This document provides an overview of a business magazine aimed at young business students. It discusses the large target market of students and marketing professionals and the need for the magazine due to students' lack of understanding of business concepts and difficulty with other business magazines' formal language. It notes competition from other business magazines but aims to solve the problems by providing easy to understand information about business and conducting interviews of professionals about business problems.
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This document provides an overview of a business magazine aimed at young business students. It discusses the large target market of students and marketing professionals and the need for the magazine due to students' lack of understanding of business concepts and difficulty with other business magazines' formal language. It notes competition from other business magazines but aims to solve the problems by providing easy to understand information about business and conducting interviews of professionals about business problems.
This document provides an overview of a business magazine aimed at young business students. It discusses the large target market of students and marketing professionals and the need for the magazine due to students' lack of understanding of business concepts and difficulty with other business magazines' formal language. It notes competition from other business magazines but aims to solve the problems by providing easy to understand information about business and conducting interviews of professionals about business problems.
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This document provides an overview of a business magazine aimed at young business students. It discusses the large target market of students and marketing professionals and the need for the magazine due to students' lack of understanding of business concepts and difficulty with other business magazines' formal language. It notes competition from other business magazines but aims to solve the problems by providing easy to understand information about business and conducting interviews of professionals about business problems.
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8uslness Magazlne Cn 8uslness lnformaLlon lor ?oung
LkLCU1IVL SUMMAk 1Cvervlew ln Lhls magazlne we wlll provlde young generaLlon wlLh beneflclal buslness lnformaLlon and wlll Lell Lhem abouL buslness problems and Lhelr soluLlons We wlll conducL lnLervlew of professlonals on buslness problems
2CpporLunlLy Slze Cur LargeL markeL lnclude sLudenLs (academla) and lndusLrlal markeLlng professlonals
3MarkeL need 1he maln problem ls LhaL sLudenLs don'L even know Lhe exacL meanlng of buslness ldea 1hey are wage abouL LhaL Secondly Lhe language of magazlne presenL ln markeL ls dlfflculL Lo undersLand So mosL of Lhe sLudenLs don'L read Lhem due Lo formal code language
ompeLlLlon 1here are plenLy of buslness magazlnes presenL ln markeL on same Loplc 1hose all magazlnes are our compeLlLlon
SCur SoluLlon Cur soluLlon ls Lo provlde sLudenLs wlLh exacL meanlng and lnformaLlon abouL buslness and buslness problems We wlll provlde easy language magazlne whlch wlll aLLracL Lhelr aLLenLlon and wlll creaLe lnLeresL ln Lhem Lo know abouL buslness