Chapter1 INCH3105
Chapter1 INCH3105
Chapter1 INCH3105
October 2023
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Organic chemistry
What is Industrial chemistry
Industrial chemistry is the manufacturing art
concerned with the transformation of matter into
useful materials in desired amounts. Usually this
transformation of available materials into more
desirable ones involves some kind of process
following a recipe.
In turn the process may involve grinding, mixing
together various ingredients, dissolving, heating,
allowing ingredients to interact (chemically or
biochemically react forming new compositions
of matter), cooling, evaporating or distilling,
growing crystals, filtering, and other physical-
chemical biological operations.
Chapter 1 : Coal and Petroleum Processing
1.1. Origin of coal and its ranking
1.2. Carbonisation of coal, gasification and hydrogenation of coal
1.3. Petroleum: Origin, Classification and mining, Distillation of petroleum
1.4. Rating of Petrol and Diesel
1.5. Cracking, Alkylation, Hydrotreating and Reforming
1.6. Introduction to petrochemicals
1.7. Chemical conversions for manufacture of petrochemicals
1.7.1 Petrochemicals from Methane, Ethylene, Propylene, Butylenes and BTX
1.7.2 Manufacture of Acetylene, Ethylene oxide, Acrylonitile, Dimethyl
1.8 Fossil fuels: Environmental effects
Energy demands in Industrial process
Reginal energy consumption
Coal, its origin and ranking
• Fossil fuels like Coal, Petroleum Oil and Naural
Gas are some of the most important natural
resources in our everyday life. Those fossil fuels
are all Hydrocarbons. They are compounds
formed from only two elements, Carbon and
• Coal is a brown to black carbonaceous
sedimentary rock composed of macerals
(organic material) and minerals (inorganic
material), both subject to metamorphism. Coal
and coal products play an important role in
fulfilling the energy needs of the society.
• Coal originates from the remnants of various
forms of plant life (ferns, shrubs, trees, etc.)
that flourished in swamps and bogs millions of
years ago during prolonged periods of warm
temperatures and abundant rainfall.
- The accumulated organic matter, known as peat,
was the precursor of coal. Although the peat may
have been altered by fungal, bacterial, faunal, and
chemical action, overlying water excluded oxygen and
retarded the rate of decay. This exclusion of oxygen
from the peat was critical for preserving the organic
- Over time, inorganic sediments accumulated on top
of the deposits of plant debris. The gradual rising and
lowering of the sea level over time led to deposits of
peat alternating with deposits of sand and mud,
resulting in the current situation of coal seams
interlayered with rock layers. As overlying sediments
became thicker, the peat was compressed into a solid
rock by the process of lithification. Typically, 6 m of
peat will form 1 m of coal, although this is far from an
exact estimate.
• The length of time that these reactions proceed, later stage coalification
(formation of subbituminous coal, bituminous coal, and anthracite) results from
deeper burial. An exposure of the organic matter to more extreme temperatures
and pressures compared to those experienced by brown coals and lignite
produces matured coal. The more intense heating and pressure results in further
chemical changes in the organic molecules, as well as (physical) changes in the
appearance of the coal. In bituminous coals, specific plant components in the coal
(macerals) become more homogenous, and the cell structures of woody material
within the coal still visible in lignite and subbituminous coals using scanning
electron microscopy.
• As a result of the physical changes during late-stage coalification, the appearance
of coal change from a brown, dull-colored substance that resembles mixtures of
wood and plant remains (brown coal and lignite), to a lustrous, shiny, black
organic “rock” (bituminous coals and anthracite). Bituminous coals and
anthracites are often referred to as hard coal because of their physical structure,
while lignite and brown coal are commonly referred to as soft coal.
• Coal is a non-renewable resource that is far more plentiful than oil or gas with
considerable amount of coal reserves worldwide.
Top coal producing countries
Coal ranking
Coal is typically classified by “rank” a term referring to the degree of alteration of the
coal from the initial organic material (plant biopolymers). The higher the rank of the
coal, the greater the degree of alteration. Rank is an important parameter because of
its relation to key industrial characteristics of coal. For example, the energy produced
per unit weight of coal (calorific value in kcal lb-1 or kJ kg-1) is dependent on rank.
Higher-rank coals typically have higher calorific values, reflecting loss of moisture and
volatiles and the progressive increase in aromatization of the coal structure.
The ranking also plays a role as a predictor of oil and natural gas generation from coal
beds. Although microorganisms play a role in the alteration of plant biopolymers to
form peat and coal, temperature and (to a lesser degree) pressure are the principal
factors controlling the degree of alteration (rank) attained by a particular coal. The
rank of coal is not consistently correlated with its age, and there are examples of
Carboniferous coals of lower rank than Tertiary coals.
It is a process in which coal is heated in the absence of oxygen. After combustion,
carbonization of coal is the most important use of coal to produce coke. Coke : is the
solid residue that remains when coal is heated out of contact with air. Principal use :
Coke is basically formed, so that it can be used in iron and steel manufacture
( metallurgical purpose ) where it provides heat energy and acts as a reducing agent for
iron ore in blast furnace. The residue from the carbonization process is a non- porous
powder or granular mass, it is known as char. Char may be used in the form of specially
moulded briquettes, in much the same way as coke. Carbonization can broadly be
divided into two types depending on the temperature of carbonization as follows.
- Low Temperature Carbonization : (4000 0C – 7000 0C) The main aim of low temperature
carbonization is to produce soft coke as a smokeless fuel.
Coal gasification is a versatile process to supply town gas
and feedstock for chemicals production as well as power
generation. Coal produces cokes, tar, and gaseous
products upon pyrolysis. Powdery cokes were used to
produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide with a gas
producer in the form of producer or water gas.
The product gas has been used for various purposes
such as town gas, industrial fuel, chemical synthesis, and
power generation. Today, coal utilization is competing
with many types of sources, such as petroleum, natural
gas, atomic energy, renewable energy, and energy from
wastes. Considering business environments, coal is
suitable for a feedstock of mass consumption in power
generation, hydrogen production, steal making, or one
carbon (C1) chemistry (CO, CO2, CH4, and CH3OH etc)
Syngas and other chemicals production
Syngas is a mixture of
CO and hydrogen is
known as syngas
(synthesis gas or water
gas). It is used for
It is produced by the
action of steam on
hydrocarbons or coke at
high temperature in the
presence of a catalyst.
Hydrogenation of coal also called as liquefaction. It
is a type of direct coal liquefaction process in
converting coal to gaseous or liquid hydrocarbon
products. Coal hydrogenation serves as an
alternative to coal combustion and offers lower
temperatures, more reduced conditions, and longer
residence times while producing a more crystalline
product with reduced ash. Direct liquefaction
involves the addition of hydrogen to coal in a solvent
slurry at elevated temperature and pressure.
Catalysts are normally used to increase the rates of
the desirable reactions which include cracking,
hydrogenation, and removal of oxygen, nitrogen,
and sulfur.
Ash-free coal can be used in applications such as integrated gasification combined cycle
because there are no ash-forming substances in the product. Using ash-free coal in
conventional coal-fired power plants improves thermal efficiency, because energy is not
expended to heat and convert the mineral matter to ash. Second, by turning the organic
matter of coal into an oil product, the coal-derived oil can be upgraded and refined to
produce fuels and chemicals. Historically, coal tar was the main source of many
aromatic chemicals. There is also an historic precedent for the use of coal liquefaction
to produce transportation fuels.
Flow sheet of hydrogenation of coal
Functional role of each unit
Coal storage vessel:
• Pulverized coal is stored and produced coal is fed to the preheater by a screw conveyor.
• Hydrogen gas stream is added to the fed. Hydrogen is obtained from any dehydrogenation
process or any other hydrogen synthesis process.
• Pressure equalizing line is used to maintain pressure of reaction mixture stream with the
help of valve.
• Powdered coal and hydrogen are the raw material fed to the preheater.
• Optimum temperature is required for reaction so reaction mixture is preheated instead of
feeding it in reactor directly.
• Heat required for preheating is supplied by furnace.
• In furnace, combustion of fuel gases is occurring and all hot gases from furnace are
passed from preheater.
Modern scientists believe petroleum came primarily from plankton and algae in the
following way: the remains of dead organisms accumulated at the bottoms of
ancient lakes or seas, along with sand, clay, salts, and other material. Over time,
pressure and heat transformed the deposits into sedimentary rock. Depending on
the origin of the organic matter and the environment in which it aged, the organic
matter was transformed into kerogen, bitumen, petroleum, and/or natural gas.
Crude oil
• Crude oil is usually black or dark brown, but can also be yellowish, reddish, tan, or even
greenish. Variations in color indicate the distinct chemical compositions of different supplies
of crude oil. Petroleum that has few metals or sulfur, for instance, tends to be lighter
(sometimes nearly clear).
• Petroleum is used to make gasoline, an important product in our everyday lives. It is also
processed and part of thousands of different items, including tires, refrigerators, life jackets,
and anesthetics.
• Diesel is a specific fractional distillate of petroleum fuel oil or a washed form of vegetable
oil that is used as fuel in a diesel engine invented by German engineer Rudolf Diesel.
Diesel or sometimes referred to as Fuel Oil # 2 is the fraction of petroleum that distils
after kerosene, which is the family of gas oils. Several grades of diesel are products
depending on the intended service.
• An octane rating, or octane number, is a standard measure of the performance of
an engine or aviation fuel. The higher the octane number, the more compression
the fuel can withstand before detonating (igniting). In broad terms, fuels with a
higher octane rating are used in high performance gasoline engines that require
higher compression ratios.
• In contrast, fuels with lower octane numbers (but higher cetane numbers) are
ideal for diesel engines, because diesel engines (also referred to as compression-
ignition engines) do not compress the fuel, but rather compress only air and then
inject fuel into the air which was heated by compression. Gasoline engines rely on
ignition of air and fuel compressed together as a mixture, which is ignited at the
end of the compression stroke using spark plugs. Therefore, high compressibility of
the fuel matters mainly for gasoline engines. Use of gasoline with lower octane
numbers may lead to the problem of engine knocking
Octane rating or number
• Octane rating is the measure of a fuel's ability to resist "knocking" or "pinging" during
combustion, caused by the air/fuel mixture detonating prematurely in the engine. In the
U.S., unleaded gasoline typically has octane ratings of 87 (regular), 88–90 (midgrade), and
91–94 (premium).
• Octane rating (octane number): A measure of performance of fuel for internal combustion
engines. Stated simply, a higher octane rating corresponds to more engine power and less
knocking or other pre-ignition problems.
Cetane number
• The cetane number (CN) is an indicator of the ignitibility of diesel fuels. It
provides information about the ignition delay, i.e. the speed of self-ignition
of diesel fuel when injected into hot air through the fuel injector.
Flow diagram depicts the major hydrocarbon sources used in producing petrochemicals:
Petrochemicals from Methane, Ethylene, Propylene,
Butylenes and BTX
Reaction conditions
• The reaction is exothermic
• Stoichiometric ratio: C3H6 : NH3 : O2 = 1:1:1.5
• Operating conditions: 1.5 – 3 atms pressure and 400 – 500oC
• By products: Acetonitrile and Hydrogen cyanide from side reactions
• Catalyst: Mo-Bi catalyst
SOHIO process
• In the Standard Oil of Ohio (SOHIO) process, propylene, ammonia, and air
(oxidizer) are passed through a fluidized bed reactor containing the catalyst
at 400–510 °C and 50–200 kPag. The reactants pass through the reactor
only once, before being quenched in aqueous sulfuric acid.
• Excess propylene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and dinitrogen that do
not dissolve are vented directly to the atmosphere, or are incinerated. The
aqueous solution consists of acrylonitrile, acetonitrile, hydrocyanic acid,
and ammonium sulfate (from excess ammonia). A recovery column
removes bulk water, and acrylonitrile and acetonitrile are separated by
Flow sheet of Acrylonitrile production
Uses of Acrylonitrile:
- Acrylonitrile is mainly used to produce acrylic fibers, resins, and elastomers.
- Copolymers of acrylonitrile with butadiene and styrene are the Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene (ABS) resins and those with styrene are the styrene-acrylonitrile resins SAN that
are important plastics.
Ethylene Oxide
Reaction Conditions
• Ethylene to air ratio: 3 - 10 %
• Side reaction products: CO2, H2O
• Catalyst: Silver oxide on alumina
• Operating temperature and
pressure: 250 - 300 oC and 120 -
300 psi
• Supressing agent for side reactions:
Ethylene dichloride
• Reaction is exothermic
1.4. Rating of Petrol and Diesel
Petrol is a petroleum-derived liquid mixture consisting mostly of aliphatic hydrocarbons
and enhanced with aromatic hydrocarbons toluene, benzene or iso-octane to increase
octane ratings, primarily used as fuel in internal combustion engines. Production of petrol
vs diesel
Petroleum is refined to produce petrol and diesel. Fractional Distillation process is used on
petroleum and at various temperatures, different by products are formed from it. Petrol
and diesel both are derived at varying temperatures during refining process. Petrol is
produced at temperature between 35 degrees to 200 degrees while diesel is produced at
a boiling point of 250-350 degrees. After distillation, in order to use these byproducts as
commercially acceptable petrol and diesel, some blending with other elements has to be
done. Petrol is produced first in this process as it is produced at a lower temperature than
Natural gas
Natural gas is a gaseous mixture, which is
predominantly methane but does contain other
combustible as well as nonhydrocarbon
compounds. Natural gas is colorless, odorless,
tasteless, shapeless, and lighter than air. In the
natural state, it is not possible to see or smell
natural gas. In addition to composition and
thermal content (Btu/scf, Btu/ft3), natural gas can
also be characterized on the basis of the mode of
the natural gas found in reservoirs where there is
no or, at best only minimal amounts of, crude oil.
Many natural gases contain nitrogen (N2) as well
as carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide
(H2S). Trace quantities of argon, hydrogen, and
helium may also be present. Hydrocarbons having
a higher molecular weight than methane, carbon
dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide are removed from
natural gas prior to its use as a fuel.
Introduction to petrochemicals
• Petrochemicals are chemical products made from the hydrocarbons present
in raw natural gas and petroleum crude oil. The largest petrochemical
manufacturing industries are to be found in the USA, Western Europe, Asia
and the Middle East. A relatively small number of hydrocarbon feedstocks
form the basis of the petrochemical industries, namely methane, ethylene,
propylene, butanes, butadiene, benzene, toluene and xylenes
• As of 2007, there were 2980 operating petrochemical plants in 4320
locations worldwide. The petrochemical end products from those plants
include plastics, soaps, detergents, solvents, paints, drugs, fertilizer,
pesticides, herbicides, explosives, synthetic textile fibers and rubber, flooring
and insulating materials and more.
• Petrochemicals are found in such common consumer products as
aspirin,automobiles, clothing, compact discs, video tapes, electronic
equipment, furniture, and a host of others
• Typical feedstocks to petrochemical processes include
• C1 Compounds: Methane & Synthesis gas
• C2 Compounds: Ethylene and Acetylene
• C3 Compounds: Propylene
• C4 Compounds: Butanes and Butenes
• Aromatic Compounds: Benzene
• It can be seen that petrochemicals are produced from simple compounds
such as methane, ethylene and acetylene but not multicomponent
products such as naphtha, gas oil etc.
Environmental impacts of fossil fuel use
Problems with the use of fossil fuel
1. Air pollution :
Burning of oil → CO2, NOx,SO2, CO, hydrocarbon would be emitted
i. Illness:
Cause respiratory illnesses:
Asthma, irritate the throat and eyes
2. Water pollution
i. Spillage from tankers involved in accidents; e.g. Alaska Oil spill
ii. Tankers at sea washing out their oil tanks
iii. Oil seeping from oil pipelines and oil refineries, most of which are on the
iv. Oil leaking from offshore oil rigs
v. Waste from factories making goods from oil by-products
3. Soil pollution
i. Chemicals made from oil by-products, and used in agriculture
e.g. fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides
ii. Disposal of oil-related waste products which do not completely
degrade or disintegrate in the environment