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Unleaded Petrol BS EN 228:2012

Limits Test Method a

Property Units Min Max (see 2. Normative References)
Research Octane Number, RON 95.0 - EN ISO 5164
Motor Octane Number, MON 85.0 - EN ISO 5163
Lead Content mg/l - 5.0 EN 237
Density @ 15°C kg/m³ 720.0 775.0 EN ISO 3675 / 12185
Sulphur Content mg/kg - 10.0 EN ISO 13032 / 20846 / 20884
Manganese Content (d)
until mg/l EN 16135
2013-12-31 from 6.0 EN16136
2014-01-01 onwards 2.0
Oxidation Stabilty Minutes 360.0 - EN ISO 7536

Existent Gun Content (solvent washed) mg/100ml - 5.0 EN ISO 6246

Copper Corrosion (3hr @ 50°C) rating Class 1 EN ISO 2160
Appearance Clear and bright Visual inspection
Hydrocarbon Type Content EN 15553 / EN ISO 22854
Olefin Content % v/v - 18.0
Aromatics Content % v/v - 35.0

Benezene Content % v/v - 1.0 EN 238 / 12177 / EN ISO 22854
Oxygen Content % m/m - 2.7 EN 1601 / 13132 / EN ISO 22854

Oxygenates Content c EN 1601 / 13132 / EN ISO 22854

Methanol % v/v - 3.0
Ethanol % v/v - 5.0
Iso-Propyl Alcohol
Iso-Butyl Alcohol Volume blending
Tert-Butyl Alcohol restricted to 2,7
Ethers (5 or more C atoms) h % (m/m)
Other Oxygenates oxygen content

NOTE: Requirements in bold refer to the European Fuels Directive 98/70/EC [1], including subsequent Amendments [2], [3]
and [4]

a) See also 5.7.1. in BS EN 228:2012

b) A correction of 0,2 for MON and RON shall be subtracted for the calculation of the final result, before reporting according to
the requirement of the European Fuels Directive 98/70/EC [1], including subsequent Amendments [2], [3] and [4].
c) See also 5.7.2. in BS EN 228:2012
d) See also 5.3.3. in BS EN 228:2012
e) Appearance shall be determined at ambient temperature.
f) Stabilising agents shall be added.
g) Ethanol when used as a blending component shall conform to EN 15376 (see 5.1 in BS EN 228:2012). Stabilising agents may
h) The oxygen content of the finished unleaded petrol shall not exceed 2,7 % (m/m). A CEN/TR on oxygenate blending is under
i) Other mono-alcohols and ethers with a final boiling point no higher than prescribed in Table 4 in BS EN 228:2012

Version: BS EN 228:2012
Last updated: 19/10/16

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