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SubmlLLed by neera[ kumar


8ott|ed Water |ant

WaLer ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL necesslLy for llfe 1he drlnklngwaLer needs for lndlvlduals vary
dependlng on Lhe cllmaLe physlcal acLlvlLy and Lhe body culLure 8uL for average consumers lL
ls esLlmaLed Lo be abouL Lwo Lo four llLres per day 1he growlng number of cases of waLer borne
dlseases lncreaslng waLer polluLlon lncreaslng urbanlzaLlon lncreaslng scarclLy of pure and
safe waLer eLc has made Lhe boLLled waLer buslness [usL llke oLher consumer lLems AparL from
LhaL Lhe sLandard and purchaslng power of Lhe people ls lncreaslng so Lhey wanL Lo spend
money on healLh ScarclLy of poLable and wholesome waLer aL rallway sLaLlons LourlsL spoLs
and role of Lourlsm corp eLc has also added Lo Lhe growLh

AlmosL all Lhe ma[or lnLernaLlonal and naLlonal brands waLer boLLles are avallable ln lndlan
markeL rlghL from Lhe malls Lo rallway sLaLlons bus sLaLlons grocery sLores and even aL
panwalas shop 8efore few years boLLled waLer was consldered as Lhe rlch peoples cholce buL
now lL ls peneLraLed even ln rural areas 1he growLh and sLaLus of lndlan 8oLLled lndusLry ln
comparlson wlLh WesLern or Aslan markeL lndla ls far behlnd ln Lerms of quanLum
lnfrasLrucLure professlonallsm and sLandards lmplemenLaLlon 1he per caplLa consumpLlon of
mlneral waLer ln lndla ls a mere 03llLer compared Lo 111 llLres ln Lurope and 43llLer ln uSA
Also As per un sLudy conducLed ln 122 counLrles ln connecLlon wlLh waLer quallLy lndlas
number was dlsmal 120 ln comparlson Lo global sLandards lndlas boLLled waLer segmenL ls
largely unregulaLed
lormer resldenL ur A! Abdul kalam has urged youngsLers on !uly 17 2010 Lo be aware of
waLer conservaLlon Lechnlques Lo avold grave waLer crlsls ln fuLurelL ls so sad LhaL Loday
people are forced Lo buy waLer ln plasLlc boLLles 8oLLled waLer lndusLry ls worLh nearly 10000
crore rupees and even blg companles llke Lhe Coke and epsl

Do not be surpr|sed |f todays bott|es water |ndustry becomes next C|| |ndustry by 202S


lnlLlally Lhe boLLled waLer lndusLry was excluslve only Lo Lhe SSL (Small Scale lndusLrles) 8uL Lhe
new governmenL regulaLlons have opened Lhls secLor Lo MnCs such as CocaCola epslco eLc
1he 1amll nadu CovL recenLly came up wlLh a new pollcy 1he 1amll nadu WaLer Supply And
uralnage 8oard (1WAu) Workers lederaLlon on May 13 2010 suggesLed Lhe SLaLe governmenL
Lake over Lhe sale of boLLled drlnklng waLer and make lL avallable aL 8s 2 a llLer
1he boLLllng planLs ln lndla are concenLraLed malnly ln Lhe souLhern reglon Cf Lhe
approxlmaLely 1200 boLLllng waLer planLs ln lndla 600 are ln 1amll nadu 1hls ls a ma[or
problem because souLhern lndla especlally 1amll nadu ls waLer sLarved
1he consumpLlon of boLLled waLer ls relaLed Lo Lhe prosperlLy of Lhe reglon So Lhere ls a huge
demand ln SouLhern lndla


SeLLlng up Lhe planL would glve employmenL Lo people around Chennal 1he planL should noL
produce Loo much polluLlon and harm Lhe surroundlng envlronmenL lf Lhere ls problems llke
Lrafflc congesLlon and nolse polluLlon Lhen local resldenLs mlghL complaln Lo Lhe auLhorlLles So
Lhese facLors should be Laken care of


1he advenL of new Lechnology beLLer manufacLurlng processes and sLorage Lechnlques have
helped Lhe boLLled lndusLry Lo become more efflclenL Lhan before and have also led Lo a
decrease ln Lhe cosL of Lhe boLLles


1 A large consumer base ls avallable ln 1amll nadu
2 1he cosL of enLry and exlL ln Lhls lndusLry ls very low
3 1he lnlLlal seL up cosL of Lhe facLory ls less
4 ShorLage of clean drlnklng waLer
3 Lconomlc prosperlLy of people ln Lhe reglon
1 A large no of local compeLlLors More Lhan 70 players ln Chennal alone
2 new regulaLlons by Lhe 1amll nadu CovL
3 Less proflL marglns

1 eneLraLlon lnLo smaller Lowns and clLles of 1amll nadu where lL ls dlfflculL for oLher
ma[or players Lo reach

1 Small scale producers and vendors who sell non branded producLs and serve small
markeLs are dlsLurblng Lhe markeL and possess a LhreaL
2 Crowlng no of compeLlLors



1he lndlan govL plays a role wlLhln Lhe operaLlon of manufacLurlng Lhese producLs ln Lerms of
regulaLlons 1here are poLenLlal flnes seL by Lhe governmenL on companles lf Lhey do noL meeL
a sLandard of lawslndlan boLLled waLer ls governed under 2 caLegorles
1 ackaged naLural Mlneral WaLer under lS 134281998 AmendmenL 13 up Lo 13Lh
CcLober 2004
2 ackaged drlnklng waLer under lS 14343 2004
1he lndlan CovL knows LhaL Lhere wlll be a shorLage of pure drlnklng waLer ln fuLure so CovL ls
glvlng some leverage Lo Lhls secLor and has also allowed MnCs Lo come lnLo Lhls secLor 1hls has
led Lo a loL of compeLlLlon ln Lhls secLor

1he lndlan markeL ls esLlmaLed aL abouL 8s 1000 Crore and ls growlng aL whopplng raLe of 40
per cenL 8y 2010 lL wlll reach 8s 40003000 Crore wlLh 33 per cenL markeL for naLural mlneral
Accordlng Lo a naLlonallevel sLudy Lhere are more Lhan 200 boLLled waLer brands ln lndla and
among Lhem nearly 80 per cenL are local brands Whlle lndla ranks ln Lhe Lop 10 largesL boLLled
waLer consumers ln Lhe world lL's per caplLa per annum consumpLlon of boLLled waLer ls
esLlmaLed Lo be flve llLers whlch ls comparaLlvely lower Lhan Lhe global average of 24 llLers
1oday lL ls one of lndlas fasLesL growlng lndusLrlal secLors 8eLween 1999 and 2004 Lhe lndlan
boLLled waLer markeL grew aL a compound annual growLh raLe (CAC8) of 23 per cenL Lhe
hlghesL ln Lhe world 1he LoLal annual boLLled waLer consumpLlon ln lndla had Lrlpled Lo 3
bllllon llLers ln 2004 from 13 bllllon llLers ln 1999

Cnce waLer becomes a markeLable commodlLy and a corporaLlon ls glven sole rlghLs Lo a body
of waLer Lhen lL ls wlLhln Lhe corporaLlon's rlghLs Lo mlne as much waLer as lL deems flL
lurLhermore ln an efforL Lo maxlmlze proflLs lf Lhe corporaLlon mlnes an envlronmenLally
unsusLalnable amounL of waLer and depleLe Lhe waLer body aL a raLe fasLer Lhan lL ls
replenlshed Lhen Lhe governmenL offlclals and Lhe affecLed populaLlon can do very llLLle Lo
legally prevenL Lhe corporaLlon from dolng so
So Lhe companles need Lo be responslble and conslderaLe abouL noL over uLlllzlng or explolLlng
Lhe avallable resources 1hls may lead Lo many soclal problems
1he companles should also Lake care of Lhe facL LhaL Lhe facLorles do noL polluLe Lhe
aLmosphere and should Lake measures ln order Lo conLrol polluLlon generaLed by Lhe planLs by
employlng green ways

1he advenL of new Lechnology beLLer manufacLurlng processes and sLorage Lechnlques have
helped Lhe boLLled lndusLry Lo become more efflclenL Lhan before and have also led Lo a
decrease ln Lhe cosL of Lhe boLLles


1 A large consumer base ls avallable ln lndla due Lo Lhe large populaLlon slze
2 ShorLage of clean drlnklng waLer
3 CovernmenL regulaLlons helpful ln seLLlng up of Lhe planL
4 lncreaslng lncome of lndlan populaLlon
3 CrowLh ln Lourlsm and more LourlsLs comlng ln Lhereby lncreaslng Lhe demand
6 Crowlng healLh awareness


1 A large no of people who cannoL afford mlneral waLer
Less proflL marglns due Lo compeLlLon
3 lL ls noL easlly avallable ouLslde meLropollLan and oLher blg clLles

1 Cver uLlllzaLlon waLer resources whlch mlghL lead Lo envlronmenLal problems
2 Alr olluLlon due Lo Lhe facLorles
3 lndlan governmenL Lrade pollcles are blg LhreaLs whlch are hamperlng growLh of Lhe

1 Lconomles of scale can be achleved
2 Puge unLapped markeL ls avallable and unmeL demands



WPC plays a maln role ln Lerms of rules and regulaLlon ln boLLle waLer lndusLry because Lhls
lndusLry made Lhe plasLlc boLLle whlch ls qulLe harmful for Lhe peoplenonalcohollc beverages
and boLLle waLer fall wlLhln Lhe food caLegory under Lhe luA
ulfferenL Companles pollcy laws and regulaLlon lncludlng changes ln accounLlng sLandards
LaxaLlon requlremenLs(lncludlng Lax lnLerpreLaLlons) and envlronmenLal laws ln domesLlc or
forelgn regulaLlons
CompeLlLlve producL and prlclng pressures and dlfferenL company's ablllLy Lo galn or malnLaln
share of sales ln Lhe global markeL as a resulL of acLlon by compeLlLors

Clobal consumpLlon of boLLled waLer was nearlng 200 bllllon llLers ln 2006 LasL year Lhe world
economy faced an economlc slowdown LhaL has affecLed Lhe drlnklng boLLle lndusLry ln LhaL
many are swlLchlng Lhelr buslness buL Lhese producLs are lmporLanL ln Lhe average persons day
Lo day llfe so Lhe demand has noL been affecLed much 1here ls sLlll a hlgh demand

Many people are pracLlclng healLhler llfesLyles 1hls has affecLed Lhe waLer boLLle lndusLry and
LhaL shows healLh awareness ln people LhaL wanL Lo drlnk clean waLer
Consumers from Lhe ages of 37 Lo 33 are also lncreaslngly concerned wlLh nuLrlLlon Slnce many
are reachlng an older age ln llfe Lhey are becomlng more concerned wlLh lncreaslng Lhelr

1he advenL of new Lechnology beLLer manufacLurlng processes and sLorage Lechnlques have
helped Lhe boLLled lndusLry Lo become more efflclenL Lhan before and have also led Lo a
decrease ln Lhe cosL of Lhe boLLles


1 Lconomles of scale
2 Plgh demand due Lo lncreased healLh awareness
3 ShorLage of clean drlnklng waLer ln many counLrles

1 rlclng ls hlgh for Lhe common people
2 lew counLrles are poor and backward lack of awareness ls Lhere
3 Cver uLlllzaLlon of waLer resources
1 A huge unLapped markeL ln many counLrles
2 A large scope for lnnovaLlon
1 CLher lndlan and lnLernaLlonal boLLled waLer players are unorganlzed local waLer vendors
2 World Lrade pollcles
3 A large no of global players ln Lhe lndusLry

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