Özkan Et Al. 2012
Özkan Et Al. 2012
Özkan Et Al. 2012
2478/v10078-012-0088-3 141
Section III – Sports Training
Ali Özkan 1; Gürhan Kayıhan 2, Yusuf Köklü3, Nevin Ergun 4, Mitat Koz 5,
Gülfem Ersöz 5, Alexandre Dellal6,7
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between body composition, anaerobic
performance and sprint performance of amputee soccer players. Fifteen amputee soccer players participated in this study
voluntarily. Subjects’ height, body weight, body mass index, body fat percentage (Jackson and Pollock formula) and
somatotype characteristics (Heath-Carter system) were determined. The sprint performance at 10m, 20m and 30m was
evaluated, whereas the counter movement jump (CMJ), relative CMJ (RCMJ), squat jump (SJ) and relative SJ (RSJ)
tests were used for the determination of anaerobic performance. The results of the Pearson Product Moment correlation
analysis indicated that body composition was significantly correlated with CMJ and SJ (p < 0.01), on the other hand, no
measure of body composition was significantly related to the other component (p > 0.05). A significant correlation was
found between CMJ, RCMJ, SJ, 10 m, 20 m and 30 m sprint performance (p < 0.05); whereas, in contrast, no measure
of body composition was significantly related to the 10 m, 20 m and 30 m sprint performance (p > 0.05). In conclusion,
the findings of the present study indicated that sprint performance was described as an essential factor in anaerobic
performance whereas body composition and somatotype play a determinant role in anaerobic and sprint performance in
amputee soccer players.
Key word: body composition, anaerobic performance, sprint, amputee athletes
In amputee soccer, short bursts of high demand in match-play varied for various
intensity power production play a major role in positions (Bloomfield et al., 2007; Gomes et al.,
performance. Amputee soccer activities are 2006). It can be suggested therefore, that anaerobic
comprised of varying explosive movements like performance and the ability to perform high-
forward and backward shuffles, runs at different intensity actions are crucial in this type of sport
intensities and sustained forceful contractions to (Iaia et al., 2009; Dellal et al., 2011). Anaerobic
control the ball against defensive pressure. performance is composed of anaerobic power and
Differences in age, stature, body mass and body capacity. Anaerobic power reflects the ability to
mass index have been recently identified between use the phosphagenic system and anaerobic
elite players of different playing positions capacity reflects the ability to derive energy from
suggesting that the physical and technical a combination of anaerobic glycolysis and the
6 - Santy Orthopedicae clinical, Medical Centre Excellence FIFA, sport science and research department, Lyon, France.
7 - Scientific Research Unit, National Centre of Medicine and Science in Sports, Tunis, Tunisia.
Authors submitted their contribution of the article to the editorial board.
Accepted for printing in Journal of Human Kinetics vol. 35/2012 on December 2012.
142 The Relationship Between Body Composition, Anaerobic Performance and Sprint Ability
bilateral crutches (wearing a prosthetic device time performance at each distance was used for
was not allowed during jumping). Players were further evaluations.
asked to jump as high as possible; the best score Statistical Analyses
was recorded in centimeters. The SJ was The data are reported as means and
performed from a starting position with the standard deviations. Before using parametric
subjects’ knees flexed to 90◦, hands fixed on the tests, the assumption of normality was verified
hips and with no allowance for preparatory using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Then, the
counter movement. The CMJ was performed from relationships between body composition,
an upright standing position, with the hands fixed anaerobic performance and sprint performance
on the hips and with a counter movement were evaluated by the Pearson Product Moment
preparatory phase which ended at a position Correlation analysis. All analyses were executed
corresponding to the starting position in the SJ. in SPSS for Windows version 10.0 and the
For the SJ and CMJ, two parameters were statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.
estimated: maximum jumping height and total
work produced by the body in each jumping
condition calculated according to the Genuario Body composition, anaerobic performance
and Dolgener formula (1980). and sprint performance of amputee soccer players
Sprint performance evaluation are displayed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
The sprint performance of the amputee Correlations between body composition,
soccer players was evaluated using three tests: a anaerobic and sprint performance are presented
10, 20 and 30 m single-sprint test. Sprint times in Table 3. As seen in Table 3, body composition
were measured with light gates combined to the was significantly correlated with CMJ and SJ, on
timing system (Prosport, Tumer Electronics, the other hand, no measure of body composition
Ankara, Turkey). For the 4 single sprint tests, the was significantly related to the other component
timing light gates were placed at the start and at (p > 0.05).
the finish (10, 20 and 30 m mark). These tests were According to the Pearson Product
performed in an indoor court to eliminate Moment correlation analysis, significant
environmental conditions. The subjects performed correlation was found between CMJ, RCMJ, SJ, 10,
two maximal trial sprints using bilateral crutches 20 and 30 m sprint performance; whereas, in
(wearing a prosthetic device was not allowed contrast, no measure of body composition was
during the sprint) over the 10, 20 and 30 m significantly related to the 10, 20 and 30 m sprint
distances with one minute rest intervals. The best performance (p > 0.05).
Table 1
Body composition and somatotype characteristics of amputee soccer players (mean ± sd)
Amputee Body Body
soccer Height Mass Body Fat (%) Endomorfism Mesomorfism Ectomorfism
players (cm) (kg)
169.8±5.5 66.5±10.2 10.1±3.6 3.11±0.98 4.74±1.26 2.45±1.93
Table 2
Anaerobic performance and sprint performance values of amputee soccer players (mean ± sd)
Counter Movement Jump Squat Jump
Amputee Jump Jump
Absolute Relative Absolute Relative
soccer Height Height 10m 20m 30m
players (CJH) (SJH) (s) (s) (s)
(Watt) (W·kg-1) (Watt) (W·kg-1)
(n=15) (cm) (cm)
837.6 12.5 33.0 809.2 12.2 31.2 2.06 3.7 5.4
±198.9 ±1.8 ±9.7 ±177.9 ±1.9 ±10.1 ±0.2 ±0.4 ±0.7
Table 3
Correlations between body composition, anaerobic and sprint performance of amputee soccer players
CMJ RCMJ SJ 10 20 30
(Watt) (W·kg-1) (Watt) (m) (m) (m)
Fat % 0.756** NS 0.674** NS NS NS
Endomorfism 0.696** NS 0.659** NS NS NS
Mesomorfism NS NS NS NS NS NS
Ectomorfism -0.661** NS NS 0.613* NS 0.649**
10m -0.683** -0.552* -0.556** NS NS NS
20m -0.585** -0.593* -0.581* NS NS NS
30m -0.661** -0.604* NS NS NS NS
*p<0.05; **p<0.01; NS: No Significant
(2008) determined an association between the branch in Turkey and is played at the league level.
CMJ and single-sprint performance through the Hence, the subjects of the present study are
9.1 m, 18.2 m, pro-agility and Illinois tests, and it amateur players with training experience of 2.6 ±
is known that the CMJ and SJ are typically used as 1.7 yrs in amputee soccer. Having low training
indicators of lower body power. This jump experience may be one of the reasons for not
performance was inversely related to sprint times finding an association between body composition,
with the relationship becoming increasingly anaerobic performance and single-sprint
stronger with increasing sprint distances (Jason performance. One possible explanation for the
and Mc Guıgan, 2008). lack of association may be the different energy
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found that CMJ and SJ measures were of the present study indicated that body
significantly correlated to sprint performance and composition and somatotype play a significant
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that CMJ and SJ were related to all three addition, sprint performance was found to be an
distances. important factor in anaerobic performance of
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