(Stefano Mazzoni - Thesis) - Igcc Combined Cycle Section
(Stefano Mazzoni - Thesis) - Igcc Combined Cycle Section
(Stefano Mazzoni - Thesis) - Igcc Combined Cycle Section
PhD Student
Stefano Mazzoni
Tutor Coordinator Compressor....................................................................................................... 41 Combustion Chamber ....................................................................................... 42
Pag. 2 of 202 Expander........................................................................................................... 43 Cooling System ................................................................................................ 44
3.2.2 Compressor.............................................................................................................. 83
3.2.3 Combustion Chamber .............................................................................................. 84
3.2.4 Expander Model ...................................................................................................... 87
3.2.5 GT Cooling Model .................................................................................................. 91
4.1.1 Reference GT Brayton Cycle Evaluation and overall coolant flows .................... 137
4.1.2 Compressor............................................................................................................ 139
4.1.3 Combustion Chamber ............................................................................................ 144
4.1.4 Expander................................................................................................................ 146
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5.4.2 Ambient condition changes ................................................................................... 195
5.4.3 Discussion and Concluding Remarks .................................................................... 200
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Index of Figures
Fig. 1.1: Block scheme of an IGCC plant without CCS (from [1]) ......................................... 22
Fig. 1.2: Block scheme of an IGCC plant with CCS (from [1]) .............................................. 22
Fig. 1.3: Schematic view of the IGCC Wabash river power plant [2] ..................................... 23
Fig. 1.4: Schematic view of the IGCC Tampa power plant [3] ............................................... 24
Fig. 1.5: Schematic view of the Puertollano Tampa power plant [4]....................................... 25
Fig. 1.6: Schematic view of the Buggenum IGCC power plant [5] ......................................... 26
Fig. 1.6b: Schematic view of the Nakoso IGCC power plant [6] ............................................ 27
Table 1.1: Design features of coal fed IGCC power plants ..................................................... 28
Table 1.2: Performance of coal fed IGCC power plants .......................................................... 29
Fig. 1.7: H2-IGCC & CCS Reference Plant Layout [10]......................................................... 30
Fig. 1.8: H2-IGCC plant block scheme .................................................................................... 31
Table 1.3: Mass Composition and heating values of reference IGCC Coal [10] ..................... 32
Fig. 1. 9: Sketch of H2-IGCC coal input, milling and drying system ...................................... 32
Fig. 1.10: Sketch of H2-IGCC ASU sub-system ..................................................................... 33
Fig. 1.11: Sketch of H2-IGCC Gasification, Syngas Cooling and Scrubber Sub-System ....... 34
Fig. 1.12: Sketch of H2-IGCC WGS Sub-System ................................................................... 35
Fig. 1.13: Sketch of H2-IGCC AGR Sub-System .................................................................... 36
Fig. 1.14: Sketch of the H2-IGCC Gas- Steam Combined Cycle Layout ............................... 37
Table 1.4: Generic 250-300MW Class Gas Turbines .............................................................. 40
Table 1.6: Siemens and Ansaldo GT - Characteristic Quantities ............................................. 40
Fig. 1.15: Cross Section of the SGT5 4000F (94.3A) ........................................................... 40
Fig. 1.16: Schematic View of the Compressor Bleed Sections (courtesy of Siemens)............ 41
Fig. 1.17: SGT5 8000H Siemens AG 2012. ....................................................................... 42
Fig. 1.18: Main Flow path in the Combustor (Ansaldo) As Example .................................. 42
Fig. 1.19: Cross Section of the Cooling Paths (SIEMENS) ..................................................... 43
Fig. 1.20: Temperature distribution between combustor outlet and 1st Nozzle vane inlet [16] 44
Fig. 1.21: Scheme of SGT6-5000F three pressure level with drum type evaporator combined
cycle [23] .................................................................................................................................. 45
Fig. 1.22: Existing Plant Specification ..................................................................................... 46
Fig. 1.23: Specifications of under construction plant............................................................... 46
Fig. 1.24: Isometric View of 3PL-Drum Type HRSG Horizontal and Vertical Type .......... 47
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Fig. 1.25: Typical 3 pressure level HRSG arrangement for combined plant (DRUM Type
EVA) ........................................................................................................................................ 47
Fig. 1.26: Scheme of Conventional Drum VS Benson Once Through Boiler [23].................. 48
Fig. 1.27: Sketch of a finned tube bundle ................................................................................ 48
Fig. 1.28: Cross Section of SST5-3000 Steam Turbine [26] ................................................... 49
Fig. 1.29: SGT5-4000F and SST5-5000 electric generator connection [27] ........................... 49
Fig. 1.30: Water Cooling Condenser [24] ................................................................................ 50
Fig. 2.1: Sketch of IGCC plant Diagram .................................................................................. 53
Fig. 2.2: Sketch of the module input, output and attributes ..................................................... 55
Fig. 2.3: Finned Tube Heat Transfer Device - Stations and central node ................................ 56
Fig.2.4: Tube Bundle Stations and central Node .................................................................. 57
Fig.2.5: Axial Compressor Stations and central Node .......................................................... 57
Fig.2.6: Finite Volume Row Stations and central Node ....................................................... 58
Fig.2.7: Condenser Multi-zone heat transfer device ............................................................. 58
Fig. 2.8: Sketch of k-th Module................................................................................................ 61
Fig. 2.9 : modular structure calculation method ECRQP ...................................................... 64
Fig. 2.10: Solution Path along the Locus of P(z,r) Minima ..................................................... 65
Fig. 2.11: Hybrid methodology Genetic Algorithm/ECRQP ................................................ 67
Fig. 2.12: complex modular structure calculation method Hybrid Algoritm GA-ECRQP ... 68
Fig. 3.1: Block Scheme of the ENGA 5 Subroutine ................................................................ 71
Fig. 3.2: Block Scheme of the COGAS 5 Subroutine .............................................................. 71
Fig. 3.3: Block Scheme of the SYGPROP Subroutine ............................................................ 72
Table 3.0a: Wet Air RH60% mass fraction composition ...................................................... 73
Table 3.0b: Gas Mass Fraction Composition of CH4 combustion with an 45 AFR ................ 73
Table 3.0c: ISO Air Properties ................................................................................................. 74
Table 3.0d:Gas Properties of CH4 combustion with an 45 AFR ............................................. 75
Table 3.0e: Steam Properties for different pressure ................................................................. 76
Blue Water ; Red - Steam ...................................................................................................... 76
Fig. 3.4-a: Scheme of a Generic 300MW F Class GT ............................................................. 77
Fig.3.4-b: Scheme of a GT Brayton Cycle ............................................................................... 77
Fig. 3.5: Turbine Inlet Temperature Nomenclature ................................................................. 82
Fig. 3.6: Sketch of compressor through Flow Section ............................................................. 83
Fig. 3.7: Compressor sub-components to account the bleed extraction ................................... 84
Fig. 3.8: Sketch of combustion chamber component model .................................................... 84
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Fig. 3.9: Combustion Chamber Off-Design Curves ................................................................. 86
Fig. 3.10: Sketch of the Expander through Flow Section ........................................................ 87
Fig. 3.11: Schematic representation of a expander cooled row ............................................... 88
Fig. 3.12 Schematic Representation of the Mixing: ................................................................. 89
a) Momentum Conservation b) Thermal Equilibrium........................................................... 89
Fig. 3.13: Cooling and main flow expansion on h-s chart ....................................................... 90
Fig. 3.14: Cross Section of the Cooling Paths (SIEMENS) ..................................................... 92
Fig. 3.15: Schematic View of the main stream and coolant streams along the combustor ...... 92
and of the heat fluxes moving through the GT to the casing and to the inner components
(shaft, disk, etc.) ....................................................................................................................... 92
Fig. 3.16: Schematic view of the cooling paths along the disks As example ....................... 94
Fig. 3.17: Example of a Generic Gas Turbine Cooling Path along Stator and Rotor Row ...... 95
Fig. 3.18: Schematic View of the Cooled components of the Stator Row As Example ....... 95
Fig. 3.19: Typical Temperature Distribution along a 1st Stage Aeronautic Rotor Disk As
Example.................................................................................................................................... 96
Fig. 3.20: Schematic View of a 1st Nozzle Vane Cooling Components As Example ........... 97
Fig. 3.21: Schematic View of a 1st Rotor Blade Cooling Components As Example ........... 97
Fig. 3.22: Comparison between cooled blade and uncooled blade coolant flow ..................... 98
Table 3.1: Fractions of the overall mass flow for each row (in percentage %) ....................... 98
Fig. 3.23: Schematic View of the cooling path ........................................................................ 99
from the compressor bleeding station to the expander row injection station ........................... 99
Fig. 3.24: Sketch of a Rotor Blade temperature distribution along the layers ....................... 100
Fig. 3.25: Simplified view of the thermal resistance for a generic blade ............................... 101
Fig 3.26: Schematic view of the enhance system of the internal heat transfer coefficient .... 102
Fig. 3.27 a-b: a) rib distribution b) Influence of Turbulent promoter on the NU number .. 103
Fig 3.28 : Influence of jet impingement architecture on internal heat transfer coefficient .... 103
Fig 3.29: Schematic view of the depression of the external heat transfer coefficient ............ 104
owing to the film cooling ....................................................................................................... 104
Fig. 3.30: Typical heat transfer distribution among the blade row surface ............................ 105
Fig. 3.31: External heat transfer coefficient depressed by the film cooling........................... 105
Fig. 3.32: Influence of the Thickness TBC layer on the coolant flows .................................. 106
Fig. 3.33: Temperature profile along the various blade layers ............................................... 107
Fig. 3.34: schematically main stream temperature decrease Not to scale ........................... 109
Fig. 3.35: RO3 Cooling Design Curve Stator Row and Rotor Row ................................... 111
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Fig. 3.36: Sketch of H2-IGCC Steam Cycle .......................................................................... 112
Fig. 3.37: Heat Transfer Device scheme ................................................................................ 113
Fig. 3.38: Sketch illustrating nomenclature for in-line tube arrangements [15] .................... 115
Fig. 3.39: NU vs Re max for in-line tube arrangement [15] .................................................. 116
Fig.3.40: Correction Factor to account the number of the Row [15] ..................................... 116
Fig.3.41: Heat Flux VS Temperature Difference .................................................................. 117
Table 3.1: coefficient exponents of the heat transfer coefficient calculation ......................... 119
Fig. 3.42: Multi-Zone Condenser ........................................................................................... 119
Fig. 3.43: Scheme of a generic steam expander ..................................................................... 120
Fig. 3.44: Stodola Ellipse Sketch and steam turbine body with governing valve .................. 121
Fig. 3.45: Deaerator scheme ................................................................................................... 123
Fig. 3.46: scheme of a generic pump ..................................................................................... 124
Fig. 3.47: Pumps Characteristic Non-Dimensional Curves ................................................... 126
Fig 3.48: Mixer scheme .......................................................................................................... 128
Fig 3.49: Gas Mixer scheme .................................................................................................. 129
Fig. 3.50: Splitter Scheme ...................................................................................................... 130
Fig. .3.51: Gasification Island Block Scheme ........................................................................ 131
Fig. 3.52: Gasifier Reactor Model Scheme ............................................................................ 132
Fig. 3.53: Syngas Cooler Model Scheme ............................................................................... 133
Fig. 3.54: WGS Block Scheme .............................................................................................. 134
Table 4.0a: Input Data for Cycle Calculation ........................................................................ 138
Table 4.0b: Cycle Mass Flows and Outlet Quantites ............................................................. 138
Table 4.0c: Evaluation of the overall coolant mass flow ....................................................... 139
for various coolant and blade temperature, respectively ........................................................ 139
Table 4.1: Compressor Sizing Quantities ............................................................................... 140
4.1: H2-IGCC Compressor Through Flow Shape .................................................................. 140
Fig. 4.3: Pressure ratio versus corrected mass flow curves at different ................................. 142
compressor inlet temperatures ................................................................................................ 142
Fig. 4.4: Compressor isentropic efficiency versus pressure ................................................... 142
ratio curves at different compressor inlet temperatures ......................................................... 142
Fig. 4.5: Pressure ratio versus corrected mass flow curves at different VIGV openings ....... 143
Fig. 4.6: Compressor isentropic efficiency versus pressure ................................................... 143
ratio curves at different IGV openings ................................................................................... 143
Table 4.2: Combustion Chamber Input Data ......................................................................... 144
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Table 4.3: Combustion Chamber output quantities ................................................................ 145
Fig. 4.7: Combustion Chamber Off-Design Curves data ....................................................... 145
Table 4.4: Blade Cooling input .............................................................................................. 146
Table 4.5: Expander Sizing Input Data .................................................................................. 147
Table 4.6: Expander output quantities.................................................................................... 147
Table 4.7: Row by Row geometric quantities ........................................................................ 147
Fig. 4.8: Expander through Flow Section including the rear frame ...................................... 148
Fig. 4.9: 1st Rotor Velocity Diagrams .................................................................................... 149
Fig. 4.10: 2nd Rotor Velocity Diagrams ................................................................................ 150
Fig. 4.11: 3rd Rotor Velocity Diagrams ................................................................................. 151
Fig. 4.12: 4th Rotor Velocity Diagrams ................................................................................. 152
Fig. 4.13: Expander blade to blade overview ......................................................................... 153
Fig. 4.14: Pressure Ratio vs Corrected mass flow.................................................................. 154
for different firing temperature .............................................................................................. 154
Fig. 4.15: Total to Static Efficiency vs Pressure Ratio .......................................................... 154
for different firing temperature .............................................................................................. 154
Fig. 4.15b: Off-Design cooling effectiveness VS TCR ......................................................... 155
Fig. 4.16: ECRQP block scheme of the gas turbine matching ............................................... 156
Fig. 4.17: Sketch of the Generic 300MW F Class GT Simulator .......................................... 157
Fig. 4.18: Gas Turbine Through flow shape .......................................................................... 157
Table 4.9: RO3 Simulator - Nominal Running Point CH4 Fed ............................................. 158
Table 4.10: Results of the Lumped Model for cooling requirement - CH4 .......................... 159
Fig. 4.19: CH4 fed GT part load behaviour ........................................................................... 159
Fig. 4.20: RO3 Power Output and Efficiency at Generator Terminals .................................. 160
Fig. 4.21: Siemens SGT5-4000F Power Output and Efficiency at Generator Terminals [3] 160
Fig. 4.22: CH4 Gas Turbine Simulator Running Point for different fuel feeding ................. 161
Table 4.11: GT Simulator and Cooling System Performance Results for the various Re-
Staggering Steps ..................................................................................................................... 163
Fig. 4.23: 33H2R GT Load and efficiency non dimensional value versus ambient
temperature ............................................................................................................................. 164
Fig. 4.24: 33H2R GT Tex and VIGV non dimensional data versus ambient temperature .. 164
Fig. 4.: 33H2R Gas Turbine Behaviour versus Ambient Temperature .................................. 165
Fig.4.: 33H2R Gas Turbine Behaviour versus Ambient Temperature ................................... 166
Table 4.12: Gas Side quantities for HRSG calculation .......................................................... 167
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Fig. 4.25: Gas Steam Combined Cycle plant layout .............................................................. 168
Table 4.13: Temperature Differences of HRSG.................................................................... 169
Fig. 4.26: Gas Side and Steam Side Temperature Profile along the HRSG stations. ............ 169
Table 4.15: HRSG Sizing Results .......................................................................................... 170
Fig. 4.27: Sketch of the three turbine bodies and the HRSG interactions.............................. 171
Table 4.16: Steam Turbine Sizing Quantities ........................................................................ 172
Fig. 4.28: Steam turbine bodies (HP, IP, LP) ......................................................................... 172
Off-Design behaviour for various steam mass flowand fixed condensing pressure. ............. 172
Table 4.17: Condenser relevant sizing quantities................................................................... 173
Fig. 4.29: Condenser Off-Design behaviour for different steam flows ................................. 173
Condensing pressure and cooling water temperature VS steam mass flow ........................... 173
Fig. 4.30: ECRQP block scheme of the steam cycle matching .............................................. 174
Table 4.18: Steam Cycle Simulator Nominal Running Point ............................................. 175
Fig. 4.31: Schematic view of the H2-IGCC Power Island ..................................................... 176
Table 4.19: Power Island Nominal Running Point ISO Conditions ................................... 177
Fig. 4.32: Non dimensional values of GT relevant quantities ................................................ 178
for ISO conditions and changing GT load ............................................................................ 178
Fig. 4.33: Non dimensional values of the steam side relevant quantities for various ISO
conditions loads ...................................................................................................................... 180
Fig. 5.1a: Sketch of IGCC Plant ............................................................................................. 182
Power, Heat and mass flow interactions between the various plant sections ........................ 182
Fig. 5.1b: IGCC Layout Block Scheme ................................................................................. 183
Fig. 5.2a: pressures trends and valve opening versus plant load............................................ 187
Fig. 5.2b: Sketch of the control system of the GT fuel admission valve ............................... 187
Table 5.1: Whole System Map Test Case ........................................................................... 188
Fig. 5.3: ISO Conditions GT Exhaust Mass Flow and Temperature VS GT Load ............. 189
Fig. 5.4: ISO Conditions GT Nozzle Vane and Rotor Blade life consumption rates VS GT
Load ........................................................................................................................................ 190
Fig. 5.5: ISO Conditions Superheating temperature (HP, IP, LP) VS GT Load.................. 190
Fig. 5.6: ISO Conditions Boiler Outlet Steam Mass Flow (HP, IP, LP) VS GT Load ....... 191
Fig. 5.7: ISO Conditions Whole System power VS GT Load ............................................ 192
Fig. 5.8: ISO Conditions Power Ratio VS GT Load ........................................................... 193
Fig. 5.9: ISO Conditions 33H2R Syngas and primary coal mass flow VS GT Load .......... 193
Table 5.2: Coal mass fraction composition [6] ...................................................................... 194
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Fig. 5.10: ISO Conditions IGCC Power and Efficiency VS GT Load................................. 194
Fig. 5.11: GT Exhaust Mass Flow and Temperature VS Ambient Temperature ................... 195
Fig. 5.12: ISO Conditions Superheating temperature (HP, IP, LP) VS Ambient Temperature
................................................................................................................................................ 196
Fig. 5.13: ISO Conditions Boiler Outlet Steam Mass Flow (HP, IP, LP) VS GT Load ..... 196
Fig. 5.14: ISO Conditions Whole System power VS Ambient Temperature ..................... 197
Fig. 5.15: ISO Conditions Boiler Outlet Steam Mass Flow (HP, IP, LP) VS GT Load ..... 198
Fig. 5.16: ISO Conditions 33H2R Syngas and primary coal mass flow VS GT Load ........ 198
Fig. 5.17: ISO Conditions IGCC Power and Efficiency VS GT Load................................. 199
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33H2R-GT 33MJ/kg H2 Rich Fuel fed Re-Staggered Gas Turbine
af Vector of Actuality Function
AF Actuality Function
AFR Air Fuel Ratio
ANN Artificial Neural Network
ASU Air Separation Unit
b Vector of Boundary Conditions
BAT Best Available Technologies
BM Bulk Material
C Mass flow times heat capacity
CC Combustion Chamber, Combined Cycle
CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
CEM cooled expander model
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CHP Combined Heat and Power
CHV Coal Heating Value
COND Condenser
cp specific constant pressure heat
cv specific constant volume heat
D Vector of Plant Model Inequalities
d Vector of Boundary Conditions, data
DB Data Base
DEGA Deaerator /Degasser
EBC Equivalent Brayton Cycle
ECLM Expander Cooling Lumped Model
ECO Economizer
ECRQP Equality Constraint Recursive Quadratic Programming
Eff Effectiveness
EVA Evaporator / Boiler
EX Extraction
f Life Consumption Rates (lcr)
F Vector of Plant Model Equations
Pag. 14 of 202
FOB Objective Function
fob Partial objective functions
FV Finite Volume
g Vector of Plant Geometric Data
GA Genetic Algorithms
GGT Generic Gas Turbine
GI Gasification Island
GT gas turbine
GTNM Gas Turbine Neural Model
GTS Gas Turbine Simulator
h enthalpy
H2R Hydrogen Rich
H2RS Hydrogen Rich Syngas
HDGT Heavy Duty Gas Turbine
HFGTS high-fidelity gas turbine simulator
HGTCR Hot Gas Thermal Capacity Rate
HP High Pressure
HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator
HTD Heat Transfer Device
IGCC Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
IP Intermediate Pressure
J j-th Station
k heat ratio
k Coefficient
L Lagrangian Function, Load
LASM Lowest Allowable Stall Margin
LCS last compressor stage
LFV lumped finite volume
LHV Low Heating Value
LP Low Pressure
m mass flow
mb Bleeding Mass Flow
mc Coolant Mass Flow
Pag. 15 of 202
mc Coolant Mass Flow
mg Gas Mass Flow
n Rotational Speed
N&C New and Clean
NC Nominal Condition
NG Natural Gas
NN Neural Network
NTU Number of Transfer Units
NV Nozzle Vane
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
P Power, Penalty Function
p Pressure, price
PI Power Island
PR Pressure Ratio
PRE Pre Heater (Primary Economizer)
Q heat
QTH Thermal Power
R gas constant
R Rotor Blade
rf Vector of Reality Function
RF Reality Function
RGT Reference Gas Turbine
RH Relative Humidity
RHDGT Reference Heavy Duty Gas Turbine
RMSE Root Mean Square Error
RO3 Roma Tre University
s Thickness
S surface
S Heat exchanger Surface
SC Steam Cycle
SH Super Heater
SoA State of the Art
SS Steam Section
Pag. 16 of 202
ST Steam Turbine
T temperature
Tb Blade Temperature
TBC Thermal Barrier Coating
Tc Coolant temperature
Tc Coolant Temperature
Tc Coolant Temperature
TCR, Thermal Capacity Ratio
Tf Firing Temperature
Tg Hot gas temperature
Tg Gas Temperature
TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature
TW Blade Temperature
U Global Heat transfer coefficient
Uc Coolant Heat Transfer Coefficient
UEBC Uncooled Equivalent Brayton Cycle
Ug Gas Heat Transfer Coefficient
UJ Heat Transfer Coefficient of j-th flow
VIGV Variable Inlet Guide Vane
W Work
WGS Water Gas Shift
x Vector of Unknown Variables
xx mass fraction composition
Y Generic Reference Variable
z Vector of unknown variables
Greek Symbol
Air fuel ratio
Pressure ratio
Thermal Conductivity, Lagrangian Multpliers
Dynamic Viscosity
Pag. 17 of 202
Vector of Degree of Freedom
c Cooling Effectiveness
Array of the Active Constraint
p pressure loss
0 Reference Condition / Standard Condition
- negative
# number
* Reference
+ positive
+/- sub-set
1,2. Station Order
amb ambient
b Blade
bJ j-th bleed
C Cold Stream, Compressor, Coolant
E Expander
el electric
ex Exhaust
f fuel
g Gas
GT Gas Turbine
H Hot Stream
i Inlet
is Isentropic
min minimum
N Nominal
o Outlet
p politropic
r rotor blade
Pag. 18 of 202
RJ j-th rotor
s steam / stator vane
s,i isentropic
SJ j-th stator
w water
Included into a set
Union of Set
~ Complement of sub set
Pag. 19 of 202
Greenhouse gas carbon dioxide emitted during fossil fuel combustion leads to global climate
warming, it influences humans life more and more. Nowadays, people call for environmental
friendly and higher efficient electric power production technologies, like integrated
gasification combined cycle (IGCC) which was developed since 1970s. Due to the rising price
of natural gas, depletion of petroleum and availability of coal, people pay more attention to
coal energy. Accordingly, Europe, USA, China focus their interest on IGCC power plants
equipped with Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) technologies to meet the energy and
environment requirements. An IGCC power plant is a combination of a chemical plant (coal
gasification) that converts coal into a Synthetic Gaseous Fuel (SGF) and a gas-steam
combined power plant that converts the chemical energy of SGF into electricity.
Roma Tre University has been partner of the H2-IGCC Project Under the EU's 7th
Framework Programme for R&D . Ive been involved in the H2-IGCC project as a PhD
Student in the Professor Cerri research group. Roma Tre University has been interested in two
sub-projects: Turbomachinery and System Analysis. Accordingly, Ive been dealt with gas
turbine, steam cycle and whole system topics.
Aim of this work is the development of an IGCC Power Plant Simulator that adopts a Lumped
Performance (LP) methodology employing a Finite Volume (FV) approach based on detailed
Architecture, Geometry, Lumped Physics and Chemistry including all the empirically known
phenomena characterizing the specific behaviour of the plant components (i.e. GT, ST, Heat
transfer devices, etc.). Such a simulator has been built up taking the available technologies
and the state of the art of the existing F, G and H Class Gas Turbines and Steam Cycle
specifications of many Manufacturers into account. Features of such a simulator have been
developed as to be close to those of the existing machines of some European O&Ms.
Adoption of reality and actuality functions allows the simulator to be tailored ad hoc to the
H2-IGCC plant layout and to be a replica of the reference plant. The simulator can be seen as
a test bench of infinite sensors able to replicate and reproduce the whole system behaviour
and to forecast the power production owing to the operating conditions change (i.e. prices,
taxes, temperatures, etc.). To allow the simulator to give a real time response, neural network
modules of some plant components have been carried out.
Modular approach of elementary component models (i.e. compressor, heat transfer device,
pump, steam turbine, etc.) have been employed to perform the whole system simulator. Sizing
and off-design analyses of each modelled IGCC power plant component have been performed
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and H2-IGCC plant simulator has been achieved by matching the various component maps
together. Accordingly, plant part load behaviour have been investigated by means of such a
simulator tool under the adoption of proper plant control policies that takes various aspects
such as thermal and mechanical stresses as well as costs and life consumption rates of
components into consideration.
As a result of such analyses, IGCC maps have been obtained for different ambient conditions
and power demands.
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Chapter I
IGCC Power Plants
1.0 Introduction
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants are one of the most innovative
clean coal technology that puts together modern coal gasification systems, GTs and steam
cycle for electric power production. In this chapter, State of the Art (SoA) and Technical
Background (TB) of IGCC power plants and of the main components (i.e. gas turbine, heat
recovery steam generator, steam turbine, etc.) constituting such plants are reported,
Fig. 1.1: Block scheme of an IGCC plant without CCS (from [1])
Fig. 1.2: Block scheme of an IGCC plant with CCS (from [1])
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Coal is converted into a Synthetic Gaseous Fuel (SGF) by a partial combustion (oxidation)
gasification process. The raw gas contaminant substances such as sulfur and nitrogen
compounds, mercury, coal ash, particulate matter, etc. and CO2 for CCS as well as for other
uses, may be removed from the Raw Syngas (RS) by established techniques. The Clean Raw
Syngas (CRS) is a clean, transportable gaseous energy carrier. Such a CRS is used to feed the
Gas Turbine (GT) being the GT cycle the top one of the whole combined section. The Bottom
Cycle is the steam one. Heat contained in the GT exhaust stream is recovered to produce
steam in a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG). Additional steam is generated by the
gasification and purification processes. Bottoming steam turbine is fed by the above steam to
produce power.
Fig. 1.3: Schematic view of the IGCC Wabash river power plant [2]
In the Wabash River power plant (Fig. 1.3) the produced syngas is fed to a GE 7FA Gas
Turbine. The gasification island is constituted by a low pressure ASU (6 bar), a slurry fed,
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oxygen blown two stage E-Gas gasifier, a firetube syngas cooler, and finally, by gas and
water cleaning systems. Slag is removed from the slag bath at the base of the gasifier by a
proprietary continuous letdown system.
The gas cleaning system is composed by a candle filter for hot gas filtration, a COS
hydrolysis unit, a heat fransfer device to cool the gas, an acid gas removal section based on
MDEA and a syngas saturation unit. To avoid COS catalyst degradation, a water scrubbing
unit was added downstream the candle filter to remove chlorides. The H2S loaded gas exiting
from MDEA regenerator stripper is sent to a Claus unit where elemental sulfur is produced.
The tail gas is recycled to the gasifier. The power island is equipped with a GE 7FA GT and a
HRSG that generates steam for a pre-existing 105 MW steam turbine. The NOx control is
achieved by clean syngas saturation and by injection of intermediate pressure steam into the
GT combustion chamber.
Fig. 1.4: Schematic view of the IGCC Tampa power plant [3]
The Tampa Electric IGCC plant (Fig. 1.4) is constituted by a high pressure ASU, an oxygen
blown, down flow, single stage Texaco gasifier including heat transfer devices for syngas
cooling (a wall radiant cooler located below the gasifier, two parallel firetube convection
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coolers, two gas/gas heat exchangers), gas and water clean up sections. The power island is
made of a GE 7FA GT based combined cycle.
The gas clean up comprises a particulate scrubber, a raw syngas gas cooling device, a COS
hydrolysis unit to remove sulfur species (mainly H2S) and a MDEA based AGR system. The
peculiarity of Tampa IGCC in respect to other IGCC existing plant consists in the production
of sulfuric acid rather than elemental sulfur.
Nitrogen from the ASU is used for NOx formation control. In order to further reduce NOx
emissions an additional syngas saturator was included in 2002. The project demonstration
phase started in late 1996, and since then the plant has been successfully operated at design
load. Occasional part load operations have been carried out with any particular problem.
Fig. 1.5: Schematic view of the Puertollano Tampa power plant [4]
The Puertollano IGCC plant (fig. 1.5) adopts the Prenflo pressurized entrained flow, oxygen
blown gasification technology. The produced raw syngas is cleaned and supplied to a Siemens
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94.3 based gas-steam combined cycle. The oxygen is produced in an integrated ASU, which
also produces nitrogen for feedstock drying and transport.
The raw syngas undergoes a complete cleaning process to eliminate the pollutants. Then it is
saturated and sent to the GT combustion chamber. The GT is able of operating with both
syngas and natural gas. Steam is generated in a HRSG fed by the GT exhaust, in heat transfer
devices imbedded in the gasifier, and in heat exchangers for raw syngas cooling. The plant's
target energy efficiency is 45% in ISO conditions. The heat recovery system arrangement for
steam production is really effective. Other then power production, steam is used to
accomplish several duties concerning coal preparation, gasification, desulphurization
Fig. 1.6: Schematic view of the Buggenum IGCC power plant [5]
The NUON (formerly Demkolec) plant at Buggenum (fig. 1.6) has been the first IGCC
European demonstration project (1994). The plant is arranged with a high pressure ASU, a
dry fed, oxygen blown Shell entrained flow gasifier, a first raw syngas cooling step to about
800C (operated by recycling the fuel gas taken downstream the de-pulverisation section)
followed by a water tube syngas cooler for saturated steam production. Gas cleaning
apparatuses consist in a fly ash cyclone followed by a ceramic candles filter operating at
250C, a water scrubbing unit, a COS hydrolysis unit, a Sulfinol based AGR section for H2S
Pag. 26 of 202
removal. The plant scheme is shown in Fig. 6.1. The power island is based on a Siemens
V94.2 GT combined cycle with a turbine inlet temperature of 1100C. Both saturation and
nitrogen dilution of the syngas are adopted for NOx emission control. According to the design
features of the Siemens GT and to the desire to achieve a high plant efficiency, the full
integration between ASU and GT has been adopted.
Fig. 1.6b: Schematic view of the Nakoso IGCC power plant [6]
The Nakoso IGCC demonstration project is owned by Japans Clean Coal Power R&D Co
Ltd, a consortium of Japanese power utilities and research organizations. It is based on a two-
stage, air blown MHI gasifier followed by cold syngas cleaning. The power island is arranged
with a modified M701DA GT allowing an air extraction at compressor discharge to feed the
air blown gasifier. A stand-alone ASU is included to produce nitrogen used as inert
pressurized gas to feed the coal to the gasifier. The oxygen exiting the ASU is fed to the
gasifier to enrich the gasification air [8]. The plant started demonstration operations during
Pag. 27 of 202
2007, after an extensive research and pilot testing program mainly carried out by CRIEPI
(Japans Central Research Institute for the Electric Power Industry). A 42.4% net efficiency
(LHV) based on Chinese bituminous coal has been achieved. The future use of US and
Indonesian sub-bituminous coals is foreseen [7].
Main features and open literature available data regarding the existing coal fed IGCC plant
are gathered in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2.
-pressure Low pressure High pressure High pressure High pressure
-air supply compr. Dedicated Dedicated 100% from GT 100% from GT Dedicated
- nitrogen use Vented GT NOx control GT NOx Control GT NOx Control Coal transport
Gas Clen-up
- part. removal Candle filter Water scrubbing Candle filter Candle filter Ceramic filter
- COS hydrolysis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- AGR solvent MDEA MDEA MDEA Sulfinol MDEA
- sulfur recovery Claus plant Sulfuric acid Claus plant Claus plant Gypsium
- Gas saturation Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Gas Turbine
-Type GE7 FA GE7 FA Siemens 94.3 Siemens 94.2 M701DA
-Combustor Can annular Can annular Horizontal silos Vertical silos Can annular
- Firing temp. 1260 C 1260 C 1260C 1100C 1200C
Saturation and Saturation and N2 Saturation and N2 Saturation and N2
- NOx control SCR
steam inj. dilution dilution dilution
Pag. 28 of 202
Table 1.2: Performance of coal fed IGCC power plants
Tampa El.
Wabash River Puertollano Buggenum Nakoso
GT - P [MW] 192 192 196 155 130
Pag. 29 of 202
Fig. 1.7: H2-IGCC & CCS Reference Plant Layout [10]
Pag. 30 of 202
Fig. 1.8: H2-IGCC plant block scheme
Pag. 31 of 202 Coal Milling and Drying
The coal used in the reference IGCC plant is a mixture of various trade coals available on the
world market characterized by a certain composition. Such a mixture mass composition is
shown in Table 1.3.
Table 1.3: Mass Composition and heating values of reference IGCC Coal [10]
The coal is milled and dried. The milling process leads to a fine particulate coal powder ready
for the gasification. The dried process leads to a moisture level of 2% wt. by burning
approximately 0.9% of the shifted syngas. The transport and the injection of the coal is made
by the pressurized N2 from the ASU. The amount of coal input depends on the power of GT.
The sketch of the coal input subsystem is shown in Fig. 1.9.
Pag. 32 of 202 Air Separation Unit (ASU)
Ambient air fed into a three-stage intercooled compressor is discharged at the pressure of 5.5
bara. Then the compressed air is separated to oxygen with a purity of 95 mol% (with 2% N2,
and 3% Ar) and pure N2 by ASU. At the end, the gaseous O2 is compressed to 55 bara in a
nine stage intercooled compressor and fed to gasifier, while gaseous N2 is compressed to 80
bara in a multi-stage intercooled compressor and used for coal input system and fuel feeding
to gasifier. Some excess N2 is exhausted from ASU. The ASU subsystem with air, O2 and N2
compressors is shown in Figure 1.10.
Pag. 33 of 202
The raw syngas at the exit of the gasifier being at 1500-1600 C, is cooled to 900C by adding
a stream of recycled cool syngas taken after the ash separation. The aim is to lower the raw
syngas temperature below the ash melting point. Then the raw syngas is cooled to 340C
passing through the syngas cooler where High Pressure (HP) and Intermediate Pressure (IP)
steam is produced. The HP steam is fed into the bottom steam cycle while the IP steam is fed
into the gas shift.
The cooled raw syngas passes through the dry particulate filter where fly ash are removed and
then through the wet scrubber where the water soluble species are removed together with the
trace particulate matters such as unconverted carbon, slag and metals. Part of the raw syngas
is recirculated while the excess syngas is delivered to the WSG sub-system being the pressure
43 bara and the temperature 165 C. The whole gasification, syngas cooling, and scrubber
subsystems are shown in Fig. 1.11.
Fig. 1.11: Sketch of H2-IGCC Gasification, Syngas Cooling and Scrubber Sub-System
Pag. 34 of 202
CO H 2OSteam CO2 H 2 (A)
Pag. 35 of 202 H2S removal unit
The syngas containing acid gas (H2S and CO2) from SWGS subsystem passes through the first
stage of the AGR subsystem to get rid of H2S. The syngas enters in the first absorption
column where the H2S is removed by a counter current flow of the Selexol solution. The H2S
gas rich solution exits the bottom of the absorber column, then is flashed and stripped off in a
regenerator. The regenerated solvent is cooled and recycled back to the top of the absorber,
while H2S is sent to a sulphur recovery unit including a Claus plant for oxidizing H2S to
elemental sulphur and a Shell Claus off gas treating (SCOT) plant for tail gas clean-up.
Pag. 36 of 202
1.2.2 Power Island
Power Island is made of a Generic 300MW F Class Gas Turbine (i.e. Siemens SGT5-4000F
and Ansaldo 94.3AE) and by a 3 pressure level steam cycle (high pressure, intermediate
pressure and low pressure). In figure 1.14 a block scheme of the H2-IGCC Power Island is
Fig. 1.14: Sketch of the H2-IGCC Gas- Steam Combined Cycle Layout
Pag. 37 of 202 Gas Turbine
The Generic 300MW F Class Turbine adopted to fed the bottomed HRSG has been chosen to
be similar to Siemens SGT5-4000F and Ansaldo 94.3AE GTs. Such a GT is mainly
constituted by a compressor, made of 15 stages and equipped with Variable Inlet Guide Vane
(VIGV), by a non-sequential combustor and by a 4 stage expander. First three stages (Nozzle
Vane and Rotor Blade) are cooled. The Gas Turbine, originally fuelled by CH4 and driving a
power of some 300MW, has been re-designed to be operated with H2R Syngas. GT details
are given in the next paragraphs and chapters.
High Pressure Steam Section (HPSS): in this line HP steam is produced by one
Super Heater (HP-SH), one Boiler (HP-EV) and three Economizers (HP-EC1,
HP-EC2, HP-EC3). In the evaporation section a fraction of the overall HP mass
flow is split to the gasification section and the other one is sent to the boiler tube
bundles. After the boiler, a significant mass flow is get from the Gasification
Section and mixed with the HP Steam Line. The sum of the two streams is super-
heated in the HP-SH and sent to the High Pressure Steam Turbine (HP-ST). The
steam mass flow entering the Steam Turbine is of some 144.0 kg/s at the
conditions of 140 bar and 530C.
Intermediate Pressure Steam Section (IPSS): the IPSS is made of one Super
Heater (IP-SH), one Evaporator/Boiler (IPEV) and one Economizer (IP EC).
IP steam mass flow, taken from the drum, is mixed with a fraction of the HP-ST
outlet mass flow. This stream is sent to the Water Shift Gas (WSG) while the
other fraction of the HP-ST steam mass flow is re-heated in the IP-SH and sent to
the Intermediate Pressure Steam Turbine (IP-ST). The steam mass flow entering
the IP Steam Turbine is of some 100 kg/s at the conditions of 43 bar and 530C.
Pag. 38 of 202
Low Pressure Steam Section (LPSS): the LPSS is made of one Super Heater (LP
SH) that provides some 20kg/s at 4bar and 300C to the main steam flux exiting
the IP ST, one Evaporator/Boiler (LPEV) and one Economizer (LPEC). LP
steam mass flow is mixed together with the IP-ST mass flow and sent to the Low
Pressure Steam Turbine (LP-ST). Some Flash Steam is taken before LP-ST inlet
and addressed to the deaerator (DEGA). Flash Steam for the DEGA is taken from
the LP steam stream entering the LP ST at 1.2bar and 240C. Moreover, a Pre-
heater (PRE) allows to heat the feeding water mass flow from the condenser
temperature to some 15C under the saturation temperature of the DEGA system.
H2-IGCC Steam Turbine is made of three bodies: High Pressure, Intermediate Pressure and
Low Pressure Steam Turbine (HP_ST, IP_ST, LP_ST). Steam Turbine inlet mass flow,
temperature and pressure are strictly connected with the other IGCC plant islands. Indeed the
steam turbine has many interactions with the whole plant (HRSG, WGS, etc.) that are taken
into account by considering some steam mass flows entering and exiting the boundary of the
Steam Turbine sub-system. Steam turbine and Gas Turbine are connected to the same Electric
Generator. In order to ease the HRSG integration with the rest of the plant, high and
intermediate steam production pressures are controlled by acting on the governing valves
admitting steam to high and intermediate pressure turbines. The Steam Turbine back pressure
is assumed according to that of the condenser. Anyway it should be noticed that such a
pressure is a little bit higher than the condensing one pressure because of the non-
condensable. According with the plant specification, the condenser is a surface water cooled
fed by sea.
Pag. 39 of 202
efficiencies, compressor pressure ratios, speed, number of the stages and other relevant
quantities characterizing each GT.
Among the various above listed GT and according with H2-IGCC power section
specifications, the Siemens SGT5-4000F and the Ansaldo AE94.3A GTs have been assumed
as reference for the development of the Generic machine that incorporates the BAT of all the
O&Ms. The Relevant quantities (mex, Tex, Power, etc.) describing gas turbines are given in
Table 5, according with [12,13]. A cross Section view of SGT5 4000F (94.3A) is depicted
in Fig. 1.15.
Pag. 40 of 202
H2-IGCC Generic 300MW F Class Gas Turbine simulator has been developed taking the best
available technologies of F, H and G Class GTs into consideration. Data and information
concerning compressor, combustor, expander and cooling system performance and
arrangements have been found in various documents such as manufacturer brochures, papers
and technical report. A description of the components is given in the following paragraphs. Compressor
Compressor looking like the Siemens and Ansaldo GTs is an axial 15-stage high-efficiency
compressor [13] with four extractions for cooling and services purposes (i.e. sealant, piston
balance, etc.). Extractions take place at the exit of the 5th, 9th, 13th and 15th stages. First of
them, is addressed to GT services and the others to cooling purposes. Scheme of bleed
extractions is given in figure 1.16, where orange circle highlights the extractions sections.
Fig. 1.16: Schematic View of the Compressor Bleed Sections (courtesy of Siemens)
Pag. 41 of 202
Moreover, figure 1.17 shows a sketch of the SGT5 -8000H in which the manufacturer
describes the peculiarities of such a machine and how the last improvements allow to better
operate the gas turbine.
Data concerning polytropic efficiency and pressure ratio are reported in two papers [17,18].
H2-IGCC compressor is characterized by a pressure ratio of 18.2 and by a polytropic
efficiency of some 93%.
Pag. 42 of 202 Expander
H2-IGCC Gas Expander is made of four stages and a diffuser. Nozzle vanes and rotor blades
of the first three stages are cooled by means of cooling mass flows extracted from the 15th,13th
and 9th compressor stages. Last stage nozzle vane and rotor blade are not cooled internally, by
cooling takes places by means of the 5th extractions bleed that re-enters the expander and
mixed together with the main flow. Scheme of expander and cooling system is depicted in
figure 1.19.
Specification concerning blade design and materials are reported in [12]. The document
The blades of the first and second turbine stages have to withstand thermal stresses and are therefore
fabricated from a heat-resistant alloy which is allowed to solidify as a single-crystal structure. They also have
an additional ceramic coating. They are cooled internally through a complex array of air channels and
externally by film cooling. These measures combine to ensure a long blade service life. High-efficiency vortex
and convection cooling in the blade interior with film cooling of the blade surface. Single-crystal blades made of
high-grade alloys with additional ceramic coating
Typical cooled polytropic efficiency value are of some 85-87% as also reported in [17,20].
Such values a pretty lower than the uncooled ones because of the mixing between cooling
flows and main flow.
Pag. 43 of 202 Cooling System
Gas Turbine cooling allows to maintain the hot components temperatures under the limit that
ensure a certain life consumption rate of the machine, as reported in [15,16].
Briefly description of cooling path along the machine is now given, taking figs. 16 and 19 into
consideration. Moving from the 1st vane of the compressor to the last rotor row of the gas
expander, the main flow path is split in various stations for various purposes, as schematically
represented in fig. 19. Some fractions of the compressor inlet mass flow are extracted at
different compressor stages and move to the expander stages mixing with the hot gas main
flow. Main flow at the compressor exit is split in various fraction. One is directed to the 1st
Nozzle Row, a second one is addressed to the 1st Rotor Row while the major of them is used
for the combustion process. All the fluxes are also adopted to cool the combustion chamber
externally and internally, respectively. Indeed, combustor is also taken in the complex cooling
path into consideration because of the high temperature of the combustion process
Accordingly, in figure 1.20 [16] is shown that the leading edge is partly cooled by purging air
which exits the gap between the combustor exit and turbine vane 1. Such a solution allows to
lower the temperature in correspondence of the stagnation point.
Fig. 1.20: Temperature distribution between combustor outlet and 1 st Nozzle vane inlet [16]
In such Gas Turbine Classes, amount of cooling air in respect of the compressor inlet mass
flow is about 24-26%. Values similar to that are given in [17, 19, 20, 21].
Pag. 44 of 202
1.3.2 Steam Cycle
H2-IGCC Steam Cycle is similar to that given in figure 1.21. 300MW F Class Gas Turbine
fed a horizontal three pressure level Heat Recovery Steam Generator. Produced Steam is sent
to three turbine bodies (HP, IP, LP) and re-superheating takes place between HP steam
turbine and IP steam Turbine.
Fig. 1.21: Scheme of SGT6-5000F three pressure level with drum type evaporator combined cycle [23]
An analysis of the present of the combined cycle based on the Best Available Technology of
the F, G, H Gas Turbine has been carried out [25]. In figure 1.22 and 1.23 are reported some
specification about the steam mass flow, the steam properties (temperature, pressure), the
number of the pressure levels, the circulation system, the overall power and the installation
year of the plant. (Blue HRSG is vertical type, Red HRSG is horizontal type).
It can be notice that to improve the efficiency of the plant, according to the plant
specifications (power and heat demands), the number of pressure level is usually set to be
equal to 3: High Pressure (some 120-160bar), Intermediate Pressure (some 20-50 bar) and
Low pressure (some 3-7 bar). Steam mass flows and temperatures are different in relation
with the integration level of the plant
Pag. 45 of 202
Fig. 1.22: Existing Plant Specification
Pag. 46 of 202 HRSG
Typical layout Heat Recovery Steam Generator adopted in the combined sections of IGCC
power plants are schematically given in figure 1.24. Horizontal and Vertical HRSG are
Fig. 1.24: Isometric View of 3PL-Drum Type HRSG Horizontal and Vertical Type
H2-IGCC heat recovery steam generator is a horizontal one equipped with drum type
evaporator and with finned tube banks. Non-condensable are extracted by the adoption of a
Tray-type deaerator. In figure 1.25, typical horizontal three pressure level HRSG is given.
Fig. 1.25: Typical 3 pressure level HRSG arrangement for combined plant (DRUM Type EVA)
Pag. 47 of 202
Comparison between Benson and Drum evaporator has been carried out and according with
the plant specifications the adoption of conventional drum type boiler has been selected. In
figure 1.26, the two options are given [23].
Fig. 1.26: Scheme of Conventional Drum VS Benson Once Through Boiler [23]
Super-heater, economizer and boiler tube bundles are finned tube type. Such a solution is
typically adopted in these kinds of power plants. Adoption of finned tube banks leads to
increase the external heat transfer coefficients and to improve the heat transfer phenomena.
Typical HRSG finned tube banks layout is given in figure 1.27.
Pag. 48 of 202 Steam Turbine
Steam Turbine adopted in such IGCC power plants is similar to the SST5-5000 and to the
SST5-3000. Three turbine bodies with a Re-heating between HP and IP ST are employed in
the plant to increase the power driven by the steam turbine. A cross section of the SST-3000
is given in figure 1.28.
According with [27], adoption of SST-5000 and SST-3000 allows to connect the steam
turbine and gas turbine to the same electric generator. Such a solution is schematically plot in
figure 29.
Pag. 49 of 202 Condenser
Cold cooling water results in a low condenser back pressure. Therefore a steam turbine with
a huge exhaust area is needed. For these locations, Siemens can provide a single shaft RPP
with a double flow LP steam turbine.[27].
According with the plant specification and with the H2-IGCC project context the condenser is
a surface cooling water system fed by sea water. Condensing pressure has been assumed,
according also with some manufacturer declaration at 2.5mbar. In figure 1.30 a schematic
view of the condenser is given.
Pag. 50 of 202
1.4 Reference
[1] - Xu Zhaofeng, Jens Hetland, Hanne M. Kvamsdal, Li Zheng, Liu Lianbo, Economic
evaluation of an IGCC cogeneration power plant with CCS for application in China, Energy
Procedia 4 (2011) 19331940
[2] - Wabash River Coal Gasification Repowering Project: A DOE Assessment, Report N.
DOE/NETL-2002/1164, 2002.
[3] - Tampa Electric Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle Project. A DOE Assessment,
Report N. DOE/NETL 2004/1207, 2004.
[4] - IGCC Puertollano. A clean coal gasification power plant, published by ELCOGAS
[5] - NETL Gasifipedia - Gasification in Detail, available on 28th of July, 2011, at:
[6] - Energy for sustainable future, on 28th of July, 2011, at:
[7] - Ishibashi, Y., Shinada, O., First year operation results of CCPs Nakoso 250 MW air-
blown IGCC demonstration plant, Gasification Technologies Conference, Washington DC,
USA, 2008.
[8] - Higman, C., van der Burgt, M.,,Gasification, Gulf Professional Publishing, Elsevier,
2nd Edition, 2008.
[9] - http://www.h2-igcc.eu/default.aspx
[10] - Nikolett Sipcz, Mohammad Mansouri, Peter Breuhaus & Mohsen Assadi, Plant
specification and detailed thermodynamic performance analysis of selected IGCC cycle, H2-
IGCC Report, October 2010
[11] - Department of Mech. & Structural Eng. & Material Science, University of Stavanger ,
IGCC State of the art report, a part of EU-FP7 Low Emission Gas Turbine Technology for
Hydrogen-rich Syngas , H2-IGCC Report, April 2010
[12] - Ansaldo Energia Brochure AE94.3A GAS TURBINE; Genoa, Italy; May 2012.
[13] - SIEMENS AG, Siemens Gas Turbine SGT5-4000F. Answers for energy, 2008.
[14] - SIEMENS AG, Compressor Mass Flow Increase Upgrade for SGT5 4000F Gas
Turbines, 2008.
[15] - SIEMENS AG, Siemens Gas Turbine SGT6-5000F, Answer for Energy, 2008
[16] - SIEMENS AG, Latest performance upgrade of the Siemens gas turbine SGT5 4000F,
Answer for energy, 2008
Pag. 51 of 202
[17] - Jonsson M., Bolland O., Bucker D., Rost M. (Siemens), 2005, Gas Turbine Cooling
Model for Evaluation of Novel Cycles. Proceedings of ECOS 2005, Trondheim, Norway,
June 20-22, 2005.
[18] - Giuffrida A., Romano M. C., Lozza G. G., 2010, Thermodynamic assessment of IGCC
power plants with hot fuel gas desulfurization. Elsevier, Applied Energy 87 (2010), ppg.
3374 3383.
[19] - Kim Y.S., Lee J. L., Kim T.S, Sohn J.L., Joo Y. J., 2010: Performance analysis of a
syngas-fed gas turbine considering the operating limitations of its components, Elsevier,
Applied Energy 87 (2010), ppg. 1602-1611.
[20] - Final Report of the RTO Applied Vehicle Technology, 2007: Performance Prediction
and Simulation of Gas Turbine Engine Operation for Aircraft, Marine, Vehicular, and Power
[21] - Ashok Rao., 2010, 1.3.2 Advanced Bryton Cycles
[22] Walter H., Hofmann R., 2010: How can the heat transfer correlations for finned-tubes
influence the numerical simulation of the dynamic behavior of a heat recovery steam
generator?, Accepted Manuscript, Applied Thermal Engineering.
[23] - SIEMENS AG, Siemens Gas Turbine SGT6-5000F, Application Overview, 2008
[24] Noordermeer J., Gryphon International Engineering Service Inc.
[25] CMI Energy, Horizontal &Vertical HRSGs Reference List, Cockerill Maintenance &
[26] Siemesn AG 2010: Siemens Steam Turbine SST-3000 Series for combined cycle
[27] Emberg H., Alf M., SCC5-4000F Single Shaft (SST5-5000): A single shaft concept
for cold cooling water conditions.
[28] - Xu Zhaofeng, Jens Hetland, Hanne M. Kvamsdal, Li Zheng, Liu Lianbo, Economic
evaluation of an IGCC cogeneration power plant with CCS for application in China, Energy
Procedia 4 (2011) 19331940.
Pag. 52 of 202
Chapter II
Modelling Approach and Solution Strategy
2.0 Introduction
In order to evaluate the IGCC plant operating maps and to establish appropriate control
policies, a steady state plant simulator has been set up. The H2-IGCC plant has been
developed taking two macro island into consideration: Gasification Island (GI) and Power
Island (PI).
The Gasification Island (GI) is made of many components such as the Gasifier, the Syngas
Cooler and so on. GI simulator has been developed by the assumption of component models
based on empirical correlations taken from the State of the Art (SoA), connecting the inputs to
the outputs. Connections between the Power Island (PI) and the Gasification Island have been
established taking the above empirical correlations into consideration. Chemical reactions
have been considered at equilibrium.
On the other hand, looking at the PI, detailed models have been adopted in order to described
Gas Turbine (GT) and Steam Cycle (SC) macro components. Using such a modelling
approach a simulator has been established. The simulator is a detailed replica of the various
machines and equipments and it has been adopted to map the plant performance, evidencing
dangerous behaviour (i.e. GT over-pressures, over-temperatures, shaft over-load, etc.) under
various operating conditions and loading.
In the following paragraphs, description of the modelling approach and the solution
techniques is given.
Pag. 53 of 202
2.1 Thermo-mechanical Systems and modular approach
An IGCC power plant is a thermo-mechanical system made of many components. Each of
them is devoted to one process transfer of heat, work combustion and so on. Such a power
plant can be sketched as the figure 2.1.
Blocks 1,2,,N represent components or group of components that describe the real plant
layout. In such a figure connections between components, input and output streams are
schematically depicted ( EInU being the vector of the useful inlet quantity fluxes, EOU being the
vector of fluxes of useful quantities, while EOR being the vector of fluxes of rejected
Behaviour of a generic plant can be described by an equation set:
F ( z) 0 (2.1)
and by an inequalities set:
D( z ) 0 (2.2)
z being the overall variable set:
z y b u g (2.3)
y being the variable set:
y x (2.4)
made by independent variables (DOFs) and by unknown variables x.
b being the boundary conditions set (ambient, etc.)
g being architecture and geometric data.
u being the status of the system set made of rf and af
u rf a f (2.5)
Moreover, F n
,D d
, q
, x n
, u s
,b b
, g g
In general equations F are highly non linear and express conservation of mass, momentum,
energy and entropy1, and other phenomena such as work and heat transfer, combustion,
pressure loss, etc. F includes also fluid properties, auxiliary equations, machine and
equipment specifications. Equations can also be expressed in terms of graphs or tables. D
The conservation of entropy for a steady state open thermodynamic system bounded by a fixed border states:
the entropy of the system does not change along the time, thus the entropy convected into the system by the
entering flows, plus the entropy increase due to external heat fluxes, plus the entropy produced by the internal
irreversibilitys is equal to the entropy extracted by the exiting flows. For a non steady state thermodynamic
process the conservation law leads to a time differential equation that takes the rate of entropy accumulation
inside the system equal to the above entropy fluxes (inlet flows, outlet flows, heat fluxes and internal entropy
Pag. 54 of 202
represents a set of physical, thermal, chemical and geometrical conditions, as well as other
constrains which determine the domain where the problem (2.1) solution exists.
The values associate to the vector components usually is establish K according to suitable
criteria one of which can be the search of an appropriate objective function optimum value. x
is the solution of (2.1) and (2.2). Of course quantities can be exchanged between and x
rf and af and are the vectors of realty functions and actuality ones respectively. Reality
functions rfs are introduced to accommodate the model to reproduce the existing component
behaviour in a reference situation (New & Clean). Since during operations the component
features behaviour change continuously due to various phenomena leading to performance
modification, the model of each component has to be tailored to the new situation. Therefore
the models of the major components include suitable actuality functions afs that can represent
the actual status of the component. af accounts for the deviation of the actual component
performance from a condition assumed as the reference.
Pag. 55 of 202
2.2 Modelling Approach
The modelling approach is based on a Finite Volume (FV) discretization of plant components.
Each FV is defined by boundary surfaces J and J+1. The approach allows the introduction
into the component model of information concerning spatial and (in case) time distribution of
relevant quantities. Preliminary detailed 2D, 3D or CFD calculations can be performed by
using suitable codes. Results constitute a Data Base (DB) used to lump on the boundary J and
J+1 of each FV the distributions of quantities of interest (i.e. temperatures, pressures, wok,
losses, etc.) by means of an averaging procedure on surface and time.
The approach is addressed to model any kind of machines and apparatuses made of
elementary components such as: compressor rows, expander rows, combustion chambers,
heat exchangers, pumps, etc.
Fig. 2.3: Finned Tube Heat Transfer Device - Stations and central node
A lumping procedure is adopted also for the quantities involved in performance calculation.
The lumped features are then reduced to the FV central node JN. As an example, a HRSG tube
bundle can be sub-divided into FVs, each of them comprising a tube row, according to Fig.
2.3. J and J+1 represent the FV boundary surfaces and JN the central node. Spatial distribution
of temperature, pressure, velocity, etc. resulting from detailed calculation are averaged on the
boundary surfaces. Heat transferred from a fluid to the other (the performance) is related to
the lumped flow features and to the geometric features of the row by adapting classical heat
Pag. 56 of 202
transfer model. The connection between row features and heat transfer model is established
according to the amount of data available by detailed simulations.
Similar approaches are adopted for other machines and apparatuses such as shell & tube heat
and axial compressor. Accordingly, such systems can be modelled according to the FV
elementary device given in figure 2.4 and 2.5.
Pag. 57 of 202
The compressor is divided in row section each representing a stator or rotor cascade. Each
row is included in finite volumes FVs delimited by a boundary, as figure 2.6 shows. The
inlet station and the central node are described by the same number J
Pag. 58 of 202
2.3 Methodological Approach
Equations and inequalities describing machines and plant behaviour are addressed to solve
different kind of problems and lead to obtain the whole plant simulator by following various
Cycle Calculation: this procedure is related to preliminary cycle calculation whet the
cycle potentials are going to be investigated with only few constraints concerning
thermodynamic quantities. Data are usually related to the state of the art machinery
and equipments (i.e efficiency, heat transfer effectiveness and so on). If related to
such above quantities cost specifications are available an optimization procedure can
take place. Thermodynamic optimisation is always possible. Indeed overall plant
efficiency and specific of work or a combination of these quantities may be chosen as
objective function. Results of this calculation are thermodynamic quantities at some
plant stations, mass flows, value of powers crossing component boundaries and
overall performances.
Sizing: this phase is preliminary to the next component off design component and
plant part load analyses. It consists in the calculation of size of machines and
equipments and alternative global parameters to describe off-design behaviour of
components. Input data are from the previous cycle calculations or may come from
data base DB related to the commercially available machines and equipments whose
design features are close to that of required cycle calculation. In this phase
specifications concerning costs of machines and equipments are used for optimized
design. Results of this inverse calculation phase may be devoted to equipment and
machine preliminary designs, but at present the are mainly addressed to the next plant
off-design investigation.
Pag. 59 of 202
operations according with load requirements (electric and thermal power) which are
implemented as time dependent constraints.
Matching: this step consist in assembly together the component maps to perform the
whole plant simulator. Two sub-steps have to be described. First of them consists in
the sizing of the matched component connections (i.e. establish the equivalent opening
of the cooling ducts in a gas turbine cooling system). The second one, once the
connection have been set, consists in the off-design plant simulator development. By
this second step is possible to investigate whole plant part load operating conditions.
Calculations at the various steps have been performed by means of the various optimization
techniques based on the quasi Newton algorithms and on Genetic Algorithms (GA). A
comprehensive and detailed description of the solution strategy and techniques is given in the
following paragraphs.
F 1 2 ... k (2.6)
D 1 2 ... k (2.7)
Pag. 60 of 202
Fig. 2.8: Sketch of k-th Module
( z ) F T ( z ) F ( z ) (2.8)
( z ) 0 (2.9)
The necessary condition (z) minimum is achieved, the following n equations have to be
N f j
j 1
0i [1, n] (2.10)
f j ( z* ) 0j [1, n] (2.11)
In this case, the Hessian matrix of (z) is definite not negative for z* z
Pag. 61 of 202
f j ( z* )
0i [1, n] (2.12)
In this case z* is a stationary point for function fj(z), therefore, it may not be the searched
solution point.
The above suggests the idea that stating the following minimization problem
set of objective functions fob R may be established. The global objective function Fob is
Fob w j fob j (2.14)
j 1
The first element, for j 1 , represent the unbalance ( 1 fob1 ), the other elements may
express a special objectives (like initial cost, operating cost, volume, weight, etc.) and weight
vector elements wT can take the value zero or one. Of course w1 always must be 1.
Adopting the suitable formulation of the objective function Fob and the vector of unknown
quantities z the following problem may be solved:
Search z: min Fob F ( , x, b, u, g , rf , a f ) 0;D( , x, b, u, g , rf , a f ) 0 (2.15)
Matching constraints and therefore plant unbalance are still taking into consideration.
Pag. 62 of 202
2.5 Solution Methods
Various optimisation techniques based on Equality Constraint Recursive Quadratic
Programming (ECRQP), Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) as well as
hybrid GA-ECRQP and SA-ECRQP have been applied and compared [7, 8, 9]. The choice of
the most suitable one depends on the peculiar problem to be solved.
2.5.1 Sequential
The most widely adopted method is the sequential one, by this method the plant is divided
into modules corresponding to the plant components. For each module subsets of equations
and inequalities are established. Each module is analysed sequentially, module outputs are
solved from input quantities. Two major aspects related to the computing time have to be
pointed out. The first is connected with the non linearity of the module equations which
require internal iterations to get outputs. The second is related to closed loops and recycling
streams (i.e. when the module under analysis needs other not yet analysed module outputs
means that those variables have to be given as tentative ones, therefore external iteration
levels in order to have balanced solutions of subsystem process groups). From given data,
usually the solution starts from one module and continues following one fluid streams.
Due to the component equations being non-linear and really numerous for complex plants,
various level (nested) iterative loops are needed. This method requires a big computation
effort and a long CPU time.
2.5.2 Simultaneous
Simultaneous means that all the unknown variables are foreseen (i.e. each assume a proper
value) at the beginning of any step (iteration). Since all the unknown quantities are assumed
in the iteration (see fig. 2.9) the contributions of all the component to the objective function
(components unbalance, costs, etc.) and to the constraint structure may be calculated.
Therefore the plant performance (when it is under an unbalanced condition), costs, emissions
of pollutants and the objective function are evaluated. Components are described by algebraic
relationships and by differential equations which are reduced to algebraic ones by adopting a
finite difference procedure. Performance of a plant component is related to its load level. This
relationship is influenced by its history (ageing, deterioration, fouling, maintenance and so
Pag. 63 of 202
Fig. 2.9 : modular structure calculation method ECRQP
Problem (2.1, 2.2) could be solved adopting an optimisation technique developed by Cerri et.
Al. [6,7,8,9] based on ECRQP that provides to introduce two merit functions:
P( z, r ) Fob( z ) vT v (2.16)
r being the penalty parameter and v being the vector of active constraints.
L( z, ) Fob( z) T v (2.17)
Pag. 64 of 202
The parameter r must be positive and when it tends to zero the minimum of P( z, r ) tends to the
minimum of Fob . The minimum of L( z, ) also coincides with the minimum of Fob .
The solution is found starting from an initial tentative solution x0 . At the generic kth iteration the step
d k (which moves the tentative solution from zk to zk 1 zk dk ) is searched by solving a quadratic-
programming problem. The objective function is a quadratic approximation of Fob :
Fq f k d k d kT d k H k
f k being the gradient of the Fob and H k its Hessian matrix, both evaluated at point zk . Secondo
order Taylors series expansion around z k lead to approximate expression of the penalty function
2 T
P( zk , rk ) f k H k d k ( Ak vk Ak AkT d k ) (2.19)
L( zk , k ) f k H k dk AkT k (2.20)
The search of d k is performed by imposing the condition of minimum P(P( zk , rk ) 0) and using
further conditions resulting by equating the right terms of Eqs. (2.16) and (2.17). Therefore the steps
towards the minimum of Fob( z ) are performed along the locus of penalty function minima, as shown
in figure 2.10.
Pag. 65 of 202
2.5.3 Hybrid
The hybrid process consists in the division of the variables into different sets: one is the
Dependent Variables DV that are the unknowns of the independent equation set; the second
variable set consists in the Independent Variables IV that have to be given a priori and do not
change during the calculations. The IV set is made of the degree of freedom DOFs and of the
Boundary Variables BV or such as ambient conditions and similar ones. The hybrid
approach consists in dividing the calculation environment into two zone. In the first zone the
IV set is established and the final outputs are saved. The second zone consists in the
calculation of the DV set using the Non Linear Equation Solution NLES that can be performed
by a simultaneous or sequential approach. This hybrid methodology is suitable also for the
solution of optimization problems. In this case the DOF set is divided in two sets. One is that
consists in the DOFs to be optimized and the remaining IVs consists in the set whose
the first zone inputs inside the calculation process a suitable j and calculates the
related objective function.
the second zone inputs into the calculation procedure the set.
the third zone provides the calculation of the unknowns by a simultaneous or a
sequential procedure
Maps of the plant can be calculated by suitably changing the point inside the domain.
The above procedure is implemented by adopting Genetic Algorithm GA, Simulated
Annealing SA and ECRQP. The GA-ECRQP hybrid algorithm is schematically represented in
figure 2.11.
Since direct application of physical and empirical models to a problem that requires iterative
calculations can lead to a quite long calculation time, alternative simulation procedures must
be considered. In order to perform low CPU occupancy and to get the solution in short time,
ANN techniques have been chosen and applied. The purpose has been to approximate a stated
input-output map that represents the behaviour of the plant. The plant model has been utilized
to generate the database needed for ANN training and testing. Then, single-layer feed forward
networks have been trained with backpropagation algorithm and a parametric simulator of the
Pag. 66 of 202
plant has been produced. Cerri et al. [4,5] extensively discussed neural methodologies to
speed up calculations related to heat and power cogeneration plants.
The broader and more complex block diagram is shown in figure 2.12 and includes modules,
neural modules and solved through the hybrid algorithm GA-ECRQP. By adoption of
simultaneous GA Hybrid Algorithm any kind of plant layout can be easy simulated and
Pag. 67 of 202
Fig. 2.12: complex modular structure calculation method Hybrid Algoritm GA-ECRQP
Pag. 68 of 202
2.6 Reference
[1] - Cerri. G., Gazzino M., Borghetti S., 2006: Hot Section Life Assessment by a Creep
Model to Plan Gas Turbine Based Power Plant Electricity Production, Proceedings of The
Future of Gas Turbine Technology 3rd International Conference, Bruxelles (B), 11 12
October 2006
[2] - Cerri G., Gazzino M., Botta F., Salvini C., (2007): Production Planning with Hot
Section Life Prediction for Optimum Gas Turbine Management, Proceedings of the
International Gas Turbine Congress, Tokyo, December 2 7, 2007
[3] - Cerri G., Gazzino M., Iacobone F.A., Giovannelli A., (2009): Optimum Planning of
Electricity Production, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (Vol.131, Iss.6).
November 2009.
[4] - Cerri, G., Khatri, D. S.,1998, "A Neural Network Approach in Thermodynamic Process
Evaluation," International Conference on Engineering Application of Neural Network
(EANN-98). Gibraltar, Great Britain, June 10-12, 1998, Paper No. 98172
[5] - Boccaletti, C., Cerri, G., Khatri, D. S., Seyedan, B., 1999, "An Application of Neural
Network in Combustion Processes Evaluations," Proceedings of International Conference on
Enhancement & Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering & Science (EPMESC
VII), Macao, China, August 2-5, 1999
[6] - Cerri, G., Borghetti, S., Salvini, C., 2006, "Neural Management for Heat and Power
Cogeneration Plants," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 19, pp. 721-
[7] - Cerri, G.; Monacchia, S.; Salvini, C., 1994, Development of Gas - Steam Combined
Cycles Equipped with Coal PFBC by Using an ECRQP Simultaneous Solution Method ,
Workshop on Cycle Development, University of Essen, 15 dic.
[8] - Cerri G., Boccaletti C., Salvini C. (2000): Algoritmi deterministici ed evolutivi naturali
nellottimizzazione della gestione di impianti cogenerativi,55 Congresso ATI, Matera, 15-
20 Settembre, 2000
[9] - Cerri G., (1996): A Simultaneous Solution Method Based on a Modular Approach for
Power Plant Analyses and optimized Designs and Operations, ASME paper 96-GT-302,
International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Birmingham, UK, June,
10-13, 1996.
[10] - Biggs M. C., 1972, Constrained Minimization Using Recursive Equality Quadratic
Programming, Numerical Methods for Non Linear Optimization, 1F. A. Lootsma
ed.,Academic Press, London.
Pag. 69 of 202
Chapter III
IGCC Component Models
3.0 Introduction
A model is a numerical structure able to replicate one or more components of a complex
system such as IGCC power plants. From a qualitative point of view a physical model is
based on observation of phenomena and on the sensitiveness of the model designer.
Meanwhile, from the quantitative point of view, a mathematical model must rely on a
mathematical formulation able to describe as well as possible the overall phenomena. By
adopting physical-mathematical models description, in the following paragraphs details on
the formulation of the models developed and adapted to represent the H2-IGCC power plant
behaviour is given. Fluid properties (gas and water), gas turbine component models
(compressor, expander, etc.) and steam cycle component models are treated.
ENGA5: this routine calculate the specific enthalpy, steam partial pressure and
saturation temperature of gas phase mixture for a given pressure (pi), temperature (Ti),
and fractions of compositions [xx] k (consisting of O2, N2, CO2, H2O, CO, H2, SO2). In
this routine the heat of vaporization of water vapor is being considered. Subroutine
input and output are given in figure 3.1.
COGAS5: this routine calculate the specific enthalpy (hg), the constant pressure and
volume specific heat (cp,cv), the gas constant (R), the heat ratio (k), the isentropic
exponent (), the sound velocity (cs) of gas phase mixture for a given pressure (pi),
temperature (Ti), and fractions of compositions [xx] k (consisting of O2, N2, CO2, H2O,
CO, H2, SO2). Subroutine input and output are given in figure 3.2.
Pag. 70 of 202
Thg: temperature[K]
pi: gas total pressure
[MPa ]
Fo2: oxygen mass
Fn2: nytrogen mass
fraction Hga5: specific enthalpy
Fco2: carbon dioxide
mass fraction Subroutine pv:steam partial pressure
ENGA5 [kPa]
Fh2o: vapore mass
fraction Tsat: saturation temperature
Fh2: hydrogen mass [K]
Fco: carbon
monoxide mass
Fso2: sulfhur mass
Thg: temperature[K]
pi: pressure [MPa]
Fo2: oxygen mass
cpg: constant pressure
Fn2: nytrogen mass specific heat [kJ/kg*K]
rg: gas constant[kJ/kg*K]
Fco2: carbon dioxide
cv: constant volume specific
mass fraction Subroutine heat [kJ/kg*K]
Fh2o: vapore mass Cogas5 xk: cpg/cv [#]
Fh2: hydrogen mass eps: rg/cpg [#]
fraction cs: sound velocity of gas m/s
Fco: carbon rhog: density [kg/m3]
monoxide mass
Fso2: sulfhur mass
Pag. 71 of 202
Possibility of establish Low Heating Value, Molecular Wight, mass composition and other
relevant quantities of a gas mixture, taking the molar fraction of the syngas produced by the
gasification island into consideration, leads to develop a subroutine. Adoption of empirical
correlation taken from the State of the Art [1,2,3] allow to establish the LHV taking molar
fraction or mass fraction of the whole gas mixture into consideration.
SYGPROP: this routine calculate the LHV, mass fractions of compositions [xx] k
(consisting of O2, N2, CO2, H2O, CO, H2, SO2), constant pressure specific heat (cp),
molecular weight of the mixture (W) of a gas mixture characterized by a molar
composition (consisting in O2, N2, CO2, H2O, CO, H2, SO2) a temperature Ti and
pressure pi. Subroutine Input and output are given in figure 3.3
Ti: temperature[K]
Fo2: oxygen mass fraction
pi: pressure [MPa]
Fn2: nytrogen mass fraction
Fo2: oxygen molar
fraction Fco2: carbon dioxide mass
Fn2: nytrogen molar
fraction Fh2o: vapore mass fraction
Fco2: carbon dioxide Fh2: hydrogen mass fraction
molar fraction Subroutine Fco: carbon monoxide mass
Fh2o: vapore molar SYGPROP
fraction Fso2: sulfhur mass fraction
Fh2: hydrogen molar cpg: constant pressure
fraction specific heat [kJ/kg*K]
Fco: carbon LHV: Low Heating Value
monoxide molar [MJ/kg]
fraction W: Molecular Weight
Fso2: sulfhur molar [kg/mol]
Pag. 72 of 202
3.1.3 Working fluid properties
Air composition and combustion product composition of a CH4 combustion with an Air Fuel
Ratio (AFR) of some 45 are given in table 3.0a and 3.0b, respectively.
Table 3.0b: Gas Mass Fraction Composition of CH4 combustion with an 45 AFR
Product Gas
O2 0.1372
N2 0.7462
CO2 0.0605
H2O 0.0561
The Nitrogen of these compositions being the so called Atmospheric Nitrogen taking the
Argon and other minor species into account. Properties of the ISO air and of the table 3.0b
combustion products gas are given in the following tables 3.0c and 3.0d, respectively.
The first column gives the Celsius Temperatures, the corresponding values are gas constant
R= [kJ/(kgK)]; specific constant pressure heat cp [kJ/(kgK)]; heat ratio k=cp/(cp-R)
[#], the isentropic exponent =R/cp = (k-1)/k [#] and the sound velocity a [m/s]. The average
values of cp , k and are calculated as mean values in the temperature range from 15C to
the actual.
Pag. 73 of 202
Table 3.0c: ISO Air Properties
Pag. 74 of 202
Table 3.0d:Gas Properties of CH4 combustion with an 45 AFR
Steam and water enthalpies are given in table 3.0e for the three different pressure,
representing the reference HRSG steam production. Accordingly, for each pressure liquid
region is marked by blue cells and steam one by red cells. Moreover, saturation temperature
for each pressure is given.
Pag. 75 of 202
Table 3.0e: Steam Properties for different pressure
Blue Water ; Red - Steam
Pag. 76 of 202
3.2 Gas Turbine Component Models
Description of GT component models and of the global model developed to perform the
Equivalent Brayton Cycle calculation and overall coolant flows calculation is given in the
following paragraphs.
Pag. 77 of 202
For the evaluation of the cycle calculation some equations can be written taking fluid
properties and processes into consideration. With reference to the schematic representation of
the figs. 3.4a and 3.4b the equation can be sorted for Sections (Compressor, Combustion
Chamber, Expander, Gas Turbine and Equality Constraints). For every section equations
representative of the constitutive equation of the fluids and are sorted under the voice
Stations, while the equation describing the processes (compression, expansion, pressure loss,
etc.) are listed in the respectively Section. Generic Station j-th, in which fluid properties are
evaluated., include RO3 Fluid Properties calculation methodology that has been discussed in
the [7].
f5 ( 2 , T2 , p2 ,[ xx]1 ) 0 (3.5)
f8 ( LCs , h2 s , h1 ) 0 (3.8)
f9 ( LC , h2 , h1 ) 0 (3.9)
Pag. 78 of 202 Combustion Chamber Section
Pressure loss across the combustor, conservation of energy and chemical equations are taken
in the combustion chamber process into consideration, as written in (3.11), (3.12) and (3.13)
Equations of the Process:
f11 ( p3 , p2 , pcc ) 0 (3.11)
f 21 ( p3 , p4 , e ) 0 (3.21)
f 22 ( LEs , h3 , h4 s , ) 0 (3.22)
f 23 ( LE , h3 , h4 , ) 0 (3.23)
Pag. 79 of 202 Gas Turbine Equations
Global relations between Gross Power, Gross efficiency, Mechanical Efficiency, Electric
Generator Efficiency, exhaust mass flows, fuel and others related to the GT specifications are
reported below:
f 27 ( LGTi , LE , LC ) 0 (3.27)
EQUALITY Constraints
These equality constraints (1-5) represent the assumption made, according with the Data
available from the State of the Art:
ge(1) Tex* T4 0 (3.30)
ge(2) GT
GT 0 (3.31)
ge(4) P* P 0 (3.33)
ge(5) * 0 (3.34)
The following equality constraints are auxiliary for the non-linear equation solution
ge(6) LGT ( P / mci ) 0 (3.35)
Pag. 80 of 202
Variables involved in the 41 equations are the following:
17 - p1 , p2 , , 1 , T1 ,[ xx]1 , h1 , 2 s , T2 s , h2 s , 2 , T2 , h2 , pc , LCs , LC ,ic
16 - p4 , pe , e , 3 , T3 , h3 , 4 s , T4 s , h4 s , 4 , T4 , h4 , pe , LEs , LE ,ie
5 - P* , mex* ,GT
, Tex* , *
variables: v =55
equations: eq =41 unknown variables = 41
independent variables + data: =(55-41) =14
Boundary Conditions Data b =3
1. inlet pressure p1
2. inlet temperature T1
3. inlet Air Composition ([xx] j are considered as a single variable) [ xx]1
Data and Assumption related to the Gas Turbine (fuel, pressure drop, etc.) are:
- From the Available Manufacturers Data
Data: d =11
Under this Assumption and this Boundary Condition Data, the set of equation is satisfied.
Pag. 81 of 202 GT Global Model for the evaluation of the overall cooling mass flow
Taking results of the uncooled equivalent Brayton cycle calculation as well as the
technological level (Class) of the Gas Turbine into consideration, the overall coolant mass
flow required to perform the cooling purposes can be evaluated by the adoption of global
models. Such models relate the overall coolant mass flow to some relevant temperatures
(compressor outlet temperature, metal temperature, firing temperature that is strictly related to
the TIT), to the compressor inlet or expander inlet mass flow, to the main flow and coolant
flow properties and to some parameters that well represent the Class of the Gas Turbine
(introduction of some coefficients). The overall coolant flow can be express as a function of
such parameters:
mg c pg T f Tb
mc k1 (3.42)
c pc Tb Tcex
Similar Correlation have been found in the technical background [12, 13, 14].
TIT is a relevant temperature because it relates the overall coolant mass flow to the inlet hot
gas mass flow entering the gas expander and the coolant temperatures to the firing
temperature. Scheme of TIT calculation is given in figure 3.5. TIT is defined in [24].
Accordingly, TIT can be approximated by the rule (3.43) according to figure .5:
mg c pg Tg mcj c pj Tcj
mmix c pmix
mmix being the sum of the various coolant flows mcj and of the gas mass flow mg and c pmix
being the pressure constant specific heat of the mixture depending on many parameters.
Pag. 82 of 202
3.2.2 Compressor
Compressor component models is based on conservation equations of mass, energy,
momentum and entropy. Moreover, auxiliary and constitutive equations have been adopted to
establish the source terms of conservation equations. Accordingly, work exchange has been
evaluated taking losses in a global manner into consideration. Such losses are correlated to
incidence (i) and deviation () angles:
i = f ( m, , u, ) (3.45)
Profile losses on the blade surfaces, skin friction losses on the annulus walls and secondary
losses are taken into account using various empirical correlations available in literature.
Different relationships have been used for different blading whose features are stored in DBs
embedded in the model.
Compressor has been modelled by following a modular approach that takes each blade raw
FVs into consideration. Lumped approach described in 2.2 paragraph has been followed. In
figure 3.6 the sketch of the stations and central nodes FV representation of the axial
compressor component model is depicted.
Pag. 83 of 202
According to fig.3.7, compressor has been schematically divided in four bodies. The first one
represents stages from 1 to 5, the second one takes stages from 6 to 9 into account and so on
for the other bodies. Bleed extraction of compressed air has been taken at the end of each
body into account.
Pag. 84 of 202
Alias quantities (Oi) are introduced into the model to take the injection of some ballast mass
flow (nitrogen) or steam characterized by a composition, temperature and pressure into
consideration. Equations describing the CC model allow to described any kind of injected
flows into combustion chamber.
Combustion chamber component model is based on mass, energy, momentum and entropy
conservation and equations describing its behavior. Implicit formulation of such equations is
f1 (mai , m f , mgo , mOi ) 0 (3.47)
being hGi ,hGo ,hOi inlet, outlet gas and alias specific enthalpies, respectively:
Pag. 85 of 202
Chemical reaction have been assumed at equilibrium and stoichiometric equations are given,
according to the fuel composition.
C O2 CO2 (3.53)
2H 2 O2 2 H 2O (3. 55)
The gas outlet composition [ XM ]Go depends both on the product of fuel oxidation and on air
fuel ratio r :
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.3bar 0.7bar 1bar 20.7bar
Pag. 86 of 202
3.2.4 Expander Model
According with the modelling approach described in the paragraph 2.2, the Expander model
has been developed on a Finite Volume (FV) approach, in which cascade lumped features
(work, losses, etc.) are reduced to the FV central node, while spatial distribution of
temperature, pressure, velocity, etc. are averaged on the boundary surfaces on an approximate
stream line. Such a representation is given in figure 3.10
For each volume (blade row) the following equations are established:
Auxiliary equations express the real behaviour of the system describing processes and
phenomena. They substantially describe the source terms in the conservation equations.
During the development of the expander component model the complex phenomena of the
turbine cooling has been treated, taking additional losses related to the various aspects
(momentum conservation, heat transfer process, mixing, etc) into account. Uncooled and
cooled expansion, as also said in [5,6] are characterized by different isentropic efficiencies
because of the various losses.
The Cooled Expander Model (CEM) accounts for the uncooled losses [11] and for other
additional losses related to the various phenomena, previously stated. These losses are strictly
connected to the entropy sources owing to the cooling process. In figure 3.11, a schematic
representation of a expander cooled row is given:
Pag. 87 of 202
Fig. 3.11: Schematic representation of a expander cooled row
With reference to Fig.3.11, the various aspects of the cooling process are described.
Uncooled expansion of the main flow mgi (hot gas entering the j-th row) is taken into
consideration as well as its losses.
All this losses (some 6%) can be connected with the loss of kinetic energy related to the
difference between the isentropic flow and the real flow:
v and vis being respectively the velocity and the isentropic velocity. For a Nozzle Vane, v is
the absolute velocity c, while for a Rotor Blade, v is the relative velocity w.
During the expansion the blade has been seen as a heat transfer device and a heat rate of the
main flow is removed and sent to the coolant flow. On the gas side, the reduction of its
temperature implies ad entropy reduction.
Pag. 88 of 202
On the other hand, taking the coolant stream mc into consideration, the heat removed from the
main stream increase the coolant temperature. The coolant stream temperature increase
represents an entropy production.
Before mixing with the main gas, in the simplified schematization of Fig. 3.11, the coolant
flow reduces its pressure from pD to pE. Coolant stream entropy production is connected to
the pressure loss.
Main flow, the hot gas at the end of the expansion, and the coolant flow (heated by the heat
transfer process schematically represented in Fig. 3.11 mix together in the section M of the
scheme of Fig. 3.12. Mixing of two streams implies some entropy production and
consequently some dissipative work.
The main stream has an higher velocity then the coolant one. This implies for the momentum
conservation that the velocity of the mixture is lower that the initial velocity of the main flow
as depicted in figure3.12a. Related to this, a kinetic loss as well as a pressure loss have been
taken into consideration. According with [6], in the model for the rotor blades, the rotor
cooling air acceleration is taken into consideration. Due to this aspect a specific pumping
power is required.
Moreover, the two streams, characterized by a certain number of moles nj, have different mass
compositions and for each flow the species have their partial pressure (Daltons Low). When
Pag. 89 of 202
the mixing occurs, an entropy source is connected with the expansion of each stream to its
partial pressure (figure 3.12-b).
The achievement of the Thermal Equilibrium is another entropy source that has to be taken
into consideration. All this entropy sources are taken into the model into account as a
Dissipative Work. Losses Connected with the mixing of two streams at different pressures,
temperatures and velocities are some 6-7%, according with [4].
A h-s chart summarizing the mixing of the two streams is represented in figure 3.13.
Pag. 90 of 202
3.2.5 GT Cooling Model
According with the paragraph 2.2 modelling approach is based on a FV lumped feature and
performance discretisation of components. This approach can be easily adopted for a heat
transfer device. The Gas Turbine cooling system can be seen as a complex arrangement of
series and parallel heat transfer devices. Heat transferred from a fluid to the other (the
performance) is related to the lumped flow features and to the geometric features of the
various components by adapting classical heat transfer model. The connection between
component features and heat transfer model is established according to the amount of data
available by detailed simulations.
Accordingly, the GT Simulator takes a GT cooling lumped model into account which implies
transfer of heat from the main flow (hot gas) to the coolant flows, through various
components (blade row, disk, etc.). Moreover, some heat flows from the hottest GT
components (i.e. combustion chamber) to the colder ones (i.e. shaft, casing, etc.).
In the following paragraph a description of the heat transfer scheme and cooling paths in the
gas turbine as well as the cooling model is given.
Pag. 91 of 202
Fig. 3.14: Cross Section of the Cooling Paths (SIEMENS)
Fig. 3.15: Schematic View of the main stream and coolant streams along the combustor
and of the heat fluxes moving through the GT to the casing and to the inner components (shaft, disk, etc.)
Pag. 92 of 202
All the fluxes are also adopted to cool the combustion chamber externally and internally,
respectively. Indeed, Combustor is also taken in the complex cooling path into consideration
because of the high temperature of the combustion process. Liners of the Annular Combustor
are cooled inside where the flame or combustion occurs. The inner of the liner is cooled by
film and also the Liner Metal Temperature (LMT) is reduced by the interposition of the
Thermal Barrier. The outer of the combustor is protected by the coolant
flows directed to the 1st expander stage. The extracted mass flows, both from the compressor
stages both at the combustor inlet, are not used for the 100% to the surface blade cooling but
also for other features.
As an example of the high complexity of the heat transfer phenomena occurring in the Gas
Turbine, in figure 3.15 a sketch of the heat fluxes moving from the combustion chamber to
the casing and to the shaft is given.
Convection, radiation (especially for the combustion chamber) and conduction phenomena
have to be taken for the GT cooling into account. Indeed, high temperatures are reached
during the combustion process so systems to maintain the component temperature under a
threshold upper limit are usually adopted. Both the coolant flow addressed to the expander
and the main flow sent to the burner lap the outer surface of the liner, while the inner of the
liner is cooled by film and also the Liner Metal Temperature (LMT) is reduced by the
interposition of the Thermal Barrier. Even if the complex system of the combustion chamber
is cooled, some heat fluxes flow through the metal to the casing and to the shaft, respectively.
Taking the outer (casing) and the inner (disks, shaft, etc.) components of the machine into
account, main flows and coolant flow are subjected to convection and radiation heat transfer
phenomena. According to figure 3.15, these streams increase their temperatures moving along
the combustor.
Pag. 93 of 202
Disk Cavity
Airfoil Surface
Tip Cap
Moreover coolant flows are used for the services. Such a services are as an example the piston
balance, the sealing and other as shown in figure 3.16 below:
Fig. 3.16: Schematic view of the cooling paths along the disks As example
Coolant mass flows extracted from the compressor stages have different paths and are
addressed both for stator row and for the rotor row. By the simplified adoption of Fig. 3.17, is
possible to better understand which are the various coolant flow paths along the gas turbine.
The path from the extraction (bleeding) sections to the respectively expander rotor row is the
cooling passage represented by L in Fig. 3.17.
The coolant flows pass through the shaft before entering the disk cavity and the disk.
Bleed extractions addressed to the stator (nozzle) rows pass externally (around) the machine
lapping the case before re-entering in the respectively row.
The coolant flow addressed to a Stator Row assuming the schematization of Fig. 8 is used for
various purposes:
Cooling of the Airfoil Surface (inner and outer) - D in the Fig. 3.17
Cooling of the Platform and Sidewall (inner and outer) - E in the Fig. 3.17
Mixing with the main stream, downstream the Stator Vane - G in the Fig. 3.17
Pag. 94 of 202
Extracted mass flow for the Stator Row cooling is used for various cooling surfaces. For this
reason the overall extracted mass flow is split in various fractions, adopted for the various
cooling purposes, respectively. A schematic view of the Stator Row cooled components is
given in Fig. 3.18:
Fig. 3.17: Example of a Generic Gas Turbine Cooling Path along Stator and Rotor Row
Fig. 3.18: Schematic View of the Cooled components of the Stator Row As Example
Pag. 95 of 202
As for the Stator Row also for the Rotor Row, coolant flows are used for various row
components cooling and the overall mass flows (extracted from the compressor) are divided
into minor flows for different purposes:
From the Rotor Blades, heat fluxes move to the shaft passing through the various components.
A typical temperature distribution along the disk is given in Fig. 3.19:
Fig. 3.19: Typical Temperature Distribution along a 1 st Stage Aeronautic Rotor Disk As Example
All these aspects (components cooling, services, sealing, etc.) have to be considered to
evaluate the coolant mass flows and the various temperatures of the phenomena. Indeed, heat
removed from all the hot components (disk, shank, etc.) flows towards the fractions of the
overall coolant flow designed to perform the defined purpose (cooling, service, sealing, etc.).
To ensure that all the temperature of the various components are sufficiently lower than the
threshold value, the bled mass flow is split in various fluxes. A first assumption for all the
Stator Rows, except for the first one, is that a 60% of the overall coolant flow is addressed to
the blade surface cooling and the other 40% is used for the sidewall, platform and for all the
other components previously described. In Fig. 3.20 a detailed figure of the Stator (Nozzle)
Row cooling components is given:
Pag. 96 of 202
Fig. 3.20: Schematic View of a 1st Nozzle Vane Cooling Components As Example
Coolant mass flows distribution for the Rotor Rows is pretty similar to the Stator Row. Some
65% of the overall extracted coolant flow is used for the blade surface cooling and the rest
some 35% is addressed to the other row components (dovetail serration, shank, platform,
etc.). In Fig. 3.21 a detailed representation of a Rotor Blade cooling components is given:
Fig. 3.21: Schematic View of a 1st Rotor Blade Cooling Components As Example
Of course even if the stator row and the rotor row blades of the last expander stage are
uncooled (not cooled by internal coolant flows and not film cooled). Some coolant flows are
addressed anyway to that stage because the disks have always to be cooled. Thus a heat flux
from the hot parts to the cold one exists. In figure 3.22, a schematically comparison of the
Pag. 97 of 202
various coolant flows between the cooled blade and uncooled blade is sketched. Moreover,
the RO3 GT cooling model is schematically represented in figure 14.
Fig. 3.22: Comparison between cooled blade and uncooled blade coolant flow
Table 3.1: Fractions of the overall mass flow for each row (in percentage %)
Airfoil Surface 50 65 60 65 60 65 0 0
Other Purposes
(endwall, shroud, 30 35 40 35 40 35 100 100
sealing, etc)
Jet Cooling 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pag. 98 of 202
Fig. 3.23: Schematic View of the cooling path
from the compressor bleeding station to the expander row injection station
Pag. 99 of 202
Taking the description of the cooling paths along the machine into consideration, in such a
lumped model the coolant flows consider both the airfoil blade cooling and the cooling of the
other parts (disk cavities, shrouds, endwalls (sidewall) and the action of coolant as sealant
flow re-entering into the main flow. Temperatures (coolant, blade, etc.) have the meaning of
lumped reference temperature of the complex cooling process. In figure 3.23, the schematic
view of the complex parallel and series equivalent heat transfer devices taken into account by
the model is given.
Fig. 3.24: Sketch of a Rotor Blade temperature distribution along the layers
Moving from the inner side (coolant) to the outer one (main stream) the following heat
transfer layers can be described:
Coolant mass flow entering the blade is used to remove the heat flowing from the
metal. Flow velocity, gas composition, architecture and geometry of the blade are
some parameters that influence the internal convection heat transfer phenomena.
Both for the Bulk Material (BM) and for the Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) the
heat flux coming from the outer surface passes through the various conductive
The hot gas exiting the combustion chamber and entering the expander is at high
temperature. The model takes both the radiation effects and the convection into
account by considering the heat transfer as a prevalent convection phenomena.
By the adoption of the most suitable expression, the hot gas prevalent convection
heat transfer coefficient Ug can be evaluated:
Nu A Re Pr
m n
Nu being the non-dimensional group of Nusselt, , Re being Reynolds number, Pr
being Prandtl number, Tg being the gas temperature, TW being the wall temperature
and A, m, b, q coefficients depending on the phenomena. By the adoption of
different value of these coefficients also internal convection heat transfer
coefficient Uc0 can be evaluated.
The various heat layers can be seen as a thermal equivalent circuit and schematically the heat
transfer phenomena previously described can be represented as a series of thermal resistance
as shown in the figure 3.25:
Fig. 3.25: Simplified view of the thermal resistance for a generic blade
Fig 3.26: Schematic view of the enhance system of the internal heat transfer coefficient
Turbulence promoter are widely employed in Heavy Duty Gas Turbine inner channels in
order to enhance the internal heat transfer coefficient. Taking ribs configuration according to
Data Base (figure 3.27-a) into consideration, in figure 3.27-b the increase of heat transfer
coefficient is shown.
Adoption of impingement concepts leads to enhance the internal heat transfer coefficient. The
overall increase of the Nusselt number depends on many architectural and geometrical
parameters taken from Data Base and from the HDGT State of the Art. Nusselt non-
dimensional group versus some architectural ratios is shown in figure 3.28:
Fig 3.28 : Influence of jet impingement architecture on internal heat transfer coefficient
U c U c 0 fTp f ji f ra f pf (3.61)
On the other side, the hot one, introduction of techniques to reduce the external heat transfer
coefficient are taken into consideration. The adoption of film cooling allows to depress the
hot gas heat transfer coefficients (Ug0) by the correction of a ffilm coefficient, lower than 1,
because of the cold insulating layer between the hot gas stream and the wall of the blade.
Accordingly, film cooling can be also seen as an additional thermal resistance layer
characterized by an equivalent thickness and thermal conductivity. In figure 3.29, temperature
profile with and without film cooling is depicted:
Fig 3.29: Schematic view of the depression of the external heat transfer coefficient
owing to the film cooling
such as velocity, efflux area, conductivity, viscosity, etc. External heat transfer coefficient
assumes different values for different points among the blade profile as shown in fig.3.30. By
the adoption of lumped model hot gas heat transfer coefficients have been evaluated for the
various blade rows. When the film cooling occurred, external heat transfer coefficient is
depressed by the coolant mass flow exiting from the blade row holes realizing a thin cold film
that protects the blade.
Fig. 3.30: Typical heat transfer distribution among the blade row surface
Heat transfer coefficient distribution on pressure and suction side and film cooling influence
on the phenomena are shown in figure 3.31:
Fig. 3.31: External heat transfer coefficient depressed by the film cooling
U g U g 0 f film (3.60)
Also BM and TBC layer influences the heat transfer process. Bulk Material and Thermal
Barrier Coating thermal resistances are evaluated taking the thickness sj and the thermal
conductivity of the layer into account. Changing the thickness of the TBC layer and the
TBC material composition, the coolant mass flows required to maintain the same ratio of life
consumption change significantly. As an example, in figure 3.32 modification of the coolant
flows versus the TBC thickness is presented:
Fig. 3.32: Influence of the Thickness TBC layer on the coolant flows
The Number of heat Transfer Unit is expressed by the relation (3.63):
NTU (3.63)
cp m
1 1 e NTU1 (3.65)
U1 S g
NTU1 (3.66)
mg c pg
U g U g 0 f Film (3.67)
U g being the heat transfer coefficient of the hot stream corrected by film cooling
coefficient (if film cooling is adopted) depressing the hot gas heat transfer coefficient
U g 0 . f Film is lower than 1.0.
In the various gas expander row, hot gas stream reduces its temperature both because
of the expansion (uncooled) and because of the injection of the coolant flows into the
main stream. The latter aspect lead to a temperature difference Tg strictly connected
to the heat transfer process. A schematic equivalent representation, not to scale, of the
cooling effect on the gas side is given in figure 3.34:
2 1 e NTU 2 (3.68)
U 2 Sg
NTU 2 (3.69)
mg c pg
U2 (3.70)
1 s
U g TB
U 2 being the heat transfer coefficient taking convection of the main stream and conduction of
the TB layer into consideration.
mc c pc
mg c pg
Coolant stream is the lower heat thermal capacity fluid that must be put at the dominator of
NTU expression:
U 3 Si
NTU 3 (3.73)
mc c pc
U3 (3.74)
1 Sc sTB Sc 1 1
U g S g TB S g U BM U c
U c UC 0 fTP f I being the internal coolant heat transfer coefficient corrected by enhancing
coefficient related to turbulence promoter and impingement effect, respectively.
U BM being the heat transfer coefficient of the bulk material, TB
TB being the heat transfer
coefficient trough the thermal barrier.
c (3.75)
Tg Tc
Tg TW 3 Tg
Tg Tc 2 (Tc Tco )
Substituting (3.75) into (3.76), cooling effectiveness is expressed in terms of mass flows,
architectural and geometrical parameters (3.78) taking conservation of energy into account
Finally combining (3.78) with (3.68), (3.71) and (3.72) analytic expression, for a really simple
case, of cooling effectiveness c is obtained and given as rule (3.79):
1 e NTU3 (1 )
1 e NTU3 (1 )
c (3.79)
1 e NTU 2
Accordingly, GT Cooling model based on lumped performance features includes all the
aspects previously described (airfoil, platform, sidewall cooling and others). The best fit
relation to establish the cooling effectiveness (taking architecture, technology, flow feature,
etc. into account) can be described by the following equation:
cj k1 e k
k1 and k2 being coefficients with a suitable value for cooling modern technologies and being
the thermal capacity ratio between the coolant stream and the hot gas. In figure 3.35 the
cooling curves given the TCR vs cooling effectiveness are presented. These curves refer to the
cooling of the foil (not taking the discs, shroud, etc. cooling into account).
Degradation phenomena (fouling, corrosion, erosion, etc.) influence pressure losses and heat
transfer coefficients. Furthermore, at part-load, the mass flows change. Such aspects influence
continuously the expander cooling and they are taken into account off-design effectiveness-
TCR. For each Stator Vane and Rotor Blade a peculiar relation can describe the off-design
behavior of the cooling system.
c k3 ( ) e k
k3 and k4 being coefficients taking the variation of the TCR and of the impingement and film
cooling into account.
Fig. 3.35: RO3 Cooling Design Curve Stator Row and Rotor Row
In the plot of figure 3.37, the orifices is representative of the pressure losses while the arrow
on the boundary surface is representative of the heat transfer phenomena. By adopting this
scheme, heat transfer devices of the Heat Recovery Steam Generator such as Economizer
(ECO), Evaporator (EVA) and Super-heater (SH) have been modeled.
Sizing and off-design model have been developed for each device. Input data for the sizing
problem have been assumed according to cycle calculation results and to the present state of
the art of the 3 pressure levels HRSG. Results of sizing process are stored and data are used as
input for the off-design analysis.
For a generic heat transfer devices the following quantities are inlet and outlet variables for
the hot (gas) and the cold (water/steam) side, respectively:
Water/Steam Side
Both for sizing both for off-design process some equations describe the heat transfer devices
behavior taking heat transfer phenomena as well as pressure losses into account. Introducing
moreover auxiliary and constitutive equations each aspects can be described.
Mass conservation
f1 (mhi , mho ) 0 (3.83)
Energy conservation
f3 (Qh , mhi , hhi , hho ) 0 (3.85)
f13 (U ,U h ,U c ) 0 (3.95)
Terms of equation 3.95 have been established by the adoption of the most adequate
correlation concerning the 3 pressure levels HRSG finned tube banks [10, 15]. Many
parameters such as the maximum available speed, the arrangement of the tubes (in-line or
staggered) and the number of the tubes rows influence the heat transfer coefficient on the gas
side. Moreover, the tube banks type (i.e. super-heater, economizer and boiler) influenced
practically the internal heat transfer coefficients because of many aspects such as the status of
the fluid (steam and water) and the different boiling conditions (nucleate boiling, film boiling,
etc.) steps into the evaporator tubes. Looking at the external heat transfer coefficients, in
Forced Convection for Tube bundle in cross flow, figure 3.38 is exhaustive [15].
Fig. 3.38: Sketch illustrating nomenclature for in-line tube arrangements [15]
In figure 3.39 the trend of Nusselt number versus the flow condition expressed by the
Reynold number is reported for in-line tube arrangement. Similar trend can be observed also
for staggered tube arrangements [15].
Influence of the transverse rows on the heat transfer coefficients has been taken from [15] into
account. In figure 3.40, the correction coefficient taking the number of the rows into
consideration is given.
Accordingly, various correlation are presented in the SoA to evaluate the heat transfer
coefficients on the external side (hot gas side) of finned tube banks of HRSG. Such
coefficients Uh has been evaluated by means of the rule 3.96.
h, al, kJ, nRow, D being the thermal conductivity of the hot gas, the ratio of total surface area
with fins to the bare tube surface area without fins, the coefficients j-th of the empirical
correlation, the number of the transversal rows and the characteristic dimension, respectively.
c, and D being the thermal conductivity of the cold side fluid and the characteristic
dimension, respectively.
In case of evaporator tube bundles, empirical results taken from the Available Technologies
of the State of the Art have been adopted to perform the heat transfer coefficient evaluation
[15]. Heat flux has been taken into account as well as the steam quality and the temperature
difference between the tubes wall and the fluid. In figure 3.41, trend of heat flux coefficient
versus such temperature difference is given.
Also pressure losses have been evaluated taking the most adequate correlation from the State
of the Art into consideration, both on hot side and on cold side [15]. Equation 3.99 assumes a
different formulation when water is considered instead of steam.
The above equations describe phenomena interesting the heat transfer devices. During the off-
design analysis, the hot and cold heat transfer coefficients are evaluated by a relation between
reference (*) and actual conditions. Exponent (a,b,c,d) of the relations (3.107) and (3.108)
have been chosen according to heat transfer devices Data Base [20] and assumes different
values if they refer to the hot side or to the cold side (table 3.1)
, being the viscosity and thermal conductivity, respectively. Coefficients a,b,c,d are given
in table 3.1:
gas Water/steam
a 0.6 0.8
b -0.27 -0.47
c 0.67 0.67
d 0.33 0.33
In case of an evaporator heat transfer devices relation (3.108) assumes a different formulation:
f 26 (U c ,U c* , , * , T , T * ) 0 (3.109)
being the thermal heat flux. In the model the critical flux is taken into consideration.
3.3.2 Condenser
Heat transfer device model described in paragraph 3.3.1 has been adapted to the specification
of a condenser, adopting the best relations to account the heat transfer coefficient and pressure
loss calculations on the two sides [15,21].
A multi-zone modeling approach has been adopted and two heat transfer device have been
included in the condenser model. Such a modelling formulation allows to takes the wide
variability of the plant operating conditions into account and the relative modification of the
steam quality at the inlet of the condenser. Accordingly, condenser can be fed by superheated
or saturated steam depending on plant operations. Such a scheme is given in figure 3.42.
Taken the inlet and outlet section into account, ST variables have been defined:
The model considers the mass flow constant through the stage. Therefore the conservation
low of mass is satisfied as the following relation indicates:
f1 (mi , mo ) 0 (3.110)
The conservation of energy is expressed as follows:
f 2 (hi , ho ,Wloss ,W ) 0 (3.111)
Wloss being the mechanical losses.
Inlet steam enthalpy hvi and outlet steam enthalpy hvo can be evaluated by constitutive
f3 (hwi , Twi , pwi ) 0 (3.112)
Such groups operate at constant steam mass flow (i.e. inlet mass flow is equal to that at the
exit). Thus the model of a ST with intermediate steam admissions or extractions can be
arranged by using the above constant mass flow sub-models followed by nodes where steam
is added or extracted. Sketch of steam turbine is given in figure 3.44.
Fig. 3.44: Stodola Ellipse Sketch and steam turbine body with governing valve
F1 ( , m, ) 0 (3.114)
F1 ( , m, ) 0 (3.115)
The maps are provided in non dimensional form and are scaled in relation to the referenced
quantities * , m* , * .
As for the non-controlled stage groups, a set of correlations concerning different kinds and
sizes of partial admission stages is stored in the model DB. The selection of the most suitable
set can be made on the basis of reference stage data.
3.3.5 Pump
Pump component model has been developed on the basis of maps, representing the kinematic
similitude. Sketch of main variables involved in the pump component model is given in figure
The model is able to reproduce a fixed rotational speed pumps and variable speed ones.
Power consumption of the machine is expressed by the following relation:
mw p
Pmi (3.124)
p being the pressure increase between the inlet and the outlet section, m being the average
ho hi (3.125)
In the cycle calculation the efficiency value is set by the user.
For the off design operating conditions, two different cases have to be taken into account. One
considering n cost and the other considering n cost . In both cases the model takes the
characteristic curves that give the head and the efficiency versus the mass flow and velocity
into account. In figure 3.47 such maps are schematically represented.
Referring to a constant rotational speed of the shaft, these curves are expressed as the product
of the nominal value for the normalized value related to it. Expressing the normalized mass
flow , the head and the efficiency , they are expressed by the following relations:
0 f1 ( ) (3.126)
0 f 2 ( ) (3.127)
po pi (1 k p ) (3.129)
In the cycle calculation, the previous coefficient can be either assigned or not. Two different
cases can be distinguished: device with fixed or variable opening.
In the first case, the flow rate is correlated to the pressures at the extremities of the device as
follows for the gas:
pi po
2 k (3.130)
being the corrected inlet flow rate and k being a constant obtained with respect to reference
values:0, pi0 e pu0. In case of water, instead:
Q2 k pi po (3.131)
Q being the volumetric flow rate k being a constant obtained with respect to reference values
In the second case, device opening is automatically adapted in order to maintain the
controlled variables (pressure or flow rate) at the assigned values. Different expression taken
from the SoA can be adopted to established the opening of the device under the design
f (kv, pi, po, Ti, To, mi, kind of fluid)=0 (3.131-a)
3.3.7 Junctions
Economizer, Evaporator, Super Heater, Pumps, Deaerator, Desuper heater and other plant
components have been connected together by the adoption of dummy Junctions. Junctions can
be divided into mixer, in which two or more streams mix in a only one stream exiting the
device, and into splitter where one stream enters the device and two or more streams exit.
Mixer component model is based on mass and energy. Equations describing its behavior are
f1 (m1 , m2 , m3 ) 0 (3.132)
f 2 (m1 , m2 , m3 , h1 , h2 , h3 ) 0 (3.133)
MIXW component model is characterized by some constraints to ensure that the physical
aspects of the phenomena will be taken into consideration.
The model allows, by the adoption of orifices, to adapt the highest pressure of the two gas
streams entering the component model, to the lowest one. Mixing takes place at this lowest
level of pressure. Outlet pressure is thus assumed as the mixing pressure value.
Gas Mixer component model is based on mass, energy, momentum and entropy conservation
and equations describing its behavior are given:
f1 (m1 , m2 , m3 ) 0 (3.134)
f 2 (m1 , m2 , m3 , h1 , h2 , h3 ) 0 (3.135)
f3 ( p1 , p2 , p3 ) 0 (3.136)
3.3.8 Splitter
The component model has been developed to take ramification of gas, water as well as water
flow into consideration. Scheme of the splitter is given in figure 3.50
Splitter inlet and outlet quantities are given referring to the scheme of 3.50
According with figure 3.51, the gasification model is sub-divided in macro blocks
representing the Air Separation Unit (ASU) Section, the Gasification (GASIF.), the Water Gas
Shift (WGS)and the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), respectively. Concerning the ASU
section, it has been considered to take the compressor power requirements into consideration.
In the following paragraphs a description of the macro blocks is given.
Syngas Composition (Xsgi) and mass flow (msgi) are evaluated by the CM section and thermal
power transferred (QSG) to the liquid slag layer is established by the HTM section. Such
quantities are given as input for the gasification zone model. Mass, Energy, Momentum and
Entropy conservation equations have been adopted to model the various components.
The composition of syngas is calculated by imposing the mass balance to the chemical
species constituting the syngas itself, which is assumed formed by CO, CO2, H2, N2 and
H20. Other component such as sulfur compounds (H2S and COS), methane, HCN etc. are
neglected. Chemical reactions are assumed at equilibrium.
On the basis of the compositions and mass flows of streams entering the CM, the syngas
composition is evaluated. Syngas composition exiting the node itself is determined by the
element balances (C, N, H, O) and by imposing the chemical equilibrium of water shift
reaction, evaluated at the temperature of the gas inside the volume.
The produced syngas mass flow is calculated by applying the conservation of mass
( ) ( ) (3.143)
being Tsg and Tsl the temperature of the syngas and the temperature of the liquid slag layer
contacting the syngas respectively, A the heat transfer surface, the Boltzmann constant and
the syngas emissivity. Qsg is transferred to the gasification zone model as a source term in
the energy conservation equation. The raw syngas at the exiting the gasifier at some 1600 C
is cooled to 900C by adding a stream of recycled cold syngas before entering the syngas
cooler where High Pressure (HP) and Intermediate Pressure (IP) steam is produced. Finally
the cooled raw syngas passes through a wet scrubber where the water soluble species are
removed together with the particulate matters. The model is constituted by a mixing node
(syngas quenching), a heat transfer section (syngas cooling) and a saturator node (scrubber) as
shown in Fig. 3.53.
mwin, hwin
msg5, hsg5
msg6, hsg6
msg3, hsg3
mwex, hwex
msg2, hsg2
msg4, hsg4
msg1, hsg1
msg2, hsg2, Xsg2
msg1, hsg1, Xsg1
. R1 HT R2
AE 94.3A SGT5-4000F
p1 [kPa] 101.3 101.3
T1 [C] 15.0 15.0
[xx]1 [#]m dry air + RH60%
DATA (d)
[xx]f [#]m pure methane
LHV [kJ/kg] 50060 50060
P* [MW] 294 292
GT* [#] 0.397 0.397
mex* [kg/s] 702 692
Tex* [C] 580 577
* [#] 18.2 18.2
pcc/p2 [#] 0.05 0.05
pe/p1 [#] 0.03 0.03
m [#] 0.998 0.998
ge [#] 0.968 0.968
By the assumption of some coefficients taken for the SoA, the overall coolant mass flow has
been calculated and by averaging these results, an overall value is of some 26% of the
compressor inlet mass flow.
cj 26%of inletcompressormass flow
Evaluation of the overall coolant mass flow given by the model leads to a value of that mass
flow that agrees with the coolant ratio (mcool/mcompr) found in the technical background [1,2]
4.1.2 Compressor
Sizing of the compressor made has led to obtain a certain value of temperature, pressure,
outlet mass flow (including the coolant flows both for the 1st Nozzle Row and for the 1st Rotor
Row ) and power consumption assuming inlet air ISO condition. According with [3] in table
Compressor Quantities
1 Inlet Mass Flow mCi 685 kg/s
2 Inlet Air Composition (ISO) [xx]a [#] [#]m
3 Inlet pressure pci 101.3 kPa
4 Inlet Temperature tCi 15 C
5 Exit Mass Flow mCo 582 kg/s
6 Exit pressure pCo 1843.6 kPa
7 Exit Temperature tCo 397 C
8 Compressor Power Pc 264 MW
Such a through flow shape has been obtained by the sizing process of the compressor.
Abscissa and ordinate are non-dimensional. Geometric quantities refers to VIGV Hub
Leading Edge Radius. The value of the reference radius is 0.6925m.
Pressure ratio
100 105 110 115 120 125 130
Corrected mass flow
Fig. 4.3: Pressure ratio versus corrected mass flow curves at different
compressor inlet temperatures
Isentropic efficiency
12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Pressure ratio
T=15C -20C -10C 0C 10C
20C 30C 40C 50C
Pressure ratio
12 choke
85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
Corrected mass flow
IGV 100% IGV 90% IGV 80% IGV 70%
IGV 60% IGV 50% IGV 47%
Fig. 4.5: Pressure ratio versus corrected mass flow curves at different VIGV openings
Isentropic efficiency
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Pressure ratio
IGV 100% IGV 90% IGV 80% IGV 70%
IGV 60% IGV 50% IGV 47%
1 Inlet Mass flow mai 514 kg/s
2 Inlet Pressure pai 1844 kPa
3 Inlet Temperature Tai 397 C
4 Inlet Fuel Mass Flow Rate mf 15 kg/s
5 Low Heating Value LHV 50.0 MJ/kg
6 Firing Temperature Tf 1440 C
7 Pressure Loss pcc 5.6 %
8 Combustion Chamber Efficiency cc 95.0 %
[N2] 23.1 %m
[O2] 76.3 %m
9 Air Composition
[H20] 0.0 %m
[CO2] 0.6 %m
[C] 75 %m
[H2] 25 %m
[H20] 0.0 %m
10 Fuel Composition
[N2] 0.0 %m
[O2] 0.0 %m
[S] 0.0 %m
Sizing procedure has led to evaluate the loss factor kcc related to the pressure loss across the
combustion chamber that occurs mainly due to the frictional losses.
pcc m Tai
kcc ai (4.1)
pai pai
In the sizing process, all quantities of equation 4.1 are known and the only unknown quantity
is kcc . Output quantities of combustion chamber sizing are given in table 4.3.
1 Outlet hot gas mass flow mgo 528.3 kg/s
2 Outlet pressure pgo 1788 kPa
[N2] 74.2 %m
[O2] 11.5 %m
3 Hot Gas Composition
[H20] 6.8 %m
[CO2] 7.5 %m
Off-Design of the combustion chamber has been investigated taking Data Base DB of Heavy
Duty Gas Turbine HDGT into consideration. In order to establish the off-design efficiency,
different quantities have been taken into consideration: inlet pressure pgi , temperature
and the loss factor kcc evaluated in sizing process. Related to this coefficient, pressure losses
across combustion chamber are evaluated by the rule 4.3
pcc kcc i 2 (4.3)
being the correct mass flow evaluated at the combustion chamber inlet.
figure 4.7 data related to combustion chamber are given for different inlet pressures
4.1.4 Expander
By the adoption of the expander component model, described in the paragraph 3.2.4, sizing
and off-design behaviour of the four stages 300MW F Class Gas Turbine expander have been
The preliminary cycle calculation has led to establish thermodynamic quantities at several
stations, mass flows and overall performance of the machine. According with Data Base DB,
firing temperature Tf, overall coolant mass flow mc, coolant temperatures Tcj as well as
exhaust pressure pex have been assumed as input for the expander sizing procedure.
Exhaust pressure has been set according to the typical pressure loss across the bottom heat
recovery steam generator (HRSG). Pressure loss pHRSG is assumed of some hundred water
mm. Number of stages Z has been established according with expander power P, mass flow
entering the gas expander, loading factor, degree of reaction and other parameters, taken from
DB. Inlet Gas mass flow mgi has been assumed as the sum of outlet compressor mass flow mco
and of fuel mass flow mf.
Coolant mass flows are given in column mcj of table 4.6 while ratios between coolant flows
and inlet compressor mass flow are given in column mcj / mCi of table 4.4, mCi being
compressor inlet mass flow (685.4 kg/s). Coolant mass flows have been assumed according
with a first estimation of cooling.
1 Inlet Gas Mass Flow mgi 528.4 kg/s
2 Inlet Gas Composition [xx]gi [#] [#]m
3 Inlet Pressure (Total) pgi 1788 kPa
4 Inlet Temperature tf 1440 C
5 1st Nozzle Inlet Angle 0 90 deg
6 Outlet Pressure (Static) pgo 104.3 kPa
7 Outlet Temperature tgo 577 C
1 Shaft Speed n 3000 rpm
2 Stage Number nst 4 [#]
3 Mechanical Efficiency mec 99.5 %
1 tip radius rts m
2 hub radius rhs m
1 tip radius rtr m
2 hub radius rhr m
Results of the sizing procedure are moreover given in the tables 4.7 in which geometric
quantities have been evaluated referring to the reference length:
r 0 0.6925m (2.0)
r 0 being VIGV Hub Leading Edge Radius.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Fig. 4.8: Expander through Flow Section including the rear frame
Taking quantities of tables into account, velocity diagrams of rotor blades are plotted in
figures 4.9 4.12.
Velocities have been plotted with different colours as a briefly nomenclature shows
u green
w blu
c red
Moreover, as a result of sizing procedure the blade to blade scheme with lumped blade profile
has been established and reported in figure 4.13. Blue and red blades represent rotor blade and
nozzle vane, respectively.
As it has been done for the compressor component models, also for the expander off-design
behavior have been evaluated. Pressure ratio and total to static efficiency, versus the corrected
mass flow, have been established changing the turbine inlet temperature (firing temperature)
in the range 1240C 1640C, 1440C being the reference value. Moreover, exhaust pressure
has been kept constant at the nominal one as well as the shaft speed. Expander off-design
maps are summarized in figure 4.14 and 4.15,respectively.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Inlet pressure kPa 101.3
Inlet temperature C 15
Relative Humidity % 60
Inlet Mass Flow kg/s 685.4
1st bleed mass flow kg/s 13.7
2nd bleed mass flow kg/s 26.9
3rd bleed mass flow kg/s 52.7
4th bleed mass flow kg/s 83.7
Exit mass flow rate kg/s 592
Exit pressure kPa 1844.4
Exit temperature (total) C 399
Compressor Power MW 262.9
Compressed Air Mass Flow kg/s 508.4
LHV kJ/kg 50060
Fuel Mass Flow kg/s 15.0
Firing Temperature (total) C 1440
Inlet Mass Flow kg/s 523.4
Iinlet Pressure (total) kPa 1756.1
ISO TIT C 1227
Exhaust mass flow kg/s 686.8
Exhaust temperature (static) C 568
Exhaust temperature (total) C 578
Exhaust pressure (static) kPa 104.2
Exhaust pressure (total) kPa 108.6
Expander Power MW 569.3
Net Power MW 299.7
Efficiency % 39.8
Heat Rate kJ/kWh 9045.2
Fig. 4.21: Siemens SGT5-4000F Power Output and Efficiency at Generator Terminals [3]
Fig. 4.22: CH4 Gas Turbine Simulator Running Point for different fuel feeding
Such a modification implies a variation on metal blades temperatures that overcome the
threshold values, if no modification on the cooling system are carried out. Hence, by iterative
procedure, cooling system has been re-designed to allow the GT to be operated under safe and
stable condition.
During the iterations, both for the compressor and for the combustion chamber no
modification have been taken into consideration during the various re-staggering steps, while
the expander and the cooling systems have been modified [5]. Briefly description of the steps
of the iterative process are described and results of each step are summarized in table 4.11.
Case 0, represents the CH4 GT fed by methane syngas performance (power, pressure
ratio, coolant flows and temperature, etc.) at the nominal condition. Such a nominal
point is the benchmark for the comparison with the results of the new gas turbine
simulator, fed by the Hydrogen Rich Syngas (33H2RGT).
CASE A: The CH4 GT is fed with the H2-Rich Syngas characterized by 33MJ/kg
LHV. The outlet compressor pressure is higher than the value that assures safe and
stable GT operating conditions. Cooling flows are a little bit different from that of
Case 0 and blade temperatures are some 1-3C higher than the threshold value;
Pag. 162 of 202
CASE B: 33H2R GT -1 Expander First Nozzle Vane (1st NV) has been opened,
modifying the stagger angle of some -1.68 degs to reduce the compressor pressure
ratio. No changes have been made on the lumped cooling simulator and the blade
temperature (red values) exceeds the maximum allowable values.
CASE C: 33H2R GT -2 Both expander and cooling component model have been
updated to allow the GT to be fed with 33MJ/kg Syngas. As a result the opening of the
1st NV is of some -0.68 degs and higher coolant flows are required to have the same
Blade Temperatures of the CH4 GT.
Table 4.11: GT Simulator and Cooling System Performance Results for the various Re-Staggering Steps
1 2 3 4
CH4 CH4 33H2R 33H2R
Cooling update N N N Y
Fuel CH4 33H2R 33H2R 33H2R
1 vane Stagger angle [] 56.4 56.4 54.72 55.77
1 vane Stagger variation [] / / -1.68 -0.63
1 vane blade inlet angle [] 90 90 91.68 90.63
1 vane blade exit angle [] 18.38 18.38 20.06 19.01
Compressor inlet mass flow [kg/s] 685.4 685.3 685.4 685.4
Compressor outlet pressure [kPa] 1844.4 1894.6 1844.3 1844.5
Pressure Ratio [#] 18.2 18.7 18.2 18.2
Firing Temperature [C] 1440 1440 1440 1440
GT Efficiency [%] 39.8 41 40.8 40.7
GT Power [MW] 299.6 329.6 335.6 324.5
Stator 1 43.7 45.4 41.1 45.5
Rotor 1 40 41.6 39 42.8
Cooling Mass Flows Stator 2 29.8 30.5 29.3 31.5
[kg/s] Rotor 2 22.9 23.4 22.6 24.5
Stator 3 12 12 11.8 12.8
Rotor 3 14.9 15 14.8 17.2
Stator 1 895.3 897.8 917.9 895.4
Rotor 1 879.4 882.2 902.5 878.2
Blade Temperatures Stator 2 820.3 825 840.4 821
[C] Rotor 2 807.1 811.1 825.2 806.4
Stator 3 786.7 789.8 800.7 786.5
Rotor 3 756.8 761 774.2 756.3
Fig. 4.23: 33H2R GT Load and efficiency non dimensional value versus ambient temperature
Fig. 4.24: 33H2R GT Tex and VIGV non dimensional data versus ambient temperature
Similar trends have been encountered when conditions different from the ISO occur. VIGV
and Tex trends for temperature in the range 0C 50C have been explored, but not reported.
Proper control rules have been established for different boundary conditions (i.e. ambient
temperature) by means of GT simulator. Analyses have been carried out varying the GT load
from the peak load to a minimum load (i.e. 40%) for each ambient temperature.
4.4.1 HRSG
Cycle calculation and HRSG sizing has been performed taking exhaust 33H2R GT quantities
as well as characteristic temperature differences (approach, sub-cooling, pinch point) into
account. Both on gas and steam side, pressure drop across Heat Transfer Devices (HTD) have
been evaluated as well as heat transfer coefficients. Such quantities have been established by
the adoption of the most adequate correlation taken from the SoA of the three pressure level
HRSG of combined power plants, as described in the chapter third [7]. In table 4.12, gas
turbine exhaust quantities (mex=gmf and Tex=Tgi), stack temperature (Tgo) and HRSG outlet
pressure (pgo) are reported.
Gas Side
gmf Inlet Mass Flow [kg/s] 708
pgo Outlet Pressure [kPa] 101.3
Tgi Inlet Temperature [C] 574.0
Tgo Outlet Temperature [C] 110.0
The characteristic temperature differences refer to Super-Heaters (TAp), Boilers (TPP) and
Economizers (TSC), respectively.
According with the plant layout and with the Data [8] concerning the deaerator pressure, the
steam mass flows entering and exiting the HRSG, pressure of the three lines and other, results
of sizing calculation are given in table 4.15 in which temperature profile (gas side and steam
side), pressure distribution (gas side and steam side) and heat transfer output (internal surface
of finned tube bundles and thermal power) are reported for each HTD. Nomenclature of HTD
has been chosen according with figure 4.25. Moreover, temperature profiles along the HRSG
both for the gas stream and for the three steam streams are presented in figure 4.26. Slope of
the lines refer to the HRSG sections and not to the heat or to the heat transfer device surface.
Tube banks in parallel arrangement (i.e. HP-SH and IP-SH, etc.) have been represented in the
same section (i.e. 0-1)
Fig. 4.26: Gas Side and Steam Side Temperature Profile along the HRSG stations.
11 378.5 52.1 164.4 147.8 105.0 135.9 101.9 101.6 500.0 450.0 308.6 6906.5 LP_ECO
12 708.9 100.1 147.8 110.0 20.0 90.0 101.6 101.3 180.0 130.0 632.6 29315.6 PRE
Fig. 4.27: Sketch of the three turbine bodies and the HRSG interactions
Equivalent sizing procedure leads to establish the unknown Stodola Ellipse parameters
required to perform steam turbine off-design calculation. Sizing has been performed assuming
the HRSG sizing outcome as reference quantities for the various steam turbine bodies and the
boundary conditions set according to the plant specifications (i.e. Gassifier pressure, required
steam mass flow, etc.). In table 4.16 sizing quantities, input and output, are summarized.
Reported inlet quantities refer before the governing valves. Temperatures (Tvi,Tvo), pressures
(pvi,pvo) as well as steam mass flows (smf) are the input data for the calculation and the
corrected mass flows (corr.smf) and the Stodola paramters (kSiz) are the outcomes.
Sizing outcomes have been used to perform the steam turbine off-design analyses. In figure
4.28 ST bodies off-design behaviours are given, varying inlet mass flows and for fixed
exhaust HP ad LP pressures. Results of these off-design analyses lead to developed the ST
Twi Tapp pcond h Steam Smf WMF Qth S
[C] [C] [mbar] [kJ/kg] [kg/s] [T/h] [MW] [m^2]
10 2 25 2230 118 1.8 248 9600
Nominal running point of the steam section has been obtaind taking reference the 33H2R GT
exhaust quantites as well as boundary and operating conditions into account. Off-Design
According with the methodological approach (paragraph 2.3), matching process between the
GT and the SC leads to size the connections of the various components (i.e. valves opening).
Opening of valves and all other sized quantities during the sizing matching phase have been
adopted to perform the power island part load analysis. In table 4.19, nominal running point
of the power island, under ISO conditions and for 33H2R fuel, is reported.
Gas Turbine
VIGV % 100.0
m1 kg/s 683.5
mf kg/s 23.8
Tf C 1437.8
mex kg/s 693.7
Tex C 574.0
pex kPa 104.0
P MW 324.2
ETA % 40.7
BETA # 18.2
TIT C 1221.0
fS1 # 0.9
fR1 # 0.9
fS2 # 1.0
fR2 # 0.9
fS3 # 0.9
fR3 # 0.9
TwS1 C 894.5
TwR1 C 877.4
TwS2 C 820.2
TwR2 C 805.7
TwS3 C 785.6
TwR3 C 755.7
Steam Cycle
GMFoGT kg/s 707.3
TGoGT C 574.0
pGoGT kPa 104.0
TStack C 110.5
pStack kPa 101.3
VMFoHP kg/s 14.1
VMFoIP kg/s 34.6
VMFoLP kg/s 18.6
TVoHP_SH C 530.5
TVoIP_SH C 531.8
TVoLP_SH C 298.9
pVoLP_ST kPa 2.5
PST_HP MW 39.6
PST_IP MW 55.7
PST_LP MW 80.7
PST MW 176.0
Under the same operating conditions, gas turbine wall temperatures have been monitored to
ensure that life consumption rates of the machine components do not exceed the desired
values. As a result of the optimization of the fob, the gas turbine control rules allow to
maintain the expander blades temperatures lower than the reference ones, for the all domain
of the load variation. It means that the ratio between gas turbine virtual operating life and
By adopting such a simulator tool, plant operating policies, boundary conditions, prices (i.e.
coal, CO2, electricity, etc.) and other aspects that influence the plant performance have been
taken into account during the whole system mapping. Feasibility domain of the solution and
safe and stable components behaviours (i.e. not exceeding the threshold thermal and
mechanical stresses, etc.) have been taken into consideration to find the best solution.
A Description of the IGCC simulator is given in the following paragraphs. Plant control
philosophy and control policies are presented. H2-IGCC plant performance when boundary
conditions and gas turbine load change have been evaluated and discussed and time
dependent plant ramp have been reported. Discussion of results is given.
When GT load and fuel mass flow change, power consumption of the gasification section
changes too. Introduction in the model of typical polynomials that correlate the centrifugal
compressor power to the inlet mass flow has been taken into account. For some components
such as the coal mill, the power consumption has been kept constant at the nominal value also
when coal mass flow changes owing to the operating conditions. Relation between
gasification island power consumption (Pj), load and syngas mass flow (mf) and its
composition is presented, kjp being a coefficient or a function (5.5).
According with the figure 5.1b and the description of the many interactions between the
whole system sections (i.e. HRSG, WGS, Syngas Cooler, etc.), steam and water mass flows
(msj) interconnections between GI and PI are related to load and fuel mass flow by means of
proportional coefficients kjs (5.6)
CO2 mass flow has been evaluated by the adoption of the CCS model and it mainly depends
on the coal and syngas compositions, on the plant load and on the fuel mass flow. CO2 is
related to the other quantities by the coefficient kCO2 (5.7).
Engines and thermo-mechanical devices are generally designed to work under safe and stable
conditions to ensure a certain operating life. When operating conditions change threshold
values of temperatures, pressures, powers and other quantities may be overcome and
operating costs increase. In order to avoid such a drawback, suitable control policies have
been adopted. Such aspects lead to define a feasible domain in which pressures, temperatures,
power and other quantities should be limited.
To establish the most convenient control policy of the plant components, optimization of an
Objective Function (fob) has to be performed.
t2 t2 t2 t2
E pelp Pelp dt pels Pels dt pCO2 mCO2 dt pcoal mcoal dt
t1 t1 t1 t1
t2 t2
plcr j f j dt pk qK dt (5.1)
j t1 k t1
Pel, mCO2, mcoal, fJ, qk being the electric power, the CO2 mass flow, the primary coal mass flow,
the life consumption rate of the j-th component and the complementary products k-th,
respectively. pi are the prices of the above mentioned quantities. The super-script p and s
represent the purchased and sold electricity, respectively.
All the functions should be represented in a well-defined domain to take the feasibility aspect
of the solution into account.
The plant control philosophy to safe operate the whole system and to ensure a revenue takes
various aspects into consideration. Gasification Island as well as gas turbine have to be
operated under well define conditions to do not exceed the life consumption rates of
components owing to thermal and mechanical stresses (i.e. pressure, components metal
temperatures, shaft, electric generator, etc.).
Gas Turbine has to be operated maintaining the pressure ratio and the blade metal
temperatures under the reference values and the gasification section has to be operated
keeping some temperatures (i.e. Syngas Cooler Temperature 900C) and some pressures (i.e.
gasifier pressure 43bar) at the nominal value during the plant life. Accordingly, monitoring,
controlling and regulation systems, whose input quantities are power, temperatures and
pressures and others, allows to restore the set point values to assure the desired plant
behaviour. An example of the GT syngas admission valve system is depicted in figure 5.2b.
When GT and plant load decreases nominal running point of the gas turbine decreases also. A
reduction of the required fuel mass flow is encountered. Accordingly, control valve opening is
reduced to increase the pressure losses along the fuel paths. Such operation allow the
gasification island pressure to be maintained as constant.
In figure 5.2a the pressure loss introduced by the GT fuel control valve is sketched as well as
the pressure trends of the GT burner (red line) of the inlet injectors pressure (green line) and
of the p1 pressure (blue line). Opening of the valve is also plotted.
Fig. 5.2b: Sketch of the control system of the GT fuel admission valve
Results and discussion of these investigations are reported in the following paragraphs.
Nominal Point
Fig. 5.3: ISO Conditions GT Exhaust Mass Flow and Temperature VS GT Load
Another result of the adoption of the previously described GT control rules is shown in figure
5.4. In such a figure the trend of the life consumption rates (ffj) related to the cooled expander
blades is given. The ratio ffj between gas turbine virtual operating life and operating hours is
almost all the time lower than 1.0 when the GT load is lower than the nominal one and
becomes higher Moving to the peak value, 1.015 of the nominal Power.
Reference CH4 fed gas Turbine has been designed to produce 300MW at the nominal
conditions. Under the same compressor nominal running point (i.e. pressure ratio=18.2 and
inlet mass flow=685kg/s), the power of the re-staggered gas turbine is some 324MW with an
increase of the GT efficiency. For sure, according with electro-mechanical limitations the
maximum power that can be given also by the 33H2R GT is 330MW, because no re-design of
shaft and electric generator has been performed. For such a reason the load peak value is
1.015 (330:324=1.015). According to that, the plot of figure 5.4 shows that gas turbine
feasible domain is limited for electro-mechanical reasons and not only for thermal ones.
On the steam cycle side, according with the results given in the paragraphs 4.6, super heating
temperature and steam mass flows trends of the three pressure lines (140, 43, 4 bar) versus the
gas turbine load are given in figure 5.5 and 5.6, respectively.
Fig. 5.5: ISO Conditions Superheating temperature (HP, IP, LP) VS GT Load
Fig. 5.6: ISO Conditions Boiler Outlet Steam Mass Flow (HP, IP, LP) VS GT Load
In figure 5.8 the ratios between IGCC power, steam turbine power and consumed power
versus the gas turbine power are given. From the analysis of such a figure, it can be remarked
that ratio between steam turbine and gas turbine power remains practically unchanged, when
gas turbine load decrease. Moreover, taking figure 5.5 into account, a similarity between
temperature trends and such power ratio can be observed. Ratio between P- and GT Power
shows that reducing the load the power consumption is reducing less than the other power,
giving a contribution to the whole plant efficiency reduction. Accordingly, to the above
describe trends, IGCC power vs GT power trend is practically constant between 100% and
70% and decrease between 70% and 60% GT load range.
In figure 5.9, primary coal consumption and 33H2-Rich fuel mass flow GT demands have
been presented. Coal mass flow has been evaluated by means of relation (5.4) Gas turbine
load reduction leads to a reduction of the required fuel mass flow and consequently of the
primary coal demand.
Fig. 5.9: ISO Conditions 33H2R Syngas and primary coal mass flow VS GT Load
IGCC (5.9)
mCoal CHV
To perform such calculations, the mass composition of the adopted coal is given in table 5.2
In figure 5.10, trends of whole plant efficiency and power is given. Gas Turbine load
reduction leads to a reduction of efficiency and of power, in according with the consideration
given in the previews plots and paragraphs.
On the steam side, trends different from that presented in the previews paragraph have been
obtained and shown in figure 5.12 and 5.13. Super heating temperatures trends versus the
ambient temperature are similar for the three pressure lines. Also in such conditions can be
remarked that no attemperators are needed.
Steam mass flows trends versus ambient temperature are presented in figure 5.13. Interactions
between Gasification Island and Power Island lead to have different behaviours on the three
pressure line. IP and LP Boiler outlet mass flow decrease when ambient temperature
increases. An inverse trend is shown by the HP line.
Fig. 5.13: ISO Conditions Boiler Outlet Steam Mass Flow (HP, IP, LP) VS GT Load
Fig. 5.16: ISO Conditions 33H2R Syngas and primary coal mass flow VS GT Load