker will be affected negatively.

2.2.3. Hot Meal & Dust Return & Clinker

Hot meal chemical analysis is summarized in the table below.

Table 10: Hot Meal Chemical Analysis

Hot Meal Chemical Analysis
LOI SO3 K2O Na2O Cl Calcination Degree
Average Value 4.95 6.54 1.26 0.09 0.101 90.52
Standard Deviation 0.30 0.56 0.04 0.03 0.010 0.65

According to table above, SO3 content is quite high, showing high sulfur volatility. In
addition, SO3/Alkali ratio which is calculated as 6.08 (inc. Cl) is undesirable. Intendency
for built up and blockages in kiln inlet and lower stage cyclones is likely. High SO3
content in hot meal and high sulfur volatility can be result in combustion problems,
fluctuations in fuel dosing system, CO emission and instable kiln feed chemistry.

In order to reduce SO3 content in hot meal, increasing alternative fuel substitution rate
while keeping SHC same or using petcoke with lower sulfur content is recommended.

The chemical analysis of dust return is shown in the following table.
Table 11: Dust Return Chemical Analysis
Dust Return Chemical Analysis
LOI SiO2 Al2O3 FeO3 CaO MgO SO3 K2O TiO2 MnO P2O5 Cl SM AM LSF
34.71 11.04 4.24 2.52 43.89 1.45 0.69 0.93 0.21 0.08 0.14 0.087 1.63 1.68 116.89

Clinker chemical analysis are shown in the following table.

Table 12: Clinker Chemical Analysis


LOI 0.18 0.02
SiO2 20.44 0.19
Al2O3 4.79 0.20
Fe2O3 3.76 0.16
CaO 65.39 0.44
MgO 2.61 0.12
SO3 1.11 0.29
K2O 0.85 0.04
Na2O 0.20 -
TiO2 0.33 0.01
MnO 0.10 0.01
P2O5 0.23 0.01
CaOL 2.46 0.88
Cl 0.0109 -
Sum 99.80 0.10
LSF 100.39 1.37
SM 2.39 0.029
AM 1.27 0.05
C3S_Bogue 59.54 4.61
C2S_Bogue 13.78 3.86
C3A_Bogue 6.33 0.43
C4AF_Bogue 11.44 0.49
Liquid Phase 25.45 0.81
Cl - -

Both free lime concentration and its standard deviation are high according to chemical
analysis of clinker. The free lime content should be less than 1.5 for desirable
grindability of clinker and good reactivity of product. Beside the high free lime, the
standard deviation of free lime content is quite high. Most probably it is because of high

LSF and undesirable fineness in the raw meal causing poor burnability. DTM suggests
an optimization to the raw mill to enhance the clinker quality and decrease the SHC.

XRD analysis of the clinker may show better understanding about burnability.

2.2.4. Evaluation of Volatile Balance

According to the volatile balance, the chlorine content in the clinker is within the desired
ranges. A bypass system is not required. Although the chlorine volatility is less than
the expected range, it is acceptable.

As mentioned before, sulfur volatility and excess sulfur are higher than desired values
due to high sulfur content in hot meal. Pre-heater buildups and frequent blockages are
expected in kiln inlet and lower stage cyclones affecting the kiln operation.

2.3. Pyro Process Unit
2.3.1. Heat Balance of Pyro Line and Evaluation of Heat Consumption Pyro Line Heat Balance Inputs
Some of the critical inputs are explained as below;

Kiln Capacity: 2726 tpd avg. clinker production value and 1.68 clinker factor are
calculated through kiln drop test.

Primary Air for Main Burner: Measured during the site visit.

Radiation Losses: Calculated based on shell temperature measurements.

Standard Cooler Loss: Calculated based on measurements (detailed heat balance

will be given later in this section).

Heat of Reaction: Calculated from the clinker analysis, which will be given later in this

PH-Cyclone Stage Efficiencies: It is estimated based on iterations.

Fuel Analysis: Taken from the data given by the plant.

False Air at Kiln Inlet & Outlet: Estimated through experience.

Based on above inputs and several iterations, the system is simulated. The simulated
values will be checked with measured values and the problems of the system will be

9 General Data of Pyro Process
Table 13: General Data of Pyro Process

Design Capacity 2800 tpd

Operational Capacity During the Audit 2726 tpd
Preheater Stage No. 4
Preheater String No. 1
Fuel Petcoke & Olive Pomace & TDF
Specific Heat Consumption 841 kcal/kg clinker
Calciner Retention Time (+Combustion Chamber) 2.7 (+0.6) s
Calciner Volume (including combustion chamber) 605.32 m3
Preheater Outlet Pressure -70.7 mbar
Preheater Outlet Temperature 400 °C
Kiln ID Fan Motor Power (Op.) 1363 kW
Kiln ID Fan Specific Motor Power 12.0 kWh/t clinker
Kiln ID Fan Speed 940 rpm Rotary Kiln Data

Rotary kiln design and operational parameters during audit are tabulated in below.

Table 14: Rotary Kiln Parameters

Diameter (Inside Refractory / Steel) 4.13 / 4.57 m

Length 67.2 m
Design Capacity 2800 tpd
Inclination 4 %
Number of Supports 3 -
Maximum Rotation Speed 3.4 rpm
Rotation Speed at Operation 2.4 rpm
Main Drive Power at Operation 212.7 kW
Main Drive Specific Power Consumption 1.9 kWh/t cli.

10 Pyro Line Heat Balance Results
The heat balance calculation results can be seen below.

Figure 1: Heat Balance Calculation Results

The difference of gas flow rate at the preheater exit between measurement and this
heat balance is -0.7%. According to the heat balance, the SHC is calculated as 841
kcal/kg cli.

11 Kiln Exhaust Gases Loss & Evaluation of Preheater
Preheater measurements are listed in the table below.
Table 15: Preheater Temperature, Pressure & O2 Values*

Cyclone T [°C] Ps [mbar] O2 [%]

C1A 391.4 -71.3 2.20
C1B 408.7 -70.1 1.96
C2 619.4 -55.6 1.74
C3 785.0 -44.7 1.64
C4 882.2 -25.0** -
Calciner Outlet 865.9 -13.8 -
*: Spot measurements
**: CCR average

In the heat balance calculations, the cyclone outlet temperatures found by adjusting
the CCR trends and measurements are used as the reference point.

C1 C2


Figure 2: Outlet Temperature of Preheater Cyclones

Above figures show the temperature trends of preheater stages. The trends shows that
there are considerable fluctuations in the operations. These fluctuations most probably
caused by the fuel dosing. The inaccuracy of the dosages causes combustion
problems which results in an increase in CO emission.

The fuel dosages should be checked and the fuel transport velocities should be

Below trend corresponds to the 4th cyclone outlet CO concentration.

Figure 3: CO Trend of 4th Stage Cyclone Outlet

According to the figure, the CO concentration is fluctuating between 0.2% and 1.2%.
The CO concentration of calciner outlet is quite high, this indicates combustion
problems in the calciner.

In the preheater outlet measurement, the CO concentration is found as 0.3 %.

Accordingly, 14.7kcal/kg cli. is escaping from the system. In other words, if the
combustion had completed by the 2nd stage, the SHC would have been 14.7kcal/kg cli.
less. This value can only be reduced by improving the calciner.

Table 16: Pressure Drop

Stages Average Ps [mbar] Pressure Drop [mbar]

Stage 1 -70.7 -15.1
Stage 2 -55.6 -10.9
Stage 3 -44.7 -19.7
Stage 4 -25.0* -11.2
Calciner -13.8 -10.3
Kiln Inlet -2.1*

*: CCR average

In the table above, pressure drop of all cyclones and calciner is shown. Accordingly,
3rd cyclone has high pressure drop. With a cyclone improvement project, the pressure
drop can be reduced as low as 7-8 mbar.

Cyclone performance in terms of separation efficiency is given more in detail below.

From the heat balance calculations, the separation efficiencies of the cyclones turn out
to be as shown in the following table.

Table 17: Heat Balance LOI and Separation Efficiency Results

Material: Separation Efficiency
(Heat Balance) (Analysis)
Raw material / Clinker: 35.50 -
Feed 35.37 -
Stage 1 34.11 34.19 0.94
Stage 2 31.89 31.55 0.74
Stage 3 26.56 26.00 0.71
Stage 4 4.94 4.94 0.60

As seen in above table, the separation efficiency of stage 1 is desirable.

Other stages have below average efficiency; however, it may not be profitable to
modify these cyclones for this matter alone.

The cyclone design seems fine; however, they are being operated with overcapacity
and cannot handle current capacity. This can be understood from high pressure drop
and velocities inside the cyclones, riser ducts and dip tubes. Too high velocities can
result in loss in separation efficiency.

The separation efficiency, preheater outlet temperature, SHC and temperature
differences between the bottom two stages are given for existing case and can be
compared to the values with a modification scenario in the following table.

Table 18: Heat Balance Results and Design Criteria Comparison

Description Existing With Modification

2 Stage Separation Efficiency [%] 74 80
3 Stage Separation Efficiency [%] 71 75
4 Stage Separation Efficiency [%] 60 70
Temperature Diff. (C4-C3) [°C] 98 116
PH Outlet Temperature [°C] 426 397
Specific Heat Consumption [kcal/kg cli.] 841 822

Accordingly, in case of a modification of 3 bottom cyclones the specific heat

consumption will decrease by 19 kcal/kg cli.

16 Radiation Losses
Wall Temperatures of the preheater cyclones and calciner are given in Table 19. Kiln
shell temperatures depending on the length of the kiln are listed in Table 20 and Table
21 shows the TAD wall temperatures.

Table 19: Preheater Shell Temperatures [°C]

Cyclone Cylindrical Part Cone Gas Duct and Roof Meal Pipe
63.7 115 72.8 127
57.3 123 77.7 131
1st Stage 69.8 125 95.3 108
Cyclones 89.1 149 128
95.3 123 150
69.3 117 134
80.4 81.8 92.8 137
112 97.6 102 199
2nd Stage 90.1 125 113 182
Cyclones 123 112 142
79 59.7 173
87.9 61.5 203
115 95.4 88.7 193
115 137 76 186
3rd Stage 121 191 137 159
Cyclone 167 119 112 205
249 120 290
127 145
206 168 136 217
4th Stage 147 152 138 199
Cyclones 135 143 137 323
235 158 332
Pyrotop Body
252 155 169 100
196 162 145 74.6
161 148 145 171
195 151 213 152
188 147 138
110 98.8 129
173 102 105

Wall temperature tables indicate that cyclone and calciner body temperatures are in
the high range, especially, 4th stage cyclone and calciner surface.

Table 20: Kiln Shell Temperatures

Location (Cooler to PHT) Temperature [oC]

0.0-2.0 237
2.0-4.0 276
4.0-6.0 223
6.0-8.0 203
8.0-10.0 251
10.0-12.0 208
12.0-14.0 160
14.0-16.0 185
16.0-18.0 192
18.0-20.0 171
20.0-22.0 221
22.0-24.0 166
24.0-26.0 123
26.0-28.0 159
28.0-30.0 183
30.2-32.0 200
32.0-34.0 213
34.0-36.0 181
36.0-38.0 211
38.0-40.0 240
40.0-42.0 148
42.0-44.0 175
44.0-46.0 244
46.0-48.0 253
48.0-50.0 239
50.0-52.0 217
52.0-54.0 189
54.0-56.0 140
56.0-58.0 130
58.0-60.0 107
60.0-62.0 126
62.0-64.0 166
64.0-66.0 171
66.0-67.5 144

Table 21: TAD Shell Temperatures

Parts Location (Cooler to PHT) Temperature [oC]

0.0-2.7 107
2.7-5.4 106
5.4-8.1 110
8.1-10.8 96
10.8-13.5 107
13.5-16.2 110
16.2-18.9 107
18.9-21.6 105
21.6-24.3 89
24.3-27.0 95
27.0-29.7 109
29.7-32.4 122
32.4-35.1 98
Main Duct
35.1-37.8 118
37.8-40.5 105
40.5-43.2 112
43.2-45.9 113
45.9-48.6 99
48.6-51.3 88
51.3-54.0 101
54.0-56.7 117
56.7-59.4 93
59.4-62.1 109
62.1-64.8 108
64.8-67.5 104
67.5-70.0 108

Kiln and TAD wall temperatures seem to be in normal range.

Radiation and convection heat loses per one kg of clinker are calculated and shown in
the following table.

Table 22: Radiation and Convection Heat Losses

Surface Radiation Convection Total Heat
Location Area Loss Loss Loss
(m2) (kcal/kg) (kcal/kg) (kcal/kg)
Kiln 964.80 189.76 13.97 6.66 20.63
Calciner 518.10 151.22 4.80 2.89 7.69
128.41 127.08 0.85 0.60 1.45
TAD (including
591.94 123.74 3.74 2.90 6.64
connection duct)
C1 388.34 105.73 1.82 2.73 4.55
C2 312.08 116.85 1.77 1.17 2.95
C3 384.57 149.91 3.51 1.93 5.44
C4 367.07 188.40 5.24 2.40 7.63

Radiation loss of the 4th cyclone seems to be high; refractory should be checked.

20 Clinker Cooler Operation Data & Thermal Losses
A brief result of the cooler measurements and some calculations are given in the table

Table 23: Clinker Cooler Operational Parameters

Type Polysius Clinker Cooler

Number of Cooling Air Fans 11 #
Operational Design
Capacity Capacity
Capacity 2726 2800 tpd
Temperature of Clinker Inlet 1450 °C
Average Cooling Air Temperature 35 °C
Cooling Air Flow 2.01
Exhaust Air Flow 1.21
Clinker Outlet Temperature at Operation 168 °C
Combustion Air to Kiln & Calciner from Nm3/kg
Cooler clinker
Cooler Grate Area 70.89 m2
Cooler Area Load 38 39 tpd/m2
Cooler Width Load 949.7 975.6 tpd/m
Static Inlet Load 509.5 520.3 tpd/m2
Cooler Loss (VDZ Definition) 136.4
Cooler Exhaust Gas Temperature 290* °C
Tertiary Air Temperature 940* °C
Water Consumption 0
*: CCR average adjusted.

Cooler area, width and static inlet load operate at acceptable range.

21 Cooler Unit
Cooling air fan measurements are presented in the following table.

Table 24: Cooling Air Fan Measurements

Static Pressure
Temperature Inlet Dynamic Pressure Total Pressure Increase
Fan No [mbar]

[°C] [mbar] Inlet Outlet [mbar]

F23 25.0 5.17 -10.67 59.00 69.67
F23A 25.5 2.05 -7.00 65.51 72.51
F24 26.0 5.08 -10.77 74.00 84.77
F24A 26.4 4.93 -6.13 72.67 78.80
F3 26.7 6.58 -6.32 59.94 66.26
F4 27.8 2.66 -4.42 45.50 49.92
F5 27.0 3.40 -8.17 24.08 32.25
F25 24.2 4.20 -9.96 24.61 34.57
F26 25.1 1.53 -2.66 28.83 31.49
F27 25.0 1.03 -2.36 20.49 22.85
F28 25.0 1.44 -2.69 19.58 22.27

Based on the measurements presented in the table above, below given results are calculated.
Table 25: Cooling Air Fan Calculations

Duct Specific
Inlet Specific CCR Power
Inlet Density Volumetric Flow Rate Power
Velocity Air Current Consumption
Area Consumption Fan Static
Fan No
% Nm3/kg
m2 kg/m3 m/s m3/h Nm3/h CCR m3/h A kW kWh/t cli.
Difference cli.

F23 0.126 1.161 29.8 13490 12160 12861 -6 0.11 49.47 28.0 0.25 93.3%
F23A 0.196 1.161 18.6 13120 11850 14676 -24 0.10 95.40 54.0 0.48 49.0%
F24 0.196 1.163 29.6 20950 18810 18390 2 0.17 153.70 87.0 0.77 56.7%
F24A 0.126 1.157 29.1 13160 11860 12043 -2 0.10 90.10 51.0 0.45 56.5%
F3 0.332 1.159 33.6 40160 36140 34522 4 0.32 116.60 66.0 0.58 112.1%
F4 0.332 1.157 21.2 25360 22780 31083 -36 0.20 118.37 67.0 0.59 52.5%
F5 0.332 1.156 24.2 28950 25980 27727 -7 0.23 111.30 63.0 0.55 41.2%
F25 0.332 1.165 26.8 32020 28950 32244 -11 0.25 130.73 74.0 0.65 41.6%
F26 0.442 1.170 16.2 25740 23370 14532 38 0.21 51.23 29.0 0.26 77.7%
F27 0.385 1.171 13.2 18240 16570 14748 11 0.15 49.47 28.0 0.25 41.4%
F28 0.385 1.170 15.3 21270 19320 19042 1 0.17 40.63 23.0 0.20 57.2%
TOTAL 252,460 227,790 231,868 2.01 1007.01 570.0 5.02 61.7%

*: Efficiency calculations are based on cooling air flow inlet and chamber pressures.

According to table above, the volumetric flow rate difference between measurements and CCR for F23A, F4 and F26 are high.
Therefore; a calibration for these flowmeters is needed.

The specific power consumption of cooler fans is 5.02 kWh/t clinker, which seems to be reasonable.

In the following figure, blowing densities of first 6 fans are shown.

Blowing Densities of Cooler Fans

Blowing Density (Nm3/m2.s)

F23+F23A F24+F24A F3 F4
Fan No.

Figure 4: Blowing Densities of Cooler Fans: 23, 23A, 24, 24A 3 and 4*
*: Since other 5 chambers’ area could not be determined in the received drawings,
blowing densities of other fans could not be calculated.

The blowing densities operation range should be:

• For static inlet 1.5 – 1.8 Nm3/m2.s

• For the second chamber 1.1-1.3 Nm3/m2.s

• For the rest of the cooler: can change depending on the cooling are but should
be reduced gradually through the cooler length.

The heat and mass balance results of the clinker cooler can be seen below.

Figure 5: Cooler Heat Balance Calculation Results

Excess air temperature measurement is adjusted according to CCR average and taken
as 292 °C in cooler balance.

The trend of the exhaust temperature is shown in the following figure.

Figure 6: Cooler Exhaust Temperature Trend

According to the figure above, unexpected fluctuations can be seen at cooler exhaust

These fluctuations can be caused by lump formation and snowman in the cooler. This
can be caused by the static inlet and horse-shoe design. Heat of Reaction

Based on the clinker chemistry, heat of reaction is calculated as 413 kcal / kg cli.

26 Main Burner Transport Measurements
Coal blower design parameters and measurements can be seen in the table below.

Table 26: Coal Transport Blower Measurement Results

Designer Hibon
Design Air Flow Rate 2620 m3/h
Design Pipe Velocity 38.9 m/s
Design Pressure 500 mbar
Temperature (Op.) 57.7 °C
Static Pressure (Op.) 189.4 mbar
Volumetric Flow Rate (Op.) 950 m3/h
Pipe Velocity (Op.) 13.9 m/s
Specific Air (Op.) 0.01 Nm3/kg cli.

The pipe velocity in transport line is expected to be around 30 m/s. According to table
above, measured velocity is quite lower than the desired value. Low transport velocity
may cause flow pulsations and affects consequently the combustion process in the
kiln. This is valid especially for long transport lines.

In the following table, main burner primary air fan measurements can be seen.

Table 27: Main Burner Primary Air Fan Measurement Results

Temperature 29.2 °C
Static Pressure 234.3 mbar
Volumetric Flow Rate 6450 m3/h
Specific Air 0.06 Nm3/kg cli.
Primary Air Percentage 18.6 %
Burner Momentum 11.2 N/MW
Burner Tip Velocity 181.3 m/s

Burner tip velocity and burner momentum are reasonable. However, primary air
percentage is high. This value should not be higher than 12%. If it is reduced to 12%,
the SHC would be approximately 11.2 kcal/kg cli less.

2.3.2. Detailed Power Consumption of Pyro-Process ID Fan
Average kiln ID fan power consumption is 1363 kW, which corresponds to 12.0 kWh/t

Table 28: Kiln ID Fan Measurements & Calculation Results

ID Fan Inlet Temperature (estimated) 383 °C

ID Fan Inlet Pressure (estimated) -77.7 mbar
ID Fan Outlet Temperature 385.6 °C
ID Fan Outlet Pressure -2.0 mbar
ID Fan Inlet Gas Flow 475713 m3/h
ID Fan Inlet Specific Flow Rate 1.57 Nm3/kg cli.
Operational Speed 940 rpm
ID Fan Specific Energy Consumption 11.4 kWh/t cli.
ID Fan Energy Consumption (CCR readings) 1450 kW
ID Fan Actual Energy Consumption (Calculated) 1363 kW
not including dust load1 72.0 %
ID Fan 2
including dust load 77.0 %
including dust load (received from VMP)3 81.2 %

ID fan efficiency result that is calculated including dust load is 77%, is reasonable.

In number 1 and 2 efficiency calculations, the measured ID fan outlet pressure of -2.0
mbar is used for the pressure difference unlike ID fan efficiency calculation shared by
VMP. The reason for the difference between the number 3 efficiency result and the
number 1&2 that is calculated according to the above data is both the inlet pressure
difference and the flow difference resulting from different oxygen measurements.

According to CCR readings, average ID fan power consumption is 1450 kW, different
than calculated actual power consumption, 1363 kW. Comparison of ID fan power
consumption from CCR readings and electrical substation for the same time interval is
suggested to check CCR reading accuracy. Downcomer Duct

Downcomer static pressure is measured as -73.54 mbar. The calculated velocity at the
downcomer is 25.4 m/s and the specific flow rate is 1.41 Nm3/ kg cli. The velocity of
the duct is high. The duct velocities should be around 15 m/s. A modification of the

downcomer duct will decrease the load of ID fan. With this way, further capacity
increase can be achieved. Rotary Kiln

The kiln average power consumption is around 1.9 kWh/t clinker. Kiln power
consumption is reasonable. This power consumption is an indication of low stress and
good mechanical condition of the kiln. Clinker Cooler

Clinker Cooler fans consume 5.02 kWh/t clinker @2.01 Nm3/kg clinker, which is

2.3.3. Bottleneck Analysis of Pyro Line & Recommendations for Improvements Cyclones
In the following tables, velocity profiles are given for cyclones.

Table 29: Velocity Profile of Cyclones

Downcomer 25.4
Riser Duct 28.5
C1 Dip Tube 16.3
Inlet 20.8
Riser Duct 27.9
C2 Dip Tube 21.6
Inlet 23.7
Riser Duct 26.2
C3 Dip Tube 20.8
Inlet 23.0
Dip Tube 22.4
Inlet 24.7
According to table above, the velocities inside the riser ducts, dip tube and cyclone
inlet seem high. These high velocities contribute to the pressure drop.

In Table 30, L/D ratios are tabulated according to distances shown in the below figure.

Figure 7: Outlet of a Cyclone

Table 30: L/D Ratio of Cyclones

Location L/D
C2 Splash Box-Dip Tube 1.49
C3 Splash Box-Dip Tube 1.30
C4 Splash Box-Dip Tube 2.08

Since velocities inside the dip tubes are high, the L/D ratios should be decreased, i.e.
splash box should be closer to the cyclone. According to the table above, splash box
connection point of 3rd stage is close to expected value, while for 2nd and 4th stages
they are quite high.

Table 31: PHT Cyclone and Meal Pipe Loadings
Loading Design Criteria of DTM
Location Sectional Area
tpd/m2 tpd/m2
Cyclone 1 12.86 211.99 100
Meal Pipe 1 0.48 5736.31 12000
Cyclone 2 19.71 138.27 100
Meal Pipe 2 0.33 8214.13 12000
Cyclone 3 23.57 115.65 100
Meal Pipe 3 0.44 6169.72 12000
Cyclone 4 23.57 115.65 90
Meal Pipe 4 0.44 6169.72 8000

In the table above, cross sectional areas and loadings are shown for each cyclone and
meal pipe. Accordingly, it is observed that all cyclones’ loadings are slightly over the
design criteria of DTM. This will result in lower efficiency. The system can be operated
at values above these criteria, but it is beneficial to consider energy consumption. Calciner
According to the calculations the retention time is 3.3s including the combustion
chamber. This value will not be sufficient for combusting high rate of hard burning
alternative fuels. To reach higher thermal substitution rate of alternative fuels in
calciner, the calciner length can be increased and/or the fuel feeding points can be
modified. DTM suggests to remove the combustion chamber due to its operational
disadvantages. Instead of a combustion chamber, a tertiary duct connection
modification can be applied to enhance the mixing effect. Increased mixing will enable
the calciner to handle hard burning fuels while emitting low NOx and CO emissions.

Velocity profile of calciner is tabulated in the following table.

Table 32: Velocity Profile of Calciner

Calciner Downstream 21.2
Calciner Vessel 21.2

According to table above, calciner velocity is at high side. High gas velocity in calciner
will decrease the retention time.

31 Kiln
Table 33: Kiln Data
Capacity [tpd]
Description Units 2726 4688 Limits
(Nom.) (Nom.+72%)
Kiln Capacity tph 113.6 195.3
Kiln Capacity tpd 2726 4688
Specific Heat Consumption kcal/kg cli. 841 841
Fuel Feed to Kiln % 36% 36%
Kiln Diameter (inside steel) m 4.57 4.57
Refractory mm 220 220
Kiln Diameter inside ref m 4.13 4.13
Kiln Length m 67.2 67.2
L/Deff ratio 16.3 16.3
Inclination % 4.0% 4.0%
Degrees 2.3 2.3
Kiln Volume Loading t/d/m3 3.0 5.2 <5,5
Kiln Area Loading t/d/m2 203.5 349.9 <350
Kiln Thermal Loading Gcal/m2/h 2.6 4.4 < 5,5
Kiln Thermal Loading MW/m2 3.0 5.1 <6
Kiln Thermal Loading index Gcal/m3/h 0.15 0.26 <0,3
Kiln Speed rpm 2.8 3.4
Angle Of Repose o 40.0 40.0 35-40
Kiln Retention Time min 28.40 23.39 >18
Kiln Volume Filling Degree (Holcim) % 5.4 7.6 4-8
Kiln Volume Filling Degree % 11.1 15.7 12-17
Required Kiln Drive Power kW 235 235
Burner Capacity MW 39.9 68.7
Fuel Calorie kcal/kgfuel 6922 6922
Fuel Flow kgfuel/s 4967 8544

According to the table above, the rotary kiln is capable of operating more than 4688

Table 34: Kiln Hood and Kiln Orifice Velocities

Kiln Hood 4.7
Kiln Orifice 27.6

In the table above, velocities of kiln hood and orifice are shown. While kiln hood velocity
is desirable, kiln orifice velocity is low despite of the modification (increase refractory
thickness, existing).

32 Tertiary Air Duct
In the following table, tertiary air duct velocity is shown.

Table 35: TAD Velocity

TAD 33.4

TAD velocity is calculated as 33.4 m/s, and seems reasonable. Cooler
In the following figure, the static inlet of the cooler is shown.

Figure 8: Static Inlet of the Cooler

Due to the step design with 90° angle of the static inlet as seen in the following figure,
an agglomeration of clinker may occur. Therefore, the clinker distribution from the drop
point to the entire grate width may be unsteady.

DTM recommends a design represented in the figure below for the static inlet. With
this more straight static inlet design, the accumulation of clinker will be avoided and
the clinker distribution will be more stable.

Figure 9: Suggested Static Inlet of the Cooler Design


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