LNG Journal2004
LNG Journal2004
LNG Journal2004
The safe, reliable and efficient mooring of LNG carriers is most important. This article describes the integrated,
high-technology mooring equipment and monitoring systems that are now the state-of-the-art in new LNG terminals.
key component of the LNG termi- these include: - tioned within the support base to improve Remote Release
nal is a reliable mooring system. Quick Release Hooks and Capstans protection from mechanical and environ- Integral to the hook is the release mecha-
There are vast differences in prod- Remote Release Systems mental damage. nism. The purpose of the release mecha-
uct features and quality, which must be Mooring Line Load Monitoring The units are designed to withstand nism is to release the mooring lines, which
carefully selected to ensure safety and effi- Vessel Docking Aid Systems static and dynamic forces exerted by the may be under tension, in a safe and con-
ciency of the LNG carrier mooring. The Environmental and Met Ocean vessel, often from wind or current load, trolled manner. Most manufacturers offer
SIGTTO Publication "LNG Operations in Monitoring whilst alongside. Hook configuration and manual release at the hook using a remov-
Port Areas" notes that monitoring and The discussion draws upon recent LNG capacity are determined by a mooring able lever as a minimum feature.
control systems for operations on jetties projects awarded to Harbour & Marine analysis usually performed by the Own- At many LNG and condensate facili-
are primarily aimed at enhancing safety of Engineering including Damietta and Idku, er's consultant. This considers the range of ties, a remote release system is installed.
operations and personnel. Indeed, with Egypt; LNG3, Ras Laffan; Isle of Grain, vessels likely to visit the facility over the This provides the operator with the means
the level of public scrutiny currently UK; Darwin, Australia; Atlantic LNG, life of the project and recent specifications to release each hook by electrical signal
aimed at LNG marine facilities, particular- Trinidad and Southern LNG, USA. have noted the projected increase in vessel from a remote, safe location, via either a
ly receiving terminals in the United States, size to 200,000 m3 plus. Hook SWL capac- console or computer screen, as well as by
specifying the right mix of equipment on Quick Release Hooks and ities have typically been 125 tonnes for push button at the hook unit itself.
the jetty becomes critical not just to oper- Capstans vessels up to 140,000 m3; however we are Remote release systems for quick
ating safety, but to demonstrating the The Quick Release Hook (QRH) is the now seeing 150 tonnes SWL capacity release hooks are installed for two pri-
owner's commitment to safety. foundation of any hazardous jetty moor- being specified. mary reasons:
Mooring equipment has in the past ing system and is recommended by both The key considerations for selecting a (1) Safety: The risk of injury to person-
been low on the priority list for design SIGTTO and OCIMF. The basic design quality quick release hook package are as nel is greatly increased during the release
review; however, with the increasing has been improved over the last 40 years follows: of a vessel from its moorings. Mooring
attention to documenting operations and and they are used at all major oil and gas The manufacturer can support all crews are at risk in close proximity to
the more recent availability of robust marine facilities worldwide. aspects of the structural design and mooring lines that may be under tension.
monitoring systems for this unique The QRH facilitates the release of the provides traceability for materials oper- In addition the terminal may have little
marine environment, this is changing. vessel without the need to reduce tension ating under ISO 9001:2000 accreditation control over the condition of the mooring
Fully integrated mooring systems are in the mooring lines. QRH's are designed Pre-shipment testing of each hook lines, which are the property of the visit-
custom-engineered, long-lead purchases for either manual or remote release from including proof load test to 125% or ing vessel. If these are in poor condition
requiring independent testing and an ISO zero load up to the Safe Working Load 150% of SWL and Release Test at SWL they can be prone to failure. Failure of a
9001 accredited approach to design and (SWL) capacity of each hook. Importantly, hooks fitted with load mooring line, with an operator close by to
manufacture. For the construction of the Hook units are located along the jetty at cells should undergo a release test with the QRH, can result in serious injury or
marine facilities to proceed smoothly, the each dolphin and provide the point of load cells fitted in order to shock-test death. The recoil from the parted line
earlier the specifications are developed, restraint between vessel and jetty. For the load cells results in a section of the line possibly
the better. LNG jetties, QRH's are usually in double, Maximum protection to capstan by fully coming in contact with the operator.
This article discusses the mooring triple or quadruple configuration on a enclosing within the support structure During the release of a vessel, as fewer
equipment and monitoring systems now common support base (see Figure 2). The It has been demonstrated that it is most and fewer lines are restraining its move-
becoming standard for new LNG jetty and base also incorporates a capstan used for desirable to have a single vendor for ment, additional load is placed on the
gravity base structure specifications and hauling in each mooring rope to the hook design and manufacture of the com- remaining lines, increasing the probability
how they are integrated to provide cen- using a lead line passed from the vessel. plete package of Hooks, Remote of a failure. This is especially the case in
tralised data to the operators. Typically, The capstan motor should ideally be posi- Release and Load Cells bad weather where the tugs are having dif-
Figure 1 Quick Release Hooks, Capstans, Load Monitoring and Remote Release at Cove Figure 2 100T capacity Triple Quick Release Hook unit incorporating Capstan and
Point LNG, Maryland, USA Remote Release
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