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Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (]]]]) ], ]]]]]]

Journal of
Bodywork and
Movement Therapies


Acute effects of static stretching duration on

isokinetic peak torque production of soccer players
Athanasios Zakas, George Doganis, Vasilios Papakonstandinou,
Thomas Sentelidis, Eustratios Vamvakoudis

Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Coaching and Sports Performance Laboratory,
Division of Sports and Recreation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki 540 06, Greece

Received 28 March 2005; received in revised form 22 April 2005; accepted 23 April 2005

Summary Recent research demonstrates that stretching prior to physical activity

decreases performance. However, these stretching bouts are not representative of
athletes during warm up procedures, as they are usually time consuming. The aim of
the present study was to examine whether the duration of acute static stretching is
responsible for losses in isokinetic peak torque production.
Fourteen young, male, talented, semiprofessional soccer players, from different
Greek first national division teams, with an average age of 18.570.6 years, height of
177.674.3 cm, body mass of 70.873.5 kg and 8.470.5 years of training, were
randomly selected to take part in the study. All participants performed three static
stretching protocols, in nonconsecutive training session. The first stretching protocol
was performed once for 30 s (volume 30), the second 10 times for 30 s (volume 300)
and the third 16 times for 30 s (volume 480).
Range of motion (ROM) was determined during knee flexion, using a goniometer.
The peak torque of the dominant leg extensors was measured on a Cybex NORM
dynamometer at angular velocities of 60, 90, 150, 210 and 270 1  s1. The results of
the statistical analysis indicated that peak torque remained unchanged following the
static stretching for 30 s in all angular velocities, while it decreased (Po0.01 to
Po0.001) following the static stretching for 5 or 8 min in all angular velocities. The
findings suggest that a single stretch (training volume 30 s) does not produce
decreases in peak torque compared to multiple stretches (training volume 480 s).
& 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Stretching during warm-up has become a tradi-

Tel.: +30 231 0992226; fax: +30 231 992263. tional practice in preparing for exercise or athletic
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Zakas). events (Beaulieu, 1981). Although static stretching

1360-8592/$ - see front matter & 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 A. Zakas et al.

has been found to be effective in producing an 8.470.5 years of training, were randomly selected
acute increase in ROM in a joint (McNair and to take part in the study. All subjects performed
Stanley, 1996; Wiemann and Hahn, 1997; Zakas, three different duration static stretching protocols
2005), recent studies have shown that static of the quadriceps and isokinetic peak torque
stretching may also result in a significant acute testing, in various angular velocities of the same
reduction of 530% strength (Cramer et al., 2004; muscle group, in three nonconsecutive training
Nelson et al., 2001; Behm et al., 2001; Fowles et sessions. Each training session took place within at
al., 2000; Kokkonen et al., 1998) and power least a week interval following the previous one,
production (Cornwell et al., 2001) of the stretched for each subject.
muscle groups. Each protocol, began with a knee flexion range of
These findings have lead a number of researchers motion (ROM) test, and was followed by a 5 min
to recommend against the practice of stretching warm-up on a stationary cycle ergometer. Then, an
prior to strength or power activities (Cornwell et initial isokinetic test was performed, followed by a
al., 2001; Nelson et al., 2001; McLellan, 2000; stretching exercise and, finally, a post-test ROM
Kokkonen et al., 1998). However, these recommen- test. The protocol concluded with a post isokinetic
dations may be questioned, as the stretching test.
protocols utilized to investigate force decrements The first static stretching protocol was per-
were prolonged and not representative of com- formed once for 30 s (volume 30), the second 10
monly employed stretching routines, by athletes. times for 30 s (volume 300) and the third 16 times
Prior to training sessions or competitive events, for 30 s (volume 480). The rest period among the
it is a common practice among athletes to engage stretching bouts in the second and third protocols
in warm up, consisting of static stretching for a few were 15 s. All protocols involved the dominant
seconds, involving a number of specific muscle quadriceps muscle group (based on kicking pre-
groups. In contrast to this, the relevant studies ference).
include static stretching tasks, involving specific All subjects were urged to maintain their normal
muscle groups, lasting much longer (sometimes for exercise and activity levels throughout the duration
many minutes). For example, Behm et al. (2001) of the study and they agreed to comply with the
used five different static stretches for the quad- suggestion. All participants were healthy, with no
riceps over a 20-min time frame, whereas Fowles et history of musculoskeletal or neurological disease.
al. (2000) employed stretching protocols to the A sports medicine accredited doctor examined each
plantar flexors for a total of 30 min. player physically, prior to the beginning of the
Routine static stretch lasting 45 s (3  15 s) was experiment. All subjects, as well as their parents,
used by Knudson et al. (2001), who found no were informed of the nature, the purpose and the
significant decrease in jumping performance. possible risks involved in the study, prior to giving
Power et al. (2004) also used static stretching of their informed written consent for participation.
a long duration (e.g. 270 s), and found 9.5% ROM of knee flexion was measured using a Myrin
decreases in the maximal isometric force of the flexometer (Lic Rehab. 17183 Solna, Sweden)
quadriceps, but not in jumping performance. according to the Ekstrand et al. (1982) method.
Since pre-exercise static stretching in sporting The coefficient of variation for goniometric mea-
activities, involving maximal force and power, is surement was high (1.970.7%).
considered beneficial, it would seem useful to The measurement took place on an adjustable
determine the effect of duration of stretch on bench. The initial and final position of movement
induced decrements of strength. was passively measured starting from a 0 point, as
Therefore, the main objective of the present defined by the American Academy of Orthopedic
study was to examine the effects of the duration of Surgeons (1965). Maximal flexibility was defined as
acute static stretching in isokinetic peak torque the point where the joint attained end-range,
production in soccer players. which was defined as the point at which the highly
experienced examiner felt muscle restriction (Fer-
ber et al., 2002).
The dominant side knee joint range of flexion was
Methods measured once.
All pre- and post-test measurements were taken
Fourteen young, male, talented, semiprofessional at approximately the same time of the day.
soccer players, from different Greek first national No warming-up exercises were performed prior
division teams, of about 18.570.6 years of age, to the initial flexibility measurement, while none of
height 177.674.3 cm, body mass 70.873.5 kg and the subjects performed any training program or
Acute effects of static stretching duration on isokinetic peak torque production of soccer players 3

other type of exercise during the 48 h prior to the knee extensions with the dominant leg. Isokinetic
measurements. The reliability coefficient for the torque was measured in the seated position on a
measurement was high (r 0.94) and has been Cybex NORM isokinetic device at various angular
reported elsewhere (Zakas et al., 2003). velocities (60, 90, 150, 210, and 2701  s1).
The stretching exercises for all flexibility-train- Each participant was placed in an upright seated
ing protocols consisted of static lengthening of the position and secured to both the Cybex NORM
muscles, maintained for 30 s at the position of dynamometer and corresponding chair to company
maximum lengthening. This position of maximum specifications in order to eliminate extraneous
lengthening was a terminal position, which was movements and to maintain a constant hip joint
defined as the point at which the subject felt the angle (901). One of the investigators administered
stretch, without any pain. all principles of positioning as described by Goslin
In the first stretching protocol each subject and Charteris (1979). These principles involve, a
performed an unassisted static stretching exercise parallel alignment of the limb with the level arm of
to stretch the quadriceps muscle group. This the dynamometer, which, in turn, was aligned with
stretching condition was chosen, as it is a typical the anatomical axis of rotation of the knee joint
duration used by athletes, prior to exercise or (lateral femoral condyle), and proper stabilization,
competition, during warm-up procedures. The in order to prevent any other movement that could
subject stood upright with one hand against a wall affect the measurements. The resistance pad was
for balance and then flexed the dominant leg to a placed approximately at the ankle joint and the
knee joint angle of 901. The ipsilateral hand subject was strapped at his thigh, waist and chest.
grasped the ankle of the flexed leg, and the foot All strength repetitions were performed with the
was raised so that the heel of the dominant foot arms folded across the subjects chest.
approached the buttocks. The testing protocol consisted of three separate
The second stretching protocol consisted of two maximal concentric efforts of the knee extensors, at
static stretching activities involving the same each of the above velocities, with a 30-s rest period
muscle group. The first consisted of unassisted between each contraction. All three measurements
static stretching and the second of assisted passive at each velocity were completed before the velocity
static stretching exercise. In the first activity, static was changed, and a minimum of 1 min was allowed to
stretching exercise (2  30 s) was performed two elapse before measurements were recorded in the
times, as in the first stretching protocol, while in next velocity. Each knee extension began at an initial
the second activity, the subjects performed static knee angle of approximately 1101 and went through
stretching exercise (8  30 s), eight times, with the a full ROM to a final knee angle of 01. The lower leg
assistance of one of the experimenters. was then returned to the initial flexed position under
The total pure duration of both static stretching 0 load in readiness for the next trial. Each contrac-
activities was 5 min. The assisted exercise was tion, therefore, was purely concentric and com-
performed with the individual lying prone with the menced from resting conditions. According to the
legs fully extended. An experimenter would then testing protocol each trial started from the high
flex the individuals leg at the knee joint and slowly angular velocity (2701  s1) and proceeded to the
press the persons heel into the buttocks. As the lower velocities (601  s1). In each angular velocity
heel contacted the buttocks, the knee was then the best peak torque of the three test contractions
lifted up off the supporting surface, causing collected was recorded for data analysis. Torque
hyperextension at the hip joint. The experimenter values from the trials were recorded in Nm and were
would then hold the participants limb steady at corrected for effects of gravity by the NORM system
that position for 30 s. At the end of the stretch, the software. In order to accomplish maximum values,
leg was returned to a neutral position for rest each subject was allowed to look at the computer
period 15 s, and the stretch was repeated. screen for visual feedback and received constant
The third stretching protocol was similar as the verbal encouragement to perform better on each
second one. The first activity was performed two test repetition (Porter et al., 2002). Furthermore,
times (2  30 s), while the second activity was the subjects were instructed to work as hard as
performed 14 times (14  30 s). The total pure possible in the direction of the movement.
duration of both static stretching activities was
8 min. The order in which the protocols were
performed was random, in order to minimize the Statistical analysis
subjects familiarity with the protocol.
Each participant performed 2 bouts (baseline and A 3  2 analysis of variance model with repeated
poststretching) of maximal voluntary isokinetic measurements over tests was applied for each
4 A. Zakas et al.

dependent variable. The repeated factor was the These findings suggest that the effect of stretch-
Test and had two levels (pre, post). The between- ing exercises was dependent on the protocol
subjects factor was the Treatment protocol and this examined (1  30 s, 10  30 s, or 16  30 s). Paired
had three levels (1  30 s, 10  30 s, and 16  30 s). t-tests were performed separately for each stretch-
When significant differences were found, a paired ing protocol, in order to examine differences in
t-test was used to determine the significance of the peak torque for extensors before and after stretch-
means differences. A criterion level of Po0.05 was ing training. After stretching exercise, peak torque
selected for all analyses. remained unchanged in all angular velocities in the
first stretching protocol (1  30 s), but a signifi-
cantly decrease (Po0.01 to Po0.001) was ob-
served in the second (10  30 s) and the third
Results (16  30 s) stretching protocol in all angular velo-
cities (Table 2).
The statistical analysis revealed a significant main
effect for knee flexion joint (F(1,39) 367.25,
Po0.000), indicating that joint ROM changed
between pre- and post-testing for all three static
stretching protocols. Discussion
No significant interaction was observed at the
Joint  Stretching protocol, indicating that all three The present study was designed to examine
protocols affected joint ROM of the knee flexion. whether the static stretching of short duration,
A further analysis using a paired t-test for each habitually used by athletes prior to exercise or
stretching protocol showed a significant increment competition, produces force decrements, as a
in knee joint movement (Po0.001) immediately number of studies reporting strength loss have
after each stretching exercise (Table 1). used static stretching of long duration.The results
A significant main effect was showed for ex- showed that static stretching of 30 s duration
tensors, in each angular velocity: performed once does not cause significant strength
loss in the concentric isokinetic peak torque in both
lower and higher angular velocities, in contrast to
601  s1 F(1,39) 26.42, Po0.000 the static stretching of longer duration (5 or 8 min)
901  s1 F(1,39) 17.00, Po0.000 which results in significant loss in concentric
1501  s1 F(1,39) 27.67, Po0.000 isokinetic peak torque in both lower and higher
2101  s1 F(1,39) 27.83, Po0.000 angular velocities.
2701  s1 F(1,39) 27.42, Po0.000 The results of the present study cannot be
directly compared to those of other studies, as
The statistical analysis also revealed a highly the methodology used differs. Power et al. (2004)
significant Test  Stretching protocol interaction applied a static stretching protocol of 4.5 min
for extensors in all angular velocities: (6  45 s) in the quadriceps and plantar flexion
muscle groups and found decrements in maximal
601  s1 F(2,39) 6.13, Po0.005 voluntary isometric strength of the quadriceps but
901  s1 F(2,39) 4.66, Po0.015 no significant changes in vertical jump perfor-
1501  s1 F(2,39) 5.96, Po0.006 mance. Also Knudson et al. (2001), applied static
2101  s F(2,39) 5.07 Po0.011 stretching of a total duration of 45 s (3  15), which
2701  s1 F(2,39) 5.95, Po0.006 is more likely to be used by athletes, and reported

Table 1 Range of motion in 14 soccer players initially and immediately after the flexibility training sessions of
different stretch conditions. Mean values are given in degrees 7SD.

Stretching protocol Stretching protocol Stretching protocol

(1  30 s) (10  30 s) (16  30 s)

Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

Knee joint flexion (1) 149.3 153.5a 149.5 154.4a 150.0 154.2a
75.3 75.5 75.6 75.8 75.2 75.4
Poststretching mean was significantly greater than the prestretching mean at Po0.001.
Acute effects of static stretching duration on isokinetic peak torque production of soccer players 5

Table 2 The mean 7(SD) peak isokinetic torque before and after the stretching exercises for the movement
velocities 60, 90, 150, 210, and 2701  s1.

Angular velocity(1  s1) Stretching protocol Stretching protocol Stretching protocol

(1  30 s) (10  30 s) (16  30 s)

Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

60 209.7 208.3 208.7 200.8a 211.0 199.7a

734.7 733.9 735.4 736.1 730.6 728.4
90 197.4 197.5 193.6 184.1a 199.7 187.8a
732.7 732.1 730.1 728.1 728.6 727.5
150 171.4 170.6 171.6 162.0a 177.8 165.1b
728.4 727.8 726.7 722.7 725.0 723.5
210 145.6 144.3 146.3 138.6a 150.8 140.2b
723.0 723.3 720.5 719.3 721.3 719.2
270 123.0 122.2 125.2 113.8b 129.2 118.8b
718.8 718.3 718.7 715.4 715.5 714.8
Prestretching mean was significantly greater than the poststretching mean at Po0.01.
Prestretching mean was significantly greater than the poststretching mean at Po0.001.

no significant decrease in vertical jump perfor- concentric isokinetic peak torque of the quadriceps
mance. muscle groups may be related to the duration of
With regard to strength loss following static the muscle elongation in an acute bout of static
stretching for 5 or 8 min, the results of the present stretching.
study are in agreement with previous investigations An additional reason for the conduction of the
using static stretching protocols of long duration present study was the recommendation made by a
(Cramer et al., 2004; Nelson et al., 2001; Behm number of investigators (Cornwell et al., 2001;
et al., 2001; Fowles et al., 2000; Kokkonen et al., Nelson et al., 2001; McLellan, 2000; Kokkonen
1998). For instance, Nelson et al. (2001) found et al., 1998), according to which static stretching
decreases in isokinetic peak torque at 60 and 901  s1 should be avoided during warm up prior exercise or
(7.2% and 4.5 decreases, respectively), but no competition, as there is a decrease in strength in
change at 150, 210 or 2701  s1, after an acute bout muscle groups undergoing static stretching. These
of static stretching of 15 min total duration of the recommendations confuse athletes and coaches as
quadriceps muscle groups. It was concluded that the to the usefulness of static stretching during warm
decreases in peak torque, after stretching, were up. However, the studies reporting strength losses
velocity-specific and occurred primarily under the following protocols of static stretching have used
high torque production conditions associated with long durations on a single muscle group, which are
the slower velocities (60 and 901  s1), but not the not commonly used by athletes during warm up.
lower torque production conditions at the faster It is worth pointing out that a number of studies
velocities (150, 210 and 2701  s1). that observed performance decrease (Cornwell
The results of this study are in agreement with et al., 2001; Nelson et al., 2001; Fowles et al.,
those reported by Cramer et al. (2004) who found 2000; Kokkonen et al., 1998) did not approximate
significant losses in concentric isokinetic peak the actual training environment of the athletes, as
torque production of the quadriceps muscle groups the static stretching protocols were applied with-
in low (601  s1) and high angular velocity out any aerobic component or submaximal exer-
(2401  s1), which were 3.3% and 2.6%, respec- cise. Therefore, although the research design is
tively, following static stretching of a total of necessary to isolate the influence of stretching, it
16 min duration. Furthermore, the investigators is, nevertheless, well known that athletes, during
claim that stretching-induced decreases in peak warm up, do not solely perform static stretching,
torque may not be as velocity-specific as suggested but they incorporate them in submaximal aerobic
by Nelson et al. (2001). It seems, therefore, that exercise procedures.
there may not be velocity-specificity in loss of Young and Behm (2003) used a 4 min active warm
concentric isokinetic peak torque, after an acute up, prior to static stretching lasting 1 min and found
bout of static stretching, and also that the losses in that static stretching without any prior running
6 A. Zakas et al.

causes decrease in jump performance, but not concentric isokinetic peak torque production of
when the warm up lasts for 4 min. The investigators quadriceps muscle groups, while a stretching
concluded that warm up preceding static stretch- session with static lengthening, without causing
ing, may balance the negative effect of static pain, lasting for 5 or 8 min may significantly
stretching of this duration in jump performance. In increase ROM of knee flexion. However, it may also
the present study, prior to treatment stretching, a induce significant loss in concentric isokinetic peak
5 min warm up was applied using the stationary torque production of quadriceps muscle groups at
cycle ergometer. It appears that a 5 min aerobic lower and higher angular velocities in soccer
procedure, preceding 30 s static stretching, may players. The results of the present study may prove
have balanced the negative effect of static useful for athletes who wish to increase their
stretching , and for this reason there was no flexibility during warm-up procedures, prior to
significant decrease in isokinetic peak torque exercise or competition, as well as for clinicians
production in lower and higher angular velocities. who incorporate static stretching in rehabilitation
On the other hand, a static stretching of 5 and programs.
8 min may be too long and, therefore, the aerobic
procedure may not be sufficient to counter balance
the negative effects of static stretching. It is,
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