B13 Bio Revision Prep

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B13 Bio revision prep

Q1. There are two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis.

(a) Describe three differences between the processes of mitosis and meiosis.

1 _________________________________________________________________



2 _________________________________________________________________



3 _________________________________________________________________



(b) Describe one similarity between the processes of mitosis and meiosis.



Dupuytren’s is a disorder that affects the hands.

The diagram below shows the inheritance of Dupuytren’s in one family.

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B13 Bio revision prep

(c) Give the genotype of person 1.

Explain your answer.

Genotype ______________



(d) Person 7 and person 8 in the diagram above are expecting a fourth child.

What is the probability of the child having Dupuytren’s?

You should:

• draw a Punnett square diagram

• identify which offspring have Dupuytren’s

Probability = _______________

(e) Explain how the diagram above shows the allele for Dupuytren’s is not on the Y




(Total 13 marks)

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B13 Bio revision prep

Q2. A certain allele increases the chance of women developing one type of breast cancer.

A woman has this allele. She wants to be sure that she will not have daughters who also have
the allele.


• collect several eggs from her ovaries

• fertilise the eggs with sperm, in dishes.

(a) The doctors expect half the embryos produced to be female.

Explain why.





(b) The embryos grow to around 100 cells.


• remove one cell from each embryo

• check the cell for the allele.

Complete the sentence.

This process is known as embryo ______________________________ .


(c) One of the female embryos did not have the allele.
This female embryo was implanted into the woman’s uterus.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the whole procedure.

Use information from all parts of this question and your own knowledge.

Remember to give a conclusion to your evaluation.








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B13 Bio revision prep






(Total 7 marks)

Q3.Spiders produce a protein thread which is extremely strong compared to man-made fibres of the
same diameter.

Explain how genes control the way the protein is made in the spider’s body.





(Total 4 marks)

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B13 Bio revision prep

Q1. (a) any three from:

• mitosis produces two (daughter) cells but meiosis produces four
(daughter) cells
answers must be comparative
• one cell division in mitosis but two cell divisions in meiosis
• mitosis produces cells with two of each chromosome, but meiosis
produces cells with one of each chromosome
allow mitosis produces diploid cells but meiosis
produces haploid cells
allow mitosis maintains the number of
chromosomes or mass of DNA or mass of
genetic material but meiosis halves the number /
allow mitosis produces cells with 23 pairs or 46
chromosomes but meiosis produces cells with 23
• mitosis produces genetically identical cells, but meiosis produced
genetically different cells
allow other correct differences between the
processes of mitosis and meiosis
(b) any one from:
• DNA doubles / copies / replicates (once)
allow chromosomes or genetic material or
genetic information double / replicate / are copied
• increase in the number of mitochondria / ribosomes / sub-cellular
ignore mitochondria / ribosomes are copied /
allow chromosomes / chromatids pulled to side
(of cell)
allow other correct similarities between the
processes of mitosis and meiosis
(c) Dd / dD allow heterozygous
has D because has Dupuytren’s and has d because child / person 6 is
homozygous recessive or does not have Dupuytren’s or is dd
allow has D because has Dupuytren’s and
person 1 and person 2 both passed d to child /
person 6
allow has D because has Dupuytren’s and
cannot be homozygous / DD or all the children
would have Dupuytren’s
(d) male / person 7 gametes correct: D and d
female / person 8 gametes correct: d and d
allow 1 mark for both sets of gametes correct if
parents not identified
correct derivation of offspring genotypes:
Dd Dd dd dd
allow correct derivation of offspring genotypes
from incorrect gametes
offspring with Dupuytren’s identified

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B13 Bio revision prep

allow correct for genotypes stated in mp3

probability correct from the correct identification given
allow probability correct from offspring genotypes
if identification not given
(e) female(s) / person(s) 3 / 11 / 12 have Dupuytren’s
allow some females have Dupuytren’s
females don’t have Y chromosome
Dupuytren’s is passed from fathers / 1 / 7 to daughters / 3 / 12, (so is not on
the Y chromosome)
allow only males have Y chromosomes
allow females are XX
allow Dupuytren’s is passed from mothers / 11 to
children / 15, (so is not on the Y chromosome)
1 [13]
Q2. (a) half / 50% sperm have X (chromosome)
half / 50% sperm have Y (chromosome)
penalise incorrect use of gene / allele once only
all eggs have X (chromosome)
annotated genetic diagram could gain 2 marks
(b) screening ignore selection
(c) any three from:
max 2 if only advantages or only disadvantages discussed
advantages:(max 2)
• (girl / children / women) don’t / less likely to get / inherit (breast) cancer / this /
the disease
do not accept reference to allele alone for this point
• future generations get less cancer or less likely to have the allele
• less expensive (for NHS) than treating cancer
disadvantages:(max 2)
• (wrong / immoral to) reject / kill embryos
ignore wrong / immoral / religious argument unqualified
• possible harm to embryo (that is implanted) / miscarriage
ignore reference to termination
• possible harm to mother (due to operational procedure)
allow reference to needing hormone treatment
argued conclusion
must refer to both advantages and disadvantages and must
be at end of answer
1 [7]
Q3. idea
• (gene) in DNA (i.e. mention of DNA)
• (DNA) contains bases
• (bases) code for amino acids (in protein)
• (amino acids) in correct order
• to make the (spider) protein
any four for 1 mark each
(No credit for double helix, pairs of bases - but no penalty) [4]

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